Dýr-A giant fantasy adventure

Chapter 7: Chap 6: advancement made: stone age.

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From the distant horizon, from the depths of darkness, a huge ball of flame slowly rose up. The sun rose from the horizon, the first rays of the day also followed began to shine light upon the earth.

In a cave somewhere, a giant is also getting up and ready for his new day. 


"Hmm...is it morning already ?"

Edward woke up with a groan, he wanted to get some more sleep and tried to go back to sleep but with the cold and hard stone floor, he didn't manage to. All he had for a bed is rocks, no cushion, no matress, no blanket, not even a bed frame. He have to make a mountain of leaf just to somewhat have a pilow. 


With a long sigh, he finally got up. Putting making a comfy bed on his list of things to do in his head. Last night rest was not the best, but at least he had managed to recover from all the damage.

it's been a few days since Edward confrontation with the bear, he usually spent most his time practicing controling the water inside the cave, only coming out to hunt for food or to gather materials before returning.  

During this time he realized he was missing something important for him. If you were in the wilderness, what you need most(beside food and water) is tools. 

A thing in which he clearly lack, and today he is going to craft some. Starting with some wood to used as handle, for the sharp edge he just bash some stones together untill he get it to the shape he want. finishing by using the vines to straps them.

The first few tries with his first tool come out as quite crude. They are just stone after all so it can't be helped, but Edward finally able to get it. He manage to craft the finishing product, a stone axe, a stone spear, with a stone pickaxe.

"Watcha say Howl, Aqua. How about going outside and test out the new toys ?" 

Steping outside of the cave, scenery of birds chirping and the plants are covered with dew drops as he walk, the cold breeze of winter hitting his fur clothing as Edward let the wind blow by. 

Now wearing a comfy fur clothing made out of the fur he had skined from the bears. A large coat with no sleeves, with the bear head being a hood for him to use. And a long fur pants, he use another head on his abdomemt for decoration. He feel very comfy wearing this, makes his body feel relax in the snow without having him focus too much on using Howl power. 

Heading toward south of the forest He kept walking at a normal pace until he saw a large clearing. He reached a large river clearing with the two sides of the river are combed with stones and rocks. 

the stream was flowing very fast, in a straight line, and it seemed that its water level was not very deep, only reaching his thighs.

Looking down from above he can see that it look like a silk scarf, soft, shiny and blue in color.

he took a moment to admire the scene, with his view from above everything look even better.

"Welp time to chop me some woods." He said, drawing out his axe from the side.

Taking out his axe, he walk to the biggest tree there is. It's look to be about 18 meters tall, and is 8m in diameter. 


He struck the trunk in one swift motion, the tree trunk was almost split in half. Taking out the axe, ha gave the tree a small push and it fell. 

"This is even easier than i remember, or was it because im stronger now that i'm a giant?" He ponder. That strike was him using about a quarter of his strength, what if he go all out ? 

"Only one way to find out i guess."

Turning to the next trees, he pick up the axe again. Ready to swing some more. 


In the forest, at where Edward once fought the bears. About a dozen or so silhouette of a familiar furry four-legged creature apear, they were spread looking around for some thing. Or rather someone. 

Bears, yet again it was the bears. With one of them overseering it all, a huge mass of grey fur on four legs, he's easily one of the biggest and most intiminating among those were presents. On his chest a strange marking, a symbol of a bear's paw could be seen on his chest area. Infact all of them have this mark on their chest, but his was the bigest.

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 A bear walk up next to his side. He bow his head down before getting permision from the gray bear to speak.   

"There was traces of a battle taking place here. It happened about 5 days ago." 

"What do you think happened here ?" The gray bear ask.

"Simple, they found a prey, they fought. They loses, but i have a feeling you are not asking about that."

"No, i'm talking about the one that they have lost to. Who do think that killed them?" 

"Well...the deer of dvásin clan is neutral in this land, the closet clan around is those damn wolf of skrollti. But even then they have to travel down the mountain just to hunt here. And this place have no values to them, isn't the reason why the pack leader put his favorate daughters here ?" The white bears said with a chuckle. 

"What your mounth Dain, if he was here you'll be dead in one move."

"Of course, my apologize. Hakkein i just simply want to brighten up the mood."

"Hm....Keep on sreaching, the pack leader won't be happy to known that his child been killed. Exspecialy when they were so close to completing the ritrual." Hakkein said.

He know how thing can get tense with the leader so he let this pass.

"Maybe i know. *Cak!*" A voice sounded, gathering the attention of everycreatue. 

Hakkain turn his head to face where the voice originate from. Up above, perching on a tree branch, a raven with 3 eyes meet his stare.

The raven have 3 eyes along with it's pair of black feathered wings that have tint of purple at the tip. A mark on it chest, but diffirent from the bear's. This one is a symbol of a wing.


"What do you know about this, kal ?" He ask

"Oh Hakkein, don't be so cold to your friend. Or was it the tempature ?" 

"I don't have to time for your idle chat raven, do you know what happen here or no ?"

"Well yeah, why wouldn't i be ? I was here when it happened after all." 

"Tell me." He demaned.

"Oh well i supose i can share it with you....in exchange for some payment."

"How can i trust a Nightcrow." Dain asked

"Simply because i'm the only one there of course. Well there are some other that was present but they ran off before the fight. And it's Night raven you fouled white skin beast."

"Why don't you come down here and i'll show you what foul is like."

The two going back and forth until, Hakkein had enough. 

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" His voice, echo across the forest. 

Every one was sillent, none dare to say a word. Only waiting for him to speak first.

"What do you want as payment?"

"Some of your food ration and silver, i know you guys have lots of those in your caves."

"I'll bring this to the chief first, then we shall continue on another day."

"Okay then, it was nice talking to you then i'll be here if you want yeah ? Sound good to me. Ok ? Ok. I be seeing you later Hakkain" *Cak!* kal said her goodbye before flying away. 

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