
Chapter 3: A New Friend Joins the Journey: Anwir’s Arrival

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Amin and Envy had become close friends over the past few weeks, bonding over their shared love for books and their mutual interest in the history of their world. They often spent hours discussing their favorite stories and the legends of the ancient heroes.


Amin and Envy were sitting in the park, chatting about their day at school. It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining down on them. Suddenly, they saw a guy walking alone, who showed no emotions and looked at them with a smirk before walking away. Amin and Envy noticed that they have seen this guy before, and Amin told Envy that his name was Anwir.


Anwir was already in their class, but they hadn't paid much attention to him. But as they looked at him more closely, they noticed his unique appearance. He had green hair, dark eyes, and was a little shorter than the other students. Despite his unusual appearance, he carried himself with confidence, and his smirk seemed to suggest that he knew something they didn't.


Envy and Amin continued to talk about their day, not paying much attention to Anwir. They were just happy to be enjoying each other's company on a beautiful day.


The sun rose, marking the start of a new day. Envy rubbed his eyes and got out of bed, feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. He was excited to see what the day would bring as he went to school.


As Envy arrived at the school, he went straight to his classroom, where he saw Amin already waiting for him. They greeted each other and sat down, eager to see what the day would bring.


Just then, the teacher entered the room. The students quieted down, giving their full attention to the teacher. "Good morning, students," the teacher said with a smile. "Today, we will be training. You will be practicing your skills and perfecting your techniques."


The students nodded, eager to get started. Envy and Amin looked at each other, both feeling excited for the training session. They knew that it would be a challenging day, but they were up for the task. With that, the training session began.


Envy, Amin, and the rest of the class were in the school's training grounds, eagerly waiting for their teacher, Vaughn, to start their training for the day. They were all excited to learn and improve their skills, and the atmosphere was filled with a buzz of anticipation.


As Vaughn walked in, he greeted the class and called for everyone's attention. He began to explain what they would be learning for the day, "Today we will be learning about hand-to-hand combat and how to defend yourselves without relying on your elemental abilities. Not everyone will have their elements mastered, and in a dangerous situation, it's important to be able to protect yourselves without relying solely on magic."


The students listened intently as Vaughn went on to explain the importance of physical strength and agility in combat, and how they could use their bodies as weapons. He demonstrated some basic techniques and movements, and then had the students practice the moves with partners.


As the lesson progressed, Anwir made his way towards Envy and Amin, smiling and greeting them. "Hey guys, can we be friends? I noticed you two chatting earlier and I thought it would be great to get to know you both better."


Envy and Amin looked at each other and then back at Anwir, they were surprised by his sudden interest in becoming friends but they both agreed. They welcomed Anwir into their group, and the three of them trained and learned together for the rest of the day.


The training session was intense and physically demanding, but by the end of it, the students had a better understanding of how to defend themselves without relying solely on their elemental abilities. They left the training grounds feeling confident and ready to continue their journey as elemental students.


After a long day of training with their teacher, Vaughn, Amin, Envy and Anwir made their way back to their classroom. Although they didn't focus on training their elemental abilities, they had learned a lot about teamwork, strategy, and combat tactics.

The three friends sat down in their usual spot and started chatting about their day. Anwir shared his thoughts on the training, complimenting the lessons and pointing out how he was impressed by the skills of Amin and Envy, despite the fact that Envy didn't have an elemental ability.

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Vaughn stood at the front of the classroom, his deep voice commanding the attention of the students. "Today, we're going to talk about the demons," he announced. "Three hundred years ago, they appeared and started wreaking havoc on our world. They're powerful creatures, with an affinity for dark magic. Their bodies are black as coal, their eyes glowing red like embers. They have sharp claws, razor-sharp teeth, and they move with the grace of predators.


"The demons are not to be underestimated. Their magic is powerful, and they use it to manipulate, deceive, and destroy. They're not to be taken lightly, and if you ever encounter one, you must be prepared to defend yourself. Remember, the key to defeating a demon is to stay focused, stay calm, and never let your guard down."


The students listened intently, their eyes fixed on Vaughn as he spoke. They had heard stories about the demons before, but this was the first time they were hearing about them from someone who had actually faced them. The thought of these creatures with the power to destroy entire towns and cities was daunting, but it was also thrilling in a way.


Vaughn continued his lecture, explaining the different types of dark magic the demons wielded and the ways in which they used it to their advantage. The students hung on his every word, learning about the creatures that threatened their world and the ways they could fight back against them.


As the bell rang, signaling the end of the class, Envy, Amin, and Anwir gathered their things and made their way out of the classroom, a student from their class called out, "Hey Envy, how's it like not having an elemental? Are you just going to be a regular human all your life?"


Envy had heard this kind of teasing before, but he was determined not to let it get to him anymore. He was focusing on improving his swordsmanship, which was his true passion. "I don't care," he said nonchalantly, brushing off the teasing.


Amin stepped in and defended his friend, "Hey, leave him alone. It's not like you have control over your element yet either."


The student shrugged and walked away, muttering under his breath. Envy, Amin, and Anwir continued walking, unaffected by the teasing. They had only been at school for a couple of weeks, but they had already grown close as friends and were determined to work together to improve their abilities and defend against the demons.


The three of them walked home together, chatting and laughing as they went. They talked about their favorite parts of the day's lessons and what they were looking forward to learning next. As they approached the edge of their neighborhood, they decided to go their separate ways, promising to catch up the next day.


Envy walked down the quiet streets, the sun was setting and casting long shadows. As he walked, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. He looked over his shoulder, but all he saw were the empty streets and windows with closed curtains. He shrugged it off and continued on his way, thinking he was just being paranoid. But the feeling persisted, growing stronger with each step. He quickened his pace, now eager to get home. Just as he was about to turn the corner onto his street, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun around, ready to defend himself, but found nobody there. He looked around frantically, but still, no one was in sight. He let out a deep sigh, trying to calm his racing heart. He told himself it was just his imagination and continued on his way, but he couldn't shake the feeling that someone, or something, was still watching him.

As he entered his home, he changed into his training clothes and stepped outside into his yard.
As Envy swung his sword in the yard, he became completely immersed in his training. He was determined to become the best swordsman he could be, and he pushed himself to the limit. The sound of the sword slicing through the air filled his ears and the muscles in his arms and shoulders ached from the repetitive motion. But still, he didn't stop.


The sun slowly started to set, casting long shadows across the yard. Envy didn't even realize how late it had gotten until he looked up at the sky and saw the stars twinkling above him. He let out a sigh and leaned on his sword, taking a moment to catch his breath.


The quiet of the night surrounded him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. It was as if the world was just him and his sword, and nothing else mattered. He let out a contented sigh and sheathed his sword, feeling proud of the progress he had made.


He took a quick shower to wash away the sweat and dirt from his training and got dressed in his nightclothes. Envy lay in bed, his mind racing with thoughts of the demons that appeared 300 years ago. He knew that he needed to train harder if he was going to achieve his goal of finding out the cause of the problem and destroying all demons. He had always been fascinated with swordsmanship, but now it was more than just a hobby, it was a way for him to protect those he loved and to avenge those who suffered at the hands of the demons.


As he drifted off to sleep, he made a mental note to work harder and push himself to his limits. He was determined to be the one to put an end to the demons once and for all. With that thought in mind, he finally closed his eyes and let sleep take over.

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