Empress of Esuvia

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: The United Nations of Earth

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City of Lethia - ONUE (Opérations des Nations Unies en Esuvia) Headquarters

State of Esuvia

February 23, 2083

General Horatio Deville, appointed as the Commander of ONUE, or the United Nations Operations in Esuvia, stared at the reports in his screen.

"Battle of Firebase Falchion, after action report."

The contents of the document was not very nice, over 477 UNPC Peacekeepers and 224 UNDF Ground Forces and Personnel died in the 2 days Battle just 1 week ago.

The Teratans, a race resembling Vampires and Demons with either horns or simply sharp fangs, or both, are the main leaders of the Grand Alliance, and they attacked the Firebase during the night. The Kingdom of Alteria was their main country, and the Original Leader of the Grand Alliance and main rival of the Holy Lethian Empire.

The only thing written for the Alterian Casualties is 'Heavy Casualties' with an estimated casualty of roughly the same taken by ONUE forces.

It was getting infuriating, even with Anti-Magic Tactics and Equipment being deployed, the situation in the ground is still frustratingly severe. UNE Casualties since this war started has already reached a staggering 544 Thousand, and it was only rising further. Especially since the bastards likes to attack the less trained and less equipped Peacekeepers instead of the UNDF.

While the Holy Coalition, made up mostly of the Theikans and the Felines and other 'Holy Races' or commonly known in the UNE as 'Demi-Humans' which are culturally and physically close to humans (aside mostly from their animal feautures) has since surrendered to the UNE and made up the core of the new State of Esuvia, the Grand Alliance on the other hand did not, even when their major cities fell.

Made up of the 'Dark Races', the Elves, the Teratans, and the Animalia (non-humanoid anthromorphic animals) the two factions was initially at war with each other, until the UNE Intervened 5 years ago.

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Now they are stuck with the Grand Alliance continuing to fight on even if their population centers has fallen.

"A Planetary Wide insurgency..." The General seethed. Even the Holy Races is getting tired of the UNE's War. The recent attack in the Lethian Royal Palace proved it clearly.

"Lethia, the most modernized and well guarded city, attacked. This is definitely not going well." Lethia is the capital of the State of Esuvia, and the former capital of The Holy Lethian Empire, which was the Leader of the Holy Coalition and the first nation to surrender to the UNE, after the 2 days Battle of Lethia 4 years ago.

Lethia itself is divided into multiple districts, with the business districts resembling the 1900's New York, while the Government District with the Royal Palace resembling the early 1900's London.

For the past 4 years of occupation, Lethia modernized rapidly as UNE Investments and Corporations moved in, turning the city into a strange modern UNE city but with an early 1900 aesthetics. And with it came a lot of security.

Yet the Government District was attacked by the new Lethian Purity Front.

A notification distracts him from his thoughts. Pressing it a small message was plastered in his computer's screen.

"Grand Alliance Remnants has launched attacks in the Southern Alterian Region. Towns and Bases now under heavy combat, civilians are being evacuated by UNPC Peacekeepers. Just now."

The General immediately rushed outside of his office - straight to the War Room.

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