Elknid’s Behemoth

Chapter 7: Chapter 6

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 With the stealth camera drone following her, Kim could see where she was going, at least partially.  The camera drone’s position was over her right shoulder and pointed downwards.  She could see the floor about ten meters in front of her, but that was it.  The position of the drone’s feed in her vision couldn’t be changed.  It was always to the top left and easily ignored.  It was also not easy to focus on since it was always on the top left, no matter where she tried to put her eyeballs.

Still, she adapted to it as if born to it.  She occasionally turned her head to the side and saw the blindfold blacking out the rest of her vision and the large rubber ball blocking her words.  And she got a good view of the heavy chain leading from her collar to the bot that led her down the ship’s corridors.

She only stumbled when she went from the behemoth’s gravity to the ship’s gravity.  The ship was pointed down and rotated slightly—the transition from one gravity well to the next disoriented her.  Nevertheless, the sentry bot relentlessly dragged her through the disorientation and into the strangely familiar hallways of the ship.

Grey was the day’s color, at least in the featureless hallways.  Grey walls and grey floors.  The stealth drone didn’t point towards the ceiling, so Kim assumed that the ceiling at least had lights and other features.

She didn’t trip over the bulkheads when they came to them, with her feet unbound and the camera letting her know when she needed to step up and over.  Strangely enough, the tight leash also gave her some balance to keep her upright as she walked.  Of course, her breasts bouncing threw off her balance, but she was getting used to that too.

Kim also had no idea where she was going, but suddenly the light brightened.  At least the camera had to adjust as they stepped through a door.  She swore she could feel sunlight on her naked body and a cool breeze flow against her skin.  And she felt dirt under her bare feet.  She paused in confusion, only to be yanked forward on the chain.

There was nothing she could do to hide her body as he heard an audible gasp, a human’s voice.  She’d be caught dressed like this, well naked like this, by a real person.  She blushed deeply and tried to hide behind the robot leading her, but she couldn’t see the person in the camera’s view, and the robot kept going.

She even heard a drill instructor yelling out the cadence and various orders in the background.  She was dragged along like an animal, like a slave.  Finally, the robot pulled her into a building.

She knew she was cheating as the stealth drone gave her a good look at where she stood.  She was in front of a desk, and there was a hologram behind it, something computer generated.

The robot detached the chain from its hip and turned to leave the room.  “Stop Sd2893.  Remove the prisoner’s gag and blindfold and set them on the desk.  I would talk to her.”

Kim shook her head and let out a muffled protest into the gag.  “The shock has been disabled temporarily, Slave Kim.”  The male hologram’s voice was reassuring, so she stood still as the robot removed her blindfold and then her gag.  It didn’t damage them from the looks of it but placed them on the desk before her.

She was able to look around.  It was a dimly lit room, obviously an administrative room with many desks and workstations.  She was standing in front of the front desk, still bound and naked.

“Umm… Hello master.”  She started off trying to keep in character.

“I’m not a master.  If you must be formal, call me Sergeant.”

“Yes, Sergeant!”

“Do you know why you’re here, Slave Kim?”  The hologram looked confused for a moment, “Is that your full name?”

“Yes, Sergeant, that’s my full name.”

“Your parents named you slave?”

“No, Sergeant.  But that’s what my name is now in my ID, and I can’t change it.”

“Not without the proper software, you can’t.  I’ll write you down as Slave Kim in our logs.”

Kim looked down, “Yes, Sergeant.”  She pulled on her bound arms and looked back up, “Can you free me from these restraints?”

“Not yet.  We don’t know if you’re friend or foe.”

“I’m a friend, Sergeant.  I was captured just after my eighteenth birthday and before my enlistment enrollment.”

“We do have a picture on file that looks like you.  With a record.  Since the crash, everything was corrupted.”  The monitor turned to face Kim.  She saw the record that EB had hacked into the system.  “Is this you?”

“Yes, Sergeant.”

“Can you prove that you aren’t a threat to us?”

She bit her lip, “I don’t know, Sergeant.  What do I need to prove it?  I don’t have any paperwork or identification.  All I have is what you see.”

The hologram brought his fingers together before him.  “We can give you an examination.  It will be intensive and intrusive.  But if you pass it and we don’t detect anything that would harm us, we’ll admit you into the basic training facility.”

“How long with that take, sergeant?”

“About a day.”

“What if I say no?”

“We’ll have to put you in a cage.”

“No, I’ll be good, Sergeant.  I’ll take whatever test you want me to.”

“Good, we’ll start with the recruitment tests.  All recruits must take a written test and a medical test.  This is to determine what branch of service you will join.  The options are split between the ship handlers, the front-line combat soldiers, and the operations people.  Do you know the difference?”

“Ummm…  I guess the ship handlers are like the people who pilot and operate the ships.  The operations people handle the paperwork, and the front-line combat soldiers are everyone else?”

“That’s close enough.  The ship handlers deal with teams in the thousands and handle the operations of the big ships.  Everything that deals with those ships, firing the big guns, moving the ships around, that sort of thing.  They do not handle boarding actions, though.  That’s left to us, the front-line soldiers.  So this training base is for basic training for the front line path.”

“Oh…  Can I be a mech pilot in the front line path, Sergeant?”

“Ahhh…  One of those.”

“One of those, Sergeant?”

“The Kim Stone fan girls.”  Kim blushed deeply and looked down at the ground.

“The hair color is a giveaway.  All the Stone fan girls have it.  However, becoming a mech pilot is not easy, and you might not have the ability to adapt to it.”

“I’ll do my best, Sergeant!  Please let me try!”  She looked up at the hologram, trying to look confident.  The situation wasn’t helped that her collar chain swung forward with the actions of her head and rattled against her breasts.

“First, you need to pass the tests, Slave Kim.  We also have to check a few other things.”

“I’ll do my best, Sergeant.”  She started to bounce a little on her bare feet.

“You do remember that you’re naked, don’t you, Slave Kim?”

“Eeep”  She tried to bend over and cover herself again, but with her wrists bound behind her back, she couldn’t do much to hide.

“The first test, Slave Kim, is to go out that door and cross the courtyard to the testing facility.”

“Naked?  Sergeant?  What if…. If someone else sees me?”

“You’ll just have to go fast so they won’t.”

“Yes, Sergeant….”

“Aren’t you forgetting something, Slave Kim?  Your gag and blindfold?”

“Yes, Sergeant.”

She had a look at the two objects on the desk.  The robot didn’t move them to a place she could get to quickly.  So she had to bend over, snag each one with her mouth, and drag them to the edge of the desk.  After she got them close enough, she tried to do what EB told her.  She bent her elbows and brought her hands towards the object by half turning and pressing her hip to the desk.  She had to get up on her toes to get her fingers close, but she could finally snag them.

She headed to the door, glad it was a push-open door, and pressed back with her buttocks to the bar to open it and go out into the sunlight.  Kim’s eyes took a few moments to adjust before she could get oriented. 

It was enough time for someone to grab the chain hanging from her collar and drag her away from the door and some bushes.  “Hey, Let go of me!”  The blindfold was pulled from her hands and slipped over her eyes.

“Quiet, or I gag you too!” Then, she saw who had grabbed her on the stealth drone’s camera.  It was a shorter red-headed girl.  Her hair was done up in a bun behind her head, but Kim was sure it would flow down longer than her own if left undone.

The short redhead could barely reach 160 cms if she were lucky.  Not someone who Kim thought would be in the front-line soldiers.  Especially not with a pair of breasts that rivaled Kim’s own.

“So, what’s your story?  You’re naked and bound up, here!”

“I’m an escaped slave.  When the Commonwealth attacked the slavers, I was able to get away, and one of the Commonwealth sentry bots captured me.”

“Oooh, I guess that makes sense.  But why are you here, miss Slave?”

“Umm…  Well, before I was captured by the slavers, I was living in the Commonwealth and I was due for my enlistment.  So they brought me here so I could take the tests and all that.”

“I guess that makes sense.”  The redhead played with the chain leash.  Despite herself, Kim’s nipples started to harden and show signs of getting aroused.  “Why are you still tied up?”

“The Sergeant says that I’m not trusted yet and that I have to prove myself before they let me in for training.”  She blushed deeply, “Please let me go.  I need to get over to the tests.”

The redhead tugged on the leash, “We’ll see.  There seem to be only eight of us here.  Everyone else was sent off on patrols around the ship, and we haven’t heard back since we crashed.”

“Oh…  There isn’t much left of the ship.  I think this training base and a hanger bay may be all that’s left right now.”

“How do you know that?”

“When I was running around trying to find my way, I didn’t see much of the ship in the behemoth’s corridors.  And it looked like it was digesting what was here.”

“Behemoth?  Digesting?”

“Didn’t they tell you the slaver base was on the husk of a dead behemoth?”

“We’re recruits.  They don’t tell us anything.”

“Well, the slaver’s base was on the husk of a dead behemoth.”  Kim’s deadpanned rewarded her a glare from the redhead.

“You said that.  Tell me something I don’t know.  Like this digesting thing.”

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“It’s not dead.  The behemoth woke up and was hungry.”

“You mean….   It ate the ship?”

“I think so.  I don’t know.  Can I go now?”

The redhead dropped the chain, “Can you at least push the blindfold to my forehead so I can see?”  She asked

She did see the woman blush almost as profoundly as her hair, “I suppose so.”  Kim turned to look at the woman.

“Umm, why are you only wearing a top and combat boots?”

“Why are you naked?”

“Because I’m a slave!  That’s why.”

“No, since the crash or whatever, the supply depot is mostly empty.  Or it’s not creating enough clothes.  I don’t know.  When I finished my patrol and took my shower, I disposed of my clothes as I was supposed to.  But all that came out was this.  Lucky I kept my boots.”

“Oh…  That’s bad.  You said there were eight others.  Did they have the same problem?”

“Yes, but different clothes.  I guess you’d better go to your tests then.  See if you join us.”

“Yes, but, umm…”


“Can you do me a quick favor?  Well, two?”

“What’s that, slave girl?”

“It’s Kim, owwww!  Slave Kim!”

The redhead stood back in shock as she watched the electricity flow from Kim’s collar.

“Why’d you get a shock.”

“I… I don’t know….  I guess because I said I was Kim…. Owwww, and not Slave Kim.  It’s never done that before.”

“So you can’t call yourself Kim?  But have to call yourself Slave Kim?  So is Slave your first name or title?”

Kim bit her lip and looked down, “First name.”  She blushed deeply.  “I guess you can call me, Slave.  Slave Kim is better than the other one.”  The collared woman muttered the last bit to herself.  The redhead grabbed the chain from the collar and tugged at it.

“Well, pleased to meet you, Slave.  I’m Private Isula.  I sure hope we get along.  But tell me, what was the other one?”

“Slave 27863.”

“So you didn’t even have the name Kim before.  Good because I can’t call you that!”

“Why not?”

“Because that’s her name!”

“Who’s name?”

“Kim Stone’s name!”

“Umm…  Well, Kim’s a common name, isn’t it?”

“I guess so, but you look like here too.”

“Umm.. I don’t know why.”

“What did you want me to do, Slave Kim?”

“Can you put this gag around my neck so I don’t have to carry it everywhere?”

“Why don’t you get rid of it?”

“The Sergeant inside told me to keep it!  I guess it’s the only personal possessions I have right now.”

“Ok, there you go.  What’s the next thing?”

“Can you open the door to the building over there?  It’s kind of hard to do when your arms are bound behind your back.”

“I can do that for you, Slave.”

“Please, Isula, please call me Kim…. Owww…. Slave.”  She bit her lip and looked down at the ground.

“I’ll do that, Slave.  Now let’s go.”  The redhead still held onto the chain and dragged the taller woman behind her.

“But someone might see us!”

“I’m surprised you’re still embarrassed by this.  You’re obviously enjoying yourself, or do you enjoy being embarrassed?”

“No, Private Isula, I don’t enjoy it.  I…  I…”

“I think you’re an exhibitionist.  Come on and let everyone see your naked body.”  She giggled as she led Kim across the pathway to the next building.

“Here we are, Slave.  I think I like you.  Perhaps we’ll be in the same squad if you pass all the tests.”

“Thank you, Private Isula.”

“One more thing.”  The shorter woman pushed the door open and pushed Kim inside.  She pinned the bound woman against the wall and reached up to wrap her arms around her neck to bring her down to kiss deeply, “I’m not wearing any underwear, and you’re so damn sexy, like this.”

“But aren’t you on duty?  So I shouldn’t keep you, Isula.”

“Shhhh.”  She said as she pressed her lips to the other woman, “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had good eating out?  I bet you’re very skilled at it.”

Kim shook her head in disbelief.  “But I have to take those tests.  I’m sure they’re waiting for me.”

“Oh, they’re not people.  They’re just very good VIs in holographic form.  They’re probably just waiting for an event to happen before waking up.  If they haven’t been programmed to be mad about the delay between telling you to come here and you coming here, they won’t even notice.  Get on your knees, Slave, and give me my reward.”

Kim soon found herself kneeling before the woman as the uniform top was undone.  She really wasn’t wearing any underwear.  All she was wearing was that button-down shirt that barely covered her buttocks.  The insistent redhead tugged Kim forward until her mouth pressed against the soft and sweet folds before her.

Instincts made Kim squirm, and instincts made her push her tongue out and slowly start to lick against the smooth folds of flesh before her mouth.  She gently tasted the flesh before her before slowly moving towards the split.  Finally, the redhead gasps, “You can be more forceful than that, Slave.  Push your tongue against me, lick my clit.”

Kim did her best, but the more she thought about it, the more her tongue fumbled.  “You got to be doing better than that!”  Isula reached for the blindfold and slipped it down over Kim’s eyes, “Take that as encouragement!”

She let her instincts take over as her tongue sought out the flavor of the standing woman.  She dove into the inner folds and sought any moisture she could find.  Only to pull out and lap against the nub of sensitive nerves that lived above.

“That’s better, Slave.  You’re definitely getting it now.”

It seemed like minutes passed as Kim knelt there, her tongue slowly gaining more skill as she realized she had muscle memory for this.  She paused with her tongue as deep as she could push it, wondering just where she practiced this enough to gain the memory.

“Don’t stop, Slave!  You’re almost there.”

She then tried something.  She curled her tongue, surrounded the nerve bundle from the bottom, and lightly rubbed her teeth along the top.

“Harder!  Oh yes, like that!  Gods, yes.”  Isula grabbed Kim’s head to support herself as she cried out her orgasm.  Seconds passed into moments, and then she came down.  “Oh gods, if it hadn’t been so long…  You won’t have as easy of a time next time, Slave.  But you’ll have to do better, too.”

Kim looked up at Isula and blushed, “I’ll do my best, Private Isula.  But…. I’m trying to learn to be a soldier.  I’m not sure this is a good skill to have.”

“Pahh, it’s always a good skill to have.”

“You’re weird.”

“No, it’s just how I grew up, Slave.  Have fun with your tests.”

Kim got to her feet and walked down the corridor.  Isula turned to leave and had her hands on the buttons of her top, “Before you leave, Private Isula…”


Author’s Note:

Thank you all for reading through Chapter 6 of Elknid’s Behemoth.  I am still working on my goal of getting enough chapters into my buffer so I can post one a day for three weeks.  I am getting closer.  I have up to chapter 23 posted on the Google Doc linked to a public post on my Patreon page ().  With this being chapter 6, and I have chapter 23 available, that means there are 17 more chapters available.  When I reach 33 chapters in the buffer, I’ll post 21 daily.



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