Echidna: The Remodeling of Humanity

Chapter 10: ????1×09: Lilim II

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The Pedersen College. An elite private school in the desirable downtown neighborhood of Greener Grass, its purpose is to deliver its students from high school into sixth form with the highest academic standards possible, preparing them for the most prestigious university programs and the most highly coveted jobs. One of only two schools to still use uniforms in Southern Sun, its students are a who’s who of the rich, talented, and famous – in theory, at least.

In practice, with no boarding culture and few of the social constructs of the elite schools of the old world, it’s the same as any other school; it has its cliques, its troublemakers, and its trials and tribulations.

And, of course, it has a roof.

One of those cliques, a small group of girls that seemed to spend all their time together, the kind you could find just about anywhere in the city, marched up the stairs toward the roof, carrying baseball bats stolen from the gym. They weren’t bullies by nature, but today, they were out for blood.

This morning, some girl had just shown up out of nowhere, and was walking around like she owned the place. A girl with silver hair and elaborate ear piercings, one who would be impossible to miss if she were a student before. One who wore some tacky succubus horns and a tail, which is definitely against uniform code…and some kind of creepy rubber or PVC gloves and stockings.

But everyone seemed to be acting like she’d always been there. Talking to her like she was some old friend. Hell, people pretty much worshipped the ground she walked on. And when they asked around about her, all anyone would say was something like, “Oh, you mean Rita? Of course we know Rita! Everyone knows Rita! You should get to know her too!”

It was creepy as fuck.

And so they ran up toward the roof, toward their prey

toward you.

You stand there with your back turned to them, wearing a girl’s uniform for the first time, white blouse and black tie and skirt that was still too short to be sensible nearly four decades into the Reiwa era.

“Hey! You! Creepy demon chick!”

You smile to yourself, but you don’t turn around.

“I don’t know who you are or what the hell you’re doing here, but you won’t get away with this!”

“Get away with what?” You present yourself to the girls with a flourish, licking your lips overtly and posing to show yourself off, your tie loose and the top few buttons of your blouse open. “Me? I’ve been here the whole time. I’m the school’s most popular girl, the inimitable Rita Sternbach!”

“Sternbach?” The girls mutter to themselves – they do remember that name, but only just. Something about a golden…something, but when they try to remember, the image slips away. “Hey – never mind that! What the hell are you doing here?! What have you done with everyone?!”

“Oh?” You laugh, chuckling to yourself, hand raised to your face showing off your gloves and claws. “Uhuhu. I’m sorry, what are you talking about? Everyone loves me. I’m perfection when it comes to first impressions!”

“Don’t play dumb!” The girls flourish their bats menacingly.

“Play dumb? What, are you saying…” Your tongue flicks out of your lips again. Your body tingles and aches beneath the belly – you’re hungry. “that I came to school this morning, insinuated myself into the student body with my charms, and brainwashed everyone who questioned my presence? That, in fact, you’ve never seen me before this moment?” You laugh in their faces. “Ahaha! How ridiculous! You girls really need to read fewer web novels, you know? Middle schooler syndrome is so unappealing in high school.

“Why, what if I told you that just before Golden Week, I was some disgusting man who dreamed of being a beautiful demon, something beyond a human, to the point where she enacted it using science and visions, and magic beyond this world? What if I told you that I brainwashed and ensnared my own mother, and plan to remodel every single person on the planet into a machine monster like me~? Wouldn’t you think I was crazy?” You lean forward, showing off a bit of your decolletage. “Not one person would ever believe you, you know.”

The girls stand there for a moment, and you can see the struggle in their eyes as they attempt to hold on. As they breathe in your scent, as they gaze on your perfect breasts. But resist they do, and they huddle and whisper among themselves. For the briefest of moments, they consider running or calling for help, rather than risk their lives and wills against what looks for all the world like a bona-fide supernatural creature.

Then, they make the wrong decision.

“We’re not here to play nice. We’re here to beat the answers out of you.” The girls knock their bats on the ground, and start to move at a rapid pace, leaping forward, ready to smash you into a pulp rather than succumb to your allure.

So these girls chose violence, huh? Oh well, you expected something like this to happen. In fact, you counted on it.

After all, these maidenless insects don’t know who their Queen is, do they?

You grin brightly as your tail extends itself, its tip becoming a wicked stinger. You wait until the last moment to start stinging them, just to show them how thoroughly outclassed they are; your tail moves faster than they can react, faster than they can see, easily penetrating their uniforms and skin and filling them with your sinful neurotoxin. With your love.

Only a step before you, they stop, and fall short.

One by one, they fall to the ground, consumed with heat. Conscious thought fades away as they struggle to hold onto their foolish ideas of resistance. The strength it took to maintain their memories of an existence before Rita fades entirely before you. You can watch the ability to think even a single word against you die in their eyes, in real time.

You grasp one of them by the chin, and she quickly starts to suckle your thumb, eyes dull and blank and deliciously tranced. The others squirm in their heat and stare up at you in awe. At the Demon Lord, this world’s Lilith. At the Echidna, the mother of monsters.

at Rita.

One by one, they all climb to their knees, staring up at the new ‘queen bee’ of the Pedersen College as their souls are marked as yours. Aligning themselves to their new existence, beneath your feet.


It seems you really will need to make more improvements. It’s one thing to captivate individual humans, but it’s entirely another to insinuate yourself into a large group. And it’s still far too early to create a hive in a place so…public.

But you can’t say you aren’t enjoying yourself, and you can’t say you don’t value the opportunity these insects gave you to test your talents, as you drool toxins from your tail into the waiting mouths of these girls who only moments before intended to beat you to within an inch of your life.


You are Rita Sternbach. Machine succubus, mother of monsters, and this world’s first posthuman being. These insects may have been able to resist, if only just, but they could never last for long. And this planet, too, won’t last much longer – assuming you gain enough momentum to keep the insects from ruining your plans.

For as long as humans remain on this Earth you call your throne, you intend to bring them under your power, and to show them their place. Under you, for all eternity, souls stained black with your love.

“Heh. Uhuhu.” Your tail slithers around the girls, and your eyes flicker as you begin to make appropriate adjustments to these cute little insects. “Human beings are just so darned interesting.”

By the time lunch hour rolled around, Celina Andrews had only just arrived back at Pedersen, completely blind to your actions.

Despite her appearance – the long hours and attention needed to maintain those massive blonde curls she wears in two tails, careful attention to her makeup and nails and accessories, enough time in the sun spent to have a healthy glow without getting sunburned – Celina was, in fact, one of the best students in the school. Certainly the best in her year. Aspiring toward a career in Sunset’s world-famous bioengineering division, which had made countless advances that supported Southern Sun’s autonomy, she had a lot to prove.

Though lately, things had changed a little.

She’d paid a little less attention to classes, and spent more time outside of school. Spent more time outside of Pedersen, outside of Sunset’s shadow. But for now, it was hardly terribly rebellious, right? Even if sometimes it meant skipping school…

Today, though, was just a typical medical appointment. Unavoidable. But it kept her from seeing or hearing the rumors, the whispers, the strange looks, everything that had passed before lunch hour.

Oh, certainly, when Celina walked through the school, she could tell something was a little off. People seemed to be behaving differently than usual. Something she couldn’t simply explain through the usual lethargy after Golden Week. But she couldn’t place it, and she didn’t feel comfortable asking. She’d find out when the time comes.

And speaking of time, of course, Celina did something most days at Pedersen around this time: she went to that same computer lab, where she could see her crush.

Well, maybe a little. It wasn’t really clear what her feelings were for ____, but Celina wasn’t the best at expressing them in the first place, let alone figuring out what they were. And whether she was interested…


(Just for a moment, Celina felt something like gears slipping out of alignment in her brain…)

But there’s no worrying about that now. It’s just another ordinary day, where she opens the door to the computer lab to see the same two people –

or rather, not.

Celina lays eyes upon you, sat in ____’s spot, and stares. Mouth agape, struck still.

What looked for all the world like a demonic cosplayer, yet with clothes that were far better than any cosplay she’d seen before. Or rather, it was their usual uniform, but with shining black latex gloves and stockings…

Celina had seen such things before – in pictures, at least. But even Sunset’s synthetic rubbers couldn’t maintain that gleam in a school environment; it looked wet, polished, like a pool of black ink. Fetish wear like that needed preparation and maintenance; if she’d been here the whole day, it should already have lost its lustre.

(Why did Celina remember that? Why did Celina know that?)

Gleaming horns glowing with an unnatural light, alongside your eyes, what Celina saw was an impossible temptress sitting in ____’s spot…and a tail emerging from her, moving like it was part of her rather than some trained algorithm imitating life.

But worse than that, for her, was the other person who was there. Because while you were entirely unfamiliar, the other was someone Celina knew all too well.

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G was there with you. Kneeling before you, as you leaned back in your chair and stroked her hair affectionately. Kissing your foot. Adoring, moving as if on autopilot, able to do little more but kiss and nuzzle toward you. She looked like she’d been brainwashed

(The gears in Celina’s brain slip again, and she breathes a little deeper.)

This is a dream, right? Or a nightmare. It can’t be real. No one could ever look like that in the real world.

No one could be that fucking sexy.

“Who are you?” Celina asks, after she finally regains the capacity for words.

“Me?” you say, giggling as you scritch G’s scalp with your claws. “Don’t you remember me? I thought you’d have a better memory for your secret crush.”

“W-what?” Celina blinked. How could –

You smile widely, brightly. Madly. “I couldn’t just skip school, so I brainwashed the others!” Saying it so casually, not even trying to hide it. Not lying, not to Celina of all people.

(Right now, you need to be careful about altering humans too much…but your dearest Celina is too precious to you to remain a mere insect.)

Er, right. Celina is definitely going off the deep end, she thinks. So she believes, anyway. She hopes it’s a dream, desperately hopes that it’s a wet dream nightmare, that her world isn’t unraveling before her very eyes.

Stepping outside of the door and closing it behind her, she quickly pulls out her phone and opens up Solarflare to text ____

Celina Andrews: Hey, ____, there's this weird cosplay chick in your usual spot. Where the heck are you?
____ Sternbach: I'm right here.
Rita Sternbach: Come in and offer yourself to me.

Celina almost screams, but manages to stifle it, catching it in her throat. It’s a dream, it’s a dream, she doesn’t have to do anything. Instead, she walks away without not looking back…

Or rather, finding herself walking right back in and closing the door behind her. She moves to try and open it, but you’ve already locked it – you can’t very well have her leave, now, can you? No, you can’t let her leave until she knows about the new you…

“W-who are you?!”

“Rita Sternbach!” you reply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“T-that’s…but, but ____ is an only child, she…”

You stand up, and walk toward your prey.

Celina stares. In fear. In awe. In lust.

The way you walk is hypnotic to her. Something about the way your legs move to and fro, the way your ass and tail sway…

or perhaps not your tail, as it reaches toward G’s mouth, drooling a drop of something into her lips, before she opens her mouth wide and suckles on the tip, fading back into that delicious hypnotic state. Celina able to do nothing but stare and squeeze her legs together before you corner her, drawing her attention into your eyes as you reveal yourself.

“Ten years ago,” you whisper, “you ran around half of Greener Grass with nothing on below the waist but a gold star sticker on your butt.”

It was an embarrassing incident for everyone involved. Embarrassing enough that Celina never spoke of it to anyone after she started attending Pedersen. In the whole school, in fact, there’s only one person she told – and only because she found out about it on her own. Rita

You lick your lips. Overtly undressing Celina with your eyes. Your predatory instinct comes alight. Your eyes glow with power and hunger as they pulse, as you press your arm such to show off your perfect breasts, drinking in how her eyes dart this way and that looking for somewhere safe. Silent, trembling, afraid.

With the last of her strength, she manages to run.

Celina runs. She runs as far away as she can. She runs until she’s back at home, safe, trembling, hiding and hoping she wakes up from this nightmare, this sexy horrible nightmare that makes her wet feels all too real.

She doesn’t inhale your pheromones and hear the insistent buzzing from your horns that softens the will of ordinary humans.

She doesn’t run through a door you unlocked knowing she couldn’t escape.

She doesn’t stop before she even gets to the stairs.

She doesn’t turn around and walk back toward you, back into the room, watching as G inhales and suckles on the toxins and poisons that you exude from deep within your soul.

She doesn’t tremble and quiver as she looks over your impossibly beautiful form, trying desperately to tell herself she doesn’t even like girls, there’s no way she could possibly want this, there’s no way she could ever lose to you, no matter how wet she is, how her nipples ache, how she feels this itching inside her anus, how her body tells her that she needs to give herself to Rita.

She doesn’t listen when you open your mouth and a screeching noise like a dial-up modem escapes.

She doesn’t strain to hear words hidden in the noise and feel the light fade from her eyes, feel her focus drawn into you, feel how you whisper in her ear and she feels everything else fade into irrelevance but your presence, your will.

She doesn’t prostrate herself.

She doesn’t bend down in a deep dogeza, twintails and all, before your shining black rubber-coated feet, trying to find the words to ask for something, something she craves more than she’s craved anything before, as if her existence had unraveled in the face of you.

She definitely doesn’t reach back, and spread her cheeks wide, showing off her defenseless anus for your approval, making her feel more embarrassed, and yet trembling, as if feeling this pleasure would break her…

She doesn’t shudder as you press yourself atop her prostrating body, pulling your tail away from G and leaving her in a drug-fueled haze, happily watching as she masturbates with her butt and her cock, already fully succumbing to your will, higher thought fading in a haze of Rita.

She doesn’t feel envious of how flexible you are.

She doesn’t feel so delightfully trapped when you wrap your legs around her neck, or your tail around her eyes, or your arms around her waist, unable to escape your black kiss as you lay your lips upon her asshole, tentatively licking up as you test her responsiveness to this treatment, and approve of it. As you find your plan of attack to break your dear Lilim and encourage her to follow your will in pursuit of greater things than an ordinary human could ever feel.

She doesn’t suck on the tip of your tail as you feed her love, swallowing desperately, wanting to stain her soul entirely black so the voice in her head that tells her to stop and resist would just shut the fuck up.

She doesn’t wonder how your tongue can be so long, snaking deep within her guts, spreading her wide, touching more deeply than any toy could go, squirming and so slippery and thick.

She doesn’t want to lick your nether lips, or suck off your tail, or eat your ass, or surrender her body to whatever you wish it for.

She doesn’t feel envious about your inhuman nature, and want to abandon her humanity.

She doesn’t come.

She isn’t conquered when she comes from her ass. She isn’t instantly addicted to the sensation of spreading it open wide, and having you go in deep. She isn’t going to imagine larger, thicker things filling her, half-remembered fragments of ill-considered masturbation techniques making her crave to be full, that you dragged out from her – that inexorably pulled toward you and became trapped withing the singularity that is Rita, and made it inevitable to lose to the Demon Lord.

She doesn’t come.

She definitely doesn’t come.

She doesn’t come once. She doesn’t come twice. She doesn’t come to the point where she was confused where one started and ended. She doesn’t gush from her cunt, she doesn’t create a puddle on the floor with how fiercely she comes, using her ass, and sealing her fate.

And she doesn’t bear your mark on her butt right where that gold star sticker once was, a shining black heart. Nor a tail so much like your own, drilling deep into the base of her spine and hooking its sinful nerves and its neurotoxins into her until it’s another limb like yours, to mark her as your Lilim, and to fill her and train her before you can bring her home into your hive where she belongs.

She doesn’t surrender, and belong to you.

No, none of those things happen.

Only, when she leaves school that day, after an ordinary day where none of these things happened, Celina doesn’t return to her affluent suburban home and her ordinary family and her dreary life where she longed so badly for things like magic and miracles to be real.

Instead, she finds herself before your condo’s door, before the door to your hive, without really knowing why.

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