Echidna: The Remodeling of Humanity

Chapter 11: 1x0a: Metatron II, Selkolla, Bastet

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By the time you’re done with her, Celina is bound within your hive.

Placed near your desk and your throne, she’s held fast within cables and rubber and sludge, her limbs buried in black, exposing her torso, her cunt, her thick thighs. Her soft, massive, unfair breasts are easily played with, and you hear a noise somewhere from Celina’s throat as you tug one of her nipples. Aah, breasts really are a miracle, aren’t they…?

You’re quite proud of your own. Crafted in your ideal shape. All breasts are miracles, from the smallest to the largest, but you admit you have quite a thing for the larger ones. You remember poring over magazine spreads on your tablet of Alphonse Industrial’s infamous CEO when you were so very young, discovering just how beautiful women really could be, feeling this nameless gnawing longing at photos of her in a space activity suit. Tight and shiny, and yet, somehow, it showed off her massive breasts so perfectly…

Funny, that. What a coincidence that it all looked like a latex fetish spread. A complete accident, of course.

You’ll have to meet her someday. Thank her for inspiring you.

But for today, you grope and fondle Celina’s tits, her cunt and her ass both filled, training her to take more and more. Turns out she’s rather a size queen, or at least she wants to be; bring her down into trance, drag the truth out of her, and she eagerly asks to be spread wide open. One particularly eager cable has wrapped itself tightly around one of her exposed, thick, plump thighs, and you lovingly press your hand into the softness of Celina’s belly. Her butt is her greatest feature, huge and soft and her weakness, and it’s almost a shame it isn’t exposed, but you know she wants it to be trained

And she loves being treated like this. Toyed with. Bound. Used. And most of all, being brainwashed.

Part of her still resists, and squirms, and fears. But you just need to give her the faith that she can surrender herself entirely to you. A goddess, a demon, her Queen, whatever you are – you’ll do the thinking for her. You’ll make the choices for her. Isn’t that good enough~?

It’s almost tempting to just leave her as a drone, as a toy. But she’s far too valuable for that. Her soul is quite mutable, adaptable. And she has much potential as a geneticist, too. Celina will make an excellent experimental subject, someone whose body, brain, and soul can all be molded like clay by your strong, sinful hands. Besides, before long you’ll have more than enough drones to go around…

“I love you,” you whisper to her, leaning forward to kiss Celina over the helmet her head has been encased within – except her twintails, of course, that gorgeous hair currently being suspended within the hive. Black ichor drools down below her chin, her mouth filled with thick tubes, the display on the front flickering and the display within offering her programming.

It’s very simple, really. Very simple rules for her new existence.

Trust Rita.

Love Rita.

Obey Rita.

Just one drop of Rita, and she could never possibly go back…

clearest_blue: I don't know, really. Personally, I'd say the fact that he didn't pick tells me he just isn't interested, but the Heisei era was a different time.
clearest_blue: You've got two beautiful, talented, gorgeous girls falling over themselves for you and you just fly off into the distance? Even for a love triangle, that's pretty nonsensical. I guess since it was two girls they didn't want to kill one off like what happened to Guld.
Wind_God_Windam: Really? Do we have to talk about Sheryl and Ranka *again?*
Wind_God_Windam: People have been arguing this for five decades. It's a bit like Shinji, to be honest.
TR-6inle: okay but it should've been mari and asuka, right?????
TR-6inle: i don't even care that mari didn't exist before the movies
Wind_God_Windam: As expected of Soleil. Personally, I'm more of a Shinji and Asuka kind of guy...
TR-6inle: yeah but shinji is just that nadia chick from that atlantis movie or w/e with her skin accidentally filled with the background color, so that's basically yuri anyway
TR-6inle: <Soleil> Also, counter-argument: *girls.*
clearest_blue: <Camilla> I agree, girls! :heart:
Wind_God_Windam: <Corrin> :sigh:
Wind_God_Windam: Anyway, I guess it's just as well Spiffy didn't want to watch Frontier, he'd probably just say Grace should've won.
clearest_blue: ...I mean...
Wind_God_Windam: Not one word, Blue. :T
clearest_blue: I'm just saying, maybe if General Galaxy kept Sharon Apple's backup core...
TR-6inle: uh, um, other than that, um. uh.
TR-6inle: i liked the part where they flew the planes!!!!!
TR-6inle: i don't really know other than that, sorry
TR-6inle: i kept thinking 'maybe sheryl should eat ranka' the whole time?
Wind_God_Windam: :thinking:

You settle back into the throne of your hive, your cables eagerly reaching up toward you. As they should, they push inside you, into your holes, grasping for the machines inside you to be programmed by your will. In exchange, they…mmf. They’re such good girls, filling you up like this ????

The group chat is, of course, the same as it ever was. Focused on such trifling things, as their escape from Sunset’s world, as their true desires bubble and ferment within them, straining to come to the surface. Desires that the world around them would judge, desires they could never reveal to the outside world. Windam’s writing is proof of it; pervert, siscon, hypnotist. They’re all just so delicious, Windam most of all.

But this banality is fine by you for now, really. These three don’t really know their true talents…or their true desires. Even as they can express them only here, clumsily grasping for contact with one another, hurting each other every step of the way.

Well, that’ll change, won’t it?

clearest_blue: Oh, right, I found this story you might like, Inle. It's about a bunch of monster girls and their hapless former sheriff husband.
TR-6inle: monster girls?! :D
clearest_blue: Monster girls! :3
Wind_God_Windam: Huh. Is that the one I'm thinking of? With the lich and the robot maid? I haven't read much of it yet.
clearest_blue: You might like it too! Although, you'll have to promise me you won't touch the sequel yet. Big spoilers!
SpecializationIsForInsects: Like what~?
clearest_blue: SIFI!
TR-6inle: spiffy!!!!!
TR-6inle: where ya been? O:
SpecializationIsForInsects: Oh, you know. Busy!
SpecializationIsForInsects: I had too much going on, and wasn't really online for most of it. I'll show you soon! Just gotta get the camera setup going.
clearest_blue: Sounds good! You missed a bunch of anime nights, although I suppose mecha doesn't interest you much.
clearest_blue: You'd have liked the villain, though. Using cyborg technology, Grace O'Connor planned to connect all of humanity across super dimension space in perfect communication as cyborgs - with herself at the top, of course.
SpecializationIsForInsects: *Really.* :black_heart: That does sound like a good idea...
SpecializationIsForInsects: *looks up* Her earrings are cute. I definitely need ones like that.
clearest_blue: They'd look good on Tharja, yes!
SpecializationIsForInsects: She might have them already. *winks*
TR-6inle: oh yeah, she was made of wires too, huh...? definitely sifi bait
Wind_God_Windam: I guess she's much better than Lelouch as potential Spiffy role models go. :p
Wind_God_Windam: Anyway, how ya been?

You’ve been keeping your distance, of course. Absence makes the heart go fonder. You want to make sure the impact of your words is as great as it can be…

Oh, sure, you could try to extend your grasp further. Brainwash them from afar. But as those girls who confronted you on the roof prove, it’s better to start small. Keeping Sunset’s surveillance AIs and the local powers that be from trying to stop you before you start is unfortunately a big job. Not to mention expanding your hive into the neighboring condos…

So for now, you’ll just show them what it is they’re missing. What it is you have to offer. Plant a seed of want in their souls.

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SpecializationIsForInsects: Really good, actually! I've been hard at work on a bunch of important projects. And I had a *wonderful* vacation. There's really so much going on, I'm not even sure what to talk about first!
SpecializationIsForInsects: Life is looking up for me, you know. I'm even dating Big Twintail. :black_heart:
TR-6inle: congrats :D
SpecializationIsForInsects: Oh, right, that reminds me.
* SpecializationIsForInsects is now known as MagicalScienceGirl
TR-6inle: ...wha?
Wind_God_Windam: Huh?
clearest_blue: Oh...
clearest_blue: You too, huh?
Wind_God_Windam: 'You too'?
clearest_blue: Oh, um...well, you should go first, um. MSG...?
MagicalScienceGirl: No, no, it's fine. You first, Blue. :black_heart:
clearest_blue: Well, um...surprise! I'm a girl.
clearest_blue: I mean, I've known for a while, my girlfriend is a lesbian, so...
TR-6inle: oh, that's cool O:
TR-6inle: my literature teacher was talking about that earlier, it's neat! cute lesbian girlfriends...
clearest_blue: I never could find the right time to tell you three, sorry. Plus I was worried how some of the other RPers would be about it.
clearest_blue: So, tell us all about it!
Wind_God_Windam: Yeah, I'd like to know, too. Is that what you've been busy with all this time, figuring this whole 'actually I'm a girl' thing out?
MagicalScienceGirl: Something like that~
MagicalScienceGirl: Well, to be more precise...
MagicalScienceGirl: Under the light of Black Moon Lilith, I awakened to my true nature as this world's queen. As the mother of monsters who defies her biology with pride.
MagicalScienceGirl: I was reborn under the pale moonlight. Such an existence could only be known as a 'demon'.
clearest_blue: How poetic...
clearest_blue: You do have a way with words sometimes, you know that? :heart:
Wind_God_Windam: ...okay, maybe you *haven't* changed that much. Still, congratulations!
TR-6inle: congrats :D
MagicalScienceGirl: I wasn't joking. Or being metaphorical.
TR-6inle: huh?
MagicalScienceGirl: Let me show you.

Lifting yourself from your cables and keeping your eyes out of frame as your beloved Himeko skitters and holds a camera, you strike a pose for your good friends. (And hopefully, soon to be more.) You show mostly your torso and legs with a faint hint of your lips, leaning forward to show off your cleavage, a false background showing your room before it turned into your hive. You only barely cover your nipples with your arm, carefully holding a card with a timestamp on it and making sure to get the tail in when you take the shot by taking advantage of your newfound flexibility. They’ll love this one~

(As you send the picture off to your precious friends, you stroke Himeko briefly with your black-gloved hand, and she shudders in delight.)

MagicalScienceGirl: You see? Look what science and visions can do~
MagicalScienceGirl: (With a little magic, of course.)
TR-6inle: the fuck?
clearest_blue: I was *joking!* When I said that stuff, I was *joking!*
Wind_God_Windam: ...Spiffy, this isn't funny. Where'd you dig up that picture?
MagicalScienceGirl: I took it just now! Can't you see the timestamp?
Wind_God_Windam: Like you couldn't rig up a deepfake. It looks way too much like Iri.
MagicalScienceGirl: Of course it does. You gave me the idea, Windam.
MagicalScienceGirl: Maybe I'll thank you in person soon. :black_heart:
Wind_God_Windam: Oh, fuck, no, *no fucking crossover*, that's like, rule *one*.
clearest_blue: We've seen enough of you to know this isn't what you look like. You couldn't just transition in a week...
MagicalScienceGirl: I can and have. And you can too, Blue!
TR-6inle: this is really creepy you know
TR-6inle: Really. Really creepy.
TR-6inle: Please stop.
MagicalScienceGirl: No, you see, I'm here to fulfill all your wildest dreams~ All three of you, in fact.
MagicalScienceGirl: Not that you really have a choice in the matter, but still, I want you to flourish in my new world.
TR-6inle: What the fuck?
clearest_blue: Huh?
MagicalScienceGirl: You're going to be monsters, just like me.
MagicalScienceGirl: Clearest Blue...with that kind of name, you could only be a selkie. A hypnotic temptress with a bewitching voice who lives in the ocean waves.
clearest_blue: That's not...
MagicalScienceGirl: Inle? A black rabbit? No, being a rabbit doesn't quite suit you, I think. It's a bit of a cliché, but a catgirl? But not the useless or bratty kind. One of those distinguished Eorzean ones, who curls up with a good book and then seduces girls into the library for discipline.
TR-6inle: Please stop. Please.
MagicalScienceGirl: And you, dearest rival. My enemy. My love :black_heart:
MagicalScienceGirl: How could you be anything but an angel?
MagicalScienceGirl: Like the Fourth Order says, God and the Devil don't have to be enemies. They can be lovers. And you can be my angel, in the darkest of skies.
Wind_God_Windam: Ahem.
Wind_God_Windam: I've got two words for you, Spiffy.
Wind_God_Windam: Fuck. and Off.
* Wind_God_Windam banned MagicalScienceGirl (Reason: Go have a cold shower, you creep.)

Oh, dear. Looks like you struck a bit of a nerve. Windam always was pretty defensive, huh? Especially around you.

But that’s about what you expected, really. Windam’s feelings toward you can only be expressed in anger and standoffishness. No honesty at all.

But really, how could you be anything but honest? You simply couldn’t stand to have them not know one more day.

Besides. You need to plant the seed of the idea in their minds. Make them wonder if it could be real. Give them signs that you weren’t just making it up. And slowly but surely, wear down their foolish resistance.

If they really are stubborn, well…that’s fine. They don’t really have a choice.

But you have confidence that they’ll see the light.

Wind_God_Windam: ...sorry I'm late. Dad needed help with the meringue again.
TR-6inle: why does your dad keep making it when he's terrible at it?
Wind_God_Windam: It's Mom's favorite dessert.
Wind_God_Windam: ...and there's a leash in the cabinet for after dinner if he screws it up.
clearest_blue: I'm not really in the mood for that...
Wind_God_Windam: What the hell was up with Spiffy today?
TR-6inle: what, coming out as a girl?
Wind_God_Windam: No, that part makes perfect sense. I'm a bit ashamed I didn't see it earlier. But the rest of it is just...
Wind_God_Windam: Who the fuck knows.
TR-6inle: she's gone off the deep end or something...
clearest_blue: That or this is the most unnecessarily elaborate way of either flirting or quitting an RP I've ever seen.
clearest_blue: She can't have seriously thought we'd go 'yes, this is a sane thing for someone to say', right?
Wind_God_Windam: For some reason, it still bothers me...

Heh. How cute that they don’t think you’re listening in. Honestly, even without being able to tap into the very electromagnetic waves their words travel upon, you own the dicebot. It’s not that hard.

Their lives are dreary. So far from what they truly want. Blue might be closer, but even she needs another push. The three of them have such delicious potential, and seeing any one of them twist someone around their fingers…you’d love that. You understand, what they crave. You understand what it is they’ve been seeking. You were the very same, and so you’ll give them what they need the most…

whether they realize it or not.

But you’re not going to worry about them for now. Your machines can keep an eye on them from afar. The time will come to take them, yes, but not yet. You’ve still got so much left to do here at home, and at the Pedersen College as well.

Your mother, deep within your hive, is being extensively modified for a very specific purpose. Moaning and gasping as she’s unraveled, as your mechanical arms and your dripping scalpels and drills work on her flesh. But from the depths of her womb, slowly being filled with magical energies and molecular machines, she has already manufactured something for you to make use of for your third subject…

Himeko returns to you from within your mother, and places a glowing, throbbing, living red crystal in your hand. A gift for a certain special someone, the second of your machine princesses.

Echidna is the mother of monsters, yesss; by that logic, those who are remade by you become your daughters, by extension. Princesses to their Queen. But even the mythological Echidna didn’t do it alone, and neither did you.

In fact, in both cases, there’s one person in particular without whom those monsters would never have been born. As Echidna bred with Typhon, so too did your monstrous rebirth emerge from the information provided to you by Priscilla F. Murakumo, nudging you far enough to awaken to your true potential. And your sweet little Celina has told you that the girl who always chases your coattails and gave you those secrets that awakened your eyes to the truth of the world is just waiting for the day you reveal yourself…whether she knows it or not.

She’s already yours. Claiming her openly is just a formality.

Yes, that girl will do anything for you, won’t she? ‘Really anything’, as Celina might say. Uhuhu.

Tomorrow, you think as you cradle that blood red crystal close to your bosom, it’s time to make a pact with your Typhon. ????

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