End Omega

Chapter 11: (S1) EP 9|The Shaman (2)

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“Hello there, it has been a good while since I had visitors.”

“Hi, I am Zao, and this is my brother Xy. We’ve come here to ask you about something.”

The shaman stared at Xy from tip to toe.

He was known to be very hostile towards many other people, that tried visiting him, but this time he kept his manner, as there was something interesting happening.

“My name is Ryushi. Please, come in.”

The two followed Ryushi to the visitor's room, an open space that had three small tables and a large table in the middle of it, on top of the large table sat a teapot with a small cup.

“Seems like my daughter forgot to clean up after herself. Hope you don’t mind it.” Ryushi said.

“Please, take a seat.”

They both sat next to each other on the ground, with Ryushi sitting on the other end.

“Would any of you like something to drink?”

“Not really no.” Zao said.

“I would actually like some water if possible.” Xy said

“Ofcourse. Emilia.” Ryushi said.

The young girl they saw earlier walked into the room with a shy face since she forgot to clean up after herself.

“Take the tea with you and bring some water for this young man here.”

Emilia was known to be extremely silent most of the times, only speaking when she really needed to, and whenever she spoke, it was something quick, and blunt.

She came back with a glass of water after a moment.

“Thank you.” Xy told her.

Only for Emilia to stare him down for a few seconds, quickly turning around and walking away.

“Don’t mind her, she does not get used to visitors as easily.” Ryushi said.

“Well, what are the both of you here for, originally?”

“After giving it some thoughts, Zao suggested me to go with him to visit you. Since I’ve been having some weird hallucinations for as long as I can remember, but, lately they have been getting much weirder.” Xy replied.

“Much weirder?”

“Yes. Recently, I was having a conversation with something that looked like a human, but it was something Zao could not hear or see at all.”

‘This sounds stupid…’ Xy nervously thought.


Five minutes of complete silence proceeded, Ryushi did not say a word, and it all made the two extremely nervous, not being able to say anything.

“Follow me.” Ryushi finally said standing up.

They both followed Ryushi to his garden, after opening a large wooden door, that led straight to his large garden.

“That’s a pretty big garden you have here!” Zao said trying to lighten up the mood.

“Thank you. This place has been up for generations, I grew up here.”

“Master Ryushi, I have come to bring you the leaves you requested!”

The three of them turned around, to see another lady dressed up in a white with red lined kimono, which did not quite match well with her blonde hair, but her beautiful blue eyes were enough to make up for it.

“Ah, Suda. Thank you very much. You can place them on the large table.”

Suda slowly turned away as she was staring at the two visitors, especially at Xy, her face made both Xy and Zao think that she thought they were suspicious.

They turned back to sightsee the beautiful view of the grassy field, Xy, however, noticed the large building that stood not too far away, Zao did not think much of it, but Xy was curious.

“You have students?” He asked.

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“Indeed I do. Do you see that building there?” Ryushi said pointing his wooden stick towards the building.

“It’s my dorm, where I teach youngins the sword.”

“Interesting. Was that lady from earlier a student of that dorm?” Xy asked.

“Correct, she tries to take good care of me. She’s one of my best students.”

Suda was quietly listening to their conversation behind a wall in the house, after sushing Emilia down to not tell Ryushi.

“That’s amazing!” Zao said.

Ryushi turned to Xy “You… What was your name again?”

“Xy, sir.”

“Xy… You seem very unfamiliar, I will have a look. But first, are you both also seeking the artifacts?” He replied.

Xy and Zao both looked at each other.

“Yes, we are.” Zao said.

“Alright then, follow me.” Ryushi said walking back into his house.

“Oh shoot!!!” Suda whispered as she quietly walked into another guest room, right before anyone could see her.

“There is a room I have prepared for things such as this.” Ryushi said.

They entered a noticeably larger room that had a small shrine placed on the wall in front of them. The room looked very comfortable as there was a window to the right side of it, the wind blowing the curtains, and the sun beaming through.

“So… What are we doing?” Zao asked scratching his scalp.

“You see… It’s not like anyone could just go and search for the artifacts.”

“I am one of the nine Sentinels.”

*The nine Sentinels. Different individuals are the ones who give individuals the Aura of the Elemental Aura. It is given to those who seek the Artifacts in order to retrieve the Celestials.*

*The Elemental Aura causes one to be able to tell whether someone is also a seeker of the Artifacts. This meant that Xy and Zao were officially able to properly search the Artifacts.*

*But this was also something that would make their journey a lot more dangerous.*

“So the myth was true after all? We never thought you people existed!” Zao said.

“There is so much in this world that you both are not aware of yet.” Ryushi replied.

“What will happen?” Xy said nervously.

“Don’t worry, there are no negative side effects to this. I am only marking you both as Hunters.”

*Hunters are considered people who search for the Artifacts.*

“I see…” Xy said.

"Did you hear that Xy, this is real!!!" Zao joyfully said.

'I guess coming here was a good idea after all.' Xy thought.

“Please, lie on your backs.” He said.

After Xy and Zao laid down, Ryushi stood in between them, lit up a candle, and placed it in between them, which made both Xy and Zao lose consciousness.

Ryushi walked towards the shrine, knelt before it, and chanted a spell.

“For Search, Destroy, Liberation, or Love, the two bodies presented to me, are now marked.”

“Al halel, Mertufiem, Nortas!”


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