Elknid’s Behemoth

Chapter 8: Chapter 7

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Kim woke up disoriented.  She had no idea where she was.  She found herself lying on her side on what felt like latex.  Her wrists and elbows were still bound behind her by that metallic rope the slavers used.

It took her a few moments to understand what had happened and why she was in a cage.  At least, that’s what she assumed.  The walls were close; they looked to be thickly padded latex.  There was no indication where the door was in the one cubic meter she inhabited.  She could move around, get up on her knees or lay down curled up, but not much more than that.  The only feature in the cage was three dildos sticking out of the padded latex.

She had no idea where the light was coming from or the cool air.  The blowing air disturbed her hair, but it wasn’t enough to stop her from sleeping the night through.  The box was the perfect temperature for sleeping in, and the cushioning floor felt soft underneath her.  It took her a while to remember how she got into the cage and then relaxed.

The building that Kim was ordered to was a mixture of a clearing warehouse and laboratory.  The warehouse portion was stuffed almost to capacity with ‘items’ recovered from the slavers, and the laboratory examined them for their usefulness.

The body mods that the Commonwealth had were advanced; the way the Argetiean Slavers enhanced them was at least a level above.  This building was the research area for this ship.  Each ship that had a training center had similar facilities.

She was shocked with what she had found, surprised enough that she didn’t hear the instructions from the VIs on where to go.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been awake for a long time and trying to survive after escaping.”  She had explained.

Medical protocols had kicked in, and she was given an examination.  Unfortunately, exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition were the diagnoses.  All that within the half day she knew about, and who knows how long before she had her memories purged.  Worse still, the research protocols kicked in.  A cage, recovered from the slavers, hadn’t been adequately examined yet.   The slavers used the box to transport their merchandise over long distances.  An exhausted slave presented the VIs with the perfect excuse to give the cage a test.

A partial test since Kim couldn’t put on the blindfold or the ring gag harness the slaves usually wore during transport.  After shaking her head to clear it and licking her dry lips, she approached the two dildos on one side of the box.  Knowing that she was being recorded didn’t help her shame and embarrassment.  The dildos were the proper height for her to get her mouth over.  First was water, and she had to encourage it to start dribbling the water into her mouth.  It took her a while to build up the proper rhythm and use her tongue over the ridges in the realistic phallus to unlock an adequate stream of water.

The second one contained a highly concentrated nutrient past and was slightly salty.  Again Kim had to work on the dildo for a minute before she earned her meal.  After swallowing a good-sized meal, the flow increased.  She gagged and pulled back to keep from choking.  This was either the wrong decision or the right one.  It was the right one for whoever was observing her and the bad decision for her.  The flow of nutrient paste continued and spurted all over her face.

Panels opened in the latex pillows when part of the paste dripped from her face.  One panel had a claw that snagged her collar chain and brought her face down against the latex floor.  Another grabbed her wrists and bought them to the ceiling of the cage.

“Oww, that hurts!”  She complained and cried again when she felt something strike against her buttocks.  The next injustice was from the last dildo on the opposite wall of the crate.  It snaked forward and pushed into her anus.

“Gah!  What is it with you?  Hey, what are you pumping into me?”  She couldn’t help her groans as she felt some fluid pumped into her and start to fill up her bowels.  “Hey, stop it!”  Her collar chain was released, and nozzles appeared on the walls, water blasted over her naked skin, and the cage started to fill with water.

The plug pulled out of her rump, and the water drained from the cage.   She felt much cleaner but humiliated.  She collapsed on her side again and breathed deeply for five minutes when the door opened.  Furthermore, the dry air flowed over her body, removing any moisture from the cage.

“Hey, Slave, you can come out of there!”  She recognized the voice, “you look like a mess.  A clean mess, but still a mess.”  It was Private Isula.  Kim didn’t even realize that she could escape the crate.  In relative freedom, she stood up and looked at the redhead.  She was still dressed only in the uniform top, socks, and combat boots.

“Have you been in that cage the whole time after I left you?  I thought you were supposed to be taking the enlistment tests.”

“I was going to, but…  It turned out that I was too exhausted, dehydrated, and lacking food.  The medical VI ordered rest, and the research VI decided the cage was the best place.  Something about killing two birds with one stone.  What are you doing here?”

“I received orders to report here to help with your tests.  And I was just about to get some sleep too.”

“The sergeant VI did give you a bit of a chewing out when it called you in earlier.”

“That’s your fault, Slave!”

“How is it my fault?”

“You made me cum too loud.  That let the VI know we were there.”

“Still not my fault!”

Isula ignore her protests,

“Where’d they get all of this?”  Isula exclaimed, “It looks like a store back home.”

“You have stores like this back home, Isula?”

“All over the place, Slave!  In all the cities and towns, though, this is more… sadistic… I think.”  She opened a box labeled ‘collars.’  “They’re all shock collars.”

The redheaded private acted like a child in a candy shop as she started to open more boxes, “Oh, there are collars like yours too, Slave.  Oh, my gods, you’re a kinky girl!”

“What do you mean?”

“Explosive, shock, and asphyxiation, is that what you’re wearing.”

Kim’s answer was a blush, and she looked down at the ground.  She still couldn’t cover herself, despite wanting to.

“You put the collar on yourself, didn’t you!”

“No… No…”

“Worse than that?”  Kim could only nod.

“You asked for someone to put that on you?”  She blushed even more.

“You begged for someone to put it on you?”

“Look, I wasn’t myself.  I was intoxicated by something.  I don’t even remember?”

“How do you know then?”

“I saw a video of it.”

“Cool, can I have a copy?”

“I don’t have, it?  Where would I carry it?”

“You have a point.”

Isula continued to go through the boxes she could find, “Oh, they have something called magnetic augmentation cuffs.  I wonder what those are for.  Do you know?”

“I haven’t a clue.  I’m just a Slave, Private Isula.”

“And whips, crops, floggers, and other things… Here’s what I’m looking for.”

“You were looking for something?”

She opened a box and found packages of metal rope just like what Kim was currently wearing.  “Yes, there’s something to undo the ropes in here.”  She pulled out a small package, “I hate these tamper-proof packaging materials.  Too bad you don’t have a knife or something.  There, Batteries next, and tada!  A simple control with three buttons.  Now, are you going to be a good girl, Slave?”

“Yes, I’ll be a good girl.”

“Yes, what?”

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“Yes, Private Isula.”

“Umm, you’re not a very good slave, are you?  That should be Yes Ma’am or Yes Mistress.”

“Yea, ma’am then.”

“Aww, you’ll do better next time.”

Isula stepped behind Kim, “now, let’s see here.”  There was a rustle of fabric, and Kim felt two very pointy nipples against her skin.  Her fingers felt other soft skin that was slightly moist.



“What… what was that?”

“I accidentally hit the shock button.  That’s quite strong, isn’t it?”

The stealth drone’s camera came online.  Kim didn’t even realize it had been missing until the feed flashed into the corner of her vision.

“Yes, it is.  Are… are… you naked?”

“No!  I’m wearing my boots!”

“That’s still naked!  Why are you naked?”

“Cause you’re naked, silly!”

“I’m naked ’cause I can’t get dressed.”  She felt the chain on her upper arms release and heard it fall to the floor.

“Well, let’s just say it’s to make you feel more comfortable.”

The redhead knelt behind Kim, and the taller woman saw and then felt Isula’s tongue press against her buttcrack.  She jumped in surprise, “What… what are you doing?”

“Just checking to see how clean you are.  Mmmm tasty.  I always wondered what Kim tasted like, but you’ll have to do?”

“Kim?  Kim, who?”

“Kim Stone, you silly.  You look just like her.  I told you that yesterday.”

“But I’m Kim… owwww…. Slave Kim!  Hey, stop licking there, oooh.”

“No, you’re just Slave to me.  So what, you’ve never had a tongue on your asshole?  It’s nice and clean.  That cage really did its job, didn’t it?”

“No….”  She was distracted and didn’t realize that the chain had been wrapped around each ankle.  It was set the same way as when EB led her after the spanking in the pipe room.

“Why did you… Ohh, why did you tie up my legs?”

“Orders, of course.  Not that I wouldn’t have done it without orders, but it’s so nice to do so because I have to.  It makes me feel like a slave too.”

“Then why don’t you put on one of those collars!”

“Oh, why don’t I?”  She jumped up and went over to the box of collars, pulled one out, and held it up to her throat.  “What do you think?”

“It doesn’t match the boots.”  Kim licked her lips despite herself.  She watched the redhead play with the collar, closer than she should have.

“You’re probably right, despite how exciting it would be.  Tell me, Slave.  How does it feel to be in an explosive collar?”

“Ummm….  Scary…. Exciting…”  She mumbled the last.

“I didn’t hear that, Slave.”

“I...  I said it was scary!”

“You said something else too.”  Isula sauntered over, the collar hanging her neck, “Do you find it exciting too?”

Kim nodded, “Yes.”  She moaned as the redhead’s hand found its way between her legs.

“That’s good!  I think we’ll get along well.  You need to pass the tests.  But to do that, I need to finish dressing you.”  Her other hand reached behind Kim, and the metallic rope fell to the floor.  Kim was free for the first time in hours.

Isula knelt again, “now don’t touch my collar, Slave!”  She said with a teasing giggle and picked up the rope before standing again.

“Aww, you didn’t go for the collar, Slave!”

“You told me not to!”

“But that’s because I wanted you to, and I could spank you for disobeying.”

“You are totally weird, Private Isula.”

The redhead grabbed her wrists and bound the rope back and forth so that she could still use her hands, but the wrists were limited to ten centimeters from each other.  Isula finished up by binding the metallic rope to Kim’s collar chain.

“I told you, this is just how I was raised, and I make no disguises about it.  So there, now you’re dressed.  And you can’t run away.”  She pulled back and removed the collar from her neck.  “Too bad I can’t keep it.  But I best put it away for now.”

She walked over to Kim and pulled down on the bound woman’s head.  A lust-filled kiss followed.  “Good luck on the tests!”  The redhead gave a good luck gift in the form of an open-handed slap to the ass.


Author’s Note:

You made it to chapter 7.  I appreciate all the time you’ve spent reading what has been posted.  This chapter turned out to be on the shorter side but still within my goal of 1800->2700 words.

Please consider commenting if you’re still enjoying the web novel after seven chapters.  Web Novels live and die on the comments.

Also, if you want to read ahead, I have the rest posted on a public link on my Patreon.  ().  I’m not posting a direct link to it here because the link might change, and I might split the Google Doc if it becomes too laggy.  For those who’ve read my previous author notes, I’m still working on building up my buffer.  I have 20/33 of my goal now, so maybe another four weeks, and I’ll start posting one chapter a day for three weeks.

You can find story with these keywords: Elknid’s Behemoth, Read Elknid’s Behemoth, Elknid’s Behemoth novel, Elknid’s Behemoth book, Elknid’s Behemoth story, Elknid’s Behemoth full, Elknid’s Behemoth Latest Chapter

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