Dusk of Fate

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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(Stunned) What?


(Stunned) Nope not a dream. WHAT THE HELLLL!?!?!?!?!!? Since when did Mom have 9 tails!?

I then glanced over at dad who looked equally as shocked.

"(Confused and astonished) Ma...eri wh-when did you get 6 more tails?"(Arc)

Mom didn't respond and only gave a guilty look.

"*Nods* I see, nya. Looks like you had no clue just who you married, nya. Well, let me inform you then, nya. Your wife is part of the Dark Fox clan, 1 of the mystic races, nya. She also just so happens to be a direct descendent of the current clan leader, nya.

Though what she said about abandoning her clan was true, nya."(King)

(Stunned) What? Weren't the mystic clans all beasts? But Mom is clearly humanoid.

"Th-That's impossible. I-I've seen her status before. It said 3-tailed shadow tailed kitsune."(Arc)

Dad also makes a point. We've all seen Mom's status and it always said 3-tailed kitsune.

"Pfft, nyahahaahahahaha! That's hilarious, nya. Then that just means she's never shown her true status, nya. If she did you would know that she's in fact a 9 tailed Dark Fox, nya. Though *Flash* *Grab* I'll be taking her as my little hostage, nya."(King)

(Stunned) What?

"*Struggle* Let go!"(Mana)

"*Glare* (Pissed) Bastard! You said you'd leave us alone! Let my daughter go! I said I'd swear on my name! Just let her go!"(Marie)

"Hmm, I don't ever recall saying that, nya. I said to prove your loyalty, nya. Never said I'd leave you alone, nya. And besides what's the value of your name when you have nothing, nya. So, I'll be using your child as a hostage, nya. I give my word so long as don't do something stupid she'll be just fine in this castle, nya.

Welp, seeya, nya. *thump flash*"(King)


Was the last thing I heard before we appeared somewhere else.


He then dropped me on a couch.

"(Scared) Wh-What do you plan to do to me?"(Mana)

"*Stretch* *yawn* Nothing, nya. Just stay here and I really don't care if you do something else, nya. *Snap* Ah, right almost forgot, nya."(King)

He then bit his finger and walked up to me. Once he was right in front of me, he started drawing something on my forehead with his blood.


"And it's done, nya. Now be good and don't leave the castle premises without permission from me, nya. So long as you do that your free to do whatever here, nya."(King)

(Stunned) D-Did he just put a slave seal on me? WHAT!?!? Dammit! Now I'm really stuck here!

"U-Um can I bring my maid into the castle?"(Mana)

Gah, you idiot! Why would you ask that at a time like this!?!?

"*Shoulder shrug* As I said, nya. I don't really care what you do, nya. You can bring in your maid if you want, nya."(King)

"Th-Thank you."(Mana)

"*Yawn* Whatever, nya. Welp, I'm heading out now, nya."

He then left the room.

"*Relax* *Sigh* That was so nerve racking I thought I'd die again. Bu-"

*Scratch Scratch*

Before I could finish my inner thoughts, I heard a scratch at the door.

I wonder who it is and why they don't just knock?

I then got up to check the door but, the moment it opened the blue cat from earlier just ran in and jumped on the couch.

"*Sigh* It was just you little guy. What brings you here? Do you want to be pet again?"(Mana)

"Nyaaa."(Blue Cat)

When I asked it started meowing and flicking its tail back and forth.

"Haha, ok I'll pet you."(Mana)

I then walked over and sat down on the couch. It then laid down on my lap.

I then started petting it.

*Purr Purr*

{*Crunch* Yo, what 'cha doing?}(N)}

*Eye roll* I see you're popping in and out as you please, like usual.

{*Crunch*You know you're getting real curt for a mortal talking to a god.}(N)

(Annoyed) And? You're the one who just pops in and out without any consideration for the other party. And will you stop fucking making that crunching sound!? It's really damn annoying!

{Well sorry I'm eating.}(N)

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(Confused) You need to eat?

{No, but I still get cravings and it's nice. Just because you don't need to do something doesn't mean you can't do it.}(N)

(Dead Pan) You know a lot of people would slap you for saying that.

{I'd like to see them try. Anyway, we're getting off topic. So, what's been going on since I left?}(N)

(Confused) You don't know?

{(Confused) No, why would I?}(N)

Can't you like I don't know see everything that happens?

{It's not that I can't do that.}(N)

{It's that she A doesn't have that much authority without getting caught, B it's a pain in the ass to do and, C privacy, nya.}(?)

{(Scared and surprised) B-Blaze! I-It's nice hearing from you again. haha.}(N)

{Whatever you say Nadia, nya. So, you want to tell me what you're doing here, nya? Because I know for damn sure you don't have permission to be interfering with this universe, nya.}(Blaze)

{(Nervous) Ha ha, I think I hear Aether calling. Got to go.}(Nadia)

{So, your just going to leave your little how should I put it, nya? Experiment or should I say entertainment with me, nya.}(Blaze)

(Stunned) What is happening right now? I'm so lost.

{*Sigh* Well the guy who cut in is also a true god. And he may or may not kinda sort of maybe made this universe. And I kinda sort of maybe broke divine law by interfering here without getting his permission.}(Nadia)

You what!? And I thought you ruled this universe?

{When did I say that? I just said I was a True God nothing, else. Mine and his physical bodies aren't even close to the sa-}(Nadia)

{That's wrong, nya. We're actually similar in that part, nya.}(Blaze)

{(Confused) Isn't your physical body human? Mine is that of a cat-beastman.}(Nadia)

{No, his real physical body is similar to yours, nya. It's also part of the Feline-Beastmen race, nya. It's just of a unique species of our universe, nya.}(Blaze)

{Since wh- wait a minute. You said "his" aren't you Blaze?}(Nadia)

{Yeesh, and here I was thinking you would never notice, nya. To put it simply yes and no.}(Blaze)


{So, he made a clone with a fragment of his soul, and you gained sentience.}(Nadia)

{Bingo, nya. He made me a long time ago and just left me in a cave sleeping ever since, nya. And during that time, I gained sentience and became a separate entity, nya.}(Blaze)

{So, if you're not him what should I call you? Or do you just go by the same thing as the other fragments?}(Nadia)

{Blade, nya. That's the name I chose as a sign of my independence, nya.}(Blade)

{(Hopeful) So I assume you won't tell him what we talked about then?}(Nadia)

{I already told him, nya.}(Blade)

{(Hopes crushed) Dammit. I'm leaving now. We might talk again if I'm not dead. Bye.}(Nadia)

Well, that was weird.

{For someone who doesn't know anything, nya.}(Blade)

"Aahh! your still here?!"(Mana)

{Of course, nya. Just because she cut the connection doesn't mean I did, nya. So, I assume she's the one who gave you that magic eye, nya?}(Blade)

(Confused) How did you know about that? *Realizes* Wait, you don't happen to be the king, right?

Just as I was hoping I was wrong.

{Bingo, nya.}(Blade)

All my hopes were crushed.

(Nervous) *tense up* A-Are you going to lock me up?

{As I said before, nya. I don't care what you do so long as you don't leave the castle premises, nya.}(Blade)

*Relieved Sigh* Well that's good, I guess.

{Welp, I'm cutting the connection now, nya.}(Blade)

And with that the connection was cut.

"*Sigh* Why is life getting so intense all of a sudden? *Picks up and hugs* *Looks into eyes* You're on my side, right?"(Mana)

"Nyaa."(Blue cat)

It then put its paw on my forehead as if it was trying to comfort me.

"*Hug* Aww, your just so cute! *Squeeze*"(Mana)

"*Struggle* Nyaaaa!"(Blue cat)

"*Let's go* (Embarrassed) Sorry."(Mana)

*Knock Knock*

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