Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1741: 1741

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While Qingyang was understanding the visitor, the man was also observing Qingyang. When he saw that Qingyang's cultivation was only five layers of Yuanying, the man couldn't help frowning, then turned his head to the old man in Tianji hall and said: "When have you been so unreliable in Tianji hall? Although it's hard to find someone who is willing to do that for me, you can't go to hospital in a hurry? This man only has the cultivation of Yuanying's fifth floor. If you can't help, you may miss our business."
The man was very rude, but the old man in Tianji hall didn't care, but smiled: "Our Tianji pavilion has rules and will never mess with mandarin ducks. Although the cultivation of Qingyang Taoist friend is not high, his real strength is not comparable to that of ordinary monks in the mid-term of Yuanying. It can be seen from the fact that Qingyang Taoist friend purchases tens of millions of spirit stones and tens of thousands of killing iron. He has enough confidence in his strength, otherwise how dare he show his wealth casually? Again I said, you just asked us to find someone for you before, and there was no restriction on cultivation. "
The man thought he could buy so many Jinling wansha iron from himself. His accomplishments must be at least about the seventh floor of Yuanying. How did he know that Qingyang's accomplishments would be so low? But the old man of Tianji hall is right. How dare he show his wealth casually without corresponding strength? This boy may have some real skills. Tianji hall has always been very reliable and should not be fooled by others Oneself.
Thinking of this, the man narrowed his eyes, looked at Qingyang and said, "I'd like to introduce myself. I'm yuyangzi from Xianyou Pavilion in the spirit world. I have what you want. I can also trade at the price I said before. However, before completing the transaction, you must help me do something. To tell you the truth, it's very dangerous. I don't know if you dare to go."
Yuyangzi's attitude is very arrogant, but the other party has arrogant capital, Qingyang doesn't care, and the other party is willing to say ugly words in front, which is also a more aboveboard nature. Qingyang arched his hand and said, "it's yuyangzi's Taoist friend. I don't know what you want me to do?"
Yuyangzi didn't speak directly, but turned his head and looked at the old man in Tianji hall. The other party understood his meaning and took the initiative to quit the room. Yuyangzi then set a ban around him, which said: "There is a Youfeng lake near Jietian peak in Wanjie mountain. There is a unique Warcraft Youfeng beast in the lake. The inner pill of this beast is useful to me, so I'm going to hunt a Yuanying perfect Youfeng beast in Youfeng Lake recently. But this Youfeng beast is cautious and usually hides in his nest. It's not easy to come out. It's very difficult to hunt and kill, so it needs a monk Shi enters his nest and lures him out. I can organize people to kill him. "
Yuyangzi won't be afraid even if he meets ordinary Yuanying on the ninth floor. If he is an ordinary Warcraft, yuyangzi doesn't worry at all. Even if he can't fight alone, just call a few more helpers. However, Youfeng beast is cautious and will escape if there is any trouble. He usually hides in his nest, occupies the geographical advantage and hunts under desperate resistance It's extremely difficult. The best way is to set up an array outside in advance, and then find a person to enter the nest of the Youfeng beast and lead him out. It's easier to hunt the Youfeng beast after being trapped.
It's just that it's too dangerous to enter the nest of Youfeng beast. Yuanying's perfect Youfeng beast can't be dealt with by ordinary people. If you're not careful, you may die in it. Therefore, yuyangzi found many people who are unwilling to take this task. Seeing that the end time of the Wanling meeting is getting closer and closer, yuyangzi is also a little anxious. He just met Qingyang and wants to buy Jinling wansha iron, so he put forward this condition 。
Qingyang hasn't heard of any quiet wind beast. It should be a unique kind of Warcraft in the secret environment of all souls. However, the other party has Yuanying's perfect cultivation, and it is in his nest, which is too dangerous. Previously, in Duobao Pavilion, Qingyang Yuanying's cultivation on the fourth floor can barely deal with the Warcraft at the top of Yuanying's eighth floor. Now, the cultivation has been improved to Yuanying's fifth floor, with great strength Big increase, but you can deal with Yuanying's nine layer Warcraft. It's a little reluctant to face Yuanying's perfect Warcraft. However, considering that you only need to lead out the Warcraft, the fighting things are done by yuyangzi and others. You don't need to fight with Youfeng beast. The danger is not as big as you think.

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Qingyang's strength is not bad now. I'm afraid yuyangzi in front of him is not his opponent. Coupled with many life-saving means, you can go to the Youfeng lake to have a try, but you can't agree too happily. Otherwise, the other party will be suspicious, and the favor will not be so valuable.
Qingyang pretended to be hesitant and didn't answer yuyangzi's question until the other party was impatient. He said, "yuyangzi Taoist friends also know that it's too dangerous. I can lead the quiet wind beast, but you have to meet my three conditions."
Qingyang put forward three conditions at once. Yuyangzi was very dissatisfied, but he could only frown and say, "first tell me what conditions you have. If it's not difficult, it's OK to promise you."
Qingyang said, "the first condition is that Jinling wansha iron needs to be traded first."
Originally, yuyangzi's condition was to help him finish the transaction and have Tianji hall as a guarantee. However, Qingyang was worried that the other party would cheat. He was a small world friar, and his strength and background could not be compared with yuyangzi. Although Tianji hall was fair, they all came from the spirit world, so it was easy to trip themselves. Even if the other party didn't cheat, who could handle the certificate There will be no changes? In case something happens to yuyangzi, who do you want the Jinling wan to kill the iron?
Of course, yuyangzi was also worried about Qingyang's repentance after the transaction, but he had a deep background and had some means to prevent it. He didn't worry that Qingyang dared to say that he didn't count. At the thought of this, yuyangzi's face was cold and said, "it's OK to trade Jinling wansha iron first, but you should make a soul oath in front of me. If you dare to say that he didn't count, don't blame me for being ruthless."
Both sides didn't intend to play tricks on this. It was easy to reach an agreement. Qingyang said: "the second condition, I don't know about the Youfeng beast and the situation around the Youfeng lake. Therefore, before taking action, Taoist friends need to share with me the characteristics of the Youfeng beast you heard and the information around the Youfeng lake, so that I can prepare in advance."
"It's natural. Since everyone acts together, these things will naturally tell you, which can also increase the success rate of the action." Yu Yangzi said without thinking.

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