Dýr-A giant fantasy adventure

Chapter 1: Chap 0: prologe

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Museum, the place where we could all learn and admired the wonder and mystery of the past era. 

On a cool saturday morning, a group of student was in such a museum. They were on a vacation trip organize by their university to celebrate their Graduation.

Originaly the group wanted to go to somewhere fun where they could waste their youth by drinking and party nonstop until morning. But the dean don't alow it unless they will spent the morning going somewhere productive like a museum. So that's sum up the reason why they are here. 

Edward jensen had just finnish his university degree and is also in this group. Edward or Edie or Ed as his close friend like to call is a tall and lean white male, have short raven black hair with a tint of red and dashing sky blue eyes. Right now he's wasting his time by playing some mobile game with his friends. 

"HEAL! HEAL! I NEED HEALING!!" Mark, one of Edward friends franticly said. 

"Sorry man, i have no mana left i have to recall." Edward repile with a small smirk on his face. 

"Why you-" Mark was going to say something but a louder voice cut him off

"Mr Jensen and mr Robinson!! Both of you better turn your phones right now, this is our finnal field trip. You should really use this as a-" one of the teachers came yelling at them.

"Yeah yeah we know already Mrs Felda. We're on our way, but just so you know. We spend time learning and shit but none of it actualy help us in the real world tho. Now see ya." Mark said before running away.


Seeing as they already loss the match Edward and mark decide to scram before getting lecture about how they are wasting their youth, how technology are adictive and it's what wrong with teenager these days.   

The two guy walk around the museum, seeing many old relic of the past. A spear made of bronze, a metal disc depic 3 star falling, a ancient book and some other old relic. Two guys keep going checking with a bored look on them until mark have to go take a phone call. 

"Ohh crap my girlfriend is calling, i have to go for a bit. Would you mind for sec be right back." 

"No prob man just go ahead. I'm not going anywhere."

Now alone with himself, Edward don't want to look like a lonner. So he decided to see a little bit more before return to his group. Before he knew it, Edward found himself to be lost in a hallway. 

"Fucking fantastic! How the hell did i even get myself lost in this place." He mutter to himself. 

It was just one seccond ago, he was looking at some random old norse and viking relic, the runic language captivated him for a bit then the next seccond he found himself here. In front of a stone tablet, carved in some old language that he think is old runic. 

Yes Edward boy right here is quite knowledgeable about Runic, he could read it and even speak it to some extend. It was a secret only those who are close to him knew he understand runic, all thanks to his grandfather. His grampa on the father side actually is a full fledged wine drinking, axe swinging norse viking, born in Scandinavia. He used to go with Edward on all sort of goofy adventure when he was young.

Thinking of Gramps, edward remembered when he was still a little child. Full of naivety and energy, every time he visited, gramps always have a stories for him. Tells, those that depict the magical fairy tales of gods, hero and giants. And Edward was hooked every single time. It was a beautiful time between him and gramps.

Originaly when Edward was born, his gramps had deicided to given him the name Dýr, which mean animal or beast but his american mother think it sound too weird so Edward was named after his mother 'jensen'. Gramps din't like that and his response to it was something like: "my boi will become a man so why do you give him a name sound so much like a woman."  

Of course, it that was with all the cursing and bad word removed. Gramps reaction always bring a tiny smile to his face every time he thought about it. Edward really happy when around him, they shared so many good memories together. 

As Edward was looking around to see if there are any guide staff for this stone tablet, but see no one.

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 "Just why leave a old relic like this alone. It look so old, it might be existed even before the dinosaurs. Don't they have atleast some security ? Did no one want to see this ?"

Maybe, this is a museum after all. In Edward head, the only people would come here willingly are those old boomers and historian would like to come and see stuff like this. 

Taking a closer look at the stone tablet, the letter on it does look like somewhat similar to the runic language. Edward took a few minute before something clicked in his head.

"Huh ? That's weird it's backward."

The runic carving In runic writing is left to right but whoever write this must not get the memmo, not only that but the carving even write in backward. Like if you put your writing on a mirror, the letter itself was written backward. 

"This is some sort of......a riddle ?"

Edward felt curious about this so, taking a pen a out of his pocket and using his phone as a reflection surface, Edward began translating the runic letter.  

"Okay so this letter is N, this is i and this is G, so this translate to........"

After 10 or so minute Edward translate the letter to:

"First to born/ first to be

My blood are seas/ my head is heaven 

My bone are mountain/my teeth are stone 

With heart that hold the universe/ with eyes that emcompas the world

What am i?"

Edward ponder for a seccond if he may read this wrong somehow, but no it was indeed a riddle. And he knew the answer to it.

 If any historian read this, they might think about ymir the first of giant. And they are almost correct since ymir was the first to born and his body were use to create the universe. Almost correct, the riddle asked "what am i?" not "what's my name?" So the correct answer would be.


Just as he said it, there was a bright  light coming from the stone that blinded Edward for few moment. When he open his eyes again, Edward found himself back in the place before where Mark left to take a phone call.  

"Yo Ed! been waiting for long?" Mark asked as he walk toward Edward. 

Before Edward could even say anything he found him self on the ground, his eyes looking at the ceilling and are on the vegde of closing, his mind turning hazy. Like it could shut down at any moment.

"Ed ? You okay there buddy ? EDIE !"

Edward hear Mark saying something but he is too tired to pay attention to hear any of it.

"I'm-" Edward tried to say some thing before his eyes close and his mind drifted away.

While Edward mind was adrift, he started to see visions, he don't understand any of it, only see glimpse of what look like a giant white throne, a black stone castle on a mountain top and a dark giant shadow looking straight at him.

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