Empress of Esuvia

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The Empress and the New Guards

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City of Lethia - The Royal Palace

State of Esuvia

"This is Bingo 1-1, LPF rebels spotted in the coords, I'm dropping the thunder, over!"

"No, please I beg of you, don't do this..." an 18 year old girl begged in tears at the magical mirror. In front of it was a disappearing mage knight.

"No Empress, you must understand me...the Humans must be kicked out from this planet at all cost!" The man exclaimed.

"This conversation is over. If you want to stay as their little puppet, so be it! The people of Lethia shall fight the Human aggressors, no matter what you say!"

"Good Hits Bingo 1-1, the Lethie rebels are crisp! Good Hunting."

"Welcome Vanguard 2! Glory to the UNDF!"

"Glory to Humanity!"

His image promptly dissapeared, as the young girl sobbed in tears in her empty room.

"Why? Why? Why? I just want to protect my people..."

Outside of the Royal Palace, 2 Flags flew gently. The Purple, White and Gold tricolor of Esuvia, while the Blue Colored Flag of the United Nations of Earth flew besides it in a dominant fashion.

Chapter 1: The New Guards

1 Month Later

February 22, 2083 - Earth Calendar

City of Lethia - Royal Palace

State of Esuvia

An 18 year old Blonde Haired and Blue Eyed girl with a golden halo atop her head gave the 4 human men an inquisitive look.

Contrast to her White Dress with a Violet Corset, and her generally royal attire, the 4 men wore a simple Black Suit, and a Dark Tinted Sunglasses, coupled with an empty expression.

On their shoulders, there is a plastered logo of a symbolized eagle vigilantly watching everything. The logo of the infamous 'Office of National Intelligence'.

"Guard Me?" The Empress blurted out across the table as they and a couple of high ranking Esuvian aristocrats dined.

"Yes Your Majesty," the Leader of the Agents, Captain Greg Dawson responded after he took a drink of wine from his cup.

"After the recent incident involving the Lethian Purity Front, it has been decided by the United Nations Security Council and the Office of National Intelligence to send a specialized Guard Detail to the Palace and the Capital in order to help protect our dear allies."

"I have already advised your country that I do not need any protection. As the recent incident shows I and my guards can protect me, the Palace, and the Capital City."

"We know that Your Majesty, still we insist in order to ensure your safety. The future can be...unpredictable."

The Royal Blooded Theikan internally seethed in anger. A simple look at the Agent's expression gives her one message.

'We know your strong enough alone to protect yourself. You know that we know that. And you know that we know that you know that we are doing this to simply further monitor you. But what can you do about it, Dear Puppet?'

"Very well then," her sky blue eyes stared at him in a dagger like fashion. The Agents themselves felt shivers through their spines.

While the young empress resembling a literal angel may look cute and almost...unthreatening, Royal Blooded Theikans has an extreme reputation in their magical and physical might, regardless of their appearance.

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Something which even the more advanced Earthling forces, fears.

Still, their faces remained stoic in the outside, almost looking unaffected for any onlookers.

"But I would like to know, how much exactly do you wish to station in the Royal Palace?" She placed her cup in the table as she waited for the answer.

"Alongside us, is four more squads of four to five men each of the best Special Forces we could give." The Agent replied with a neutral expression.

"Outside the Palace, multiple special QRF forces will be stationed to rapidly respond to any threats, while the UNDF is also reinforcing the Capital Garrison with 2 Infantry Regiments, and a possible Mechanized Battalion."

The Prime Minister who was sitting on the other side of table, perked up and stared at the glasses of the Agent. He didn't speak up but his mind was clear.

"This is nothing but a shitty excuse to further occupy the Capital...so that if we ever step out of the line..."

Empress Amelia Victoria III internally sighed. She had expected this weeks after that incident, while she has shown herself to be a capable ruler to the public due to the past incident, she has now also garnered the full attention of the UNE.

2 Regiments of Infantry, not a lot considering her mother, the former Empress of the Holy Empire of Lethia single handedly defeated an entire UNDF Mechanized Battalion by her magic 4 years ago, but they would be putting an additional Mechanized Battalion, still the message they are sending is pretty clear to her.

Sure she can probably wipe out the measly security detail in the Palace if push comes to shove, but there's basically a Brigade outside and 22 Million more UNE forces planetside, and an entire Battlegroup of the UNSF above their planet.

What they are sending here was a simple warning and a reminder.

'Do not step out of the line. We are watching.'

But she didn't, she never collaborated with the Rebels, she knows that the best way for Esuvia to escape this burning war is to temporarily kowtow to the technologically superior Earthlings and slowly bid their time to escape the UNE's paws.

After all a mere human lives a measly 80 years on average, most Esuvian races, especially her race, the Theikans, lives hundreds of years more than that. They would eventually catch up on humanity, assuming humanity doesn't bomb the crap out of their world.

And they have powerful magic to top it off, what did Humans have? Their technology? That could eventually be copied and reached.

But some are extremely impatient, and would rather keep fighting humanity and burn their world rather than looking at the future.

"Shortsighted fools," She sighed in annoyance.

"Wouldn't that be a gross mismanagement of resources? Sending 2 Infantry Regiments and multiple Special Forces in the Capital after a mere rebel attack that we defeated seems...a bit of an over-reaction. Wouldn't you agree Mr.Dawson." She commented as she sipped from her cup.

"I trust in the decision making of my higher-ups." The agent responded to her.

She hummed as she stared at him again, his face once again didn't budge.

"I see."

"Well then, it seems I have no choice but to agree to such demands, right Prime Minister?" She turned to the seething PM, giving him a glare to not cross her words. She didn't want a pointless diplomatic incident in her list of headaches.

The man gulped, "Y-yes Your Majesty, such an arrangement would be...acceptable. The Parliament has already been notified of this."

Agent Dawson momentarily grinned in satisfaction, holding up his cup in the air he exclaimed.

"Well then that about wraps up this discussion then. To a long lasting friendship!"

"To a long lasting friendship!" The others fakely responded. But for the 4 UNE agents, it was enough for now.

The Empress merely narrowed her eyes at the four.

"I see how it is."

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