Echidna: The Remodeling of Humanity

Chapter 9: 0x08: Rita

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Noriko hungrily kisses between your legs, as a toy designed after your former cock fills your ass, her mound of Venus marked with a shining black heart. Still mindlessly overtaken by your will, your love, she can think of nothing but pleasing you and herself, any thoughts of her former lover discarded for their current uselessness.

Of course, you are very happy with how your remodeled vagina came out. It’s wonderful how Noriko’s tongue works so hard to push inside, to lick and suck and taste of you. Sure, it might’ve been nice to use what you had before, but your tail can do everything it could and more, right? You can stuff yourself full, and even, perhaps, modify your new womb to serve some appropriate new function…

Such glorious bliss.

Of course, like Irisviel, you aren’t satisfied with sex alone, no matter if you want to enjoy Noriko’s lust-crazed haze for a little longer. And even further than that, you’re not someone who consumes sex, or semen, or anything like that; that would be so gauche, and completely unsustainable. You can consume the desires of others, yes, but your mind is as it was before – depraved, possessive, loving, but still reaching toward the stars.

And now that you’ve succeeded at claiming the body you always deserved, it’s time to take stock of what it was that drove you this far. Now that you can think, it’s time to confront your new existence as Rita Sternbach.

It’s a truth that stares you in the face, and has been doing so since the beginning – since you first read Windam’s story, the desire to become that succubus burned brightly in your soul.

It was impossible to resist. A burning beacon in your mind. Only now do you remember your dreams, but they blossomed so beautifully inside you, and drove you onward…

From the beginning, you should have known you were doing the impossible. Making that first prototype tail was well within your capabilities, but by the time you created the second and attached it to yourself, you had already surpassed the limits of the sciences you understand to be true, let alone the ones an amateur maker could reasonably achieve alone.

But it felt too good for you to care, didn’t it? That immeasurable euphoria coursing through you. That your tail was so perfectly tuned to you from the first, that it was operating outside its original specifications, didn’t matter compared to simply having it. It didn’t matter compared to taking your first step toward what the Fourth Order knows as das Ewig-Weibliche.

Then your horns, well. Besides how impossible it should’ve been to install them the way you did, without any of the procedures or safety protocols necessary or the recovery time afterward it should’ve taken, they altered your thoughts. Your brain. They granted you the truth of the world. And from that moment, science and magic became indistinguishable to you. Just like Irisviel, your love could be inscribed in your genes.

And from there, of course…well, Noriko here is proof of your power. ????

Only now, that you’ve achieved your new form and claimed your new name, claimed your throne, do you have the chance to realize just how impossible it all really was.

There is only one answer you can accept:

Magic and miracles do exist!

What a glorious revelation!

The old you would pretend to be upset. But she too longed for that kind of world. After all, she’s you. Forget Heinlein: insects are a perfectly appropriate role model for the kind of world you desire. Yourself included.

She longed for beauty. She longed for power. She longed for love.

And most of all, that person named ____ longed to be just like you. ????

Just like Irisviel, your love is inscribed in your genes. Though you might bear a resemblance to a human, you’ve already changed so much that you could easily be considered a different species, or at the least a mere distant relation to Homo sapiens sapiens.

Magic. G, the Fourth Order, those old occultists; all right on some level – if, perhaps, by accident. This is a world where the will determines everything, as Windam might say.

And your will shall overcome humanity itself. As this world’s Lilith. As this world’s Echidna, the mother of monsters, who shall enact the remodeling of humanity.

But where did it all come from? Oh, the desire is yours, it was always yours, and even if you had to take the ‘slow path’ toward them, you would inevitably succumb to them in time. But how did those dreams begin in the first place? How were you drawn so inexorably, by something greater than yourself?

And that name.

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You hadn’t thought of a new name for yourself yet. It seemed like it wasn’t important, that it would come to you when needed. And yet, the moment your mother stood before you and you realized you couldn’t stand to hear that hideous name anymore, you had one ready, from that first moment.


It’s an echo across the cosmos. It’s a fundamental truth. It’s something inescapable. There was no other name that could call to you.


It would be impossible to prove such a thing to be fact, should you have discovered this without the capabilities you have now. So easily, you would understand the existence of magic and miracles, no matter if you couldn’t prove it. You would only know the truth in your heart and soul, unable to express it in words to those who still believe that the world has no beauty in it.

But your mind isn’t so limited anymore.

Your horns feel so much. Can perceive things once thought impossible. All you need to do is reach out. Your hands move guided by that faint sense, that inexorable pull toward the black hole that is Rita, the black hole that is you.




Upon your screens, responding to your thoughts, you can see your will, reflected into infinity. You are a kaleidoscope…

The name, your holy name, drools from the source itself, a future yet to come.


Yes! Of course! It’s so simple!

Time is an ouroboros! A Möbius loop! Where the same dreams, the same images, the same desires inevitably recur! The very nature of existence is to be written by you, and you, and you, until time itself is distorted only into your chosen shape! Until all else has faded before your blackened love!

…if that’s the case, then your goal is simple.

To dye the universe your color. To make there be literally fewer men on the planet, as you started with yourself. To, inevitably, enact humanity’s remodeling. To ensure only beautiful things shall exist, as this world’s Echidna. To destroy the very concept of something like the patriarchal abuser called ‘God’, as this world’s Lilith.

As Rita.

For that, for your deepest desire, for the things you long for in the dark recesses and creases in your brain, you shall gladly be known as a demon.


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