Empress of Esuvia

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: The Lethian Purity Front

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Lethian Countryside - Town of Ellex

State of Esuvia

February 25, 2083

Four White UNPC IFV's passed through the town's roads, as civilians went through their daily lives.

Civilians were practically used to the human patrols, and while tensions can be high for some people, especially from the Nationalistic and Xenophobic Lethians, to most they were still on the fence in regards to UNPC Peacekeeping and UNE presence.

While Lethian Nationalism is widespread in major cities, it is practically devoid in the less developed towns, which was recently under the abusive Aristocratic Lords, and as a result UNE propaganda supporting their actions worked a little better in these regions.

"Humans coming through again," one civilian chuckled as the UNPC Convoy drove through the streets.

The Convoy however stopped in the Townsquare, gaining a few raised eyebrows.

The backdoors of the IFV's opened, and Blue Helmeted armored soldiers disembarked, their faces hidden by the Grey Visor of the iconic Blue Peacekeeper helmet, which covers the entire head of the troops.

One of the Blue Helmets removed his Helmet, making a hissing sound, revealing a human face.

He walks towards the center of the Town, where a podium used for announcements is placed.

He pulls out a megaphone and began speaking to the crowd.

"Attention Citizens of Ellex, I bring an announcement from the United Nations Peacekeeper Corps. Right now we suspect that this Town has been infiltrated by rebellious elements."

The citizens stopped and began listening to the UNPC Peacekeeper. Murmurs began rising amongst the crowd, rebels?

"Last month, an attack has occurred in the Royal District in Lethia, and multiple Lethian Cities by a group named as the Lethian Purity Front.

"Our investigations found out that some members of said organization may have taken refuge here and in the outlying towns in the Lethian Countryside.

"We urge to report any suspicious activities, and avoid interaction with such groups. We warn that the LPF has shown a general disregard for civilian lives.

"As such, to keep yourself safe from this vile terrorist organization, you must all stay vigilant and alert. Do not go out alone at night nor travel in the countryside without armed escorts.

"LPF Militants has been reported to be ambushing traders and travellers in the countryside, as such, traveling will be a dangerous endeavor for unarmed civilians. And follow the orders of local officials and UNE Forces.

"Expect UNPC Forces to conduct routine inspections and investigations in this town until the LPF threat has been stamped down.

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"It's an inconvenience, but it is a necessary inconvenience for public safety, that is all, thank you."

He stepped down from the Podium, leaving the crowds to themselves, discussing to each other. Multiple UNPC Officers are also seen to be speaking with Local Officials, while the Esuvian Security Force began dispersing the crowd.

As the crowds left, Civilians discussed the recent announcement to each other in hushed voices.

"Rebels? I thought we already surrendered?"

"Must be dissatisfied aristocrats."

"I thought the rebels was only in the land of the Darkies?"

"The rebels are apparently Lethians."

"And they attacked the Royal Palace? That's pretty worrying!"

"I'm more worried at how the humans will pacify them, I heard civilians kept getting caught in UNDF Pacification campaigns in Alteria for example."

"Bah, who cares about those Teratan monsters. They can all be bombed to smithereens for all I care."

"I just hope we won't be hit by their indiscriminate bombing because of a few rebels."

"Nah, don't worry about it, I doubt their as bad as the aristocrats years ago."

In one of the corners of the streets, 4 Civilians sat eating in the streets.

"Human bastards," One of the figures silently hissed in anger. "Their lying to our very people."

"Don't worry brother, we'll get back at them. She already assured it."

They figure grinned as he nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, we merely need to wait."

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