Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 229: 229

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Because the percussion meeting is coming to an end, many monks are returning to Yuling city at this time. On the way, they can occasionally encounter other scattered practitioners acting alone. Therefore, the team is becoming larger and larger. Everyone is not very familiar with each other, so it is safer to group together.

We didn't encounter much danger along the way. We hurried slowly. Finally, at noon on the last day, we saw the outline of Yuling city from a distance.

This area was already very safe, so the temporarily formed team dispersed in a crowd. Those who were impatient should run towards Yuling city for fear that the Kouxian conference had ended; Some people feel that they have no hope. At this time, they stop and prepare to have enough rest before they leave; And the mysterious one secretly turned to another direction; Qingyang also said goodbye to the pockmarked son of three, Li and four kings, and left alone in the direction of Yuling city.

It was said that they would come back in a month. It was nearly two months. I don't know how Yuling city is now. Will the Liang family set a trap and wait for themselves.

However, it's impossible not to go back to Yuling City, because there's only one chance. If you miss this time, you'll have to wait at least three years. Therefore, even if it's an adventure, Qingyang must go back to Yuling city once.

As for Yu Mengmiao, Qingyang is helpless. With his current strength, he has no way to take the Liang family, let alone save Yu Mengmiao, and even dare not approach the scope of the Liang family.

The Liang family is one of the big families in Yuling city. It is conceivable that the forces behind them are not a small conflict between themselves and Liang Qingtian. As long as they dare to appear, Liang Yudong has some ways to disappear silently.

The purpose of the Liang family is only to kowtow to the immortal. They should not Miss Yu Mengmiao's worship into the immortal gate, so they don't have to worry about Yu Mengmiao for the time being. This time, the Liang family can only be cheaper first, and then slowly find the venue when they have a chance in the future.

Bai Bai was taken away by the pit and had an opportunity to worship the immortal gate. Everyone was depressed, but what if he was not convinced? The situation is stronger than people. It's lucky to invite heaven to come back alive. How dare you go to the Liang family to seek justice?

I have drunk immortal gourd. This time I got the knock immortal order and jade soul marrow. I don't have to worry about my future for the time being. I will always have a chance to get justice in the future. At that time, spit out what I eat and give me back what I take, so that the Liang family can repay me with interest.

Half an hour later, Qingyang came to the outside of Yuling city. Maybe there were more people rushing back to the city, so there was a long queue outside. Qingyang quietly behind the row, did not remove the face of ease, he worried about the vicinity of Liang Jia's eyeliner, this time can only be Yang Qing's pseudonym advanced city.

Qingyang was waiting in line. Suddenly, there was a noise at the gate of the city, and soon gave way to a passage. A group of monks walked out of the city. The first one wore a high crown and a black fairy clothes, with momentum like an abyss and deep eyes, as if to attract people's eyes.

This feeling is as vast as the sea. It is even more frightening than when I saw Xi Yingxian in Lingxi valley. Qingyang couldn't help looking cold. During the foundation building period, this man turned out to be a foundation building friar. Qingyang had known that there were foundation building friars in Yuling city for a long time, but it was the first time to see them.

Behind the friar who built the foundation, there were two mid-term friars who were dignified and dressed like the friar who built the foundation. It seemed that they all came out of the same door.

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Both of them don't look very old. At most, they are in their thirties. Most of the monks in Yuling city are still struggling in the late stage of pulse opening. They can practice to the middle of Qi practice at their thirties. I'm afraid their identity background is very extraordinary.

Next to the two, there were five kaimaijing friars of different ages. The older one was only in his twenties and the younger one was also in his twenties. They dressed up very different to the three friars in front. The only thing that was the same was that they all looked happy, as if there was a big happy event.

There are several people on the other side. The leader is also a foundation building friar. However, it seems that he is just a role of accompanying guests. Facing the same foundation building friar, his face is full of flattering smiles, as if he were inferior. As for those behind, not to mention, they bend lower when they laugh.

Such a group of people don't know what to do when they leave the city at this time? Not only did Qingyang wonder, many monks in the team were full of question marks and whispered to the people around them.

At this time, the foremost friar of the foundation building suddenly gave a long whistle, and soon a bird song came from a distance. Before the sound fell, a brown figure flashed through the air, and then fell in front of the friar of the foundation building. Unexpectedly, it was a bald eagle more than ten feet long.

From the momentum released from him, the bald eagle was at least a monster at the early stage of foundation building, but facing the call of the same foundation building friar, the bald eagle didn't dare to neglect anything. He bent down obediently and seemed to be waiting for the other party to board his body.

"Congratulations to Zhu Daoyou of the imperial lingzong!" the smiling friar Zhuji arched his hand.

"Yuling city master, please stay. I'll say goodbye!" the friar who built the foundation in front also said.

Then he bowed his hand slightly to the smiling friar Zhuji, and with a slight vertical movement, he landed steadily on the neck of the bald eagle. When he had just stood up, the seven friars behind him jumped up. Friar Zhuji was in the front and two gas refining friars were in the back. They protected the five friars in the open vein realm in the middle.

The bald eagle is more than ten feet long, and its wings are more than ten feet long. Its body is wide and its back is wide. Eight monks stand on it without being crowded. When everyone stood up, the foundation building friar in front, known as Zhu Daoyou of the Yuling sect, waved his hand. The bald eagle below got the order, flapped its wings and flew into the air. Then it circled at the gate of the city and flew away in the distance.

In the twinkling of an eye, the people of the yulingzong disappeared into the air, and the foundation building friar who saw him off also returned to the Yuling city with a group of people behind him. When these people completely lost their trace, the monks at the gate gradually became louder and talked about it, which made Qingyang get a lot of useful news.

Only a monk who had just returned from the depths of Yuling mountain asked, "Yuling sect? Is that the elder of Yuling sect standing in front of the bald eagle?"

The owner of a temporary stall nearby said casually, "of course, in addition to the Yuling sect, which immortal gate can ride a monster in the foundation period to attend the immortal knocking conference?"

"Is it the master of the jade spirit city who saw you off?" the friar said again.

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