Elknid’s Behemoth

Chapter 6: Chapter 5

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I think I found something, Slave Kim.”

“What did you find, Master?  Oh, it looks like a heap of junk from a battle.  Do you want me to come over to you?”  She could see a video from EB’s primary camera as its manipulators moved through the various fallen robots.

“I don’t think that’s necessary.  We can meet back at the panel faster.  Why don’t you join me there.”  He had picked up an interface probe and looked it over before dropping it to scavenge between another robot.

“What was that you picked up… It looked like…. Never mind.”

“That was a slave communication interface.  The dual purpose type that the cat bot had that you took in your anus.”

“Don’t tell me that!”

“I can give you a video if you like instead?”

“No, Master EB, don’t tease me like that.”

“I’m detecting signs of arousal in your voice, Slave Kim.”

“No, that’s not true.  So please don’t tease me and call me that.”

“As you wish, Slave, I’ll meet you back at the panel once I find what I’m looking for.”

Kim could only pout as she stood there naked in the hallway.  She sighed as she reached up to rub against the collar she still wore, her fingers stroking along the various modules attached.  Kim shivered when she realized what she was doing and what those modules could do to her.  And she couldn’t help but blush as she felt the charge of excitement go through her.  ‘Really, I’m not like this.’ She thought to herself in denial.

Her hands next moved to the rubber straps that hung around her neck and went down to the large rubber ball that continued to bounce against her neck whenever she moved.  She’s not sure why she kept it, but she saw that EB was still holding onto other straps.  She was getting distracted and lifted the ball up to her mouth to feel it with her lips.  What am I doing?  She asked herself and quickly let go of the gag and started to walk down the hallway to retrace her steps.

She had found that EB hadn’t arrived by the time she did, so she decided to try to get a sight of the hanger bay with her own eyes.  See how much of a problem it would be.  She moved to the ship's corridor and bit her lip with indecision.  “Oww, I can’t keep doing that.”  She made another bad decision and decided to rectify the lip biting by putting the ball into her mouth.

Damn it, this is exciting!  She decided to creep down the hallway towards the ship.  She did her best to keep from being seen, not that there could be anyone to see her.  If they find me, I don’t know what they’d do.

I’m at the panel, Slave.  Where are you?”

She let out a gasp into the gag.  At least it was muffled, but she heard the motions stop down the hallway.  She didn’t know if she had been heard, and that fear caused her to shiver even more.  She was a naked, collared slave girl wearing a gag trying to sneak up on unknown robots.

And she couldn’t even answer her Master.  No, she couldn’t answer EB.  She had to call him Master, but he was still EB.  Activity resumed in the hanger bay, so she started to creep away from it to get back to the hallway.  All the while, her teeth were clenched around the ball gag in her mouth.

When she finally got far enough away that she couldn’t hear the noise of the working robots, she got up and ran for it.  ‘But, oh god, oh god that… oh’ that was scary.

“There you are, Slave.  Why are you wearing the gag?”

She blushed deeply and looked around, trying to spot the stealth drone that EB was using.  But unfortunately, she couldn’t figure out where it was without any frame of reference.  So she quickly covered herself, trying to protect her modesty, blushing profoundly and looking like a girl caught masturbating in the bathroom by her parents.

Did you get lost?  You should get back here so we can go over the next step.”

Kim looked down in embarrassment and started to walk back reluctantly.  “Hurry up, Slave, you look like a kid that will get a spanking.  You don’t want a spanking, do you?”

She shook her head and moaned into the gag, and started to jog towards where the panel was.  She finally got there and remembered to take the gag out of her mouth, “Um, Hi Master EB.  Did you find everything you needed?”

“For the most part, Slave.  So why were you wearing the gag?”

“Umm…  Well…  You see….”

The camera drone moved closer, “You’re not going to try to lie to me, are you?  That’s what a bad girl does, and bad girls get punished, right, Slave?”

“Eep, No.”  She didn’t know why but this situation caused strange feelings in her, “When I got back here, you weren’t here, so I wanted to see the cargo bay with the ship in it with my own eyes.”

“But I gave you a camera view of it earlier, Slave.  So why do you need another view?  And you could have just asked.  There’s a stealth drone there now.”

“I… I didn’t think of that, Master EB.”

“And why were you wearing the gag?”

“I… I bit my lip when I got to the corridor leading to the cargo bay.  I didn’t think that was a good idea, so I used the gag to keep from biting my lip some more.”

The AI paused and looked over the naked woman, “You’re not lying.  But you seem excited and aroused, more than you were before.  Did you run into more of that goo, Slave?”

She shook her head quickly, “No, Master EB, I didn’t!”

“So this is the normal you?  I see that bad decisions aren’t only caused by the goo then, Slave.”

“I can make good decisions, Master EB!”

There was a suspicious pause there, “Fine.  Right now, I need to hack into the panel and hopefully into their system.  I’m sure many alarms will be set off, and you will need to distract the bots.  And lead them away from here.”

“Won’t they come right here?”

“I don’t think they’ve mapped the tunnels.  They didn’t seem to be following any direction, so they’ll have to search for the tunnels to get here.  You must keep them from this tunnel until I can finish hacking.”

“How long is that going to take?”

“I’m not sure, maybe 10 minutes.  It depends on how distracted I am, Slave.”

“Oh, ok.  So you want me to lead the Commonwealth bots away while you’re hacking?”


“I can try to do that.  And there was that battlefield you found a little away.”

“What are you thinking about?”

“Well, if they think that I’m a slave girl.  And chase me, I could make sure to lead them to the battlefield, or at least in that direction to make it more believable?”

“They’re machines.  They don’t believe in things, Slave.”

“Oh, that’s too bad.”

“But you’re plan might work.  If we can increase the possibilities for them to believe that you’re a slave girl sent out scouting and then run back towards where they met the slaver bots before, they might calculate things based on that and follow after you.”

“Well, I have the collar, so that should be good, right?”

“I calculate a 45% chance that they would believe that if they could see it.  The problem is that your hair might get in the way of their visual sensors.”

“And, if I’m running away, then they might not see it and only see a naked human girl.”

“Yes.  So we need to increase your disguise.”

“How do we do that, Master?”

EB picked up one of the metallic ropes and looked at Kim meaningfully, “Put this back on your arms behind your back, and they’ll see it.”

Kim shook her head, “But my hair is pretty long.  I’m not sure they’d be able to see it through the hair.”

“You have a point, Slave.  We could braid your hair and maybe add an ornament or two to help with the disguise.”

“I guess that will work, but I’ve never been too good at braiding my hair, and it’s probably a mess.”

“It is a mess, but it should be fine if we give it a loose braid.”

“So where’s the battlefield?  How do I lead them to it.”

The blindfold and gag were removed from Kim’s forehead as EB explained the fastest way to get to the battlefield.   He moved the camera drone behind Kim and ran the manipulators’ fingers through her hair like a coarse comb.  Working out any of the knots he could find and getting it to be more manageable.

Kim stood there as the camera drone braided her long hair in a relatively loose braid.  When the drone got closer to the end, it took an O-ring that EB found at the battlefield, threaded the tail of hair through it, and then back-braided the remaining hair to keep the ring in.

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Kim looked at the ring and her hair, “That’s interesting.  But couldn’t I get caught by it?”

“Yes, so you’ll have to ensure you stay ahead of the robots.  But it should flash in the light as you’re running.  Think of it like the light an anglerfish uses.”

“Oh, I’ve never heard of those, Master.”

“Then don’t worry about it.  Now place your arms behind your back, with your wrists together.”

“That’s different than what we did …..   Ohh, that’s tight.  I can feel my elbows pressed together.  Like the first time, the drone bound my arms.”

“Yes, the rope will be more visible this way.  And if you work at it, you might be able to grab this with your hands like this.”

She pulled on the rope from wrist to elbow and the second one that continued up her arms, pulling her arms even tighter.  “Can I get a picture of this?  Turn it off, turn it off, Master.”  She said with embarrassment.

“What’s wrong?”

“It really pushes my breasts forward as if I’m offering them, and, and it really shows how naked and vulnerable I am, more than the other way, Master.”

“That’s the point, Slave.”

“Ooh, I guess so.  Let’s do this then.”

“If you’re ready.”  The robotic hands came over her head and pulled the ballgag back into her mouth.  Kim let out a surprised cry that made it easier for the drone to tug the gag into her mouth.  The straps were tightened down, so there was no way to push the ball out with her teel.  She muffled out a complaint at the floating camera drone, but the only response she got was for it to place the blindfold on her forehead again.

She tried to complain again, and it picked up the paddle.  Kim decided that now was a good time to escape and ran towards the corridor intersection leading to the ship.  She couldn’t help but squirm as she stood there, waiting to draw the bots away, her thighs rubbing together.  I need to let them see me enough to identify me and chase me.  She blushed brightly.  ‘I need to let them see me!  Oh no, I don’t like this plan now.  What if they record this and show everyone?  Maybe if I hide around the corner they won’t see me till I start running, then they’d just see my back.’

            Kim rubbed against the Behemoth’s wall as she peeked around the corner.  She couldn’t help but chew on the large gag in her mouth, waiting for the Commonwealth robots to start advancing.  Her thighs were also rubbing together as the fear and excitement started to drive her.

            She didn’t have long to wait as she heard several bots coming down the passageway.  She kept her head around the corner.  The heavy O-ring EB had braided into her hair was hanging, providing a little more risk for capture.  Seconds passed like minutes, and then she saw them.

            Four sentry bots were walking down the hallway.  All of them were of the same model, or close enough that Kim couldn’t tell.  Each was a tall humanoid robot, almost twice as tall as she was.  Each was carrying a weapon that scared and excited Kim.  ‘Am I an adrenaline junkie?’  She asked herself as she kept watching the sentry bots.

One thing that surprised her was that each was partially covered with the same organic matter that made up the walls of the Behemoth.

            She watched them come closer and chewed on the gag in her mouth.  One spotted her and raised its weapon, and she barely had enough time before something came her way and impacted the far wall of the tunnel she was hiding in.  Goo spurted out, and she narrowly avoided it.  What are they shooting?  I don’t want to get hit by that.

            She had a mission to do, so she had to run out into the hallway and lead the robots away from EB and the airlock panel.  So she screwed up her courage, jumped into the passage, and started running down it on her bare feet.  She was pretty fast, to begin with, but she wasn’t used to running with her arms bound behind her, her large breasts bouncing freely, and her mouth blocked by rubber.

            She did hear the bots stop behind her as she ran down the corridor.  She stopped and looked around behind her, turning her body to see the robots stop at the passage she was hiding in.  She had to encourage them to follow her, so she started to run toward them again.  That did get their attention, and they put their big guns away and pulled out something smaller.  Kim let out an eep as she saw one fire and a lightning bolt shot towards her.  It missed, fortunately, but scared her enough that she turned around and started to run again.

            She started to run from side to side at random, just so that she wouldn’t be an easy target.  The occasional lightning bolt went by, as well as other projectiles.  Another one looked like a glue net stuck to the Behemoth’s wall.  Others were darts that had some sort of syringe attached to them.

            One was still firing its big gun but didn’t seem to be trying to hit her, more like trying to scare her.  And it did an excellent job of scaring her.  Then, there was a turn in the corridor, and one of those big projectiles impacted just in front of her.  The impact tore a hole in the wall and caused a gush of the Behemoth’s goo.

            Maybe they weren’t trying to scare her, as her bare feet ran into the goo, and she went sliding and tumbled into the wall underneath the gush of goo.  She was only in the gushing goo for a moment, but it was long enough to cover her completely.  She did her best to get to her feet and quickly down the hallway, barely avoiding another couple of darts and a lightning bolt.

            She was starting to moan into the gag as she ran.  The excitement was beginning to drive her.  Here she was: a naked slave girl running from something that would do horrible things to her if caught.  She was severely disadvantaged as she ran with her arms held behind her back and her mouth filled with a gag.  Despite herself, she slowed down, almost as if she wanted to be caught.

            That proved a mistake as she got caught by one of the sticky nets and pushed against the wall.  She moaned out into the gag as she watched the robots approach one of the puddles of goo and slow down to get around it.  She squirmed as hard as possible, trying to get out of the net.  And just as the robots transversed the goo, her lubricated body could slip out of the net.  She went sliding down the hallway in the direction she wanted to go.  A Lightning bolt and multiple darts rushed past her overhead.

            She had to struggle, but she was finally able to get to her feet and started to run down the hallway again.  Finally, she could get around another corner before more projectiles flew her way.  ‘The rate of fire of those guns is pretty low.  Good thing for me.’  She thought to herself.  ‘Or they’re just playing with me!  Oh, I hope they’re playing with me!’

            After long minutes of running around corners, the projectiles kept her running but didn’t come close enough to hit, only barely.  Finally, after rounding another bend in the passage, she saw what looked like the battlefield that EB had shown her.  Now she just needed to find a place to hide to get away.  She looked for a suitable robot carcass to hide behind and quickly went over to it.  She was panting hard through her nose and chewing on the gag as she knelt behind it.

            She straddled one of the robot’s arms with her knees.  Kim pressed her pussy down on the corner of the armored arm.  The folds of her labia spread around the harsh metal, and she started to rub back and forth against it.  The naked, collared woman pressed as much weight as possible on that sharp 90-degree angle.  She tried to keep watching over the top of the torso as she tried to bring herself to a climax, hoping to catch sight of the robots as they rounded the bend.  She wiggled even more when she heard the stomps of the bots just around the corner.

            The excitement caused her to rub duck down, and she rubbed her head against the torso of the robot.  She rocked her hips back and forth, causing her pussy to drag along the arm beneath her.  Finally, she rubbed enough that she pulled on the blindfold, causing her to cry out as the collar shocked her.  She continued to cry as an orgasm rippled through her body, and the blindfold tightened over her eyes.

            ‘Oh no…. Oh yes, yes, yes!  Oh, gods, yes!’

            She finally calmed down after a moment as she recovered from the climax.  She couldn’t hear the robots anymore but didn’t want to risk it.  She couldn’t see anymore and wasn’t sure if she could make it back to EB while she was blindfolded.

            She kept low as she tried to work along the robot and keep herself hidden.  She couldn’t tell where she was going, but as Kim moved, she left the robot’s side.  Suddenly Kim heard a clang and felt her collar move.  She jumped back, or at least tried to, and found that something had hooked onto her collar.  Something heavy, loud, and sounded like a chain.

            Kim heard the sounds of the robots moving again, “Do not resist, SlaveYou are our prisoner now.”  She felt the presence of the robot move closer, and then something grabbed onto the chain attached to her collar and pulled.  She heard the chain snap.  Upward pressure on the chain dragged her to her feet.  She shook her head back and forth as she stood there.

            She was then dragged from the battlefield and was helpless to resist.  She couldn’t call out; she couldn’t see.  She was so excited she could climax again, the behemoth goo keeping her in that submissive frame of mind.  She even tried to fight against the chain leash and moaned out at the first tug.  She tried again and then cried out loud when she felt something long and thin land on her breasts.  The swish of the whip hurt, but so did the electric charge that came with it.

            She lost her footing as the shock went through her system.  She didn’t even catch her breath before the chain dragged her back to her feet.  She was stopped and then suddenly coated with water, “Hold still for decontamination, Slave.”  She could only moan as her naked body was washed clean of the goo.  Then everything stopped.  The chain leash fell, but it wasn’t long until the leash was grabbed again, and she was led off again, in another direction.

            “Seems you got caught, Slave Kim.  But I was able to complete the hack.”

            She gasped and nodded to where she thought EB was, and she received a video feed from the drone—showing her clean body, still wearing the gag and blindfold.  And now she had a chain hanging from the front D-ring of her collar.  The chain appeared to be one of those 200-kilogram test chains, with links about two centimeters long.  The last link of the chain was clipped to the cable running from the bottom of EB’s camera drone.

            “Nod, if you want me to remove the blindfold and let you follow me without the leash, shake your head if you would rather stay like this.”

            She quickly nodded her head, and the chain was dropped.  It came down to just past her pussy and nestled between her breasts.  The camera feed cut out just as the drone’s manipulators reached for the blindfold and pushed it back to her forehead.

            “Are you ready for a bit of an info dump?”  Kim shrugged her shoulders and then nodded her head.

            “This is a remnant of the KFS Santiago.  It was a troop transport.  There’s a little over a cubic kilometer left of the ship.  Not the control center or main armory.  Just an empty hanger deck connected to the training center.  No shuttles are left, and the training center is mostly empty.”

            “I’ve been able to get at the mission data, at least the public mission data.  The task force was sent after the Argetiean Slavers raided one of the Commonwealth’s planets.  A planet called Sigma Delta IV, or as the inhabitants call it, Denabe Junior.   I don’t know why.”

            “I was able to insert into the records a partial list of citizens from Denabe Junior, someone who looks like you, captured during one of the raids just after she enlisted.  Since a lot of the information in the database was corrupt, I made the details of the new record corrupt.  All that’s in there is a picture of you that you were from Denabe, you enlisted, and that the Argetiean Slavers captured you.”

            Kim nodded her head but also tried to mumble some words.  She tried to push the gag out of her mouth as she looked at the camera drone.

            “I just want you to listen now, Slave.”  She shivered a little as she walked with the camera drone down the hallway.

            “The best course of action is for those robots to show up being brought along.  They’ll scan you and determine who you are.  And since your ID says Slave Kim, that’s who you’ll be.  We can’t change that now.”

            “The hack I have in place should bring you to the basic training center, and then you’ll have to get yourself into it.  The remnant is such a mess that you might have to fast talk your way through since I couldn’t hack it from the panel.  Do you understand?”

            Kim nodded her head and sighed softly into the gag.  Unfortunately, she would have to stay tied up a bit longer and dragged away by the sentry robots.

            “I have enough power for about ten days, so you’re going to have to find your way to airlock 28c73.  That’s the airlock right here.  And manually open it.  The automated controls do not work.  I will be opening a passageway through the skin of the Behemoth so that I can slip through.”

            “So you have ten days to find your way to the airlock and open it up for me so that I can get in and recharge.  If you don’t, I’ll be without power, and the explosives on your collar might go off.”

            She let out a squeak and a moan into the gag, her body shivering at the thought.  “You are displaying signs of excitement and arousal again, Slave Kim.  And that gel has been washed from your body.  Just think of it as encouragement.  To get the job done faster.”

            “I have hacked the system, so they won’t remove the collar from you.  So you’ll have it, and we’ll be able to communicate when we get close to each other again.”

            She nodded and gasped as she shifted from foot to foot.  “I’ll be slaving a stealth drone to your collar.  You’ll always be able to use it, but you might not be able to control it.  One of the first things that they’ll probably do is download the enlisted personal software to your implant.”

            “It’s a lucky thing you picked up that deluxe collar since they’ve been programmed for control of captured Commonwealth mech pilots, like you.  That means that after every update of your implant, it will inject its additional software into your implant so that you’ll have access to the feed from the drone.  You may not have control over the drone, but you should be able to see and hear through it.  This is going to be a big unknown for both of us.  And you’ll have to trust me, and I—you to get us through this.”  Kim shivered when she heard that EB trusted her.

            “Another thing you should know, by running through the diagnostics, it looks like the Behemoth is digesting the ship or consuming it, but it’s not going very fast.  By my projections, it should be about three months before it becomes dangerous to any inhabitants inside.  By then we’ll have to move on.”

            “Now then, are you ready to go?”  She nodded her head.  EB led her back to the frozen robots.  The drone grabbed the end of the chain leash and attached it to the waist of one of the robots.  “Good luck, Slave.”  These were the final words she heard from EB before the blindfold slipped over her eyes again.


Author’s Note:

Thank you for reading Chapter 5 of Elknid’s Behemoth.  This chapter turned out to be longer than my goal by about 2,000 words.

 I’m working on building a buffer so I can post a bunch daily for three weeks.  Currently, I have 14 chapters available in the publicly available Google Doc.  Just have a look for a link on Patreon.  ()  There’s also a link to Discord and the channel for discussing the story if interested.


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