Epic of The Black Lion

Chapter 4: 4. Licenses & Food

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“Please show this to any guild branch you come across on any continent. This is your official license, okay?” the receptionist tells both Grayfia and Leo. The pair nod. “Perfect, from today and onwards you two are adventurers. This booklet will have some information that you may want to know. Please keep it safe.”

The two looked at the licenses and then at the handbook. “Thank you.” Leo thanks the receptionist but before the two of them start to leave, a sudden noise draws their attention. The two of them look over at the noise and see Rosemary along with other people. Are those the Heroes? There are 6 of them… Leo stares at them with curiosity along with Grayfia.

“It’s the Heroes! Look, look, Vexes is looking at us!” one of the adventurers screams and starts waving at the Heroes party. Vexes also notices them and starts to wave at them.

Vexes was a tall blonde-haired guy with blue eyes. He wore a unique looking armor that covered his whole body except for his head. He had the helmet on his hip as he carried it with his right arm. His armor was a mix of silver, blue, and gold and was probably made out of steel, although Leo could feel that it was different. However, he didn’t know why.

Apart from Rosemary, the other 4 were also quite generic looking. The typical, tall and buff guy was there, the bashful, and cute looking healer, a female assassin who wore what looked like a ninja costume and finally what seemed to be a wizard was also with them. Like with typical hero parties, the nun, Rosemary, the assassin and the wizard were the only females there. The Hero and the buff guy were the only males.

Rosemary sees both Leo and Grayfia looking at them. She whispers something to the group and all their eyes go to them.

Fuck, she just had to do that. Leo looks at Grayfia and they both silently agree to leave, NOW. So they turn around and start to leave, but—

“Hey, you two. Can you stop for a second?” a male voice calls out to both of them.

Leo sighed at the inevitable encounter. Grayfia stood silently beside Leo as they both turned around to face the Heroes party. The entire guild hall was silent, and everyone was eager to see why the Heroes party specifically called out to these two.

“How can we help you, uh, Hero people?” Leo pretended to act dumb and Vexes, the leader smiled at him.

“I heard from Rosemary that you two had the highest ratings in the last few years, and I wanted to congratulate you two, and wish you luck. It seems that you’re both going to be in a party together?” Vexes asks, and Leo nods in confirmation.

“Yeah, we are, and thank you," Leo answered casually. The other party members with Vexes, not including Rosemary, were looking at him and Grayfia with curiosity.

“Ah, sorry for not introducing myself, I’m Vexes, you’ve already met Rosemary. The big burly guy behind me is Zale. Beside him is our wizard. She's quite skilled at magic. Her name is Enora. Our cleric is always willing to heal anyone. Her name’s Lutfana and finally, Sifeh, our assassin.” Vexes introduces all the members of his party.

“I’m Leo, and this is Grayfia, my maid.” Leo keeps their introduction short, and for some reason, the guild becomes a little tense.

Many of them were starting to wonder why Leo was being rude or curt with THE Heroes party. However, Leo wasn’t doing it intentionally, he just wanted to leave and eat, he was hungry. Perhaps in turn it made him just a little bit blunter and grumpier.

Vexes smiles awkwardly at Leo who in turn stares back at him with no change in expression. “So, did you need something from us?” Leo asks again with the same bluntness.

Vexes nods. “I just wanted to ask you again, would the both of you like to join my party?” After Vexes asks this, the crowd gasps.

“Again? They were already asked?”

“Wait, does that mean they declined?! Why?!”

“Rosemary smells nice…”

“Dude…relax with that.”

Leo heard a few more questions directed at them, and of course he also heard very weird comments. Keep your fetishes to yourself…

<Heh.> Ageha scoffed at Leo.

Shut it. Leo in turn ignored her. He also didn’t want her to say anything about the weird fetish he had. “We’ll have to decline again. We don’t think we’re ready for the front lines yet, we’re just novice adventurers after all.” Leo explained, and he expected Vexes to end it here, but…

“We can train you, and with our help you will reach new heights of power!” Vexes says enthusiastically.

This dude just doesn’t give up, does he…? Leo was getting a little annoyed by him, as his hunger grew. But he didn’t want to start unnecessary trouble if he could help it, so being amicable right now was the smart choice. Hey, Ageha…

<Everyone in that party, including the cleric, would murder you. Unless you use and abuse the [True Longinus], and use [Truth Idea], then finally [Devour] the first one that dies. Otherwise, don’t even bother.> Ageha said quite bluntly.

Noted. Although Leo wasn’t planning on doing anything irrational, he asked Ageha that because he was curious. He discovered that he had only a small chance of beating them right now, and it was up to him to use every trick he had.

“No thank you, we wish to start out slow and gradually go up in the rankings.” Leo declined again, and finally Vexes sighed and hung his head.

“Very well. Forgive me for being pushy. Rosemary insisted on coming here for our final members. However, if you two change your minds in the future, don’t hesitate to come to us!” Vexes says happily and hands Leo something.

Leo accepts it instinctively, since he had to do that a lot in his past life. Especially with business cards and other items. He takes a look at it and it was just like a smaller version of the license he had. “This is?” he asked Vexes who chuckles.

“Just add that to your adventurer’s license and you’ll be able to contact other adventurers. Apart from magic, magical items and the new gadgets being invented right now, that’s the only other reliable way to contact someone even if they’re halfway across our world.” Vexes explains and Leo looks at it in fascination before putting it near his card and it absorbs it.

“Hmm, then thank you, Vexes. I’ll graciously accept this…anyway, we’re in a hurry, so if you’ll excuse us…” Leo starts to back away and Vexes agrees with him.

“Oh yes, sorry for delaying you! Goodbye for now, Leo, Grayfia!” Vexes waves goodbye to the pair as they finally leave the guild hall. All the while all eyes were on them.

“Finally, I was getting impatient.” Leo muttered as they were outside again. Grayfia remained silently attentive to it all with her eyes closed. But then Leo’s stomach growled like a dying gazelle making Grayfia look at him.

“Shall we go have lunch then?” she asked him and Leo was more than happy to agree.

As the pair began their walk back, they took another look at their surroundings as they went. They noticed a few other shops like tailors, blacksmiths, armories and other shops like a florist and surprisingly a pet shop.

“They sell pets? I wonder what kind…maybe normal ones like dogs and cats?” Leo wondered out loud.

Grayfia looked at the same shop. “Perhaps they have mutated or enchanted pets? They may be able to fight alongside you, like familiars in my world.” She gave her two cents on the situation at hand, and Leo nodded along.

“Pets…familiars, maybe I can try taming something here? Or should I wait till we get to another world, or even yours? You guys have that familiar forest, right?” he asks her.

“Yes we do, Leo-sama. However, you can only enter at certain times since a man looks after that place, and typically only devils can venture in there.”

“But, I’m not exactly…wait no, what the hell am I?” Leo became confused and so did Grayfia. They both stare at each other before Leo asks Ageha. So, what am I?

<A dumbass, is what I would like to say, but as of right now, you are classified as a ‘Blank’.>

A what? Leo was confused. He didn’t know what a ‘blank’ meant or entailed. A blank…? Like a blank piece of paper? he asked her again.

<Yes, something like that. Well to be more accurate, it’s something like: Human (Blank) (Progressive). Depending on your future choices your race/species may change.>

So in other words, I can still change from human to a God, essentially?


Am I immortal?


…What? Leo hears Ageha sigh and she begins to speak.

<Right now, you’re a blank human who’s immortal. You won’t die of old age, but you can still die if you’re beaten by a stronger opponent, like Vexes for example. The ‘blank’ means you need to change into something else. Be it a dragon, a god, or whatever you choose to be, heck, even the reincarnated devils of Grayfia’s universe.>

<But that can be left for a different time, Leo. As of right now, you should focus on getting stronger in this world. The more complicated stuff can come later. As I said to you yesterday, this is a tutorial world, and you’ll eventually turn it into a home world since you’ll be exploring the multiverse—no, the omniverse. So just take it a day at a time. The boss is in no rush, but I am, so hurry up.>

Which is it!? Slow or fast?! Leo asked but got no answer which made him sigh. He sees Grayfia looking at him and he sighs again. “Walk and talk, Grayfia, walk and talk…” He sees her nod and they keep on walking towards the small area with the restaurants.


As they neared the restaurant area, Leo took out his Adventurers card and checked it. This also prompted Grayfia to do the same thing.


[Adventurer’s Card]:

[Name]: Leo Schwarzer

[Rank]: F

[Job]: None

[Mana / Ki]: 1500

[Gender]: Male

[Skills]: Fire Manipulation


[Adventurer’s Card]:

[Name]: Bina Lessthan

[Rank]: F

[Job]: Maid

[Mana / Ki]: 2500

[Gender]: Female

[Skills]: Elemental Magic


“How is ‘Maid’ a job…? Also, you chose to name yourself that, huh?” Leo said that to her. Grayfia gave herself an alias, and as far as he could remember, she named herself that while participating in the Azazel Cup, a world-wide Rating Game for all of the supernatural.

“Because I am a maid, Leo-sama. Also, we do not know the names of demons in the world. They could potentially have the names ‘Lucifer’ or ‘Lucifuge’ too. Therefore, I chose a safer option.” Grayfia tells him.

“That makes sense.” Leo agreed. He didn’t have enough information in this world. Though Ageha is supposed to help him, he figured she wouldn't baby him and will only provide him with relevant and useful information if he asks or when the time is right.

Ageha isn’t a system. In truth, Leo had no idea what she was. She and her ‘Boss’ just referred to her as a ‘helper’. One thing was for sure, she wasn’t a system, well that’s what Leo thought. You’re not a system, right, Ageha? he asked her.

<Do you want me to go…system activate! Or something? Of course not, I would sound stupid. I’m stuck to your soul, but at the same time I can do a lot of things, but unlike those systems, I can’t access everything. In a way, you can think of me like your local giant mall. I have a lot of things, but not everything.>

So does that mean you’ll get access to things as I get stronger and go to other worlds? he asks.

<…Maybe, maybe not. Wouldn’t spoiling that be boring?>

Leo sighed and shook his head. Whatever. Ageha just laughed at him. Leo already knew that she wouldn’t tell him much, but at least he now knows a little more.

“Leo-sama, which one do you want to go to?” his maid asks him as both of them look around the area with a lot of places to eat.

There were the normal restaurants, a few bars and inns with food and taverns. While passing by earlier, Leo had his sights set on a certain place. It was called ‘The Silver Pond'. It caught his interest because of the name and the smell coming from it.

Leo points at the restaurant, “Let’s go to that one.” Grayfia follows his finger and agrees with him. So they quickly make their way there. There were some tables outside, and the inside didn’t look too full, so they went in.

It’s kind of fancy… Leo thought while looking around the restaurant once they got in there.

The interior was a mix of regular wood, marble, and stone. Even though this continent was known as one of the poorest, this place was quite luxurious. Leo starts walking towards a table that was open and both of them sat down.

Earlier, Ageha gave Grayfia 10 gold. Therefore, they shouldn’t be strapped for money, and if they were, they could just sell the corpses of the ogres to earn some back. Leo spots a button after sitting down, and beside it, it says: Press me once you have chosen your order.

“That’s a surprise. They're a bit more advanced, or did they just base it on magic?” he says to himself.

“Yes, I believe it works with magic, Leo-sama. I can feel magic coming from it. Here’s the menu.” Grayfia comments before handing Leo the menu. He accepts it and looks through it.

…They’re not that expensive, actually. Most of these are in silver, only a few in gold. If I’m right, then 100 silver = 1 gold. The cheapest thing on the menu is 15 silvers. Leo checked the entire menu and what they were serving was relatively normal, albeit he didn’t know some of them.

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<Yes, you’re right. Most common folk only have a few gold coins on them, and a lot of silver. Of course, you can exchange the silver into gold at a local coinsmith, but apart from that. Gold makes this world go round.>

Coinsmith? They don’t have banks or anything like that?

<They do, but most of them are tied together with the coinsmith, only a few have popped up in Oseon, and they’re called ‘CoinBanks’. If you want to store your wealth safely, you can go there, or have your own vault in your home.>

I see, thanks. Leo got a bit more information and started to speculate. If Grosscarriage is the poorest continent, then it’s safe to assume that Oseon might be the richest and most advanced in this world. If he abides by what Rosemary said earlier, then it must be true. Even Vexes the Hero came from there.

“Have you made your decision yet, Leo-sama?” Grayfia asked him and brought Leo out of his thoughts.

“Hmm? Oh yeah, I have. Are you ready?” Grayfia nods in response and Leo presses the button. A few seconds later, a waitress comes over to them.

“Hello! Welcome to The Silver Pond! What can I get for you?” the waitress asks with an eagerness that is contagious. Both Grayfia and Leo gave her their orders and she wrote them down. “Will that be all?”

“Yeah, that’s all.” Leo responded.

“Okay! It won’t take too long; a timer will start there.” The waitress points above the button and a timer starts. She winks at Leo before walking away.

“Magic is sure convenient.” Leo tries to touch the timer, but his finger passes through it.

“Yes, it is. But try not to rely on it too much, Leo-sama. Some practical skills may be needed in certain situations when magic cannot be relied upon.” Leo agreed with what she said.

If there were some kind of magic disabling device, or a spell or technique that could render magic useless, then having hand-to-hand combat experience would come in handy, or having the use of Ki. But in everyday situations, it could also apply.

“Yeah, you’re right. I need to train in a lot of things…hey Grayfia, can you use Ki? Or in your world it’s known as Touki, right?” he asks her and she thinks about it for a moment, but in the end she is unsure.

“I am not sure, Leo-sama. I have only ever relied on my demonic power; however, it may be advantageous if I also learn how to use Ki/Touki from now on.” Grayfia never needed to learn Touki. If she was a master at using her demonic power and one of the strongest combatants in the Underworld, there was no need.

In this new world, however, there were many unknown factors for her. She didn’t know how strong the Gods of this world were, or the demons. She also wasn’t sure if there were beings beyond them either. The Sacred Gears that the God of the Bible made were a surprise to the supernatural.

So, just to be safe, Grayfia wanted to start learning new things from now on. In a way, she would also be learning alongside Leo.


They suddenly heard a sound and both of them looked at the source. It was the timer. It had reached zero as the two sat there chatting, and just on time, the waitress came back with their food. She sets them down and claps to herself. “Enjoy~” she winks at Leo again and walks away.

Why does she keep winking at him…? Grayfia eyed the waitress suspiciously. However, the man in question did not give a single fuck and started eating his food. Grayfia seeing this sighs and lets out a soft chuckle. It didn’t even register with him, he’s just hungry as he said. Grayfia also started to eat her portion.

"This is good. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm blown away." Leo says with a full mouth.

“Don’t speak with your mouth full of food, Leo-sama.” She scolds him making him smirk.

“Yesh, myom.” He answered back while still eating, prompting the maid to give him a glare. He just chuckled at her. The two of them ate their fill for the next few minutes, while they occasionally chatted about their plans for the future.


“Phew…I’m full. That was good. It makes me look forward to your cooking, Grayfia.” Leo pats his stomach while leaning back in his chair. They had finished eating lunch, and Grayfia seemed inclined to agree with Leo. She thought the food was good, but…

“Rest assured that my cooking will be out of this world, Leo-sama.” She says in a monotone voice while staring Leo dead in the eyes.

Leo couldn’t help but chuckle. Did she just make a pun? I like puns, but that was just out of left field… Before Leo could answer her, the waitress came back with the bill. She hands it to Leo and he looks through it. A total of 95 silvers, huh? Then I'll just pay with a gold coin. I was expecting more…

Leo took out 1 gold coin from his pocket and gave it to the waitress. Earlier when Leo said that he hadn’t eaten, Grayfia received some gold from Ageha. When they looked over it, they received 10 gold coins from her. Now they were down to 9 gold.

This was definitely the more expensive places to eat, if all that cost 95 silver. Leo thought. He also looked out the window briefly and saw the other places didn’t look as luxurious as this one.

“Thank you for your patronage! Please come again!” She thanks them, winks at Leo again, and walks away. Finally, our not-so-dense protagonist noticed this.

“Why did she wink? Wait, did she do that before?” he asks Grayfia…

He didn’t notice it... Grayfia couldn’t help but give Leo a strained smile. Hunger was on his mind, and probably didn’t notice the waitress trying to flirt with him… Leo sees this and gives her a questioning gaze. “It’s nothing Leo-sama, shall we leave?”

“Sure.” They both got up and left the restaurant. Once outside, Leo wanted to do one thing. “Let’s go sell those corpses, we can earn some money for them…but where do we do that?” Leo thought there might be a dedicated shop for it, or his initial assumption, the guild.

“Perhaps the Guild?” Grayfia suggests.

“Why not?” with that, the both of them made their way back to the Guild.


When they arrived at the guild, the Heroes from earlier had not left. In fact, they were still being swamped by people excited to meet them. But when Vexes and the rest saw Leo and Grayfia come back, they were curious.

The pair headed up to the receptionist that they spoke to earlier. “Welcome back. How can I help you? Did you come across some trouble? Here to get a quest?” she asked.

“We were wondering where to sell some monster, you know, dead ones.” Leo says rather bluntly and the receptionist looks at him a bit surprised.

“Well, here! You two ventured out and killed some monsters?” she asked rather skeptically, but Leo nodded his head.

“Well, no, we killed them before we applied for the guild. Anyway…” Leo looks at Grayfia who nods and snaps her fingers. A large magic circle appears and out came the ogres. There were 8 in total.

The receptionist’s mouth twitched and her eyes widening at what she was seeing. Even the entire hall became silent. “A-Are those ogres?” she asked them.

“Yeah, we came across them on the way here. Anyway, how much are they worth?”

“Miss Bina, you can use spatial magic?! T-that’s very rare you know!” the receptionist asks and Grayfia nods in response.

It’s rare? I mean, I guess it is? Leo didn’t think it was too rare, or he was just used to remembering the stupid overpowered abilities he once read and watched in his past life, that he was sort of numb to it all.

“Yes I can.” Grayfia answers the receptionist. “As to what Leo-sama said, how much are these things worth?” she asks the receptionist again who nods and runs to the now defrosted ogres. She looks them over a few times, takes out an item and it appears to scan them.

The receptionist then takes out her own adventurer’s card, puts it up to her ear and starts to speak into it. Not too long after, a magic circle appeared beside her and out came an old man. He had short green hair in a bun, green eyes, and a long beard that reached his chest. He wore a white shirt, red worn out pants and brown boots.

“Hoho! Look at these, they are certainly real and not done by illusion magic!” the old man says while taking a look at all of them. “So, where are the ones who brought them in?” he asks and the receptionist points at both Grayfia and Leo. He smiles and walks over to them.

"So you're part of the new batch? I'm Diego, this guild's branch manager. So you two are responsible for this?” He points behind him, at the ogres and they both nod. “Great! It takes at least a full party of F ranks, or 3 E ranks to take these on. They’re worth at least 2 gold each, so you’ll get 16 gold. A fine deal, right?”

16 gold? That’s quite a lot, might as well take it. Leo thought and agreed with Diego. "Sure thing, Diego. We'll take it." Leo stretches out his hand, and they both shake it. Diego walks back to the ogres and they disappear. He can use spatial magic too…I guess you need to be capable to become a branch manager then…

Diego speaks with the receptionist who runs away and goes through one of the doors of the guild. It doesn’t take her long to come back and hand the 16 gold over to Diego. Even though Grayfia killed these things… Leo felt a bit guilty since he’s taking credit but Grayfia didn’t seem to mind. “Thanks.”

The receptionist nodded. “Oh, my name is Linda by the way.” She says to him.

“Linda? All right, nice to meet you again.” Linda nods before going back to Diego who had gone over to the Heroes party.

“If it isn’t little Rosemary! Haha! I haven’t seen you in a long time! How have you been?!” Diego asks while bear hugging the poor young woman. She also had turned red in the face out of embarrassment.

“Uncle let me go!” Rosemary shouts while struggling to get out of his arms.

Uncle? Now that was unexpected. They look nothing alike… Leo looked on at the scene with curiosity but thought he needed to start his training now or fall behind. He glances at Grayfia before they left the guild hall again.

Leo was thankful that it didn’t turn into a bigger deal. He expected the usual cliché of the crowd overreacting, but no such thing happened. Initially, they were surprised, but it seems the practice of turning in those was quite common, so they did not overreact.

“Leo-sama, what are our plans now?” Grayfia asks.

“Let’s find a place to sleep for tonight. I don’t want to torture the both of us by living out in the wild for tonight, so let’s find an inn to stay at. After that…let’s start training.” Leo says while clenching his hand.

He had wanted to start training. He wanted to get stronger, and fast. Leo wasn’t sure if he was a battle manic or a battle junkie. However, the earlier fight with Leywarldo made his blood pump and he hadn’t felt that excited in a long time.

“Yes, of course, Leo-sama.”

Leo and Grayfia set out to find an inn. First, they wandered around taking a look at the inns and asking for prices. Quite a lot of them were affordable, but Leo wanted a combo. He wanted breakfast and a stay. Most of the inns they visited only offered them a room.

“Grayfia, do you want your own room? We can probably afford it.” Leo looks at Grayfia. ‘Right, Ageha?’ he asks his helper.

<Giving you money to help you is no problem, hell, I could probably just give you 1000 gold right now, but like I said—.>

Yes, yes, you won’t baby me. I know. Ageha snorts at Leo, but he ultimately just ignores it. Leo didn’t mind sharing a room, hell, if he takes into consideration what kind of world Grayfia belonged to, and her maid fetish? She would probably wear something quite revealing when they sleep together (not sexually (yet)).

“I wish to save as much gold as we can, so let’s get one room.” She looks at Leo and without missing a beat, “I also don’t mind sleeping with you, Leo-sama.” She looks away but then looks back at Leo. “But not like that.” She corrected herself.

"Yeah, I know." Leo says, "Well, at least not yet." He muttered that last part, and Grayfia heard it, but she did not comment.

It seems that Leo-sama lusts for me…no, it makes sense. He’s still quite young, but for someone his age to lust after me…I’m troubled by it. A human who will become a new God and a Devil...such a union is unheard of. Grayfia thought and looked back at Leo, who was busy surveying the buildings around him.

Respect…that is what I feel for him, as well as gratitude and loyalty. Romance…romantic feelings, I do not know. These were her thoughts. To Grayfia, Leo is someone she is grateful towards. He gave her a new opportunity, and even though they have only spent a day together, she has seen many sides of him and her opinion of him has increased slightly. But not to the point of developing romantic feelings.

Time. That’s what both of them needed, and they had all the time in the world for it.

Hey, Ageha…what happens to Grayfia’s world while she’s not there? Leo asks her. He had been curious about this for quite some time, but decided to ask her about it now.

<It is slowed down, if 1000 years past where you are, only 10 seconds passes in her world, and vice versa. When you inevitably journey to her world in the future, if 1000 years pass there, only 10 seconds will pass here.>

Seems convenient, I guess I won’t need to worry about being away for too long. Leo thought.

The two of them eventually came across an inn that boasted a breakfast deal with a bedroom, so they went into it. It didn’t seem as impressive as the other ones they’ve come across, but this is what Leo was looking for. The inn was called ‘The Delirious Tomato’ which was kind of strange.

Once the two entered, the owner, who was a large muscular woman with red hair tied into a ponytail, and wearing moderate clothes with an apron to hide it all. “Oh? Customers, finally! Welcome, welcome to The Delirious Tomato!” she jumped up after seeing the two.

They marched up to her and introduced themselves. “I’m Leo and this is Bina, my maid. We’re looking to stay around a week?” Leo explains their situation. “We just became adventurers so…” but the woman stops him.

“No need to explain young man! I don’t care if you’re running from the law, we welcome everyone! So a week-long stay, is it? That’ll be 2 gold! That includes breakfast too." She says enthusiastically.

Leo was surprised. Only 2 gold? There has to be some kind of catch… But the woman smiled at him.

“There is no catch young man, I started this because my husband is quite well off, he was a former adventurer, and so was I. We retired and wanted to start a business of our own, and this is it. We do own a farm too, so we supply our own food at no cost.” She explained and Leo understood why it was cheap.

“I see, sorry for assuming something, anyway here.” Leo apologizes and hands over the 2 gold coins. The woman takes it, bites it and nods.

“No worries, we get it a lot. The name’s Biselda by the way.” Biselda, the owner of the inn rummages for a second before pulling out a key. “I’m assuming you two are sleeping in the same room?” Leo nods in agreement. “Great, here you go.” She hands the key to him and then grins at him. “Don’t be afraid to do the deed at night now, you two are the only ones here at the moment.”

However, both of them did not react at all. Leo just stared blankly back at Biselda, and Grayfia had her eyes closed the entire time. Biselda was a bit disappointed by their reaction but shrugged it off.

Do the deed, huh? That’s probably not happening for quite some time, I mean I doubt Grayfia would just spread her legs for me like that. She’s not a whore… Leo’s mouth twitched at the thought. Even though Biselda meant well, she kind of just assumed things which annoyed him slightly.

Upon arriving in their room, it was normal, nothing extravagant, just normal. Leo and Grayfia looked around the room. Leo checked the bed and it didn’t feel uncomfortable so he was fine with it. Grayfia did the same thing and came to the same conclusion, however—.

“This isn’t suitable for someone like you to sleep in…” she muttered, so she touched it again and it briefly glowed before springing up a bit and flopping back down. Leo stares in confusion. “I changed it, Leo-sama. Please check it again.”

Doing as he was told, Leo touched it and— “Holy crap, this is soft and springy now. I felt this before…it’s like those mattresses in those 5-star hotels…!” Leo was amazed. I want to learn magic even more now… he turns back to Grayfia with even more determination in his eyes. “Let’s go train a bit before the day ends. It’s probably around 1 to 2 P.M. right now…”

Grayfia agreed with him. “Yes, let’s go, Leo-sama.”


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