Emperor Of The North: Rewrite

Chapter 28: Chapter 25: Final Boss of The First Quest

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Walk two days toward where the sun settles down, and you will find your target. And these are the words that the thing that claimed to be a goddess said to me, so as every rational person would do, I followed her words. During the day, I walked without stopping; at night, I climbed onto a tree and slept. The journey lasted five days because I think by day, she didn't mean daytime, but literally entire days.


I suppose spring is coming to these lands, as snow is slowly melting and the weather is getting warmer. That could be good news if it weren't for the mud constantly dragging me down, but I eventually got used to it.


After getting through so many days of loneliness, I found a companion, a young wolf that I saved from hunger. He showed himself as a loyal and valuable companion, alerting me of threats and helping me find pathways. In exchange, I offered my help through our journey by providing protection and food.


Maybe that's why despite always being on alert, trying to avoid countless beasts who could kill me, I still enjoyed this journey more than any I had in this world. After all, I had someone else, maybe not to speak, but to look on my back. A comfort I didn't felt in years.


Back in the days of the war, I had a team of trusty companions who looked for my back, people who acted as my spear and shield when needed. What I won't give to take that comfort again, but one cannot survive by relying on temporary comfort.


"But now is not the time for reminiscing the past." A castle stands in front of me. It has sturdy walls and tall towers. There is a large pond between us, a bridge connecting here, and a large door that blocks any entrance to the castle. And a skeleton riding an eyeless horse waving at me.


"I heard enough bullshit two days ago. No nutjob thing in this world can stop me now." I pulled out the polehammer and began approaching the skeleton riding the horse.


"Ah, we expected you to arrive earlier, but I suppose some problems have occurred. Well, that much is pretty acceptable, and it's not like these bones will rot sometime soon. Let's see, how was the speech." Skeleton began scratching his head. "Ah, yes! The challenger who came here to challenge the death, welcome! You are here to see your last trial. You will show us what you are made of."


Ah, a talking skeleton, that's new. Well, it looks cheerful enough to answer my questions. I will give it a shot, he can't be any worse than my (supposed) guideline, but I won't risk putting my weapons down. "I stopped getting surprised by all the weird things some time ago, but a talking skeleton, well, since you guys can stay intact as one or move without any tissue, I suppose not having vocal cords shouldn't stop you from talking."


"Magic of the world, my friend, sometimes you believe what you see and don't think much about it. Unless you want to lose all your screws."


"Will not argue about that logic, now, if you allow me, can I take the last trial." Despite how interesting a chat with a talking skeleton sounds, I only want to get out of here.


"Very well, just follow me." The horse turned around and began moving towards the bridge without any commands from the skeleton. I suppose they have a weird kind of bond.


"One last question, what is the difference between you and countless mindless skeletons roaming the forest?" Even if he answers with the word, magic, I am okay with it.


Knight laughed. "Of course, it is normal for you to be surprised after seeing all of our mindless cousins in the forest. Unlike much common undead, I am a high-skeleton, and we still have part of our intelligence even though we lack the memories."


More than I expected. "Thank you for the explanation. Now I am ready for what you will throw at me." Skeleton directed his sword toward me. "Of course, you can challenge our boss, but first, I must put you through several trials. Don't worry. I have no intentions of keeping you here any longer, just some short trials. I want you to prove yourself by defeating enemies I will send."


Okay, time to warm up a bit.


"Oh, I almost forgot. Keep your dog away from the battle."


I petted the wolf's head and pointed to a place a few meters away. "Sit." Wolf listened to my order and sat where I ordered him to sit. "Now, little buddy is safe. we can start." I took my stance.


"Then let's start." Skeleton laughed and pointed to the door with his sword. "Send our boys out."




The first trial was a group of eight ordinary skeletons. I easily defeated the skeleton group by throwing them off the bridge or crushing their skulls before they even got close. Skeleton knight looked excited as he watched my quick victory.


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"Very well! Send the second ones." This time four skeletons with bows came out. "Now, the first one was quite simple. Now try to survive countless arrows they will shoot at you, but no moving from your location, not even a step."


That doesn't sound pretty hard. Especially as I trust in this. I raised my cloak towards the skeleton archers. "I am ready." Skeleton archers released their arrows, but yes, as I expected.


Arrows hit my cloak but didn't manage to penetrate it.


"I used bows before, and I know what a proper arrow looks like." I grabbed the arrows and bounced from my cloak. Their heads are sort of soft and dull. "Even without the cloak, I doubt they could hurt me."


Skeleton knight was surprised by my words. "How could you even see that? And that cloak, that's cheating, sir! Boys! Stop shooting. All the fun is gone."


I pointed my cloak. "Thank you for approving my craft. This fur is pretty durable. I know that because I had to cut it two times, first when I hunted the beast who once owned it, then when I made this cloak. It was just a speculation, but I assumed it would be enough to stop any arrows coming towards me."


"I call this one your win. You don't need to hurt our boys." Skeleton turned towards the archers. "Go back inside and send the guards. Now them will make our friend here happy."


Archers entered the building, and two new skeletons got out. Both are in light armor, and both of them have a spear in their hands. They are tall as me too.


Talking skeleton pointed to the guards. "Come on, do your job."


I dashed toward the skeleton guards and kicked one of them to the ground before they managed to attack.


The other one tried to attack me with its spear, but I evaded the attack and grabbed its spear before it managed to pull it back. 


"Uh." This skeleton was better than I anticipated, but when it comes to strength, I still have the upper hand


I pulled the spear from his hand and crushed his head with one strike of my polehammer. The other guard tried to get up from the ground, so I grabbed him by the ribs using the hammer's nail and threw him to the pond.


Skeletons will be skeletons, the weakest monster amongst every creature in this forest. I looked back to the talking skeleton. "Now, did I pass the trials?"


Skeleton knight laughed and pointed toward me. "Only one more enemy is left. Pass me, and I will let you challenge our lea-


I grabbed the skeleton knight from his arm and pulled him out of his horse. Then to ensure my victory, I began pressing him to the ground from his chest.


Skeleton knight tried to get up, but I locked him by slowly pressing towards its skull with my weapon.


Skeleton laughed sorely. " Enough, enough, you will crack my skull. You are free to do whatever you want, but there is a high risk of death, so you may want to reconsider your choices.


I released the creature. "How funny, this is not the first time I hear this sentence. I am still unsure if I should try living or let myself go. Every day, I think about the past, then I look at the future, one is an empty void, and the other is a field of death, agony, and stupid hatred that burned me down. The only thing keeping me alive is an empty reason to keep fighting. Keep fighting to see a future I am unsure if I even want. I have nothing to lose. There will be no one to cry after me."


Skeleton knight's laughs continued while I walked towards the castle with the little wolf following me from behind. "Don't say I didn't tell you!" He shouted one last time before I passed through the gate.

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