Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 346: 346

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The defeat of the second-order blood bat seemed to be a signal. The remaining few non advanced blood bats circled in the air and went in the direction of the second-order blood bat. Even the bodies outside gave up fighting and disappeared into the dark.

In the twinkling of an eye, all the enemies disappeared. It seems that there is evidence for advance and retreat. If there is no control behind this, no one will believe it.

After a battle just now, not only the second-order blood bat was seriously damaged, but also the remaining more than a dozen non advanced blood bats died. It can be said that they suffered heavy losses and their strength decreased by nearly half. They should not attack again in a short time. Everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Friars also have injuries, but the situation is not very serious. Only Lu Dingshan's injury is a little more serious, which may affect his strength.

Looking at the open stone hall, Chen biwang said faintly, "a group of local chicken and tile dogs."

"Fellow Taoists, do you want to move on?" Tao Yougong asked.

Just after fighting back a wave of attacks, Chen biwang was in high spirits and said, "why not continue? From the attack just now, the people in the underground palace have this strength. The originator is poor in skills. We should work hard to destroy them."

LV Feng said, "yes, if he had other means, he would have made it out long ago. They retreated, indicating that the people behind him knew they were not our opponents and began to shrink their forces. When we hit the door, we completely destroyed his nest."

As we all know, the war just now belongs to temptation. If the people behind them have the ability to kill them at one go, they will certainly use all the means. As a result, they left as soon as they tried, which showed that the other party was not sure of winning, which gave everyone great confidence.

Just now, World War I was just a small test. Many people don't have their own real skills. Even if the people behind them have any backhand, it's not enough to be afraid. After realizing this point, everyone was greatly curious. What's the secret in the underground palace that killed so many monks one after another.

Guo Kaifeng urged, "what are you waiting for? Let's go."

We simply cleaned up and continued to walk towards the front. The stone hall seemed to be much larger than the previous one. We walked more than 100 feet and didn't come to the end.

The spiritual range of the alchemy friars is from 45 feet to more than 20 feet. Among the friars present, the fifth floor of the alchemy friars has the highest strength. The spiritual range is more than 10 feet, which is much worse than the width of the whole stone hall. In any case, it can not cover the whole stone hall.

The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light. Maybe there is some danger hidden in the secret of the stone hall. Even those blood bats are eyeing everyone in the dark. As we walk, we use our minds to observe the surroundings at any time, so as not to be caught by surprise when there is danger.

After walking dozens of feet further, we finally came to the end of the stone hall. Just looking at the wall in front, we couldn't help being silly, because there was no way out in front.

Looking ahead, Chen biwang wondered, "there's no passage here. Is this a dead end? No, if it's a dead end, where did those blood bats and corpses come from just now?"

"It's hard to say. Maybe we went the wrong way. We missed a fork in the road." Luding mountain road.

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Qingyang said, "look first. When we come, it's the same way. It shouldn't be wrong. Maybe there's another exit in the stone hall."

After Qingyang finished, he took the lead in looking around, and others were no exception. Soon, MI Ling on the other side shouted, "here... Here is a stone gate!"

When we followed the prestige, we saw that the wall in front of MI Ling seemed different from other places. Other places were square stones, but here were two huge stone slabs. It looked like two stone doors, and there were even two stone doorrings in the middle.

Because the walls of the whole stone hall are made of stone, which is similar to the material of the stone gate. There are no obvious thresholds, door frames, sitting animals and other objects near the stone gate. The difference is not very obvious. If you don't observe carefully, you really can't find it.

Chen biwang stepped forward and pushed. He found that the stone gate was motionless. He visited it with his mind, but he was blocked back by an unknown force.

After groping for a long time, Chen biwang said, "there are really two stone doors here, and they are sealed with an array. It's difficult to break them."

After listening to Chen biwang's words, Guo Kaifeng thought deeply and said, "are the people behind us afraid of us, so they deliberately hid and closed the stone gate with an array? I hope we can't find or open the stone gate and retreat automatically?"

"How could it be? We all came here. How could we retreat because of a stone gate? The people inside wouldn't be so stupid?" Luding mountain road.

Also, the purpose of these people is to save Tao Youcheng and find out the reasons for the accidents of the previous groups. How can they retreat because of the obstruction of a stone gate? I deliberately use a stone gate to block everyone. Doesn't it mean there is no silver here?

"Could it be that there are still some mechanism traps and intrigues behind the stone gate?" said Mi Ling.

It's also possible. Maybe the people behind the underground palace hide behind the stone gate and give a fatal blow when everyone is not prepared. It is also possible that the stone gate is a trap, so the other party sets up a suspicious array to arouse everyone's curiosity. When they go in, they throw themselves into the net.

Although we know that there may be danger, we are not worried. Qiu Mingxi directly said, "we have arrived here. It is impossible to turn around and leave. We must open this stone gate. We must go in and have a look no matter whether the enemy is hiding in it or the conspiracy trap deliberately set."

LV Feng nodded and said, "when I get here, I'm not willing to go in and have a look, but the people present don't understand the array. It seems that I can only break it with brute force."

Chen biwang said: "the array level on the stone gate is not very high. So many of US attack in turn. It shouldn't take long to break through the stone gate."

After discussion, without delay, they quickly divided into two groups, each offering their own magic tools and blasting towards the stone gate in front in turn.

Suddenly, the sound of rumbling in the whole stone hall continued, and the surrounding walls began to vibrate, which shocked Weng Township in everyone's ears, almost catching up with the noise of the group of blood bats just now.

The array on the stone gate seems to be more powerful than the rock array seen by Qingyang before. After a round of attack, the stone gate in front of it does not change much, and even the light aroused is not dim. It seems that it takes a lot of effort to break through the stone gate.

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