Empire of the Rose

Chapter 6: Chapter 4.1 : Could it be fate?

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Chapter 4

The elimination of the ladies who failed to get the attention of the emperor and the head eunuch in the second selection round was a harsh and unforgiving process. Those who failed to impress and prove their worth to be considered for the role of consort were immediately dismissed and sent back home, their dreams shattered.

Each lady had been given a chance to prove worthiness and impress the emperor, but for some, it was vain. They stumbled over their words, overwhelmed by nerves, and their performances fell short of the emperor's expectations.

When the head eunuch had announced the names of those who had failed, Beom Haewon's heart dropped as she watched her fellow ladies leave the room, their heads hanging in defeat. She felt guilt for wanting to be eliminated when they had done everything they could and still failed.

Beom Haewon paced back and forth in her ward, frustrated and on edge from the unexpected events. She realized she still had a long way to go before being free from this consort selection process. She had spent so much thought on finding a way, but now she was one of the remaining hundred ladies running.

She didn't want to be a consort; she was not cut out for a life of luxury and pampering, as well as the drama that came with it. She had been sure that her sword skills would be a turn-off for the emperor, but it turned out to be the opposite.

Sighing, she lay on her bed. Lost in thought, she heard a soft knock on the door. “Who is it?” she called out.

“It's me, my lady,” her handmaid's voice came through the door. “Can I come in?”

Beom Haewon sighed and sat up, calling for Yijin to enter. “What is it?” she asked.

“I just wanted to see if you were okay,” Yijin said with a touch of concern on her face. “I know you were hoping to get eliminated from the selection process, but now that you have to continue, I just wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help.”

Beom Haewon shook her head. “I don't think there's anything anyone can do,” she said. 

Yijin nodded sympathetically. “I understand, my lady. But if there's anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll always be here for you.”

Beom Haewon smiled at her handmaid, grateful for her support and friendship. “Thank you, Yijin,” she said. “I appreciate it.”

She gave her a smile that sent assurance to Yijin. With the time to make a thought, something came to her mind. “You know what, I think I may need to ask you to arrange a meeting with His Majesty.”

“An attendance with His Majesty?” Yijin repeated, her eyes widening in surprise. “That’s a bold move.”

Beom Haewon nodded. “I need to explain to him why I shouldn’t be here, and I’m not suited to be a consort. I can’t go through with this selection, knowing it’s not what I want. I’m not here to win his favor or to be a part of the palace life. I have other goals and aspirations, and being a consort is not one of them.”

“Do you think that’s wise, my lady?” Yijin asked, a hint of concern in her voice. “I’m not sure if it’s proper protocol for a consort candidate to request an audience with the emperor.”

Beom Haewon sighed, feeling a twinge of frustration. “But I must at least try to explain my situation to His Majesty and hope he will understand.”

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“I understand, my lady,” Yijin said, nodding. “But it can be dangerous to go against protocol and request an audience with the emperor.”

Beom Haewon sighed, knowing that Yijin was right. She would have to devise another plan to convey her wishes to the emperor. After a moment of thought, she spoke up. “Perhaps I could speak to one of the eunuchs or some knight to help me convey your message.”

“...But it would be best if you approached them discreetly, as it may not be appropriate for a consort candidate to be seen seeking out the eunuchs and knights. It could start a rumor.”

“You seem knowledgeable about this sort of thing, Yijin.”

“That's because my lady is more interested in swords and martial arts than social graces and formal etiquette,” Yijin joked. “Remember when Lord Beom had to come to find you when it was time for your lessons? Many scholars even gave up on teaching you.”

“I remember them! Especially one particular scholar who lasted for a month,” Beom Haewon chuckled.

Memories flooded her mind, and she saw the image of her tired father looking for her when she was hiding from her etiquette lessons.

She remembered how he had called her name; his voice laced with anger and exhaustion. She had felt guilty for causing him so much trouble, but at the same time, she had been stubborn and unwilling to give in to the lessons she found so tedious.

She recalled the look on his face when he had finally found her hiding behind the bushes in the courtyard. He looked so disappointed, and she knew she had let him down again.

But despite her rebelliousness, her father had never given up on her. He had always encouraged her to be true to herself and to follow her path, even if it meant going against the expectations of others. Beom Haewon knew that her father was with her in spirit, cheering her on and supporting her every step of the way.

“I had never been worried about things like etiquette or protocol. Without your guidance, I wouldn’t know how to navigate these situations. You have been a great help to me,” Beom Haewon continued.

“It's my pleasure to be able to help you, my lady,” Yijin replied with a smile. “I’m happy to do whatever I can to assist you.”

With a curt nod, Yijin left the bed chamber and shut the door behind her, leaving Beom Haewon alone with her thoughts. Her gazes wandered over to the window and glanced down at the object leaning on the wall: the sword she had picked up during her walk.

The sword caught her attention while she was with Lady Jang, and she immediately felt the impulse to pick it up and test its balance. Its sleek and elegant design was impossible to resist, and she couldn't help but find herself drawn to it. Holding it and feeling the weight in her hand, she knew it was meant to be hers.

She spent hours testing its balance and perfecting her grip before the talent showcase, feeling she was destined to be with the weapon. It was as if it had been left there just for her, and her heart could not return it to the knights.

‘Finders keepers,’ she thought, smiling to herself.

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