Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1629: 1629

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The lying tiger Zhenjun shook his head and said, "the all souls will be too mysterious. I don't know who organized it. But according to various signs, the friars in our world may not have this ability. They are either handed down in ancient times or set by the legendary upper world."
Qingyang has been on the road of cultivating immortals for a short time. His accomplishments have improved by leaps and bounds. His knowledge is not as good as that of some old Yuanying friars. Since he broke through Yuanying, he left the ten kings hall. Later, he came into contact with Jiuxian City, lingfuzong and Qingyan City. They are not big forces. Even Yuanying friars are rare in Kyushu mainland. Now he heard the secret of the all souls Association, He only thought it was an opportunity to increase his knowledge, but he didn't expect that the lying tiger Zhenjun suddenly mentioned the upper world. Qingyang was interested and said, "according to what the lying tiger Zhenjun just said, can we still contact the upper world?"
Lying tiger Zhenjun said: "It's just my guess. Taoist friend Qingyang is already a monk Yuanying. I must also know that Yuanying period and Huashen period are not the limit of our monks. There are also legendary periods of refining emptiness, fitting in, and robbery. It is said that there were many monks above Huashen in ancient China, but why not now? According to my guess, it's either us The square world is subject to some restrictions and can't produce friars of a higher level, or friars of a higher level have gone to other places. Since these restrictions appeared later, there must be loopholes. Maybe some people have a way to open the restrictions. Although I haven't seen them, those forces that have inherited for a long time definitely have a way to make some contact with the upper world. "
Lying tiger Zhenjun is worthy of being an old monster who has lived for 900 years. His insight and analysis ability are really unmatched. Qingyang once got the zuixianhu and the purple cloud Tongxiao tripod, a treasure left by Dan Sheng, which has not been understood so far. He once got the transitional robbery of Jiaolong bones when he was in Heilongtan. He also found the ancient transmission array in the secret area of mainland Kyushu, but never thought about it.
Yes, since the limitations of this world appeared later, it shows that this limitation is not insurmountable. If you can find this loophole, don't you say that you can go to the upper boundary where there are higher-level friars? In that case, Yuanying period and Huashen period will no longer be your own limit, and you may break through those legendary realms one day.
However, breaking the two world restrictions is not something that ordinary people can do. Let alone that Qingyang is only a Yuanying friar now. Even if he becomes a great power of transforming God in the future, he doesn't know whether he can do it. Even the veteran Yuanying friar who has lived for 900 years, like Wohu Zhenjun, is just guessing. He is not sure that someone can really contact the upper world. It can be seen how difficult it is.
Qingyang couldn't help but think of the super large transmission array. The small transmission array inlaid with only nine top-grade spirit stones can make him almost cross the whole cultivation world. The super large transmission array inlaid with 9981 top-grade spirit stones must be farther away. Maybe it is connected to the upper world, but it has been forgotten. If it can be repaired, maybe he can go to the upper world.
But soon, Qingyang shook his head again. If there is such a big loophole, how can it be that no one has found it for so many years? It is estimated that he has thought too much. The biggest possibility is that the super large transmission array is also limited, and lingxu childe will have an accident in the transmission process.

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Although Qingyang's accomplishments have reached the Yuanying period, his actual cultivation time is only more than 100 years. His knowledge is much worse than that of the old Yuanying friars, especially about the transmission array and the secrets of the upper world. I'm afraid he'll have to pay more attention to this in the future. However, he's still young. Even if only counting the Yuanying period, he has a life of more than 800 years. It's not too late to inquire. It's not urgent.
Thinking of this, Qingyang asked: "lying tiger Zhenjun, the all souls will be so mysterious. How can we get the quota? What's the benefit for the participants?"
Crouching Tiger Zhenjun mused: "I heard all these news by hearsay, but it's not necessarily accurate. I'll tell you the truth for the time being. It's said that to participate in the all souls meeting, you must first obtain the qualification for pre selection, and then you can go to the all souls hall in the center of the demon realm to participate in the pre selection. The winner of the pre selection will be sent to a place called the secret place of all souls for experience. There are enough Yuan Ying friars in the whole demon realm There are more than 1000 people, and there are more than 300 qualified three-year-old friars Yuanying, but only 50 people can obtain the qualification for pre selection. It is said that less than 20 people can win in the final pre selection, which can exceed 1% of the number of friars Yuanying, which shows its difficulty. "
Only 20 of the more than 1000 yuan infant friars are selected. This proportion is really low, that is, those big sects with a long history can be qualified every time. It's hard to say for small forces such as Crouching Tiger City. It's estimated that independent practitioners will not be exposed to such news all their life.
However, the pay is proportional to the harvest. If it is so difficult to obtain the qualification of the all souls club, the harvest in the future will certainly be not small, especially those big forces. The general benefits will certainly not be appreciated. If the harvest of participating in the all souls club is very small, otherwise who can afford to spend this effort when they are full?
Sure enough, the lying tiger Zhenjun paused slightly and continued: "Participating in the all souls society is of great benefit. Many rare high-level immortal cultivation materials in our immortal world are said to be spread from the all souls society. It is said that as long as the monks who have participated in the all souls society can survive, their accomplishments have been improved by at least one level, and many who have improved by two or three levels. Moreover, the monks who have participated in the all souls society have a higher probability of becoming gods than ordinary yuan Baby friars are hundreds of times taller. "
The probability of breaking through the God is 100 times higher than that of ordinary friars? Hearing this, everyone took a breath, even Qingyang was no exception. What is this concept? If only one of the hundreds of Yuan Ying friars among ordinary friars can break through the realm of transforming gods, then one of several people who have participated in the all souls association can break through. This probability is too frightening. How many transforming gods can there be in the whole immortal world? But now as long as you participate in the all souls meeting, you have a good chance to become a god transforming power in the future. This probability seems to be higher than the effect of taking pregnant God fruit.
But it's normal to think about it carefully. First of all, these friars who can participate in the all souls club are one in a hundred. In the future, they are more likely to break through the transformation of God than ordinary Yuanying friars. Moreover, after participating in the all souls club, the friars' strength can be improved by at least one or two layers, which can save one or two hundred years of cultivation time, plus other gains in the all souls club, If you get several treasures similar to pregnant God fruit, it doesn't seem particularly difficult to turn God into God in the end.

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