Elknid’s Behemoth

Chapter 11: Chapter 10

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Kim did her best to rest in the crate with Isula.  There just wasn’t enough space for two girls in the meter cube, which seemed fine with the redhead.  But, with the door closed, Kim’s word was lost in the darkness behind the blindfold.  She was tightly hogtied by her cuffs and knew that Isula was dressed exactly like her.

The close skin contact caused the girls to wiggle against each other occasionally, and Isula finally said, “Oooh, I shouldn’t have said eight hours.”

“Why not, slave?”  Kim asked a bit sleepily.

“I need to pee.”

Kim woke up fully and struggled a bit, “Oh no, don’t pee here!”

“I don’t know if I can hold it.”

Kim panicked and squirmed against her tight bondage, “Don’t struggle so much, Slave.”  Isula cried out, “You’ll make me pee!  Oh no!”

There wasn’t enough room in the crate for the girls to be positioned for cleaning, and Kim found herself on her back underneath Isula as the blasts of water started to wash the two.  She desperately kept her head up above the growing pool of water as Isula tried to avoid the anal probe.

“Ooooh!  That….  Oh…..”  Isula cried out as fluids filled her rectum and bowels.

Kim found herself letting loose her own urine as she struggled, and when she thought she couldn’t hold herself above the water anymore, another probe found her anus and forced its way in to give her a deep cleaning.  She threw her head back and did her best to keep her mouth closed.

Finally, she cried out loud as the struggles and situation caused her to have a panic climax.  A bubble erupted from her mouth as she lay there under the water.  She didn’t have time to swallow the water as she was still crying out when the water suddenly drained from the tank.

After a few coughs, she was fine but still panicked.  She laid on her back, her arms trapped behind her.  The latex cushions of the box made the position somewhat comfortable.  Unfortunately, Isula’s hogtied body lay on top of hers, increasing the pressure on her bound arms.

“Are you ok, Slave Kim!?”

“Oh yes, just that was scary.”

“You came, didn’t you?  Do you like to be scared?”

“I…  I don’t know.  I panicked, and I don’t know.”

“I think I love you, Slave.”

“Umm, you just met me.”

“Aww.  Well, you like to be tied up like I do!”

“I don’t!”

“You do.  And every time I call you slave, I feel a shiver through your body.”

“I really wish it wasn’t on my ID.”  She could feel her face heat up.  And then she felt the redhead’s lips on hers.

“Shhh, I love your name, and I have the same name now.”

“Gah, but.  You have that number, and I can’t remember it.  It’s so objectifying.”


“178…”  Isula gave her another kiss, pressing against her mouth again.

“89323.”  The redhead said.


“There you go, perfect!”

“I thought Isula was a beautiful name.”

“But it’s a name my parents gave me.  And they didn’t love me.”

“I’m sorry, slave,” Kim said.

“It’s fine, slave.  This is why I think I love you.  We can be slave sisters.”  She giggled, “And we can call it incest.”

“You’re crazy, Slave 178.”

“89323…  No, I’m not.  Just think of it as a game only family can play together.”

A giggle escaped her mouth as Kim thought about it.  “You’re incorrigible, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am.  But you love me because I am.”

“I just met you.  I don’t know if I love you yet.”

“But you have feelings don’t you?”  Isula asked and kissed her again.

“Yes.   But I lost my memories.  So I don’t know anything, really.  I don’t know who I am.”

“Shhhh, Slave.  You’re safe with me here.  Can you tell me about it?”

“I don’t know if I should.  There’s things I know that I don’t know if I can share.”

“Oh, like what, love?”

“I can’t say!  I feel like it would be bad to tell you all that I’ve seen if you don’t know already.  Hey, there’s only eight recruits here, right?  What happened to the rest.”

Isula moved down Kim’s body so she could rest her head against the taller woman’s breasts.

“We don’t know.  There were around four hundred of us here—something like twelve platoons.  We’re the 8th.  When the attack started, almost everyone went out to help with damage control.  Only our platoon and the 9th were kept back for reserves.”

“That should be something like sixty people left here.  So why are there only eight?”

“We were reserves, and squads were sent out one by one to help out.  We were the last one.  And then something happened.”

“The behemoth ate the ship?”

“I don’t know…. Is that what happened?”

“I’m not sure, but,”  She sighed, “Don’t tell anyone this, but I think there’s only about a cubic kilometer of the ship left.”

“Oooh, that’s no good.  So just the training area?”

“And a hanger bay.”

“Thank you for telling me, slave.”

“You’re welcome, slave.”

“Everyone else is probably dead.  Everyone?”

“I don’t know.”  Isula snuggled closer to Kim, pressing her head against her breasts.  Kim wiggled under Isula before she continued, “I wish I could hug you, slave.  But we’re both hogtied.”

“That’s fine, slave.”  Isula giggled and moved up to give Kim another kiss.  “Just knowing you want to and that we’re both naked slaves is enough.”

“You really want to be a slave, don’t you?  I wish I could understand.”

“Because it feels like I belong.  It feels like someone wants me.”

“I guess I can understand that.  I guess I was lucky to have a family.”

“Yes, you were.  But we can be family now, please?”

“Sure.”  She said after a moment.

“Oh good, I’ll call you big sister!  And we can be sold together.”

“Ugh, ok, I’ll be big sister, but we’re not getting sold!”

“Awww, all right.  We should try to rest.  We have some endurance tests to do after.”


<  *  *  *  >

You are reading story Elknid’s Behemoth at novel35.com


The crate opened, and the two tumbled out.  Isula found herself untied, and Kim was able to stretch her legs at least.  Isula stood up and stretched, “I guess it’s time we should get up.”  She pulled off her blindfold and helped Kim up to her feet.  She then went down to her knees and licked along Kim’s folds, “Oooh, I wish we were head to crotch in there!”

“Then you would have peed on me!”

“You’re kinky, Slave!”

“No!  I don’t want that.”

Isula laughed, “I know I was just teasing you.”  She said and reached between Kim’s buttocks and pushed her finger against the tight hole she found.

“Oooh, stop, slave!  Please, if you make me cum, I’ll be too tired to do these tests.”

“If you say so, slave.”  Isula stood up, wrapped her arms around Kim again, and pulled her head down for a kiss, “you’re so sexy when you’re tied up like this.  You look just like Kim Stone too.  You’re not a fan girl are you, like Lynn?”

“Who’s Lynn?”

“She’s in my squad.  And she’s an intense Kim Stone fan girl, even has magenta hair like yours.  But hers is a dye job.”

“Oh…  I don’t remember why I have that hair color.  I had brown hair before I enlisted.”

“Just like Kim did!  Wow!”

“How do you know?”

“Lynn knows everything about Kim Stone.  I mean everything.  Like when she got genetic modifications to her hair, just to piss off the Erathan Ambassador.”

“She did that?  What else did she do?”

“Like when she was doing some propaganda posters, she was in a bikini and got those enhanced breasts that you have.  She used to be a B cup before that.”

“Oooh, when was that?”

“About 15 years ago, I think.”

“She must be old by now, then.”

“Forty-four.  But she gets rejuvenated back to eighteen every time she hits twenty.”

“Oh…  I wonder why,”  Kim was fishing for information.

“Officially, she says it’s so she can help with recruitment.  But I think it’s ‘cause she’s vain.  I guess when you’re as good as she is, she can be as vain as she wants to be.”  Isula continued to gush and went back to licking against Kim’s folds.

“Oooh, I guess so.  Did she have any love life?”

“There were rumors.  She was very close to her squadron commander.  That much was obvious.  I think she was too driven to have a lover since she lost her family.”

Kim paused and swallowed, “They’re dead?”  She tried to hide the catch in her voice.

“What’s wrong, slave?”  Isula’s voice was concerned, and she stood up to hug Kim, pressing the two nude forms together.

“Nothing.  Really nothing.”

“You’re upset.  Why?”

“I…. I don’t know.”  She didn’t want to reveal her real identity.  Isula was the only human she knew right now.  And she was afraid that she would lose that human contact, weird as it was, if the redhead started to idolize her.

“I guess they really messed you up.”

“Who did?”

“Those Argetiean slavers.”

“I thought you were enamored with slavers.”

“Well, we’re fighting them, and there could be bad people with them too.”

“They could have messed me up.  I don’t have my memories while I was captured.  Only before showing up at the enlistment center.”

“That’s too bad…. But….”  Isula looked up at Kim.  The taller woman was glad she had the feed from the stealth drone to see that.

“But what?”

“You could be my big sister, Kim Stone, be all mine, slave!”

Kim bit her lip and sighed softly, “Maybe we should talk about that later.  You said there were endurance tests?”

“Sure, just remember the VIs said it would be scary to ensure we gave our best efforts.”


<  *  *  *  >


Kim was getting used to walking with her hands behind her back.  However, today it seemed like the walk was longer than it should have been, and she was sure that Isula was getting lost on purpose.

The taller woman was gagged and blindfolded again, a rubber ball kept her wordless, and that rubber disc-blindfold was pulled tight over her eyes.  Instead of using the magnetic features on the cuffs, she wore chains.  It was a simple setup of three chains connected by a large O-ring: one long chain and two shorter ones.  The shorter ones tied her ankles, preventing her from taking complete steps.  The third chain ended at her elbow cuffs, where two padlocks bound her elbows to the last link in the chain.  Her wrists were bound similarly.  She had six high-tech padlocks keeping her captive.

Isula cooed over the padlocks.  No key was required, as they were biometric locks, and anyone could undo them except for Kim herself.  Kim didn’t know how she felt about them, but she kept rubbing her thighs together as she walked and chewed distractedly on the large ball in her mouth.  The realization that there was no way out of those locks without someone physically doing it was enticing.  And if those locks lost their charge, she’d be in even more trouble.

Isula was excited to tie her up but pouted when she couldn’t wear a similar outfit.  Unfortunately, there wasn’t anyone to help her into it, and she settled for the gag and magnetic cuffs.  Their collars were again linked together by the chain, with a padlock similar to the ones that secured Kim.  The ex-mech pilot was getting used to navigating with a small third-person view provided by the stealth camera.  Sometimes she wished she could turn it off and walk in complete darkness.  The desire to put her full trust in Isula made her shiver.

After half an hour and seven staircases, they arrived at a room.  Isula turned her body and opened the door with her bound hands.  The room was dark, too dark even for the stealth drone.  When both of them were in the room, the door closed behind them, and the lights turned on to reveal the chamber.  The room was barely a four-meter cube.

The door they entered was midway up the walls and opened onto a mostly transparent platform.  Half the floor of the venue was a conveyor belt.  It touched the front wall and both of the side walls, ending at the midpoint of the room.    There would be no way to stand in that half of the room without standing on the treadmill.  Somehow the belt was transparent, and the only thing obscuring the view of the floor was the rollers holding the belt tightly in place.  There were no safety rails and no controls.  The latter half of the room was a transparent trap door. 

Kim barely registered the trap door, locked onto what she could see hanging from the ceiling.  The stealth drone didn’t give her a good view, but she swore she saw ropes hanging down with the classic nine-loop noose.

Kim felt the blatantly positioned cameras didn’t help the room’s decor.  They were all over the place, on the walls, floor, and ceiling.  Kim was sure that no place in the room wouldn’t give at least three different views of anyone running on the treadmill, or worse, as they slipped off.  Kim’s body started to shiver as she looked at the room.  Even Isula started to moan, realizing that the two were trapped in the room for now.

The magnetic bonds were released from Isula’s cuffs.  She pulled the gag out of her mouth.  “Umm, is this the right room, Master Testing VI?”

“Yes, it is.  Research VI found the equipment in the storage warehouse and plans on how the room was to be constructed for use.  Initially, the room wasn’t going to be set up, but there was a delay in testing, and Research VI argued that better data would be gathered if the equipment was fully configured.”

“But those nooses could snap our necks if we fell, and there’s nothing to stop us from falling.”

“If the winches are properly configured, they won’t snap your neck and will gently stop your fall before you hit the floor.”

Isula shivered as she listened.  “And then what?”

“The rope would lift you out of the pit so you could get your feet under you when the trap door closes.”

 “And when would the door close, Master Testing VI?”

“After both runners were safely above the trap door, Slave 1789323.”

“Umm, do we have to do this?”


“Gah!  Why did you have us come here then?”

“Just to get some data for Research VI.    There was an adrenaline spike when you looked at the apparatus and a fear response.  There was also an increase in noted arousal from you when you realized you were trapped here.  Go back to the warehouse.  The VIs decided to skip the endurance testing.  For now, there are some things Research VI wants help with this evening.”

“Does that mean that Slave Kim joins us in the squad?”

“That has yet to be determined.”

Author’s Note: Thank you for spending the time to reach Chapter 10.  I appreciate the time you have spent on it.  I have up to chapter 32 posted on my google doc if you want to read ahead.  Just find it on the top post on my Patreon page (), it should be publically available.  Or you can hit my Subscribe Star () site for the same public information.

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