Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1742: 1742

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Although that's what he said, Qingyang also knows that the two sides are only a temporary combination, and the mutual trust is not so high. The other party will only tell him some basic information, and the key content will not tell him. Qingyang needs to inquire about other things by himself.
After a little meditation, Qingyang stretched out his third finger and said, "third condition, after hunting the Youfeng beast, I'll share everything except the internal alchemy you need."
Qingyang doesn't need any materials from the quiet wind beast, and he doesn't lack this spiritual stone. The reason for raising this condition is to let the other party know the difficulty of this matter and give the other party a room for bargaining. Sure enough, after hearing the condition of Qingyang, yuyangzi couldn't help falling into meditation. It was obvious that he was considering whether the condition was appropriate and whether he could agree.
The total value of a Yuanying perfect level Warcraft is about three or four million spirit stones. The Youfeng beast should be about the same. Deduct the inner alchemy with the highest value, and the rest will be packaged and sold for more than one million. This task, yuyangzi found several helpers and discussed the remaining materials and divided them equally. Everyone can get about four or five million spirit stones. If it is Qingyang, he should also share one, Everyone has to pay more than 100000 yuan less, and they have to make additional compensation. That is to say, if Qingyang opens his mouth, he will ask for another reward worth four or five million yuan, but the price is not low.
Yu Yangzi pondered a little and then said: "I have promised to give you the corpse of Youfeng beast to other helpers. It's not appropriate to give you another share, but I can give you a discount of 50000 spirit stones for the price of Jinling wansha iron. The discount is more than the value of one piece of material according to one hundred and one thousand pieces. However, I also have a condition here. If you are lucky to survive after the introduction of Youfeng beast, you will fight later We also need to do our part, and we can't refuse. "
A material discount of 50000 yuan and nine yuan is 450000 yuan. Coupled with the reduced cost of Tianji hall, the score material is really cost-effective. Qingyang didn't expect the other party to agree. As a result, yuyangzi agreed directly, which is a complete surprise, but it also proves the fierce danger of this trip.
Qingyang did not hesitate and said, "no problem, that's it."
Qingyang agreed readily. Yuyangzi felt that he was too easy to speak, so his face sank and threatened: "I agreed to the three conditions proposed by Qingyang Taoist friends, but I spent so much money to ask you for help, and I hope you can be worthy of these spirit stones I spent. Otherwise, I will let you know the end of offending Xianyou Pavilion and my yuyangzi in the spirit world."
Qingyang doesn't care much about the threat of yuyangzi. As long as he takes the benefits he should take and does the things he should do, the two sides will cooperate once. After the Wanling meeting is over, everyone will go their own way and never see each other again. Who cares what Xianyou Pavilion and Shenyou Pavilion he is.
After the negotiation, yuyangzi lifted the surrounding restrictions, called the old man in the Tianji hall again, and said the agreement just reached with Qingyang. Other contents have nothing to do with the Tianji hall, but the transaction price is less than 450000 spirit stones, and the reward of the Tianji hall will be reduced by 45000. However, considering that they can trade on the spot, they don't need to Tianji hall continued to guarantee that it would be nothing to reduce 45000 spirit stones until everything was done.

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Then, under the witness of the elder of Tianji hall, yuyangzi first took out the nine pieces of Jinling wansha iron he brought with him, first handed them to the elder of Tianji hall for inspection, and then handed them to Qingyang for inspection. Such a big deal must be sure to be safe, so the three parties present were very careful.
Qingyang carefully examined the nine pieces of Jinling wansha iron. Each piece contained more than 10000 murderous Qi, but the excess was not much. It was worse than the one Qingyang found in Yinfeng Jihuo cave at the beginning, but it was also normal. Each more murderous Qi in Jinling wansha iron had different power, and its value would increase slightly. Yuyangzi must be stuck Yes.
There was no problem with the material. Qingyang took out the prepared spirit stone and solemnly handed it to the elder of Tianji hall. The whole 9.5 million spirit stone has exceeded the entire wealth of most Yuan Ying friars in the world. Even if it is packed in a storage bag, it feels heavy.
Qingyang was also very hurt when he handed over so many spirit stones at once. He almost spent all the spirit stones he had accumulated in the ancient wind mainland, Qingyan City, Kyushu mainland and the demon realm in those years. Fortunately, he has also gained a lot in the secret territory of all souls recently. Before killing the brothers of the Huo family and other monks who killed and robbed people and goods, he got two storage bags with a total value of more than ten million. There is no shortage of money for the time being.
Qingyang is so refreshing that the old man of Tianji hall and yuyangzi can't help sighing in their hearts. It's a 9.5 million spirit stone. A small world friar with only five layers of Yuanying took it out easily. It seems that he didn't give up at all. He's completely unlike those poor friars from the small world. Is this person's apparent identity false, but in fact he comes from a general trend in the spirit world power?
Yuyangzi had some doubts about whether Qingyang could successfully complete the task, but now he was relieved. If Qingyang really had only superficial accomplishments, how could he come up with so many spiritual stones at once? If there was no corresponding self-protection strength, how dare he casually disclose his rich wealth, so this person must not be so simple, and it should be nothing to complete the task 。
The elder of Tianji hall took the storage bag, counted the spirit stones inside, and took 950000 from it. This is the reward for the Tianji hall to facilitate the transaction. The remaining more than 8 million spirit stones were handed over to yuyangzi, who put away the storage bag as if he didn't care about it.
In fact, the Jinling wansha iron was originally prepared by yuyangzi for himself. He planned to refine a pure attack metal magic weapon, so he spent some money to exchange the nine Jinling wansha iron from Xianyou Pavilion, but he hasn't had time to use it. The price of Jinling wansha iron in the spirit world is slightly lower than that in the secret environment of Wanling. As the direct descendant of the elder of Xianyou Pavilion, yuyangzi will certainly have a lot of concessions. Therefore, the transaction price of more than 8 million spirit stones does not suffer a loss for him, and even makes a certain profit. It is worth more for Qingyang's help.
Qingyang got what he wanted at a reasonable price. Although he still needs to do one for yuyangzi, the danger is not particularly great from the point of view of that thing itself. As for Tianji hall, they are good at facilitating transactions. They easily earned nearly one million spirit stones in this matter. All three parties have fulfilled their wishes. It can be said that everyone is happy.

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