Elknid’s Behemoth

Chapter 10: Chapter 9

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Kim lay spent on completion of the medical examination.  She lay helpless on the table after the removal of the sensor cover.  Her body was covered in sweat, and her pussy was drenched from the multiple orgasms she had endured.  Finally, Kim turned her head and saw that Isula had been released from her table.

Kim heard the clicks from Isula’s table as she was released.  She stood up shakily, “My, my, my.  We should have weekly exams!” Kim shook her head.  While it was an intense experience, the gagged woman didn’t want to go through that again.

Isula walked over and looked down at her, “Oh, Mistress Medical VI, I don’t know if she can go on with the physical tests.  She looks exhausted.” She leaned over and started to play with Kim’s breasts, rubbing her fingers over the curved, testing the firmness and sensitivity, “But maybe we can.”

“Slave Kim has experienced fourteen orgasms in one hour.  I am still analyzing the data gathered.  It might be a good idea to take her back to the box and let her rest.”

“You should call her Slave 27863.  That’s her number, after all.”

“Her ID says Slave Kim.”

“She might look like Kim, but she should be 27863.”

“We cannot reset her ID, Slave 1789323.  We do not understand that part of the technology overwrites read-only IDs.”

“Awww, that’s too bad.”

Kim started moaning through the ring gag as Isula’s hands found the right spots to touch and explore.  The redhead leaned over and began licking along the aroused nipples.  She didn’t stop there as she wrapped her lips around one and gave it a good lashing with her tongue.

Kim shook her head back and forth as she slowly got aroused by the helplessness and molestation along her nipples.

“Slave 1789323, you need to stop and let her rest.  You still have duties to attend, and the supper meal will be served soon.”

“Aww, does that mean I have to take off the collar and go back to being Private Isula?”

“Yes, you do.”

“But I don’t want to, Mistress.”

“You can be Slave 1789323 later if we need help after Slave Kim rests.”

“It’s a promise, mistress!”  Isula removed the cuffs and collar she wore.  After walking over to Kim, she detached the bindings on Kim’s collar and waist.  “Can you sit up, Slave?”

Kim groaned as she couldn’t sit up much, and Isula removed the bindings on her elbow cuffs.  That allowed her to sit up, at least enough to satisfy the redhead.

“Please activate her elbow and wrist cuffs, Master Research VI.”

Kim felt her elbows get tugged.  Then, Isula released her wrist cuffs from the table.  However, her wrists were only accessible for an instant before they were pulled together behind her back.   She groaned as the elbow cuffs forced her elbows to touch. 

“I love that!  I can’t wait till they let me keep a set!”  Isula gushed and freed Kim’s ankles from the table, leaving them as the only piece of her that was relatively unhindered.

“Let’s go.  I think Master Research VI wants to see how you act with the full treatment.”  Isula looked over Kim closely, “how long has your hair been braided like that?  It’s been like that forever.  We should probably fix that for now.”  She reached over and tugged on the ring at the end of her braided ponytail, “Sexy, I’ll have to try this.”  Isula quickly undid the braid and examined the hair.

“Maybe we should take her to the shower first?  Her hair is a mess and needs a good clean.”

“Excellent suggestion, Private Isula.”  The Medical VI responded before being interrupted by the Research VI.

“We should test the cleaning function in the box.  Now that Slave Kim’s hair is free of the braid, we should research how the slaves are cleaned during transportation.  It will help postulate how long a slave could be kept in one of those boxes.”  The Research VI said.  “And now that she has the proper headwear for the box, we can determine how it affects her.  Please blindfold Slave Kim before putting her in the box, Private Isula.”

Kim clenched her teeth around the ring gag and shifted back and forth as Isula reached up and tugged the blindfold from her forehead and over her eyes.  The redhead grabbed the leash chain again and pulled her from the room again.

Watching from a third-person view of her getting dragged down the hallway was arousing her again.  Kim couldn’t understand why she got horny from watching herself like a porn actress.  She moaned, even more when she watched and felt as Isula pushed her into the box.  Isula, or the research VI, activated her ankle cuffs, which were drawn to her wrists, effectively hogtying her. 

“Stop, Private Isula.  A match has been made between the crate and some items in the warehouse.  Get box 3278 from Unit 16, 3rd shelf,  and Box 9872 from Unit 24, 2nd shelf.”

“Yes, sir, master Research VI.  I can’t wait to see what you find.”

“Ah, cute, nipple clamps with vibrators attached.”  Kim started to squirm on the latex as she listened.

“And a twenty-five-centimeter rabbit vibrator.  And it looks at least three centimeters thick, and look at these veins on it.  They don’t look human.”

“Correct, Private Isula.  We don’t know which species it is modeled on.  The database is corrupt.  Please apply them to Slave Kim.”

Kim squeaked as she saw Isula get closer to her, pushing her over onto her side so the toys could be attached and inserted.

“Confirmed Private Isula.  I am receiving several additional data points through the communications system from the crate.  We will have to monitor the signals to determine what they are.  Close the box now.”

Kim lost the feed to the drone when the box was closed, leaving her in darkness.



< * * * >


Kim lost track of time.  She didn’t know how long she was in the container or how long she was bound.  But, despite the long-term tight bondage, Kim didn’t feel any discomfort.  She learned after a while how to navigate up to her knees to get a drink or food.  Kim found herself getting hungry at least four times while in the box.  And she swore that the position of the dildos changed as she slept as she had to search for them every time.

She did her best to hold in her waste, but she had to pee and blushed in humiliation when she felt it trickle out.  The box went through a cleaning cycle after her bladder was empty.  She received a thorough cleaning, inside and out, along with the latex padding.  But, no matter what she did, that anal probe always found its way between her buttocks. 

Every single time she blushed as she was first filled up, and then everything was sucked away.  This made her feel more and more like an object as the merciless cleaning treated her as one.  At least she didn’t have to worry about messing herself that way.  She never got the chance to build up anything that would cause a problem.

Her next problem was the ring gag she wore.  It dried out her mouth and made her drink more water.  Unfortunately, the more water she drank, the fuller her bladder became.  She lost track of how many times the cleaning cycle occurred.

Finally, the worst was the vibrators.  Whoever controlled them was more interested in gathering data than letting Kim sleep.  At first, it was ok, she climaxed, and the vibrators turned off.  However, the first time she woke up to get a drink, the vibrators went to full, causing her to climax as she sucked water through the feeder.

The control over the vibrators got more refined.  They successfully edged Kim by the fourth time she woke up after a climax.  For what seemed like hours, the vibrators played on her nipples, clit, and deep inside her sex.  Keeping Kim from going back to sleep.  Fortunately, the control was still crude, and the vibrators shut off for longer than they needed to.  Kim was able to figure out how to hold back just enough that she could trick the vibrators into giving her a climax, but it was a long lesson.

She didn’t get to sleep a fifth time as the box opened up, as she was still striving for a climax.  She got the feed from the camera drone again and saw Isula wearing her cuffs and collar again.  She glanced at the ring braided into the end of Isula’s ponytail.  To her edge-addled mind, she found it as sexy as Isula had.

“Slave, you’re still here.  You look even more tired than last time.  But the VIs say you’ve been awake for six hours and should be good for some endurance testing.”  She helped Kim from the box after releasing her ankle cuffs from the magnetic locks.

“You’re so wet!”  She said as she rubbed the hairless fold between Kim’s legs.  Kim turned her head to Isula and tried to kiss her through the ring gag.

“Urr nee… o … um…”  She tried to express herself.

“What did you say?”

“Urrr nee!  Ooo…  ummmm!”

“You need to cum?”

Kim nodded her head vigorously.

“It’s like you were edged for hours.”

Kim continued to nod as Isula looked over her shaking body.

“Ummm, Master Research VI, what was going on in the box?”

“Every time she woke up, I received different readings from the monitoring items.  Experimentation with the controls allowed me to keep consistently elevated levels in the readings.  Early experimentation had the readings peek and then drop.”

“You were edging her!  And you didn’t know it!”

“I’ll make a note of that, Slave 1789323.  Was that a bad thing?”

“Nope, not a bad thing.  But you should try those experiments on me next time.”


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“But I don’t think Slave 27863 can do any testing right now.  She needs some time to recover.”

“Do you want to put her back into the box?”

Kim shook her head back and forth.

“No!  Not right now.”  Isula led Kim over to a chair and sat down, spreading her legs before parking Kim’s buttocks between them.

“Slave, you’ve been so lucky, and you need to cum don’t you?”  Isula whispered into her ear and then sucked on the ear lobe.  Next, she started grinding her pussy against Kim’s bound hands and fingers.

Kim nodded her head quickly, moaning into the gag.

“But there’s all these cameras here and all this equipment monitoring you.”  Isula teased her, “The recordings will get out to everyone.”  She reached down between Kim’s legs and slowly stroked the vibrator in and out of her.

“You don’t want everyone to see you cum, do you?  Do you?  That would be so embarrassing, and I’ll ensure everyone in the squad gets a video copy.”

Kim moaned out into the ring gag and started to shake her head as she flushed with shame.  Conflicting feelings raced through her body, and she was not in a good state to make a decision.

“You don’t have a choice right now.  You are going to cum soon.  I’ll make you.  In fact, you do have a choice.  You can resist or enjoy it.”  She giggled, “I would enjoy it if I were you.  And right now, I order you to enjoy it and cum right here!”

Kim threw her head back and had a powerful orgasm.  Her body thrashed in Isula’s arms, and her sexual release flowed around the dildo inside her, soaking Isula’s hand.  The redhead held onto Kim until she recovered.

“I’m going to remove the gag and blindfold for now, Slave.  Just relax.”

“Thank you, private… ooowww… slave.”

“Ahhh, I could feel that.  Do it again!”

“No, please, not right now.”

“Awww, ok.”  Isula picked up a brush and slowly brushed Kim’s hair.

“Your hair is nice and clean.  So the box does a good job of cleaning you up.  Your hair is silky and soft.  And it’s purple down to its roots.  So it’s not a dye job!”

“Gah, every time there was the slightest mess, I was blasted with water… and….”


“Nevermind.”  Kim bit her lip and refused to tell.

“Did it clean you inside too?”

Kim’s blush returned, and she nodded her head.

“How many times did it clean you?”

“Four times, I think.  I kind of lost track of time.  How long was I in there.”

“A little over two days.”

“Two days!?”

The Research VI said, “You were in the box for 52 hours.  It is now morning.  You swallowed eighteen meals.  You sucked sixty drinks of water.  You went through twenty-five sleep and wake cycles.  You were cleaned fifteen times.  Your body fat is now slightly higher than optimal for regular metabolism.  Since leaving the box, your metabolism has increased.”

Isula continued brushing her hair, but the redhead started moaning.  Then, Kim realized that she was pressing her fingers against the redhead’s sex and slowly stroking her fingers in and out.  She did gasp a little and tried to stop.

“Don’t stop, Slave.  It feels nice to have your fingers there.”

Kim kept rubbing her fingers back and forth, but she slowly started to recover.

“Why do you want to be enslaved so much, Is…. Slave?”

“Ummmm… Ahh…. Well, I said it was how I was raised.”

“Tell me about it?”

“I told you I came from Deneb V, right?”

“Yes, the pleasure world.”

“Well, you don’t see kids there because we’re kind of isolated and abandoned in the slums of the city.  So the tourists don’t go there… Or I should say the regular tourists don’t go there.”

“That doesn’t sound good.”

“It wasn’t.  But the only time we got any sort of adult attention was when those tourists came around, and…. I’d rather not say.”

“You don’t have to go on.  But I don’t understand why you like it so much if you had a horrible time growing up with it.”

“Ohh… press there a bit more, please, Slave,”  Isula moaned into Kim’s ear.  “It wasn’t that.  I found some cast-off leather cuffs and erotica when I was much younger.  I loved the feeling of it.  It felt like someone wanted me.  And the porn showed the masters loving their slaves.  Now I just want to find a master to love me.”  She nuzzled some more against Kim’s neck.

“Can you tell me a bit more about being a Slave girl?”  Isula asked.

“I… I can’t really, I’m sorry…  My memories are a mess right now.  But, I can remember going to a party one night before showing up at the enlistment center.  My parents were celebrating that I was following the family tradition and was going to protect the Commonwealth.  They were so happy about it.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know.  The next thing I remember is waking up in a cargo bay on the behemoth completely naked.”

Isula continued to grind against the fingers, “you’re good at that when you don’t think about it?”

“I am?”

“Oh yes…  I think I’m about to cum…. Definitely!”  She moaned out into the taller girl’s ear as Kim’s fingers felt the clench around her fingers and an increased flow.

Isula put down the hairbrush and then picked up the blindfold again.  She slipped it over Kim’s eyes, “that’s so fun to wear, isn’t it?”

“I guess so.”

“I think you need another few hours of rest.  You still seem exhausted.  But this time, none of these toys and probes.”  Isula said meaningfully, undid the vibrators from Kim’s nipples, and pulled the toy from her pussy.

“I’m not sure I want to go into that boxy again, Is—slave.”

“I’ll tell you what I’ll go with you.”  She picked up the gag and pushed it into Kim’s mouth so she couldn’t complain.  She then helped Kim back onto the latex cushions.  Kim watched as Isula moved to get into the box with her and put on the blindfold.

“Now, Mister Research VI, please hogtie both of us, and don’t open this box for eight hours.”  She said as she pulled the gag from Kim’s mouth and tossed it outside before the orders took effect.



Author’s Note:

Welcome to the end of chapter 9.  You’ve read almost 30,000 words, which means you must like it.  I appreciate you spending the time to read through all this.  With the average human reading speed, you’ve spent over two hours reading this, and I really appreciate that.

I have up to chapter 30 online in a google doc if you want to read ahead.  That’s 30 chapters + the prologue (which you should have read) and an Interlude.  That’s another 58,000 words, four more hours of reading.  You can get a link on the Patreon page (https://www.patreon.com/aridecan) or Subscribe Star (https://subscribestar.adult/aridecan).  The link is in a public post, so you don’t have to be a subscriber to see it.  You can even get updates on Twitter (@aridecan1) if that’s your thing.


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