Empire of the Rose

Chapter 5: Chapter 3.2 : Talent showcase

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Jang Soojeong pulled a scroll she had taken from her sleeve and began to recite the poem she had written the night before; her voice was soft and steady. It was a simple poem with no particular theme or message, but it was enough to get her through the talent show. She finished the poem and bowed to the head eunuch, who gave her a curt nod before calling for the next performer.

"Next!" the head eunuch called out, and another lady stepped forward. 

This time, it was the scowling lady. She had decided to showcase her talent as a musician, and she began to play a beautiful melody on her string instrument.

The other audience members watched in amazement as the young woman's fingers danced over the strings, producing an ethereal sound. When she finished her performance, there was a moment of silence before the room erupted into applause. After completing the melody, the lady bowed to the head eunuch, who gave her approval. 

The lady stood up again, and her gaze swept over the audience, finally locking with Beom Haewon's. Beom Haewon could see the smirk on the other lady's face, and she knew that it was a thinly-veiled attempt to insult her. 

As the other woman's gaze fell upon her, Beom Haewon could sense the hint of competition in her eyes. Beom Haewon remained unfazed but met the other lady's gaze steadily, not flinching or backing down. 

The lady's smirk faded as she realized she had not succeeded in intimidating Beom Haewon. With a final glare, the other lady pivoted on her heel and walked away. Beom Haewon exhaled a breath of relief, her eyes unconsciously rolling in the aftermath of the confrontation. 'What's wrong with her?'

"Is there no one willing to volunteer?" the head eunuch asked, his voice echoing at the square.

Beom Haewon's hand twitched as she thought of raising it, but Yijin hesitated, expressing concern for Beom Haewon's safety and questioning her decision to volunteer. "Are you sure you want to do this, my lady?" Yijin asked, her eyes filled with concern. "You could get hurt."

"Don't worry, Yijin. I won't."

"Then I will be calling the name of the next performer—"

Beom Haewon had made up her mind, and nothing was going to stop her. With determination in her heart, she walked up to the stage and stood in front of the head eunuch, her sword firmly in her grasp.

"I wish to exhibit my sword skills," she announced, her voice strong and steady.

The sudden sword display caused a stir among the other ladies and the head eunuch, and the hidden royal knights emerged from their spots. "A dance with a sword? That is not fitting for a lady," commented the head eunuch.

Beom Haewon smiled confidently, seeing the reactions that unfolded. "I understand that, sir. But a woman's strength and skill should not be limited to traditional talents."

She had been honing with a sword since she was a young girl. She had grown to like the blades by watching her brother train with his instructor. She couldn't understand him getting too worked up for something that would leave him drenched in sweat and reeked of body odor. 

Initially, she could never comprehend someone's enthusiasm for something, like how his father's face lit up when he found a gold coin hidden under his pillow or Yijin's satisfaction when she applied her hair perfectly in the morning.

And as she searched for the thing that could bring her joy, she found it in the most unexpected places. It was in the moments when she would sneak from the basic etiquette lessons her father had fixed her just to nap in the tree branch; or the first time she secretly held her brother's wooden sword. In these, she discovered bliss.

"I am confident in my ability to 'impress' His Majesty with my skills," Beom Haewon added.

The head eunuch was hesitant, clearly not expecting this request and unsure how to respond. But after a moment of thought, he finally gestured for the royal knights to stand down and approved Beom Haewon. "Very well. But be warned, if you fail to impress His Majesty, it will not bode well for your chances in the selection."

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'That's my plan.' 

She held her chin up high with her sword at her side. She appeared calm and composed, but on the inside, she secretly felt triumph, knowing that this was precisely what she had hoped for.

As she positioned herself on the stage, Beom Haewon could feel the eyes upon her, but she refused to let them consume her. With a swift, she unsheathed the sword, and its blade glinted in the light. She deemed herself to befit as a fighter, not a consort, and she would prove it to them all.

As her eyes went fierce, she began to perform a series of movements. The ladies watching gasped in surprise, but not admiration, rather at the masculinity of her routine as she changed her performance from graceful to deathly precision. 

With fluid movements, the sword became an extension of her body, slicing through the air with clear and powerful stirs. She cut through nothing more than air to others' eyes, but in her senses, the invisible dummy stood no chance. 

Beom Haewon wielded her sword with the expertise of a warrior. The head eunuch couldn't believe his eyes. He had never seen a lady perform such a mannish talent before. The other ladies whispered among themselves, showing disdain and disgust at Beom Haewon's barbaric talent on their faces.

Despite the adverse reactions from the other ladies and the head eunuch, Beom Haewon continued to perform her sword routine to polish. This was her chance to be eliminated from the selection, and she clinched to do everything it would take to achieve her goal.

As she finished her performance, Beom Haewon bowed deeply to the head eunuch and the emperor sitting on his throne. There was a moment of silence considering her performance, and the other ladies waited for the verdict. 

Then, after what seemed to be an eternity, the head eunuch finally spoke up. "Your sword skills are outstanding, Beom Haewon," he acknowledged, recognizing her obvious talent and dedication. Had she been born a man in another life, she would have been a remarkable combatant. "But I'm afraid they are not what we want in a consort."

Each word would sting for a consort candidate, but it was precisely what Beom Haewon had wished for.

Beom Haewon nodded and gave a bow, not showing any emotion on her face. "Thank you for your honesty, head eunuch." She had prepared for it, and it seemed that her little plan had worked.

As she walked down from the spotlight, she felt at ease. She had done her best to ensure her elimination, and now, with just one final announcement, she could finally return home and live independently.

Yet, with her back facing from the higher platform where the head eunuch and the emperor were, she heard a voice in a low tone. "What is it, Your Majesty?" the head eunuch asked, his voice ringing through, silencing the crowd. 

Beom Haewon looked behind and found two notable people conversing. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but she saw the head eunuch nodding his head in understanding. Her nerves became a jumbled mess as she wondered what the conversation's outcome might be.

"Uhh, no, Your Majesty," the head eunuch replied as he tried to reason. "…I understand. I shall give out the word."

After a moment, the head eunuch stepped forward and announced, "Well, as I have said, Lady Beom's sword skills are certainly noteworthy," he started, "and His Majesty and I were both quite surprised by your unique performance."

He cleared his throat and continued, "Therefore, His Majesty has decided to bestow praise upon you and ordered me to inform you of his appreciation for your talent."

"What?" Beom Haewon exclaimed in shock.

She had not expected this outcome at all. She had thought that her unconventional performance would lead to her elimination, but it seemed that her plan had backfired. She was grateful for the recognition but conflicted about her loss.

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