
Chapter 2: Sharpening Skills: Envy’s Sword Training

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Envy felt like he didn't belong in the magic school anymore. He had always dreamed of having his own magic element and becoming a great mage, but now it seemed like that dream was gone forever. He felt a tear roll down his cheek as he sat down at his seat.


Vaughn stands in front of the class and clears his throat, drawing the attention of all the students. "Now that we have discovered everyone's magic element, let's begin our first class," he says in a stern yet friendly voice.


"Magic is a powerful force that can be harnessed by those who possess an element. It is not just about waving a wand or reciting incantations, it's about understanding the fundamental laws of the universe and channeling that knowledge into your magic. Each of you possess a unique element that you can use to shape the world around you."


Vaughn walked around the classroom as he spoke, his hands gesturing as he explained. "For example, those who possess Fire magic can create and control flames, those with Water magic can manipulate water, those with Wind magic can control the air, and those with Lightning magic can harness electricity. The possibilities are endless and it is up to each of you to learn how to control your magic and hone your skills."


He stops in front of envy's desk and places his hand on envy's shoulder. "I know it may be disappointing that you don't have an element, but remember that doesn't define who you are. There is still so much to learn and so much that you can do. Who knows, you may discover a talent for magic that no one else in this room has ever seen before."


Vaughn then goes back to the front of the room and continues his lesson, leaving envy to ponder over his words. Although he didn't have a magic element, he was still determined to learn as much as he could and prove to everyone that he could still make a difference.


Vaughn starts explaining about magic, he stands in front of the class and clears his throat, gaining the attention of the students. "Good morning, students," he says with a warm smile. "Today, we will be learning about mana, the source of all magic."


The students sit up straight in their seats, eager to learn. "Mana is a mysterious energy that flows through everything in the world," Vaughn continues. "It's what makes magic possible."


He pulls out a small crystal, holding it in his hand. "You can see mana in many different forms, but it's most commonly seen as a glowing, ethereal light," he says, and the crystal starts to glow with a soft light.

"Mana can be controlled and manipulated by those who have the ability to use magic, known as mages. This is what allows us to cast spells, summon creatures, and perform incredible feats that seem impossible to the average person."


The students are entranced by Vaughn's words, watching as he continues to explain the intricacies of mana. "But be warned, using magic takes a great deal of skill, practice, and control. Without these things, using magic can be dangerous, even deadly."


Envy listens to the lesson intently, feeling a sense of longing in his chest. He may not have a magic element, but he still wants to learn about it and understand the world around him. He focuses on taking notes, determined to make the most of his time at magic school.


As the lesson comes to an end, Vaughn concludes, "That's just a basic overview of mana, but there is so much more to learn and discover. Keep this knowledge in mind as we move forward, and remember that magic is a powerful tool that should be used wisely."


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The students gather their things, eager to learn more. As Envy walks out of the classroom, he feels a sense of determination growing inside of him.


Envy walked home with a heavy heart. The news that he didn't have a magic element had taken a toll on him. He couldn't help but feel like an outcast in the magical world. But as he walked, he suddenly heard someone call out to him. Envy turned around to see a young boy walking towards him, with a smile on his face.


"Hi, my name is Amin. I saw you at the magic school today and I wanted to be friends with you," Amin said cheerfully.


Envy was taken aback. "Why would you want to be friends with someone who doesn't have magic?" he asked.


"It doesn't matter to me. Magic doesn't define who you are. And besides, it's always good to have friends who are different from you," Amin replied with a smile.


Envy couldn't help but be touched by Amin's kindness. They started talking and soon enough, time had flown by. They talked about their interests and aspirations, and Envy felt like he was finally able to open up to someone.


As the sun started to set, Amin said that he had to go. "I had a great time talking to you, Envy. Let's do it again sometime," he said as he waved goodbye.


Envy waved back and watched as Amin walked away, feeling grateful for the new friend he had made. He continued walking home with a lighter heart, looking forward to their next conversation.


Envy arrived at home feeling defeated. He was still trying to process the news that he didn't have a magic element. However, he wasn't one to just sit around and mope. He was determined to find something he was good at and to improve himself. So, he went straight to the back yard and started training with his sword.


He swung the sword around, feeling the weight of it in his hands. It was a challenge, but he was up for it. He had been practicing sword fighting for a while now, but he never got tired of it. He loved the feeling of the sword moving through the air, the sound it made when it sliced through the air, and the thrill of mastering a new move.


Envy worked hard, focusing on each movement and perfecting his technique. The sweat was pouring down his face, but he didn't mind. He was too focused on getting better. He trained for hours, until he was too exhausted to continue.


He finally stopped and went inside to take a well-deserved shower. The warm water washed away the sweat and grime, leaving him feeling refreshed and renewed. He changed into his pajamas and crawled into bed, exhausted but satisfied. He was asleep within minutes, dreaming of swords and battles and all the things he could do to make up for not having a magic element.

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