Elknid’s Behemoth

Chapter 13: Chapter 12

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Kim didn’t last long, but then again, she didn’t try.  Instead, she did her best to grind against the chair as much as the clamp would allow.

“EB… owww… Master EB is the AI I met when I woke up in the cargo bay!”

“Why does the collar always shock you like that?”

“I… I guess I asked him to set up the collar like that.”

“You asked him to?”

“Yes, I just can’t remember much.”

“Why not?”

“The behemoth’s goo…  I don’t understand, but it’s intoxicating, and while under the effects of it, I make bad decisions, and I can’t remember them afterward.”

“We found some cylinders of a strange substance.  Is that it?”

“It might be.  Master EB said that the slaver bots had refined goo.  It’s faster acting but not as effective.  But the real stuff wasn’t available till the behemoth woke up.”

“How do you know it woke up?”

“Master EB told me when I woke up in the bay.”  She was getting distracted by the two dildos moving.

“What happened before you woke up.”

“Oooh…  Ummm, Master EB said I was purged!”  She cried out as she tried to rock as the motions stopped.

“You were purged?”

“That’s what he said….  Please don’t stop right there!”  She cried out as she tried to squirm against the chair.  She sat there stewing for long minutes.  The VIs were busy.

“Why are you wearing a collar if you were purged?  Did you get captured by the slavers?”

“Ahh, no!  I….  I….”  She shook her head, “I… asked Master EB to put it on me, apparently!”


“I… I don’t remember.”

“Why not?”

“I was covered in behemoth goo at the time!”

“So you asked ‘Master EB’ to put a collar on you and to set it up to shock you whenever you didn’t call him Master EB?”

“Yes!  I’m like a different person when covered in that goo.”  She desperately tried to get the dildos to start moving again inside her.   They eventually started moving again when she was beginning to recover.

“Why not take the collar off when you’re not covered in the goo, then?”

“He said he can’t.  So I don’t know why Master EB can’t take off the collar.”

“The access codes are different than default.  So that might be the case.”

“Yes, that’s probably it!  Now can I cum?”

“We do have a few more questions for you, Slave Kim.  Normally when the collar overwrites the ID, it has a number, not a name, associated with it.  So why do you have a name?”

“I… I don’t know.  I really don’t.   Maybe Master EB changed it.”

“He would have to have the codes to change it.  And he can make you do whatever under the threat of the explosives.”

“I… I guess so.   But I trust him not to!”  She replied with a moan, her body shivering.

There was another pause, at least the VIs left the dildos moving inside her.  She did her best to rock against the chair, then released a soft moan when they stopped, and the VIs returned.

“Why did you ask him to put the collar on you, Slave Kim?”

“I…. I’m…. I’m not sure why.  The goo….  It was intoxicating.  And…. It helped me communicate with him!”


“We found a slaver camera drone with enough capacity to house his intelligence.  And…  And he could feed me images with it.  But, the implant couldn’t do that from very far.  And the collar works with the drone.”

She tried to press against the chair again as the VIs seemed distracted.  At least she could grind against the phalluses as they lay deep inside her.

“If you were purged, why are your body mods and the implant still there.”

Kim bit her lip as she tried to think, “Master EB said he did a factory reset before they could be removed.”

Another pause left Kim frustrated.  Sweat covered her body as she waited.  Finally, the VIs returned.

“Slave Kim, or Kim Stone.  Your words do make sense, and we don’t detect any lies.  In your opinion, can this ‘Master EB’ be trusted?”

She took a moment to think of anything that would make EB untrustworthy, “Yes, I think so.  I found him in the same cargo hold I was in.  He seemed to have been forgotten, and there a long time.”

“The VIs have voted unanimously that you are Kimberly Stone, Junior Commander.  And you were purged of your memories to keep them from falling into Argetiean hands.  Under normal circumstances, if you had returned to the Commonwealth, you would be quietly retired.”

“But these aren’t normal circumstances, I know!”  Kim moaned, “And you wouldn’t be edging me like this!”

“Yes, we should stop.”

“No!  Make me cum first!”  She cried out loud as she rocked against the dildos and then came to another crashing climax.  She was glad for the chair and restraints as she didn’t fall to the floor.

“As we said, these aren’t normal circumstances, Kimberly Stone.  The VIs need intelligent guidance.  Human or otherwise.”

“And there’s only eight trainees and me, who’s not much better.”

“And this ‘Master EB’ of yours.”

“So, what do you want to do?”

“We don’t know.  This is why we need your guidance.  If we ignore protocol and assume you had your previous rank, then you would be the ranking human available.”

“So you’re just going to toss it into my lap?”

“Isn’t that what humans are for, Junior Command Stone?”

“Ahh, I don’t feel like a command.  Can’t you just call me Kim…. Oww…. Slave Kim!”

“If that’s what you want, Slave Kim.”

She groaned out as she found herself unable to come up with a way of explaining herself properly.  So she just sat there and accepted it for the moment, but she would have some words with EB when she saw him again.


< *  *  * >


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Kim finally had some clothing.  She argued with the VIs, but she could eventually wear something.  She didn’t want anything to show she was Junior Commander Kimberly Stone.  She just wanted to be Slave Kim… Kim for now.

The fragment of the ship was short on supplies to make clothing.  The trainees had their single set of clothing, and the recyclers rebuilt the clothes when they cleaned themselves daily.  Unfortunately, this was a losing prospect as the recycling process wasn’t one hundred percent efficient.

Kim was able to snag at least some footwear.  While her nanites healed any damage to her feet and removed any discomfort from long-term bondage, she still felt better wearing something.  Even if the only clothes she had turned out to be just an army green T-shirt that barely covered her nipples.  And matching bottoms that were likewise scarcely enough fabric to protect her modesty.

The fabric wasn’t that thick or sturdy either.  A single layer of knit protected Kim from returning to exhibitionism.    It felt so fragile that Kim was sure it would evaporate at the slightest touch.  So she made sure to keep away from the bushes as she headed toward the exit of the training section.  She needed to find her way to the airlock and explain everything to EB.

She still had her collar on.  Kim also used the blindfold as a headband to keep her hair out of her eyes.  For some reason, she held onto the ballgag harness to act as a necklace.  She left the cuffs behind in the warehouse.

The directions she got from the VIs proved to be inadequate.  The walls of the behemoth sliced the ship near the airlock.  As a result, most of the direct passages to get to the airlock weren’t there anymore.  The VIs also had no access outside the training area, so they couldn’t direct her past any issues that blocked her.

She found herself in a hallway where the behemoth’s flesh had replaced one wall.  The behemoth’s goo was coating the wall and pooling on the floor, making Kim glad she had on shoes.  The only tight spot was at the beginning of the corridor, and each step saw the amount of steel making up the floor increase.

The ship’s wall reappeared close to the end of the walk, and she found the door to the airlock.  The inside door.  Firmly closed and waiting for her to open it.  The wall held a panel for her to access the emergency release.  She just hoped it still worked.

Her toned body benefited from a life of exercise and constant rejuvenation.  The panel was easy to open, and the mechanism inside was also easy to operate.  The hiss was concerning, but at least the door partially opened.  It opened enough that she should be able to sneak through.  However, she didn’t like the door’s look and slipped off her top and shorts to avoid damaging them.

“Why am I always getting naked?  It’s not like… I like it.”  She tried to hide her hardening nipples and pushed into the airlock, lowering her hands so she could squeeze through sideways.  Halfway through, she decided to open the door as much as possible.

“That should be enough to get EB in here.  I hope he’s still out there and hasn’t run into any of the sentry bots.”

The outer door was a bit harder to figure out.  The behemoth wall cut through a section of the airlock door and part of the room.  In addition, the behemoth’s wall blocked access to the manual release panel.

“How am I going to open this?”  She placed her hands on her hips and stared at the door.  “Maybe master EB released the door already outside?  I can only hope.”  She pressed her body up against the door and tried to open it.  Without anything to pry the doors open, it was a non-starter.

She stood back and tapped a foot as she tried to figure out the way, though, “I have to get that manual release activated, but it’s behind the wall if it’s still there.”

She went back into the ship, so lost in thought she left her new clothes behind.  Fortunately, it was still night, and she didn’t have to sneak past anyone, but she returned to the research warehouse and looked around, trying to figure out what she could use to open a hole in the wall.

The VIs were helpful and gave her an inventory, but the most beneficial was finding the gardening shed that held the tools for maintaining the landscaping in the training area.  “I guess there is a purpose for the natural landscaping.”  She muttered to herself before returning to the airlock with a hole digger, a pickaxe, a tree saw, and a shovel.

Wearing only her shoes, she picked up the hole digger, a two-meter-long steel bar.  She could hold it in both hands despite being close to forty kilograms.  Then, standing sideways to the wall stepped forward and thrust against the behemoth’s wall.

“Shit!  That stuff is squishy and hard.”  She tried again and again.

“Oh shit!”  She cried out and dropped the bar when she finally penetrated the wall with the hole digger.  A spurt of the behemoth’s goo came out and coated part of her naked form with the white gel.

She tried to flick the goo away but didn’t have anything to wipe it off her body.  “Oh yeah, my clothes, that’ll work.”  She grabbed the cloth and started to clean her body of the goo.  “yeah, that does the trick.”  She dropped the clothing and grabbed the bar again.  She didn’t stop until she had a hole big enough to look through.

She bent over at the waist to look, one hand on the hole to balance herself.  She didn’t realize that the other hand was between her legs, stroking along her pussy, “Oh, yeah, I think I see the release, but I can’t reach it from here.  Better make the hole bigger.”

She stepped back and wiped her hand clean on her body as she picked up the pickaxe and tried that on the wall.  The hole digger was too unwieldy, and she couldn’t aim it right.  The pickaxe was better.

“Gah, my boobies bounce too much when I do this!”  Her voice had already risen a few notes as she thought.  “I guess I really need to convince the VI to get me a bra or something.  Oh well, I’ll just have to work on it later.”

The tree saw was her next attempt at opening the hole wider.  This required her to be pressed against the wall.  The closeness brought her into contact with more of the gel.  “Why did I make this hole so high up when I made the first hole low down?”  She sighed a bit to herself.  The hole from the pickaxe was at chest level, a good spot for the pickaxe to hit the wall.

She worked for several hours, and then she finally had the two holes connected into one larger hole, “Now I should be able to get through.”  Fortunately, the hole was big enough to get through, “I love the slickness of this goo.  It feels like I can slide right through.”

“Panel, check.  Ok, let’s give it a go!”  She heard the hissing as the door’s pneumatics were released, and she saw the door open slowly, at least part of it.  The behemoth’s wall cut through the airlock, leaving around five centimeters of door that could be opened.

“Master EB, are you out there!”

“Yes, Slave, I’m here.”

“Is there enough space to get in?”

“No, only part of the door opened.”

“Oooh, that sucks.”  She walked over to the door and looked at it, “Ummm, you cleared out a lot.  If we could get the other door open, you could get through!”

“Yes, Slave.  Do you have anything to open the door with?”

“No.  Master EB.  I did get a pickaxe, hole digger, and a few other things to get through the wall and activate the manual release.”

She saw the camera drone pause and look at her through the opened gap.  “What type of hole digger?”

“Oh, the type that’s a long heavy bar with a chisel on the end.  Not that other kind that looks like a mouth.”

“Slave Kim, try to open the door with the hole digger.”

“Ok, Master, I just have to squirm over to the other side.”  She giggled, “Oh, that’s warm this time.  One… Two… Three…  Missed, let me try again.”

EB floated outside the airlock.  He had been waiting for days.   With time on his mechanical hands, he opened the wall in front of the door.  A little more waiting wasn’t a problem when he finally heard, “There we go!”  Suddenly the door slid open, and a surprised Kim fell onto the floor with the digging bar rattling.

“Oooh, that was easier than digging a hole in the wall!”

“You should have tried that first, Slave Kim.”

“But I did, Master EB.  So I had to return to the training area to get some tools.”

The floating drone entered the airlock and reached down to pick up her goo-sodden clothes.  EB turned and looked at Kim.

“Oh, I used those to clean the goo off!  You said it was better if I wasn’t covered.”

“But you’re covered now.”

“Oh yeah, thanks.  Let me clean off again!”  She reached for the clothing,

“I don’t think this would help, Slave Kim.”

“I guess so.  I don’t need them now that you’re here, Master EB.”

The camera drone looked at the naked Kim, goo still dripping from her body, “Normal people need clothes, Slave.”

“But I’m a slave, and Private Isula said I looked better naked and tied up!”

“Who’s Isula?”

“She’s a trainee I met here.  Oh, that reminds me.  You don’t have to hide Master EB.  The VIs in the training area agreed to let you come in.”

The drone looked at Kim again, its arms hanging down, goo dripping from the clothes it still held.  “If they agreed for me to come in, why didn’t you meet me in the hallway?”

“The VIs only control the training area.  They don’t control the sentry bots and the rest of the ship outside the training facility.  So this is the best way to get you in and past the bots.”


Author’s Note:

Well, here’s chapter 12.  I’m a week late getting it posted, but I wanted to keep writing the buffer chapters, so I can set up for daily posting.  I have Chapter 40 complete now, plus one interlude chapter, which means I have 29 chapters sitting in my backlog.  I want at least two to four more before I post 21 one day after the other.

As always, you can read ahead by looking at the Patreon page.  There is a public post there with a link to the Google document.  (). 


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