Eira Frostine : The Adventure of Ice Dragon

Chapter 2: [First Story] The Story of An Extermination Part 1

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The Sheen of White, is what can aptly describe this whole scene. Sea ice, snow storms, and a stretch of white carpet that covers the entire surface is its painting. With no sign of life around, the atmosphere seemed deserted as the air temperature had fallen below a reasonable freezing point. Time even felt as if it had frozen because day and night didn't have much difference here.

Exactly, this is the Glassical World, a frozen land at the southern pole of the world, which has a very cold temperature. People even call it the Frozen Hell, where the image of the frozen world is what appears in their imagination.

Surrounded by a vast ocean, with no signs of life around, the Glassical World seemed more like an isolated land. Of course, it was clear that there was no way anyone in their right mind would enter a place that would freeze you instantly.

Except for one....

“Perfect, I really look like a human now. With this form, I can now freely travel anywhere comfortably and without any distractions. Hm,... now, I can't remember when, but it must have been 5000 years since I lived here. The world must have changed a lot, right? I'm really looking forward to it.”

Saying it carelessly, she was a beautiful teenage girl, who judging by her appearance, she was at most around 15 years old. With her pale blue hair and beautiful blue eyes, she has a body proportionate to her age. Her skin was white and clean, making it as if she was a newborn. Her slender body, with soft skin without any prominent muscles, and with medium breasts that were effortless, she was satisfied with how she looked.

Happy with her new look, she circled in front of the ice mirror she had made, to make sure her naked body didn't have any flaws.

That's right, she who is currently naked while carefully looking at her own body is myself. The moment when I first managed to transform into a perfect human.

Thousands of years ago, since I decided to be alone in a wasteland just to research magic that can transform me into human form. Now, I finally made it. Looking back, I've been through trial and error many times. I'm glad it finally worked.


Dragons, as is well known, are creatures that take great pride in their immense physical strength. With their muscle brains, dragons never learn any magic techniques like humans do.

Dragons always think that they are the most high-ranking creatures and consider humans to be just lowly creatures. Of course not only humans, all existences that are not comparable to them, will definitely only be considered as insects.

Therefore, even now, it has never been heard of a dragon capable of using magic techniques.

However, with just their raw strength alone, dragons were already extremely dangerous to surface races like humans. With just their scales, they could withstand any normal attack. With just one swing of their claws, they can knock down any building. Even a country's border wall, could be easily torn down with a single blow from its tail.

But, despite the great strength of their bodies, the dragons were unwilling to even learn magic techniques like those learned by other races, such as Fireball, Wind Cutter, or Ice Bullet and so on.

The reason is they don't need it.

'Why learn things that can't even hurt our bodies? What a waste.' So arrogantly the dragons insisted.

Even so, some of the dragon races already exist who can utilize the magical energy from within their bodies to create their own uniqueness. For example from the red dragon race and the blue dragon race. The red dragon race, just like the color, they will breathe fire, while the blue dragon race, they will breathe out frozen.

Then there are brown dragons, wingless dragons that live on the ground, harnessing their magical energy to manipulate the ground around them and cause earthquakes or create their own caves.

Water dragons, which are like sea serpents, that live in the deep sea, use their magic to manipulate the water currents, and so on.

But that was all, there was only one type of magic energy-based attack they could do. Whereas, within their massive bodies, there was a large amount of magic power contained within them. However, they never learn to take advantage of it.

Except for one person, and of course it was me.

Unlike most other dragons, I am a dragon who is attracted to magic techniques commonly used by the humanoid race, such as elves and humans.

The reason was, because their magic was beautiful and attractive, that was all. Although the real reason was because I was looking for a magic technique that would allow me to transform into a human.

At first it didn't occur to me to be interested in magic. But I changed my mind.

Since ancient times, after I awakened the immortal system in my body, I became more and more bored of an ordinary life. That's why I chose to start traveling the world, discovering all the interesting things that might be out there.

But wherever I go, I'm bound to cause trouble for the environment, including humanity. They already considered dragons as dangerous monsters. Moreover, with my stamp as an Ancient Dragon, it's only natural that when I visit a human city, they will consider it an invasion and a dragon subjugation team is formed.

I admit it was also my fault. As is well known, another characteristic of an ice dragon is that it spreads cold air around it. Especially when I, who have the trait of immortality and have lived for a long time, the radiance of cold energy is much stronger than any ice dragon. As a result, wherever I go, my path will freeze, the wind will bend, the clouds will freeze, and as a result, a blizzard is formed.

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And at that moment, all my trips that were supposed to be fun, always turned into discomfort because I was constantly under attack from any party. Even though it didn't hurt me, it bothered me.

But as soon as I saw human magic techniques, which were miraculous and extraordinary, I had an epiphany.

Magic is something that can form a miracle, maybe with magic I can transform into a small and humanoid form? That way, I can travel wherever I want smoothly without any distractions.

That's what I thought.

Since then, I have become more interested in the magic techniques performed by the humanoids.

By collecting books, magic tools, and traces of literacy from a civilization that I had accidentally frozen. I have a lot of teaching materials.

Then in search of a quiet place to study, I went to a place far south. At the end of the world, where no one has ever explored. That way, I can be alone and can focus on researching body transformation techniques.

Just in case anyone got stubborn, I isolated this soil to the maximum by lowering the air temperature to below normal limits. It was so that no one dared to disturb me carelessly.

Maybe that's why, the place I lived at that time was called the Frozen Hell.




That was the explanation for why I had now turned into a human.

It took me thousands of years to solve the puzzle of miraculously modifying and converting a cell. Luckily, I have the trait of immortality, so no matter how many tens of thousands of years it takes, I'm ready to spend some time researching a magic technique that allows me to transform into human form.


“This body is fit, then it's about time I got out, right? Then, what do humans usually need? Oh, I remember! An outfit, right? Then, need money too if I'm not mistaken. Luckily, I already have a lot of them in the frozen pile of stuff. It's not in vain that I looted a lot of stuff in the ruins just in case."


It was the past when I still couldn't control my own cold energy aura. Back then, I accidentally froze a civilization when I came with the intention of visiting. That's also why I had the stamp of being a disaster dragon among the human race in the past.

But the past is a thing of the past and must be forgotten. So after apologizing, I thank them for all their legacy. All is not in vain.

Picking up some ice crystals from the storage shed, I melted them and from there, a white dress appeared in a wet state. Taking the other ices, I also defrosted them to pick up items that might be needed. Then put all of it in the storage dimension.

During my research time, I also learned a lot of useful magic. So it's only natural that now I can manipulate water and ice properly. Even now, I can control that ever-raging radiance of cold energy. From any point of view, I am now just a harmless beautiful girl, right?

With this I can travel anywhere freely.

"Yep, time to take off."

After wearing clothes like a normal human. I started growing only a pair of silver wings on my back and flew at high speed with just that. Ignoring my dress that was ripped at the back, I continued across the ocean in high spirits.

“Really,…to think the human body is actually so light. I became feeling much faster than when I was a dragon. Yeahhh,… this is the best sensation.”

With ‘whoosh', super high velocity, I had already left the frozen ground and let it become Frozen Hell as it is.


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