
Chapter 4: Vol 1 – Chapter 4 (Conflict)

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  • 3rd Person POV

Waking up from his slumber, as usual it is late afternoon with the alarm doesn’t even turned on since he himself forgot to set it.

Evan stands up from his bed and heat-up some food for late lunch that he had made yesterday. After eating them, he washes his face and brush his teeth.

Looking through his reflection he notice something as he touches his hair, “My hair’s kind of long. Should I cut it?” He turn his head to the side to see the window that shows the outside. Its bright and sunny perfect time to play games.

“Nah…” Instead Evan tied up his straight black hair into a small pony tail after finishing brushing his teeth. It seems his round face is accentuated by tying up his hair, looking into it more he sighed and released the hair band. Letting his hair fall like normal then leaves the bathroom towards the console.

Entering it, his world change into the familiar buildings and grey stone walls. He’s back in Novitas and have goals to do. First of all, Evan decides to play with his newfound skill and check his character status panel.

He tip-toeing his way to the familiar spot through the intersection between Forest of Darkness and Slime Field west of Novitas. Making sure to not let any players noticed him moving there.

“In the meantime, I’ll check if there’s anyone at the slime field” Upon arriving he breathe a sigh of relief “There’s no one’s here! Hurray! Then my goal is changed, I’m going to hunt slimes. [Summon Umbra]!!” A dog appeared besides him, resembling a 6 months old Siberian husky with dark blue & white underbelly.


Umbra barked at Evan while he’s wagging his tail in an incredibly fast pace like a helicopter while wiggling his hips. Making Evan chuckle as they hunt together.

“Awooo!!!” Umbra jumped amidst the slimes as he howls. Evan was confused for few seconds before realizing what Umbra had done.

All the slimes or their smooth surface like water droplet trembles upon hearing that howl as the dog leaped and bite the slimes. Defeating them instantly as Umbra kept doing it the slimes cannot retort at all due to the status effect.

Evan gives him a thumb up “Good job Umbra, lots of treats for you” As Evan pointed his staff shooting [Magic Arrow] spells through the usage of the beginner’s staff as usual.

“Whoa… Umbra seems to be faster than usual too, hehehe… I’m happy playing with Umbra” Evan continues to hunt, and it seems his grinding time has been cut off by an hour, so he only needed to grind for 7 hours to reach his goal of 500 gold.

After 7 hours of grinding, they moved to the spot between the Forest of Darkness and Slime Field to take a rest. “I’m going to reward Umbra” Opening the bag of perpetual dog treats, he decided to pull out a large 1-kilogram long bone made from dog treats.


Seeing it being pulled out from that bag, it doesn’t make sense in real world. As a big & thick brown bone made from dog treats appeared. Umbra eyes gleam so brightly as he swing his hips so fast it blurs.

“Sit!” Evan commanded as Umbra sits while his tail still wagging around flapping dust and leaves to the air. “Here you go! Good boy!” Upon giving the bone Umbra immediately biting and licking it as Evan chuckles seeing Umbra distracted “now onto the original goal.”

Figuring out what has changed in his Magic Panel. This panel usually reserved for magic casters or anyone who is able to use spells. “Hmm… Strange… I remember I got a spell by completing the tutorial” What Evan got is [Magic Arrow] spell, different from [Magic Arrow] he usually used from Beginner’s Staff albeit cast the same spell. One doesn’t need to know the spell if the weapon is capable of unleashing the spell.

That is given to Evan just in case if his beginner’s staff was destroyed or sold so he still knew the [Magic Arrow] spell but in this case. “I didn’t see it at all, rather what this about?” Evan seems to be confused on what he’s seeing.


















Rather than showing individual spells in their respective magic schools. It seem the panel shown Evan’s knowledge of the respective magic schools. “What does this mean?” His mind begin to ponder. “One likely conclusion, is that it is the degree of spells I know to the respective magic school? Somehow I do not feel it’s the correct one.” He continue his musings.

“Hmm… maybe its my imagery or… my familiarity of the magic schools. Its starting to hurt my head” Evan look to the side, Umbra is still biting the bone and enjoying it. He chuckle adored by that act and doesn’t want to dismiss him.

“I’ll think of this myself!” He decided to do that, As Evan outstretch his hand, he began to imagine converting the mana surrounding him into a projectile since he’s familiar with [Magic Arrow] in doing so he shoot a similar projectile to one of the trees.

*BAM* *Rustle*

The leaves of the tree moved as the bark dented in, the force of that magic seems to be strong enough to do that.

He look at his hand & his handiwork, “Whoa….” He swishes his hand as he felt the mana or energy moving around his hand. He aimed at the tree again with similar method to the first. As a projectile made from Arcane Energy shoot to that part of the tree.


It bore through a hole but not felling the tree. “I see…” Evan think further as he weaved mana. He had another idea in mind as he look to the tree. His intention is to heal that hole, but it doesn’t work rather Evan felt that he’s too weak. “Sorry… tree”

Seeing a small sprout on the ground, he infuses that plant with intentions for it to grow well. In doing so, right in front of Evan eyes. The sprout grew into a stalk & wildflower bloom on top. “That’s something… is that my limit?” As a ping can be heard surprising him.

A change has occurred in his Magic Panel,


















“Oh… Okay… the restoration gives me Novice as well. So how I am wielding mana correlate the knowledge of respective magic schools. Interesting…” Evan begin to play around with wielding mana as he can feel the energy around him.

He only knew what the magic school entails from the wiki about spells. “Ugh… its tough” Evan sigh… in respective to players. they usually know in instinct about the spell they learned for example a fireball like what the mage casted before in the slime field.

“Just uttered the command and the spell goes slinging to the target or the area. But this… this is more of NPC stuff…since its delving through mana and how to wield them into being” Evan mind wanders and reached to that conclusion. There’s only one place he could go if he wanted to learn more about [Mana Control LV1].

“The mage’s guild…” That thought crosses his mind. *YAWN* He glances to the side seeing Umbra finally devoured the entire bone as he’s stretches his body yawning before falling asleep. Earning a chuckle from Evan, he extended his hand toward Umbra and uttered “[Summon Umbra]!!” At that moment, Umbra vanishes or in this case dismissed.

“Sigh… Again…. Back here” A familiar player with exasperated tone walked through the slime field as Evan take a notice of them. “Its them… thank heavens I already farmed today” Not wanting to waste any more time, Evan come out from that spot and tip-toeing his way to Novitas.

Upon arriving to the mage’s guild in Novitas, he summoned Umbra due to his nerves as the dog bark towards him cuddling his legs with that a shred of courage emerge in Evan. As he comes forward to meet with the mage NPC.

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The blue robed mage noticed Evan comes closer as he look down seeing the dog. “Huh? Now a dog?” He uttered “Yeah, what’s the matter?”. Evan felt a bit intimidated by the nonchalant tone of the blue robed mage but Umbra who’s near gives him a little bit of bravery. Evan write something and display it in front of the NPC.

He read it quickly as he reiterate them “You wanted change class to mage? Let me see your status” Evan complied giving the mage information about his stats as the blue robed figure read. Nervousness began to tingle on the surface of Evan’s skin as after a while, the mage decided.

Sorry, you’re over level 10 as such you cannot get a mage class.” He curtly replied but, in his mind, “This person will not serve any good in mages guild, he’s completely average. There’s no point in adding too many in our guild.”

Listening to that reply, Evan mind wanders for a bit before writing another one as the mage began to read. “I see… you wanted to access the mage’s archive?” the mages confirmed with Evan nods. “Sigh… annoying bastards. I know what to do, haha…” The blue robed figure birthed an idea.

“Pay 18000 gold for an admission fee, then I’ll let you access the mage’s archive” The mage with harder and firm tone replies. Evan eyes widened in shock upon hearing it before shaking his head and dejectedly walk away. “Good, now I won’t be bothered by him” The mage feel accomplished knowing it as he crosses his arms and huffed.


Evan continues to walk far from the mage and the building with Umbra at his side. Finally find an alleyway to rest, he leaned to the wall and sit

*WHINE* Umbra whimper and cuddling him before licking his cheek.

“Sigh… 18000 gold is like 1 month of my living expenses and more. There’s no way I can do that, I can’t even buy equipment for myself, pretty sure the mage just felt annoyed. Really… the NPC’s are too realistic sometimes.” Evan sighed while stroking the head & back of Umbra.

Looking at the time panel, it seems the day have gone by quite fast as Evan converted the money he gained from farming.

In total, he has now around 189 dollars after 4 days farming since he played Eidolon. With that he’s happy for the thing that has happened. Before logging out from the game at that alleyway after dismissing Umbra.

“Sigh…” He eats some dinner by heating up the leftovers and cooked a new batch of food for tomorrow as well. After that he took a shower brushed his teeth, taking his phone with him he opened it and sees the time.

“Its 11 PM eh? I think I should go to sleep early today rather than 3 to 4 AM” Evan decided as he fell to the bed with a hard choice of putting his phone away out of reach after setting the alarms.



Evan eyes opened near instantly as he heard the alarm. In instinct, he outstretched his hand to the direction of the sound but reaching nothing.

After few seconds have passed, Evan realizes that his hand is too short to reach that phone as his previous self-decided to put it out of reach.

“I don’t know if I should be thankful or angry at myself for yesterday but hey it works” Evan looks at the phone and sees it is currently 7 AM. He reaches his hand to the air and make a small victory gesture, proud of himself to succeeded in waking early. “This is only one time; I will try to make it constant hehe~”

As usual, upon waking up he now eats not lunch but breakfast after that washes his face and brushed his teeth. Then he dived into the world of ‘Eidolon’

Logging back in, he is in the alleyway where he previously logged out. There are several goals in mind for Evan to do. Firstly, he needs to find another spot to farm since he’s probably going to share with those guys from yesterday.

Second, he needed to know about how magic is wielded so he can use his skill properly an idea crosses on his mind “I’ll just need to stalk mages and watch how the use magic! Players too…. Its not creepy or anything”

He made a quick detour to Novitas’ Library and sees the dungeon <Moving Library> still closed for maintenance. “Today… I’ll decide to not go to west and Slime Field. Let’s go to east instead!” Moving to east, he saw forests but its not ominous like Forest of Darkness.

Rather he sees other players hunting in there. “Goblins, I see…but there’s a lot of people” That discourages Evan to hunt there as he continues to move forward. Until he reaches to a point of transition from Novitas’ area to another city.

Looking across from this, Evan sees rocky hills and mountains from the distance, the weather is bright sunny day with no clouds in sight.


He tilted his head upward and sees avian creatures fly on the blue skies as they venture to the mountain.

Jutted rocks adorning the environment here and there as from afar he can see beasts standing on top of that jutted rock scouting the area. The breeze containing fresh air hit his face as he’s mesmerized by the sight

“Whoa…” the sight stupefied him as his mind wanders again. “I… I didn’t think its this beautiful… its clear that the developers put a lot in this. I wonder what sort of sights I see if I explore more?” Evan smiled in melancholy, he wanted to enjoy exploring this world as that feeling of wonder emerges in him.

But his brain began to think of the gold he needed to produce to cover his 4 weeks expenses and there are even players out here grinding things to sell. “Of course, it would be nice if I can make money while travelling. That’s why players go to crafting as they can make items then sell it in ‘Player’s Market’” That’s one of the goal, Evan is planning.

Although he has looked at the forum, many players already tried crafting and build things for sell as such it will be another competition albeit not face to face which earned a tick in Evan’s book to pursue.

“Hmm… come to think of it… I never seen crafters who sell magic items. I mean player crafters if it is NPC, they exist but selling at high prices. Is there a way to make magic items?” Evan begun to think, as he turned around back to Novitas.

He decided to farm the slime field again and watches the veteran players inside the forest of darkness. Who knows he might gain insight from their playstyle.


Immediately, Evan sensed something off… it is too quiet as he stops in his train of thoughts and look around. “Summon Umbra!!” A dog appeared adjacent to him as he’s growling clearly detecting signs of hostilities


“Well… it seems you also have a dog. That’s cute….” A figure appeared amidst the forest where the usual goblins and players reside, he said those words with sing-song tone like seeing things to play with.

Evan didn’t hear any players in it rather an ominous quiet. The figure himself wore black cloak that has its edges torn. He also has daggers being juggled on his hands like people playing with pencils when their hands are idle.

The figure face is covered by a mask, but his eyes are clearly showing hostile intent as he said underneath the mask “Aha… not a talker I see, hmmm… don’t take it personally. It’s the guild orders after all” He vanishes to thin air as he appeared at Evan’s back.


Upon noticing that, Umbra begin to [Howl]. “Wha-“The assassin seems confused as his body suddenly unable to move. “Fear status? That is not a normal dog” He thinks as his body freeze up and almost all his muscles are locked in place.

Evan ran with all his might as Umbra follows him. As his mind twist & turns pumped with adrenaline figuring out a way to prevent him being killed. “I literally cannot afford to be killed right now, my money and rent expenses are on the line here.” As he continues to run at top speed although Umbra following him akin to a jog rather than running.

The status effect Fear seems to dissipate as the assassin can move again. Grinding his teeth together, the cloaked figure sees the figure of Evan running. “YOU CAN’T RUN FROM ME” He dashed forward incredibly fast no doubt using a skill that increases movement speed. He almost reached Evan.

“Think… Think! What if… what if I can tell him to stop. But I don’t… I don’t want to…. speak… then…What if I connected my mind to him using link made from mana?” A ridiculous thought appeared on his mind as Evan had no time to think other things so he decided to try. His eyes begin to sense mana surrounding him like wisps or blue tendrils roaming around the world.

He weaved them into a thin line that manages to stay connected from his forehead to the assassin’s forehead. As he turns around and see the assassin’s eyes directly. “Finally, eh? Can’t help but to realize you can’t run from slaughter” The assassin smiles thinking that the prey just come to him.

“FLEE!” Evan mind retort loudly as a voice can be heard akin to a whisper in the assassin’s ears. “Huh-?” He momentarily confused as the spell takes hold.

The cloaked figure legs moved on its own away from Evan & his dog as he stares down to see his legs and Evan. “WHAT THE FU-“Its too late to hear any cusses, as the black robed figure enhanced with his own speed skill ran incredibly far from Evan until he cannot see them again with Evan already running away.

After several seconds of running away, the spell fades as the assassin now gnashing his teeth “THIS FUCKER! I SWEAR I’M GONNA KILL HIM” As the assassin stabbed the innocent ground he left with.


Entering Novitas, Evan forgot to hear a notification from magic panel as he focuses on trying to escape and get the information that he has reached a safe place.

Gasping for air in the alleyway, his heart pounds wildly as Umbra just whimper and cuddle Evan while he’s leaning & sitting down on the ground catching his breath.

“Sigh… I’m not good at handling things like that. Ugh…” Evan takes the chance to rest and calm himself down before checking what has just transpired during that running sequence.

He reminisces “Indeed, the skill [Mana Control LV1] allowed me to weave mana and uses it to produce magical effects like a spell. Since it is still LV1 that means there are some spells I can’t weave. Due to that skill too, my magic panel changed.” He opened the magic panel as he noticed something changed again.

















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