Dusk of Fate

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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*Push open*

[Accelerated thought processing]

When the door opened, I activated Accelerated thought processing and looked around the room to find that it wasn't all that different from what I remembered.

The white and gold theme was still everywhere, but it seemed toned down for races with more sensitive eyes. What stuck out were 4 things.

The first was the new flags. They had what looked to be a Blue Cat with one fire red eye and with crossed spears behind it. It was similar to the cat I saw before but, did the cat have a red eye? I don't recall looking at its eyes. The flags were half fire red and half Midnight Blue similar to the cat's eyes.

Next, was the usual red with gold border carpet that led to the throne was now a royal blue This color with gold borders.

The third thing that was off was that all depictions of boars were replaced with blue cats. Be it paintings, statues murals, or anything else. It was all changed to blue cats.

The final off thing is while faint there was the scent of blood still in the room. Which signified just how many died here. But the moment I looked at the throne I froze. The man or Neko-Mata sitting there was stunningly handsome.

He sat there with his right leg over his left. He looked to be around 2 meters in height with midnight blueThis colorcat ears with tiger stripes (A trait unique to only 3 species in the entire world.). He looked to be in his early to mid-twenties.

He was wearing what looked to be a cape or cloak that was the same color as his hair and fur, midnight blue. At the neck area of it, there was the black fur of some unknown creature around it. He was wearing black shoes that resemble the type of shoes heroes from another world are said to wear. He was wearing black pants that looked tight-fitting.

But none of that is what made me freeze. Not even the throne that used to be pure gold that now had the backrest lined with different types of gems and now had a faint rainbow gleam coming off it.

No. It was his eyes. His left eye was midnight blue and his right a fire red. They looked stunning like rare gems. I would have been enamored with them. I mean most women would but, those eyes were cold. So cold it could send chills down even the bravest man. His face was blank as though he didn't have any emotions at all. It was terrifying.

His whole aura gave off the feel of an ancient being that one could not comprehend. It felt like with just a single glance he could lay bare all secrets you have ever held. It felt like he could squash me with but a single thought. And the spear he's holding in his right hand gives off the feeling of something no mortal should ever have.

It was a long white spear with streaks of blue lightning with a small black dragon head with crimson eyes that leads to the blade of the spear, the blade itself was a matte black that felt like it was swallowing all the light around it. It felt like if you stared too long you might never return.

Only one thought crossed my mind when I saw him.

Why was such a terrifying being not well-known in my previous timeline?

He was just too terrifying that he should have been very well known. But there was nothing. There wasn't so much as a rumor of his existence before. Almost like a phantom.

When I glanced over at Mom and Dad they too were frozen in place. But they soon snapped out of it and walked forward. As we approached, he put his elbow on the arm rest and rested his head on his knuckles. We stopped when we were around 4 and half meters away where, we bowed giving our greetings.

"*Bow* Greeting, Your Majesty the new sovereign of the kingdom. I am Duke Arc Spiritshadow Twighlight."(Arc)

"*Bow* Greeting, Your Majesty the new sovereign of the kingdom. I am Duchess Maeri Twilight. I don't have middle name as I was born a commoner."(Maeri)

When Mom said that I noticed a slight change in the king's mood.

"*Bow* Greeting, Your Majesty the new sovereign of the kingdom. I am the eldest daughter and heir of Duke Twilight, Mana Spiritshadow Twilight."(Mana)

Once I was done the king raised his head off his hand. 


He then hit his spear on the ground and an invisible crashed down on us. He then started to speak.

"Hello Duke, Twilight and his heir, nya. I would love to have a chat right now as you are one of 2 Dukes I spared between 2 kingdoms, nya. But alas it seems you have brought in rat with you, nya."(?)

He said that last part while looking at mom. But what does he mean rat? Mom isn't a rat of any kind of kingdom nor is she corrupt so what does he mean?

As I was thinking this, he suddenly appeared in front of mom and grabbed her by the neck.

"*Gah!* Wh...at h..a...ve I ...don...e?"(Maeri)

Mom could barely chock out those words as his grip was tight.

(Panicked) No Mom! Not again! W-What can I do!? I-I ca- wait! That skill! [Eye of Nullification]! The moment I thought of the name it felt like all the pressure that was there is now gone.


Then, the king dropped mom and looked at me. And gave an amused look on his face.

"(Amused) I didn't anyone would be able to break out of that, nya. And yet you did, nya. But, how?"(?)

He then gave a look as though thinking but, that only lasted for less than a second.

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"*Nods* I see, nya. A magic eye that nullifies magic, nya."(?)

At those words my heart sank.

H-How did he know that. H-

But before I could think anything else he continued.

"(Amused) Interesting, interesting, but can you break this, nya?"(?)


He then hit his spear on the ground and chains of light appeared out of nowhere.

(Panicked) W-What do I do! I just got free from the last spell! W-What if I can't help mom? W- No. Calm down, I can just break these like I did last time. [Eye of Nullification]

I used [Eye of Nullification] again but, nothing happened.

(Shocked) W-What? I-It should have disappeared. Why is it still here!

"Nyahahahaha! I see, I see, so it can't work on aether made spells like I thought, nya."(?)

(Confused) What now? What in the world is aether?

While I was thinking this the kig suddenly appeared in front of me.

"You looked confused, nya. Why don't you ask your mom isn't that right Maeri Twilight or should I say Maeri Shadowtail, nya. *Duck*"(?)

Then out of nowhere Mom appears behind the king with a dagger swing at his neck.

"(Pissed) Stay the fuck away from my daughter! *Woosh Woosh**Clang Clang* I gave up that name 22 years ago!"(Maeri)

Mom then threw 2 daggers at him which he blocked with ease.

But what does mom mean gave up that name? Wasn't she a commoner before meeting Dad?

"Nyahaha! You can't simply give up that name, nya. *Grabs neck* (Coldly) Now tell me who sent you before I start with more fun methods of getting it out of you, nya. Who was it, nya? Your father, the elders, or maybe a 3rd party, nya."(?)

"(Chocking) Go t...o he...ll. I *Gasp* ab...and...ond...ed my rig...ht's as *Gasp* h...eir lon...g a..go."(Maeri)


*Cough Cough* *Gasp Gasp*

"(Glare) How can I believe that you're not spy when, your clan are well known for sticking their noses into other's businesses, nya. While what you said might be true, I can't guarantee that you aren't intentionally or unintentionally leaking secrets, nya. Nor can I guarantee you won't betray me after this, nya."(?)

"*Cough* I swear I won't betray you. I just want to live peacefully with my family. I'll even swear on my name. Just leave us be."(Maeri)

"Someone seems more docile after getting defeated, nya."(?)

"*Cough* It's because I know I can't win. Even with what I learned from my father I still couldn't even touch you. You're way more dangerous than anything on this realm. I'd rather have your favor than dismay."(Maeri)

"Nyahaha! Smart choice, nya. Then prove your loyalty, nya. Stop hiding all of your tails, nya."(?)

What is happening? I can barely keep up with this conversation. From what I can peace together mom was some kind of heir to an intel gathering guild or something but, she ran away and got married to dad. The king seems to know this past and doesn't trust her.

But what does it mean to swear on her name? I don't think swearing on your name will do much.

Then, mom turned around to us giving us both a hesitant and apologetic look. Then she turned around and nodded her head in resignation.

But why is she so down? It's just showing her tail. It's not like he didn't already guess that we weren't human.


Then a flash of light appeared the typical way of hiding tales with allusions.

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