Emperor Of The North: Rewrite

Chapter 35: Chapter 32: A New Job, Connections, and Life

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A new morning, a start to my new life. After all the mess I endured, I cannot describe how good sleeping on a bed felt. The makeshift one in my cave was good enough, it was certainly better than sleeping on the ground, but a bed made by a carpenter? It is way above the abomination I dared to call a bed. I feel way more energetic than before.

I threw myself up from the bed and grabbed my armor and equipment as my first job. I need clothes. So I will go down and ask Olive where I can buy them. Walking with heavy armor all day doesn't sound desirable.


After learning where I should go, I can take a quick breakfast, then move on to my objective. I still have many things on my checklist, but I should wake my wolf first.


Fluffy is sleeping next to the window. He looks pretty calm and comfortable, but we will miss breakfast if I let excellencies take his whole beauty sleep.


I approached the wolf, scratched his head, then rubbed his back a bit, and he woke up. "Good thing you are a light sleeper, now come. We will eat."


Wolf understood what I meant and immediately got straightened, then began following me to the dining floor, where almost no one, except some drunkards, still sleeping, was presented.


I sat on an empty table, and the wolf stood next to me. Shortly afterward, Olive came to my table with a large tray. There were three plates with utensils for two and two tankards on the tray. He sat down and put one of the plates in front of Fluffy. "Not come this early to eat. Do you know the time, damn it?"


I smiled. "Do I look like a man who is carrying a watch?" Then began eating the food on my tray.


"Yeah, you are right. You look like an idiot who can put all his money into new shiny weapons. Now, about your clothes." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "Give this to the tailor named Ferrey, and don't ask why his name sounds stupid. He will quickly give you two new pairs, but if you want something nicer, you know, for ladies, and events, he can cut the price a bit down for this one time."


So, small businesses support each other in this town. Nice to know that. Long as I am not getting an absurdly high price, I will be okay with something a bit nicer. "I keep that in my mind."


"You better be. It's been only a day, but words about how you played the hero are spreading from ear to ear. Last night, one of the rookie rangers talked about how you sliced through more than a dozen bandits."


"Words can be exaggerated, especially when drunk. Not a dozen, but something closer to a bit less than half a score." I don't want that sort of reputation sticking with me. At least for now.


"I expected that much, but what matters is you proved yourself to be more than capable, at least in combat. Do you know what that means? Business." Olive looks quite happy. What will this talk lead me to?


"So, I can swing my sword better than average. What that has to do with an innkeeper?"


"Not with me, but, you know, a random man with no associations and a shiny weapon just appeared. After winds carry your tale of bravery away, people will get suspicious, and believe me, that would be the last thing you want."


I grabbed my tankard and took a big gulp. "So, should I work for you?"


"Heh." Olive touched my forehead. "You outlanders are unaware of the world, aren't all of you? You people live either in the mountains or faraway forests, unaware of what the hell is happening in the kingdom. But I have one thing to say to clear bad impressions. I am not telling this for myself but because of a promise to a friend. I am serious. Finish your food, get your clothes, take a bath, visit the mayor, get into his good side, then take yourself a hunter license to kill monsters from the guild."


While this outlander thingie took my interest, Olive is telling the truth. I must act fast to get accepted into this place's society before people get suspicious of me. "You are right."

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After finishing my food, I immediately left for the tailor. Olive gave me directions, but the shop wasn't far from the inn anyway, so I quickly visited the shop, got myself some new clothes, and moved back to the inn to take a much-needed bath.


Quickly after that, I wore the more expensive clothes I got from the tailor and only grabbed my bag and sword before going out. From the sun's position, I can freely say that it is almost afternoon, and the streets are a bit busier, so arriving at the mayor's manor took a little longer than I anticipated. Lucky for me, the butler from yesterday was sitting on a chair at the front gate. He looked happy to see me and quickly took me to a conference room. 


Now, I've been waiting for ten minutes at this point. Boredom made me count every second. I have Fluffy with me, but he is more than happy to nap on the carpet.


Thankfully, not too long after, a child's sound broke the silence. The little girl from the day before is calling Fluffies name, and I can hear her footsteps quickly approaching here.


And she opened the door and charged inside. Her eyes were locked on her playmate from the day before like a missile on target. She looked at me with eyes waiting for approval, and I gave her a nod.


Fluffy looked a little grumpy at first, but I assume he wanted more attention from the child, so he followed the girl outside while the mayor entered right after the two left. "Mister Erwin, how good to see you here so fast." He offered his hand.


I got up from my chair and shook the mayor's hand. "It is my pleasure to be invited here." After the mayor, lady Jade, and a knight almost of my size in his armor entered. I cannot see the knight's face, his helmet is closing, but from his body language (and my guts), I can say he is on the trigger.


Lady Jade turned towards me with a gentle smile and acted as if she just saw me. "Ah, mister Erwin. How good to see you here again. I am glad you decided to join us."


"It is my pleasure."


Then finally knight turned to me. He slowly removed his helmet and put it in front of me. He has the face of a warrior, but I must admit it, that guy looks good. "So, you are the one who cleaved through a dozen of bandits and saved the kids."


I nodded. "I was lost in the forest and happened to encounter that evil event. I can't talk to everyone, but watching from afar or letting it happen was not okay with me. And, it is more like eight bandits than a dozen. Let's be truthful here."


Knight inspected me for a second. "I heard you were a native, but you look different. Your clothes are unusual, and you have no armor or trophies. But your scars talk for your experience. Years show themselves."


I put my sword on the table. "This is a trophy." I don't know if what I am doing is okay with the ethics of this land, but I am an outlander who gives two fucks. "And I had friendly advice from an innkeeper."


Knight smiled and sat down. "I excepted that much, and I am glad you listened to that advice. Sorry for doubting you, friend. Ruckus told me you were reliable, so I had no problems, but times are tough, excuse me for my actions."


That Ruckus guy is known well, but he trusts too easily. I wonder why. "Ruckus, ranger captain. Isn't it too easy to get into his good side?"


"No!" The mayor spoke with a tone I didn't expect from the old man. "You will understand when you know Ruckus more. His sense for people never ends up wrong. It is almost supernatural. Now. I will cut everything short because I have a ton of work and this old body to rest. Mister Erwin, for what have you done, the amount of money I gave is low." The butler entered the room and dropped an envelope in front of me. "I handled all the paperwork for your hunter license, and other than that, I want you to work with us. This knight next to me is Arthur, one responsible for the town's guard. He will call you when needed. I want you to swing your sword when we want, and in exchange, I will be generous in payment."


I looked at the envelope, then at the people surrounding me. I don't want new bounds. I don’t want a new war. But this town can't lead me into that, can't it? At worst, I can drop my sword and start doing manual labor to gain money. "I will accept your offer." I grabbed the envelope and put it in my bag.

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