Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 347: 347

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Although the stone gate is difficult to break, we are ready for a long-term war. We are directly divided into two groups. One group can attack, and the other group can have time to rest and recover Qi. The array above the stone gate will run out of energy and break sooner or later under our continuous attacks.

Under the continuous attacks, the array on the stone gate has gradually changed. The aura of each attack is much dimmer than before. It seems that the array on the stone gate will be completely broken in a quarter of an hour at most.

Looking at the results of this period of time, many people looked happy. Guo Kaifeng waved a stick and shouted, "everyone work harder. We will succeed soon."

Just then, a loud voice suddenly came from the stone hall. Before everyone reacted, a large dark shadow flew towards everyone.

"No, those blood bats are coming again, and there are more." Lu Dingshan exclaimed.

The blood bats attacked again. Everyone quickly stopped their actions and stood on guard carefully. Look at the large dark shadow. There are dozens of blood bats, but it's hard to deal with.

A large group of blood bats flew to everyone in the twinkling of an eye. Hula suddenly dispersed and attacked the monks present. The leader was the second-order blood bat, but he suffered losses in the hands of these friars. It seemed that he had less courage and only dared to hide behind.

When the blood bat appeared suddenly, everyone only had time to make alert actions and could only defend passively. Therefore, this battle was completely one-sided. After one round, the blood bat was intact, but several monks were injured.

The blood bats seemed to become smarter. They left at once and never stopped. When Chen biwang and LV Feng freed their hands to prepare for the counterattack, it was too late. Finally, they didn't even leave a hair. However, the blood bats did not retreat, but kept circling around, waiting for the opportunity of sneak attack.

Looking at the blood bats in the distance, Qiu Mingxi frowned and said, "these blood bats are obviously interfering with us to break through the stone gate. What should we do? We can't do it all the time?"

"Yes, no one dares to leave their backs to these blood bats when attacking Shimen. Our energy is restrained by blood bats. How can we break Shimen?" Guo Kaifeng said.

These blood bats are fast and at least high. It's not easy to kill them. They stare at the stone gate. No one can rest assured to attack the stone gate. If you're attacking the stone gate, the second-order blood bat will sneak attack you behind your back. Who can react?

Seeing the atmosphere at the scene down, Qingyang smiled and said, "if you think the other way, it's actually a good thing for us."

"Good thing, what good thing?" Guo Kaifeng said.

"Why didn't the people behind us dare to let us attack Shimen and let these blood bats interfere with us? It shows that we found the right place and that the people behind us were forced by us. That's why all the blood bats were recruited to stop us from destroying Shimen." Qingyang said.

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Hearing Qingyang's analysis, Guo Kaifeng brightened his eyes and said: "Yes, if we didn't find the key and poke the other party's pain, how could he send so many blood bats to stop us? So the other party is really poor? Not only that, but the other party's strong resistance to us to destroy the stone gate shows that there are some great secrets behind the stone gate, even rare treasures..."

The more Guo Kaifeng said, the more excited he became. It seemed that the treasure against the sky was in front of him. He said, "now that the matter is over, don't keep your hands. Some people continue to attack the stone gate, and the rest try their best to guard against these blood bats. When we break the stone gate, it will be completely developed."

Guo Kaifeng's mood seemed to infect others. LV Feng stood up and said in a deep voice: "OK, you attack Shimen with all your strength. These blood bats will be handled by senior brother Chen and me. I will guard the periphery and not let a blood bat interfere with you."

Chen biwang also stepped forward and said, "elder martial brother Lv is right. You can break the door at ease and leave the rest to us."

In front of so many people, these two people are disciples of the immortal sect. What they say should not be false. Looking at their posture, they seem to be ready to use real means. They have no worries about their future, so they organized to attack Shimen, and Chen biwang and LV Feng blocked out from the outside, trying their best to guard against the peripheral blood bats.

The roar came again, and the blood bat was restless, suddenly screamed, and rushed towards everyone again. Chen biwang had been preparing for a long time, turned his hand out, and revealed a shining talisman inside. Look at this level, it is at least the best talisman.

For the friars on the fifth floor of Qi refining, it was not too difficult to use the best magic talisman. Chen biwang narrowed his eyes and didn't know what action he had done in his hand. The talisman broke into pieces. It burst into countless silver lights and shot towards the front.

It's very slow to say. In fact, all this happened between lightning and flint. The group of blood bats just ran out less than half the distance, and the silver light released by Chen biwang had already met.

The whole group of blood bats suddenly stopped their attack, followed by screams. At least a dozen black shadows fell to the ground from the air, struggled a few times, and then fell silent.

Dozens of blood bats in the air were suddenly reduced by a quarter, and the offensive was also blocked. There were still a lot of blood bats left, but at least half of them were injured. Only because they were not hit by the silver light, they could barely support and not fall.

The second-order blood bat didn't expect that the other party just killed so many of his subordinates with a move. He couldn't help screaming, with anger and fear. But he also knew that retreating at this time would not pay off, so he attacked at a faster speed.

Seeing Chen biwang's talisman, he killed a quarter of the undeveloped blood bats, and countless were injured. LV Feng nearby couldn't help but exclaim: "the best metal talisman rainstorm pear flower needle requires at least ten spirit stones. Elder martial brother Chen is really willing. Let's see mine."

After that, LV Feng flipped his hands up and down and pinched out a series of complex sword formulas. Then he gave directions behind his back. The sword that had been carried on his back seemed to have received some command. Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound, and the sword body came out of its sheath and flew into the air.

After the sword came out of his body, he didn't attack immediately, but stopped on LV Feng's head and kept buzzing. The surrounding golden light flashed and turned into countless small sword shadows.

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