Elknid’s Behemoth

Chapter 12: Chapter 11

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Isula sighed when the two returned to the warehouse, and the magnetic cuffs released her arms, “That was a bit much.”  She said to Kim.  “I don’t think I trust the Vis enough to run on a treadmill like that.”

Kim stretched her mouth after Isula retrieved the gag, “I didn’t get a chance to see what was in that room.”

“It was a room set up for those with extreme fetishes, I think.  The Vis need direction and shouldn’t put together something just for research purposes.”

“But how do a bunch of recruits give them direction?  If I’m right about things, you and your squad are the only living beings on this ship.”

“It’s not my squad.  It’s our squad.”  Isula’s arms wrapped around the other woman.

“I haven’t even met them yet.”

“You will.”

Kim sighed as she looked down at Isula, her chains rattled behind her back.  But, unfortunately, she could not dislodge the naked redhead who snuggled into her breasts, “What do the Vis want here?  Hey Mr. Training VI, what did you want us to test here?”

“It was the Research VI, Slave Kim.”

“Fine, Mr. Research VI, what did you want us to do?”

“The trainees are ready for implants and weapons training, Slave Kim.  The weapons we have, have been disabled.”

“What?!?  Those bots shot at me when they found me in the hallways!”

“That must have been exciting, were you wearing what I found you in that other day?”

“That’s beside the point, Isula…. Owww…. Slave.”  The shock calmed Kim, “If the weapons weren’t working, how could those robots shoot at me?”

“The sentry robots use weapons built into them.  They don’t have personal weapons that need to be registered to implants.”

“And none of the weapons registered to implants work?”

“No, they’re all inactive because…”

“Oh…”  Kim finally figured out that she should drop that line of questioning.  “So then, why are we here?”

“We also recovered some slaver weaponry.  It’s inactive too, but I want to see if you can activate it.  Finally, you have an Implant, Slave Kim.  It has minimal programming and is close to factory default, with some anomalies.”

“Is that bad?  Those anomalies?”

“The probability is low.  We want to load the initial implant firmware.  To ensure it has not been corrupted before we give the implants to the trainees.”

“Ummm…  I remember needing to get surgery before being enlisted, research VI.”

“That is no longer the standard procedure.”

“That’s one of the anomalies?”

“Correct, Slave Kim.  The core of your implant matches older implants in our records.”

“Oooh, Okay, I guess.”

“May I download the initial firmware?”

“Yes.”  Kim nodded and pulled on her chains, trying to hide her excitement.  That was one of the things EB had told her to do.  Mission accomplished.  “What do you need me to do?”

“Slave 1789323, get the programmer from the second room on the left and bring it here.  Slave Kim, just kneel and wait.  Hold still while Slave 1789323 fits the programmer over your head.”

Kim worked her way down to her knees, doing what she could to get comfortable.  She rested her buttocks on her heels and spread her knees for stability.  Not realizing it, she knelt there almost perfectly.

Isula returned a few minutes later, “Hey!  I just remembered, aren’t we supposed to be bound when walking the hallways, Master research VI?”

“Tasks required you not be Slave 1789323, so an exception was made.”

“Aww, if exceptions are so easily made, it’s not fu…  Real!”

“We’ll discuss it later, Slave.  Now open the box and slip the helmet over Slave Kim’s head.”

Kim lost sight as the helmet covered her eyes.  “Starting erase.”  Kim lost the feed from the drone.  “Programming….  20%”  She bit her lip as she waited, the VI constantly reading the status.  “100%.  Rebooting.”  Kim immediately felt a twinge of nausea and then saw a flash of a UI before everything went blank, and she received the feed from the drone again.

“Firmware loaded and verified but halted after initialization.  Retrying.”  Kim was glad she was on her knees.  Every time the VI tried to redo the firmware, she had the same disorientation.

“Stop.”  She said after the fifth time, “This isn’t working.  We have to figure out why it’s not starting, not trying the same thing over and over again.”

“You are correct, Slave Kim.  Analyzing….”

Kim waited on her knees and saw Isula move around in front of her.  The naked redhead was about to take advantage of the kneeling woman when the research VI finally spoke.  “The collar is interfering with the implant’s firmware.  As soon as the implant firmware loads, initializes, and reads the stored data, the collar halts the firmware and injects a patch.  That seems to be a basic function of the collar…. That may explain the programming unit and crystals that were found with the collar set that Slave 1789323 wears.”

“Slave 1789323, go to Unit 16, 2nd shelf, grab Box 3273…  Now hook up the cable to one of Slave Kim’s collar rings, and load the data crystal marked with a one into the programmer.”

“A red light has appeared, Master Research VI.”

“Hold the programmer up, so the camera can read the display…  Invalid key…  Even though the collar appears only to have basic firmware installed, the debugger does not have a key.  This doesn’t match our research.  All collars gathered, even with wide-ranging numbers, could be connected to the programmer.”

“More analysis is required.  Please take one of the rifles to the range.  We need to test some hypotheses.”

“Umm, Mr. Research VI.  I’m naked and tied up!  I shouldn’t really go out there naked!”

“Aww, come on, Slave!  It’ll be fun.  Let’s go.”  Isula said and quickly put the gag back onto Kim.  She picked up one of the stored rifles in the warehouse and walked over to her clothes.  She quickly slipped them on and took off her cuffs and collar, “Can’t let them see me naked out there, but you’re wonderful, aren’t you, Slave?”  Isula asked with a giggle.

Kim shook her head and tried to push the gag out of her mouth.  She sighed through her nose as Isula grabbed the chain and started to lead her outside.  The artificial sun was setting, and no one was around.  Still, Kim blushed deeply, “No one else is around.  I don’t want to get caught again.  It was enough trouble last time…. Though the orgasms were fun…. No KIM!  Don’t think of that, idiot.”  She shook her head to clear her thoughts as she walked barefoot along the pathways.

With how small the training base was, they didn’t have far to go and arrived at the training range.  Kim was still struggling with the chains she wore, doing her best to keep them quiet so she wouldn’t attract any attention.

“First time I’ve been here,”  Isula said, walking to the door and finding it unlocked.  “Let’s go inside and see what we find.”

“You should unchain Slave Kim now, Private Isula.”

“Awww, Okay.”

Kim sighed with relief as the locks released, and she could finally stretch.  She still found it weird to be here on the rifle range naked.  It didn’t fit with what Kim thought it would be like.  She chewed on the gag and reached up for it.  The shock surprised her, and she nearly fell to the floor.  She gave an accusatory look over at the camera.

“Private Isula, please remove her gag too.”

Kim stretched her mouth as the gag was removed, “I thought you Vis deactivated that shock mechanism.”

“That was only in the office.  So it was simple to deactivate it with an EM field.”

Kim sighed and looked down, “I wish I had some clothes.  But someone wouldn’t let me ask for them.”  She looked over at Isula.

“But you look so good naked, Slave.  And you look so good tied up.”

“Well, maybe you should go naked next time, and I’ll wear the uniform.  And maybe all your squad can see you while you’re on a leash.”

“Is that a promise?”

“Ugh.”  She sighed and then said under her breath, “Now I know how EB… oowwwww… Master EB feels.”

“Oooh, you got shocked.  Why was that?  Who’s Master EB?”

“You weren’t supposed to hear that!”

Isula wrapped her arms around Kim from behind, trapping her arms to the side, “Aww, you didn’t tell me you had a Master!  Is he tall, dark, and handsome?”

“No!  Never mind, we’re supposed to be testing something for the Research VI!  We don’t have time to talk about it.”

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“You’re blushing, and you’re getting wet!”

“No, I’m not.  Get your fingers out of there!”

“Aww, so mean!”

Kim struggled until she got her arms free of Isula and tried to grab the rifle.

“No fighting in the range.  Continue, and you’ll be reprimanded.”

Kim stopped, “My apologies.  What do you want us to test?”

“First Private Isula.  Take a prone position and try to hit the targets at the end of the range.”

Isula took the desired position, “First time I held one of these.  This is just like the movies!” Unfortunately, the uniform didn’t cover her rump, and Kim got a full view between her legs as Isula did her best to aim the rifle.

“How are you supposed to aim this?”

“Look down the sights.”

“You mean this tube on the top?  It’s all black.  I can’t see a thing.”

“Do your best private.  Then slowly squeeze the trigger.”

“Okay….  The trigger is frozen and won’t move.”

“Try rotating the firing selector.”

“This thingy on the side?  It won’t move.”

“Noted.  Slave Kim, please try with the rifle.”

Kim took her place and made a bigger show of it than Isula.  She was completely naked except for the metallic cuffs and collar.

“I have some sights, and I can see the end of the range,”  She lay there, her voice taking on an intense quality.  As if by instinct, she held the rifle properly.  Her eye was several centimeters from the sights, and both eyes were open.

“Sights say the safety is on.  May I disengage?”

“Try the first position on the selector.”

“Single, strip.”

“Fire when ready, Slave Kim.”

“Wilco.”  She seemed a completely different person with a rifle in her hands.  She squeezed the trigger and held the gun during the minimal recoil.

“Some sort of energy weapon.  It dissolved the paper target.  Move the selector one notch.”  A new target was lowered into place at the end of the range.

“Strip, Auto.”

“One more notch.”

“Bind, single, empty.”

“There probably needs to be some physical ammo.  There are some fifty-millimeter grenades in a box back at the warehouse.  They might fit the loader on the rifle.”

“Oh, do you want me to get them?”

“No, Private Isula.  Try the next setting, Slave Kim.”

“Bolt, Single.”


The recoil was more significant this time.  A bolt went through the target, leaving a fair-sized hole.  The edges of the hole were charred.

“That looked like a stun bolt.  There should be one more setting.  Most likely Bolt, Auto.”


“That’s good, Slave Kim.  Safe the weapon.  The experiment provided valuable information.”

Isula held up the chains and smiled, “Well, I guess we have to go back.” 

Kim shook her head, “I don’t think I have to wear those.”


< *  *  * >


Kim didn’t have to wear the chains, and the VIs told Isula not to put them on her.  She still had to wear the gag, though; her arms were magnetically bound behind her back.  Otherwise, she was still naked and outside the rifle range.  However, Isula had already been dismissed, leaving Kim to travel back to the research facility alone.

Unfortunately for her, the night parade had started, and she would have to sneak back past all the trainees standing on the parade ground.  She was sure that Isula planned this with the Vis because she wanted to introduce the Slave to the squad.

Kim didn’t want to be caught.  One person knowing she was a slave was terrible, but having more people know she was one would be just too humiliating.  So instead, she was doing her best to sneak around, stay in the shadows, and generally not be seen.

She even tried to crawl through the grass behind the hedges.  “Why do they need all these plants?  We’re inside a spaceship.” However, she still found it exciting to crawl just meters away from the trainees, rubbing her breasts against the dirt and grass, trying to slip past them.  All the while, she held onto the chains with her hands, trying to keep them quiet.

When she returned to the research building, she was both pleased and surprisingly disappointed.  Didn’t they know that a naked slave girl was sneaking around behind them?  Who would have been helpless if she had been discovered?  What would they have done if they had caught the gagged, chained Slave?

At the door of the building, she found a problem.  She didn’t know how to open the door and hold onto the chains simultaneously.  And the parade was breaking up.  So she quickly dropped the chains and bent over at the waist to lift her arms high enough to grab the door handle and twist it.  Then she found the chains acted as a doorstop.

She spent long moments wiggling around, and she stopped as she heard the trainees start to march back to the dorm.  The light over the door kept her illuminated, and she looked up towards the interception as the first marched past, followed by the rest.

“None of them looked!  Gods, that was so close…  Why am I so wet?”  She pressed her buttocks against the door and tried to bring some relief, but the handle was too high.  Finally, she gave up and bent her knees to grab the chains and move them to the forward corner.

Finally, she could open the door, turned around, and tried to hold the door open with her head and get the chains.  It took her several tries, freezing several times whenever she heard something.  She finally got into the building and walked toward the warehouse, breathing heavily through her nose.  Every few steps, she rubbed her thighs together, desperately seeking relief.

“After putting the chains away, go up the stairs and the fourth door on the right.”

She moaned into the gag, “Isn’t that the room with the conveyor belt?  They don’t….”  She sighed into the gag, “But they don’t know about the stealth drone.” She reluctantly started to walk up the stairs and down the hallway.

“One… Two… Three… Thank gods!  It’s this door.  Four!”

She entered the room and found a single chair in the middle.  A heavy wooden chair that didn’t look friendly at all.  At least to her, it looked like one of those chairs prisoners in those old movies met their ends, though it was noticeably different.

The door closed behind her, and her cuffs were released.  She immediately reached towards her groin but was denied her sweet release.  Instead, her cuffs were magnetized again and brought up to her collar.

“Sit on the chair Slave Kim.”

With a moan, she moved to the chair and sat down, her buttocks pressing against the hard wood.  She heard clicks as her ankle cuffs were locked into place and clamps were set around her knees.  Then, she heard more clicks at her collar.  And another clamp wrapped around her waist.

“You may remove the gag, but then place your arms on the armrests.  There are some questions we need to ask you.”

“Have I done something wrong?”  She asked as she squirmed there, “Uhhh, oooh.”  She said as she felt something, a pair of some things started to push up between her legs.  Not enough to bring her relief.  They slowly pushed upwards and stopped when she reached her peak.

“That’s to be determined.  Slave Kim.  Who is ‘Master EB?’  You said you didn’t remember anything from before waking up in the cargo hold.”

“Oooh, uhh.”  She said as she was distracted by those penetrators entering into her, not enough to climax.  “Shit!  Isula!  Why’d you tell them about edging?” 

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