Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1594: 1594

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The secret place is also in a mountain range of Xiping mansion. Is it the same place as what childe lingxu said? It's really possible that Xiping mansion is not big, the mountains are almost concentrated in one place, and it's unlikely that two ancient relics will appear at the same time.

Qingyang was in a secret place where ordinary people were forced to enter. At that time, his strength was not high and he didn't have a deep understanding of the situation inside. Later, he embarked on the road of cultivating immortals. Qingyang recalled that experience, but he still didn't have a clue. He wanted to go to see it again when his cultivation was high, but he just built the foundation and left Kyushu mainland because of the blood demon cult, Just forget it.

Now when young master lingxu mentioned this matter, Qingyang immediately remembered that there were indeed many strange things in the secret place. The secret place had many restrictions on monks. Xi Ying didn't dare to go in during the foundation period. The strength of blood demon sect was so strong that it was really worth taking a risk.

After thinking for a long time, Qingyang raised his head, looked at childe lingxu and said, "the ancient ruins you said are not in a valley in the mountains thousands of miles west of Xiping mansion?"

"Do you know that place?" young master lingxu was surprised at Qingyang's words.

He didn't expect such a secret place, which has been regarded as a secret by the blood demon sect. Qingyang has heard of it. If so, what else can he take to protect his life?

Looking at childe lingxu's suspicious appearance, Qingyang smiled: "it seems that childe lingxu doesn't know my opponent thoroughly enough. I grew up in Xiping mansion in Liangzhou. How can I hide the things of Xiping mansion? The relic you mentioned has been with others before I set foot on the road of cultivating immortality, but I haven't freed up my hand to see it later."

Hearing what Qingyang said, childe lingxu was more or less relieved. Where the blood devil cult didn't understand, he certainly couldn't see any fame when Qingyang had not set foot on the road of cultivating immortals. He could still fight for it. Thinking of this, childe lingxu forced himself to calm down: "Qingyang Taoist friend, as we said just now, I'll tell you the secret of the ancient ruins. You spare my life. Both sides have even made the oath of God and soul. We can't go back on it."

Looking at the guilty look of young master lingxu, Qingyang said with a smile: "since I promised you, I will not go back. Although I know that place, I don't know much about the situation inside. Your blood demon sect has studied thousands of you in that place. I think you have a lot of experience?"

Although the blood devil sect didn't understand the situation in the relic, after all, it has studied it for thousands of years, and there are still some cards. Childe lingxu didn't intend to say it, but he knew very well that if he didn't say it, he couldn't trust Qingyang, so he could only say: "What Taoist friend Qingyang said is that our blood demon sect did have some research on that relic. According to our inference, the monks who once lived in that place were at least in the realm of transforming gods, or even higher, which is not what monks can achieve now. It is said that the sect where monks with such high accomplishments belong must be a super large sect, which should cover an extremely wide area, but it is strange It's because the scale of the ruins is not very large. They can't even compare with some small and medium-sized sects in mainland Kyushu. It's puzzling. "

"Isn't it that the relic is not a sect residence, but for other purposes?" Qingyang asked.

Childe lingxu shook his head and said, "I'm not very clear about this, because the relic has great restrictions on the ability of friars. The higher the accomplishments, the greater the restrictions, and even worse than ordinary martial arts. In those years, I taught the blood demon ancestor that he was seriously injured because he went in to explore the secret, so he was seized by the people below. Otherwise, the seven immortal sect doesn't know where it is."

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At the beginning of the battle of Yinfeng gorge, Qingyang once heard from immortal Lingxue that the founding fathers of the seven immortal sects were a group of villains who were just subordinates and hall leaders of the blood demon sect. They established the seven immortal sects after killing the ancestors of the blood demon sect. At that time, Qingyang's cultivation was too low and didn't think so much.

After Qingyang became a friar of Yuanying, he knew how big the gap between Yuanying and Jindan friars was. It was difficult to make up by the number. How difficult it was for the founder of the seven immortal sects to kill the blood demon. It turned out that the real reason was that the blood demon ancestor was seriously injured in the ruins.

"Why are there restrictions on friars?" Qingyang asked again.

Childe lingxu said, "according to the guess of my blood devil ancestor, a very clever array mage should have arranged an array that can suppress friars' accomplishments. The specific details are not clear."

"Is there any way to restrain?" Qingyang asked casually.

Childe lingxu shook his head and said, "no, if there were, my blood devil sect would have gone in long ago. Why wait until now? Can we understand what the ancient friars got?"

Seeing this situation, Qingyang knew that all he could ask was this. There was not much useful information. It must be very dangerous after entering. But Qingyang thought it over and thought it would be better to go in and have a look. After he left Kyushu this time, he didn't know whether he had a chance to come back. Isn't it a pity if he was wrong? And Qingyang came into contact with Xiuxian from here at the beginning, and there was him in it How can you be reconciled if you don't make clear this relic?

Since it was decided, Qingyang didn't delay any more. He directly asked Wusi elder and others to tell them that they were leaving Kyushu mainland. Although Wusi elder knew that one day, when Qingyang really wanted to leave, they were still reluctant. Kyushu mainland has lost a backbone and a big backer of Yuanying since then. If you encounter any trouble, you can only find a way to solve it yourself Yes.

After saying goodbye, Qingyang took lingxu childe and left the Qingfeng hall until the figure could not be seen. Qingyang directly turned in the direction of Xiping mansion in Liangzhou.

A few months ago, Qingyang had just returned to Qinglong mountain in Xiping mansion, Liangzhou. He thought he would never come back in his life. Unexpectedly, he came back a few months later. However, he did not stop in other places, but went all the way west into the mountain area and went straight to the valley where he had been.

More than a hundred years later, the valley is no longer the same as it used to be. Qingyang removed the prohibition from childe lingxu and let him lead the way. Childe lingxu only has the cultivation of Yuanying. After losing the blood demon Gu mother, Qingyang can solve him. It's the same whether there is a prohibition or not.

Childe lingxu seemed to understand this too. He honestly led the way all the way and did not dare to play tricks. They walked all the way through layers of dense forests and finally came to the foot of a hill. Childe lingxu carefully identified the direction and began to clean up the trees and vines outside.

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