Drunken Life, Dreamy Death

Chapter 5: Chapter 2 : Bane Of His Life

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[Wednesday, March 27, 2019]

Haruka placed a glass on that crammed table“You’re not smiling today, Nobu.” she said, examining the restaurant’s mirror-bright windows.

He looked up. “Oh, why? Do I laugh that often? Ha-ha!”

“Yes. You laugh almost all the time, even when nothing’s funny.”

“Ah, I guess it’s because I didn’t eat breakfast yet! It’s super exhausting to laugh on an empty stomach, yikes! Besides, I’m just always happy around ya, seriously!” Nobuyuki leaned back with a noisy titter, his fingers flexing.

So, she noticed? He must be more alert as of now, or else she’ll feel anxious.

“Anyway,” said Haruka. “I have a week off starting tomorrow. Wanna hang out?”

His eyes shed a glow, vivid like shafts of light. “Wow! A full week off? That’s mad dope! Y-you should take that time for yourself though. I already made plans with a group of friends, so sor— Wait! Is that what I think it is ? It’s my favorite! Ay, Haru~chan you know me best!” The cold glass was then cupped in his palm and he felt its spicy flavor, the flavor which kept his mind astray from her.

A friend group, huh? As in these bothersome, boring and unhelpful conventions people are raised to tolerate. Everyone is collectively fake there, whether being the phony stunners, or those going incognito, resisting judgement. What’s worse is its fragments who secretly bad-mouth the small fries.

And in whatever group possible, she’d always be just a small fry, a person of no significance, the one who simply is trapped in a state of non-existence, lonely and overlooked.

After all, the many there are, the less valuable one is. Because, if people don’t think someone is intriguing enough, they’ll seek who attracts their attention better.

‘I can’t keep myself alive for long in them, which makes being an introvert vastly superior. Besides, these never last anyway. I know. The only friend group I was comfortable around is now bygone. Such a thing made me believe that, however enjoyable and authentic something is, it will always come to an end.’ She thought, after which Nobuyuki’s alarm interrupted.

“Ay! I gotta go now. I should get mom some groceries.” He groaned, packing his belongings, careless of how muddled they were.

Haruka blinked, and at the drop of a hat, no sign of him remained.

Now then, Nobuyuki rejected her invitation, left his favorite drink unfinished, and on top of that, didn’t say goodbye to Kobayashi~san.

Well, that’s weird… suspicious even.

Does it mean he wants solitary, or an escape from what has occurred? Maybe some cheering? Or perhaps… Well, quite frankly, it seems logical enough for him to be affected by Kaede’s death. But in spite of that, he’s showing no signs of it yet.

Like, as it is known, moodiness, withdrawal, lethargy, unexplained aches, and despondency are the major indications of emotional suffering. Nobuyuki has shown none aside from the second so far. ⅕ is an inconsiderable possibility, meaning that he is not upset… right?

Haruka rolled her eyes, picking up the half empty glass.

‘Tsk, human emotions are complex. Why aren’t people born with an instruction book or something? Things would be much simpler.’ She thought, taking a tiny family picture out of her pocket. ‘Mom, you’ve always known the answers. So, what do you think is the most logical thing to do now?’

Nobuyuki tossed a grocery bag over the table, instantly rushing towards his room.

“You’re late.” a grating voice intervened, setting his teeth on edge.

And in no time, he spotted that person rummaging through it like a bear with a sore head.

“Well, where’s the rice?”

“S-somewhere in where you’re looking, gramps.”

“Yeah well, nothing’s here.”

“Ah, I must’ve forgotten it then.” A lily-white giggle escaped his lips, yet only forced a hard smile on the elder.

“Brilliant! My grandson’s twenty years old, and he still cannot remember the most important part of a meal! What a grace!”

“Ay, I’m twenty three actually and sorry, I forgot about it, really. I saw a cute cat and I couldn’t resist petting it, he-he! I’ll go get it now! No biggie!”

With all haste, Nobuyuki put his shoes on so as to near the door. But for all that, his grandfather’s nose was put out of joint.

“It is because you always do this! You’re always screwing around with that pea-brained boyfriend of yours, and forgetting about everything else!”

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“Tsk! For the millionth time, he’s not my boyfriend. And can you not call him that? It’s offensive and… Well, pretty awful.”

“Yeah, whatever. I have a list or two of names to call people like him. Now, go get some rice. My stomach’s been growling for hours!” His first phrase was a mumble, one masked by the second’s glamour.

“People like him? And what exactly do you mean by that?” Nobuyuki asked, adopting a challenging tone.

The other shrugged, picking a celery rib to munch on. “Ugly nancy boys. These bastards are everywhere nowadays with all their stupid god damn rights.”

“Hey! You shouldn’t say that! It’s offensive!”

“Huh? Ay, give me a break! You only get worked up because you’re exactly like him! Otherwise, you would’ve agreed.”

Stiffness itched Nobu’s jaw, making his fists clench. “Seriously, you’re the most low-minded person I have ever met! Why does it still bother you so much, eh? Just let me be, dammit!”

“Let you be? You’re my grandson! Your reputation affects mine too, you know that? Can you imagine the amount of menacing looks I put up with everyday thanks to you? Can you, huh?”

“Ahh, give it a rest already! Why do you have to bring this up in everything, literally e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g! I’ll go get you rice, so chill! You won’t starve to death if you wait just a few more minutes!”

The elder cocked an eyebrow. “Are you talking back to me again?”

“That’s how conversation works, gramps. Suck it up.”

He moved forward, aggrieved as if thirsting for revenge. “You’re growing more and more disrespectful! It’s because of these fair-weather friends of yours! That fag, he’s adding up to your crappy attitude, isn’t he? Unbelievable!”

“Damn, why you always gotta act like that and ruin my day, huh? I’m already in a bad mood, and you’re only making it worse!”

“Don’t blame me! You chose that lifestyle, so you must accept how people feel about it!”

“Eh, but it’s not! And what does it have to do with what we’re saying anyways? You always bring it up when you’ve got nothing to argue about!”

“I do not care! It’s still a lifestyle, a phase, ignorance even. Just look to God and you’ll find the right way. Your problem is that you’ve got your head up in the clouds, and you consider nothing at all, not even our religion!”

Heat flushed through Nobuyuki’s body, bending him out of shape. “Well, I do not care either! I am who I am and I won’t change a thing about me, not for you.”

“Again with that poor excuse? There’s no such thing as whatever the hell you chose to be! It just means you’re easy!”


A pair of sneakers was tossed, ill-thought-out. “Go get the stupid rice yourself!” Nobuyuki yelled, then stormed back into his room.

“Great! I must do everything by myself in this household! We raise kids just so they can mess around and do nothing nowadays. What an uplifting generation you are!—”

Music shot that voice dead. Still, a volume button was persistently pressed, as if what’s coming out of these headsets would grow any louder.

Easy then, huh?

Seriously, what an ass! Which scum makes fun of someone who just passed away? Some people can be absolutely immoral, yet dare say they’re decent! The hypocrisy is just insane!

Shh, no, no. No, keep it down! Stay calm. Don’t think about what he said, nor what happened yesterday. He’s old, and old people like him say too much nonsense. Just… just chill.’ Nobuyuki iterated, but these lines soon shattered like glass and were substituted with different lyrics.

Adrenaline rushed through his body, moving him rhythmically to the melody. And oddly enough, each inevitable emotion lost its life, leaving him packed with only the joys of spring, minding nothing like all thoughts ceased to exist.

A drop of sweat fell from his forehead once the tune shifted to another, the song Kaede had once recommended. And little did he know that it was what quick fix needed for him to sober up.

Wait, was… was he dancing when his best friend died just yesterday?

No. No, he’s losing his mind, definitely. That attention span, that absent-mindedness are one stroke of bad luck.

But hey, he won’t have much to worry about when that happens! It’s much better than it seems to be, like a form of temporary distraction, a crucial and enjoyable one…

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