Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 230: 230

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"Exactly! Although the jade spirit scattered person is the leader of the jade spirit City, it's normal that you don't know him. The immortal knocking meeting has ended, and the immortal gate messenger wants to return to the immortal gate. As the city leader, the jade spirit scattered person must come out to give away." the stall owner replied.

"The kowtow meeting is over? How could it be like this? Isn't there still half a day?" the friar suddenly exclaimed.

Not only the friar before, but also many friars around who were preparing to return to the city were surprised and looked here one after another. They hurried and slowed down in order to have a look at the grand event of jade spirit City, the immortal tapping meeting, which only happened once in three years. Unexpectedly, the immortal tapping meeting was over before they reached the door.

Even Qingyang's heart clattered and sank. Is the percussion meeting over? What should I do? If you miss this time, you'll have to wait another three years. Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will fall back. Three years is enough to be pulled down by others. Maybe in the future, because of the disgust of these three years, you can't step into a higher realm in this life.

Qingyang couldn't help looking at the stall owner, hoping to hear more news from him. The seven immortal gates can't leave at the same time. The Yuling sect just left. As long as the Qingfeng hall is still there, it may be possible to join.

Seeing so many people interested in their news, the stall owner didn't sell off and said directly: "This year, there was an accident in Qianku cave. Everyone was worried about the danger. Most monks returned to Yuling city in advance. Therefore, this year's immortal tapping conference was very cold. No one submitted mission items for nearly half a month. Anyway, it was the last day. It was a waste of time to stay here, so several immortal Gates left this afternoon."

"What immortal gates have left?" Qingyang couldn't help asking.

After hearing Qingyang's words, the stall owner turned to look at him and said, "why? Taoist friends are so concerned. Is it because there is a task item of one of the immortal gates?"

Seeing that the other party was suspicious, Qingyang hurriedly said, "how can I? If there were any task items, I would have come back to attend the percussion meeting. Would I still delay time in the mountains? That's just curiosity."

The stall owner asked casually. He didn't believe that he would have Xianmen mission items if he met anyone. He smiled and said: "A total of 17 immortal gates have come to this year's percussion meeting. In addition to the seven immortal gates, there are four medium-sized immortal gates and six small immortal gates. Plus the Yuling sect, four of the seven immortal gates have gone, leaving only Jinding Pavilion, Lingxi Valley and Qingfeng hall, but none of the small and medium-sized immortal Gates has left."

It's also normal. All the highly qualified seedlings have been taken away by the seven immortal sects. The small and medium-sized immortal sects can only pick up leaks among the remaining people. Because they have the attitude of preferring lack to abuse, their conditions will not be much lower than those of the seven immortal sects, so it's difficult to recruit suitable disciples. Hold on a little longer, maybe they can recruit one or two good seedlings.

The order of knocking on the immortal that Qingyang got was from Qingfeng hall, one of the three remaining seven sects. After listening to the stall owner's words, Qingyang was relieved that Qingfeng hall was still there and he still had a chance.

Looking at the way everyone cocked up their ears and listened, the stall owner seemed to find a sense of existence. Suddenly, he smiled mysteriously and said, "have you ever heard that a strange thing happened at this year's percussion meeting?"

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"Oh? What wonder?" sure enough, many monks were intrigued by the stall owner.

The stall owner said mysteriously: "Did you know that a tianlinggen with the potential of 91 appeared at this year's immortal tapping conference. She was already the cultivation of the second floor of Kaimai territory when she was less than seven years old. She was not only young, but also qualified against the sky. For a moment, she attracted the seven immortal sects to compete with each other and almost broke her head. The Yin and Yang sect nearest to our jade spirit city even sent out an old ancestor of the golden elixir period. This is the best place Just forcibly took the disciple. "

"Tianlinggen with potential of 91 points? My God, yulingcheng hasn't appeared for hundreds of years at least? Which family's disciples are so excellent?" the former monk exclaimed.

Looking at the monks who were frightened by themselves, the stall owner seemed to be satisfied with his vanity and said: "It is said that it is called Liang Mengmiao, the son of the Liang family in Yuling city. It seems that it is the daughter of Liang Yudong, the leader of the Liang family. In order to get the disciple, the Jindan elder of the Yin Yang sect not only promised to take Liang Mengmiao as an apprentice on the spot, but even made an exception to recruit Liang Qingtian, the eldest son of Liang Yudong into the Yin Yang sect. The Liang family received both fame and wealth this time."

When the stall owner mentioned the tianlinggen with 91 points of potential, Qingyang knew he was talking about Yu Mengmiao. The fact is that the Liang family not only shamelessly changed Yu Mengmiao's surname to Liang, accepted what kind of daughter, but also occupied their own immortal gate quota. It's really deceptive.

Qingyang clenched his fists and was angry. He wanted to rush to the Liang family now and let the Liang family give him justice. But he knew that impulse was the devil. If he went to the Liang family now, he would die. Not only could he not get any justice, I'm afraid he would disappear quietly.

It's not a wise man's behavior for Mao to rush to seek death without corresponding strength. The Liang family is powerful now, so he can only swallow it first. Now he has the order to knock on the immortal in the Qingfeng hall. As long as he works hard, he will find the place sooner or later.

Qingyang has no family relationship with Yu Mengmiao. At the beginning, she met Yu Laosan and saw that Yu Mengmiao was lonely and helpless. She couldn't get rid of it for a moment. So she promised to take Yu Mengmiao on the road together. Now she is valued by the golden elixir elder of yin and Yang sect and agreed to accept her as a disciple. From then on, she has no worries. She can do her best.

Moreover, self-cultivation is a bumpy road. Now I have low self-cultivation and can't protect myself alone. How can I bring a drag bottle? Yu Mengmiao can only be regarded as a passer-by on his way to cultivate immortality. I'd better have a chance to see you again in the future.

Thinking of this, Qingyang slowly released his hand and gradually restored Qingming in his eyes.

No one noticed Qingyang's little moves. They were amazed that the Liang family had such excellent children. A friar nearby said, "yes, I'm afraid only the Liang family, the top family in the jade spirit City, can cultivate such excellent children. We can't envy them."

The former friar said, "the Yin and Yang sect is not at a loss. Liang Mengmiao's good qualification is almost a certainty to become a foundation building friar in the future. If he is well trained, it is not impossible to break through the golden pill friar. The Yin and Yang sect only paid the price of an order to knock on the immortal, so it's too late to be happy to recruit such a disciple. I'm afraid it's the other immortal sect that really owes him?"

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