Dýr-A giant fantasy adventure

Chapter 2: Chap 1: set in stone

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'Huh ? Where am i ?'

Is Edward jensen first thought as he awoke to somewhere very dark. He began to panic as he realizing something was wrong.

'Uhmm....Hey!! Is someone there ? Hello!'

He try to shout but no sound come out of his mouth. He tried to open his eyes but can't, he then tried moving his body but was unable to do so. Edward despertly try to move his body to no avail, it's like all part of him was put in stasis. His body can't move, his mouth can't speak, his eyes can't see. As panic and fear keep on rising in his mind. 

*ba-thump* *ba-thump* slowly the rhythmic beating sound of his heart started to calm him down. 

'Calm down Ed calm down, i need to calm down and figure out where the hell am i.'

Gradually, Edward manage to calm himself down. Since Edward can't do anyhting even if he want to, he decide to just wait it inside and think about what happened. He tried to remember where he is and how he got here, the last thing he could remember was…. he remembered seeing a stone tablet with a old runic riddle on it. Then when he solved it, a bright light shone from it and.....and.....

'Aghh....fuck.....my head!'  

his memories stop at the stone tablet, anything after that was blurry like he was in a fog and when he tried to remember more, jolts of pain would jam into his head like a bunch of needdles. 

'Wait that stone tablet, is it because of it that i am here ? Did i get myself isekai'ed or something.' 

That's not a very reallistic explanetion but it the only one he could come up with. 

'Man that such a lame way to go, i just finnish school too, hmmmm.....maybe i have a OP cheat system that could help me.' 


Edward inwardly say the word in his head but nothing happen. He tried again...same result.

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'Well that's worth a shot. Okay so...this isn't that kind of isekai. I don't have a game system with me, or maybe i need to get out of this place first ? wherever here is.'

 Even if his body can't move he can still have feelling of it, he did felt the cold and hard texture of stone, it was something smooth and seem to be man-made not rough like natural stone would be. 

While he was here with nothing to do and to keep him self sane, Edward started thinking about how he could get out. Focusing his mind, maybe he could get a feel of something. Anything, just to hold the madness off long enough so that he could get out.

At first it was silent, so much you could hear a pin drop. But as time progress Edward picked up some thing. 

*drip* *drip*

'I could hear it...sounds of.......water.'

Edward finally manage to picked up some sound from the outside world. It was the sound of water droplet falling. It was bizarre to say the least, hearing water falling while trapped inside stone was not something Edward had experience in all of his life.

*drip* *drip* 

This mysterious feeling like a flash of lightning flashed through his heart, sweeping away the fear, anxiety, inhibition and chaos in Edward heart, making him alot calmer as well. he could hear each individual drop of water falling each drop fell and hit the ground outside, making a sound and spreading far away.

*drip* *drip*

Right at this moment, as time seems to slow down. Edward, In the darkness of his confiment, could feel each raindrop shattered with vibration of sounds reaching toward him. Each vibration contains thousands upon thousands of information from the source of the sound. Edward drew a picture with the new information in his mind. What's outside ? What's it's shape ? What's it location ? Edward felt anything and everything outside. At one point he thought he could see a glowing orb or string of something, this is still extremely mesmerising, vivid but brilliant, it's like each droplet was actually talking to him, telling him of what they sees.

To him time seemed relative. It might have been minutes, hours or days but he was fascinated by this. Even with the stone that was locking him in place, even with his eyes that were unable to open. Everything was clear in his sight. 

'So i'm inside some sort of stone coffin, a sarcophagus maybe ? And....there's rock and mosses near me......Strange.......no animals are close by. I'm underground ? Maybe i'm in a cavern, a really big one since i can't get a feel on all of it.' 

This is an experience that is hard to imagine, Edward forgets all the troubles in his heart. His mind go in a trance like state. All nearby objects become clearer, but everything become gradually blurred as it got farther away. 

Edward want to see more, to know more. But unfortunately for him, just then his eyes closed as mind got too tired, like a child who spent all his energy playing and have to to sleep. Edward has use his mind too much and now he too must head to sleep so that his body can rest.

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