Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1628: 1628

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At this time, Hongguang Zhenjun also stepped forward and said, "if the city Lord and fengluan Taoist friends can come, I will be completely relieved. You two don't know. I've been worried for a long time. I'm afraid that the Xuanjia demon king and the Qingling demon king will return, and we can't cope with it."

Lying tiger Zhen Jun nodded at Hong Guang Zhen Jun and didn't answer his words. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Qingyang standing not far away. After all, lying tiger Zhen Jun was the overlord here and wanted to give some face, so he knew that lying tiger Zhen Jun was coming, and Qingyang also took the initiative to welcome him out.

The lying tiger Zhenjun looked at Qingyang with a smile on his face and said, "this is Qingyang Taoist friend. I heard from Hongguang Taoist friend that you forced back the famous Xuanjia demon king and saved many monks in my lying tiger city with the cultivation of Yuanying on the first floor. I always thought that what Hongguang Taoist friend said was too much. Now I see that he is extraordinary. Qingyang Taoist friend is so young. He really envies us."

Although Qingyang has listened to such compliments for countless times these days, it is still very happy to say it from the mouth of the overlord of the lying tiger real king. Qingyang said: "the lying tiger real king is praised too much. I just happen to meet it. As a human monk, I naturally want to watch and help each other."

"What the Qingyang Taoist friend said is good. In this demon realm, our human friars have a low status. If we can't keep watch and help each other, we will perish sooner or later." Crouching Tiger Zhenjun exclaimed.

The Feng Luan Zhenjun smiled and said, "it seems that Qingyang Taoist friends are not only superior in strength, but also extraordinary in insight. They are so young and talented. Qingyang Taoist friends are afraid of being born in an unusual way."

Qingyang's origin is very clear. It was a scattered practice because he inadvertently inspired Zui Xianhu. By chance, he came to this step today. He has no background at all. However, if the other party had to think so, Qingyang would not take the initiative to explain. Having such an identity aura is more conducive to him walking here and can save him a lot of unnecessary trouble.

After greeting each other for a few words, the other friars dispersed. Immortal Fu Niu took four Yuan Ying friars to the secret room of the city master's house again. After sitting down, Hongguang Zhenjun talked about everyone's questions and said, "the city master and fengluan Taoist friends were like this before. We always don't understand why the Xuanjia demon king and the Qingling Demon King spent so much time."

Fengluan Zhenjun frowned and said, "the news from the Hongguang Taoist friends is relatively simple. We only know that the situation in Funiu city is very serious and we must come to support as soon as possible. We don't think much about other places. Now, listen to you, things are really strange. The two demon Kings jointly set up a trap to catch the Hongguang Taoist friends. What do they want to achieve?"

Hongguang Zhenjun said, "yes, although I have been active these years, I have no crime against Hengyun mountain. I have no personal feud with Xuanjia demon king and Qingling demon king. My Crouching Tiger City is far less powerful than Hengyun mountain and will not pose a threat to them. There is no need to target me."

Feng Luan Zhenjun said: "It's hard to say. Those demon kings are grumpy. Who knows what unexpected things they can do? Maybe they just want to make trouble for our Terran friars on a whim. Besides, they don't necessarily aim at you. There is a crisis in Funiu City, and Wohu city sends Yuanying friars to support. We can all be, not necessarily you, but you are Wohu city The next city Lord, we are more likely to send you. "

At this time, the lying tiger Zhenjun who had not spoken suddenly said, "the two demon kings set a trap to catch us alive. The greatest possibility is that they still want to coerce us."

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"Threaten us? It's unlikely? Hengyun mountain is much stronger than our Crouching Tiger City. If you have any requirements, just take people to the Crouching Tiger City openly and honestly. We don't necessarily refuse. Why bother?" Hongguang Zhenjun couldn't help saying.

Lying tiger Zhenjun said, "there are natural reasons for doing so. Only Xuanjia demon king and Qingling demon king come forward in Hengyun mountain, and they still choose Funiu City, an insignificant small city. I think they certainly don't want to make it too big."

"Could it be that the lying tiger real gentleman has guessed the reason?" said Feng Luan real gentleman.

Lying tiger Zhenjun said, "although I'm not sure, there's only one reason."

"What's the reason?" said Hongguang Zhenjun.

Lying tiger Zhenjun didn't directly answer Hongguang Zhenjun's question, but sold a pass and asked everyone, "have you ever heard of the all souls association?"

Hongguang Zhenjun shook his head blankly. It was obvious that he had never heard of the Wanling meeting. The immortal Funiu next to him was just a Jindan friar. Although Qingyang was a Yuanying friar, the breakthrough time was not long, and his knowledge was not as good as Hongguang Zhenjun. Only fengluan Zhenjun wondered, "the lying tiger Zhenjun said that there was only a Wanling meeting every 600 years in the legend?"

Lying tiger Zhen Jun nodded and said, "this is the all souls meeting. Is Feng Luan really familiar to you?"

Feng Luan Zhenjun said with a wry smile: "The legendary all souls club only happens once in 600 years. It is said that only friars Yuanying who have broken through less than 3A can participate. I am seven hundred years old this year. I was still a foundation building friar when I broke through the all souls club last time. How can I be familiar with this kind of thing? This is a time when I went out to practice after breaking through Yuanying. I overheard others talk about it. I heard more or less about some fur. Of course, it's better than lying tiger Zhenjun knows a lot and asks the city Lord to solve our doubts. "

Fengluan Zhenjun said so, and the crouching tiger Zhenjun stopped hanging everyone's appetite and said: "Fengluan Zhenjun is right. This all souls club will only happen once every 600 years, and only friars Yuanying who have broken through less than 3a are eligible to participate, because this all souls club only spreads among friars Yuanying, and the interval between the two times is very long. Moreover, even friars Yuanying are very difficult to obtain the qualification to participate in all souls club, so few people know this all souls club , even many Yuan Ying friars haven't heard of it, so it's normal that you haven't heard of it. "

After listening to the story of lying tiger Zhenjun, Hongguang Zhenjun suddenly realized that there were so many restrictions. No wonder he had broken through Yuanying for so many years and had never heard of it. Lying tiger Zhenjun is 900 years old this year, and it has been more than 600 years since he broke through Yuanying. The last time he was in the realm of Yuanying, he lived long enough and was high enough to know this Wanling meeting.

However, there was a question in Hongguang Zhenjun's heart, and he couldn't help saying, "only once in 600 years, and only Yuanying friars who broke through less than three Jiazi can participate. Who organized the Wanling club? Unexpectedly, there is such great energy?"

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