Epic of The Black Lion

Chapter 5: 5. Training & Duel

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Leo and Grayfia left the inn with Biselda telling them to come back by a certain time since she would lock up for the night. They were due back around 10 P.M. tonight, otherwise they would be stuck outside.

They passed by the two guards they met earlier, and they asked them where they were going.

“We’re training. What time do these gates close at?” Leo asked the two guards who were a bit surprised by their reasoning for leaving.

“Previously they used to be open all the time, but now we close them around 11 P.M. at night to prevent bandits and monsters from walking in. However, we do have night guards just in case someone wishes to enter the city.” The guard on the right says.

“So, an incident happened?” he asks.

“Yes, we lost quite a bit of our residents before they were stopped. A large pack of monsters entered at night; the guards that were watching the gates had fallen asleep. Of course, they were severely punished. However, we did suffer a significant loss during that time.” The guard explains while looking disappointedly at the ground.

“I see…” Leo didn’t know what to say so he just gave his condolences to the guard, and both of them set off.


Both Leo and Grayfia created a large dust cloud behind them as they left the place. Both guards were shocked by this. “W-what the—did you see that?!” the other asks his fellow guard.

“I have two eyes, obviously…” the other deadpanned, but he was as shocked as his friend. “They must be adventurers; he did say they were going to train.”

“That makes sense…now I want to be an adventurer!”

“You failed so many times, give up, you’re not suited for it.” Again, he was quite harsh towards the guy.

“Man, fuck you!”

“I’m not gay.”



“This should be a suitable spot.” Leo comments as they were quite far from the City of Vrearc.

“Yes, it will do. What would you like to learn first, Leo-sama?” Grayfia asks him.

Leo pondered for a moment before nodding to himself. “Let’s start with magic then. You said you’re proficient with demonic fire, right?” Leo asks her, and she nods.

"Yes I am." Grayfia responds and summons some fire in her open palm. “Devils in my world require a certain amount of demonic power before being able to use magic. Certain clans there possess higher demonic power at birth. My clan, the Lucifuge is one of them.” She changes the fire's shape into that of a small lizard.

“The next step is the power of imagination and good sense. Once you have those you can start to train and improve yourself. When I was summoned by Ageha-sama, she told me that your power, or ‘energy’ was based on imagination, so in a sense, like us Devils.” Grayfia smiles, "This means that training you in magic will be quite easy. You have quite an imagination, don’t you?”

Leo smiled wryly at Grayfia. What did she mean by that last point? …But my ‘magic’ is based on imagination then, huh? Grayfia is also right. I have watched and read many things in my past life. Therefore, I can base many of my future attacks on them... Leo looked at the demonic flame that Grayfia had and ignited his own.

He hadn’t looked at it that closely before, but his flames were a bit different from hers. While Grayfia’s were almost dark-red in color, his was translucent orange. He could almost see his reflection on it if he tried hard enough to look at it.

“One can increase their demonic pool and power by training. We can assume that the same holds true for you, Leo-sama. I will also take this opportunity to do the same. We can grow together. First, we must see your current output.”

“My current output? Like the most amount I can put out?” Leo asks her and she nods. He looks at his hand and clenches it. Like the day before with his [True Longinus] he focused in the center of his stomach, but focused on powering up the flames on his hand, and it indeed grows in size and power.

"Let it loose!" Grayfia yelled, and Leo did as he was instructed. He punched towards the sky and a large stream of orange flames ignited the whole sky above them.

I’m feeling a bit tired after doing that… Leo didn’t fall though, he felt slightly strange. He hadn’t experienced this before, even when using his flame manipulation sparingly yesterday. But that’s my current output? It’s quite big, but… Leo looks back at Grayfia who has a smile on her face.

Grayfia summons some sort of pill and throws it at Leo who catches it. “This is?”

<I made it. It will restore your stamina and mana pool, so when you’re training you can keep on training indefinitely. I want to watch you suff—I want to watch you improve, Leo!>

You’re clearly lying!! Don’t just change your sentence halfway through saying it! Leo’s eye twitched but he was still grateful. However, he wondered if Ageha would give him these to use for different occasions. Will you make some if I take a dangerous quest and then I can use them during it?

<Well yes, I am here to support you after all. But the Boss said to limit it, so you’ll get 10 with each quest you take. Of course, if you have leftovers…then I won’t take them away. You understand what I mean, right?>

‘I can keep them and stack them up, right?’ Leo asked but didn’t get a response, so he took that as a yes. He grinned. See? You can be very helpful, Ageha! I love you! Leo proclaimed his love for Ageha who—.

<Gross…> she was disgusted by it, to put it lightly.

Leo felt a small arrow pierce his heart, but just moved on. Leo ate the pill and he felt his own stamina and mana pool replenish, although he did find it strange. “Ageha explained, thanks.”

“Yes. Let us focus on this for now. By my estimation, it’s still around 2 P.M. Let’s keep at it for 2 hours, after that we can move on to the next phase.” Grayfia says.

“Roger that, Grayfia-sensei!” Leo saluted the woman who just shook her head at his antics.


An hour passed as Leo kept on using his maximum output of flames each time, exhausting himself, eating a pill and doing it all over again. Leo considered this some sort of Spartan training, but he did notice his own pool start to go up slightly. Even Grayfia started doing her own training. Although hers mostly consisted of meditating, using some sort of attack during it, and repeating.

Is that effective at all…? However, Leo doesn’t question it. Grayfia was the more experienced of the two of them, so he let her be. Leo ignited his fist again, and the flame was slightly more intense and more powerful than it was an hour ago. I’m using the same output as earlier yet it’s slightly bigger now…oh wait, hold on.

Leo took out his adventurer card and his [Mana / Ki] increased from 1500 up to 1550. An hour of training increased his mana and ki by 50. But…

<It’s not accurate, remember you didn’t use all your power back there.> Ageha reminded him.

Yeah, I know, but did it improve? Leo asked, but instead of getting an answer, a miniature screen appeared in front of him. It looked like the ‘Status’ screens he saw in some media in his past. Leo took note of everything, but his real ‘energy’ was at 5100. It showed that he jumped up by 50, so he was originally 5050.

So, I went from 5050 to 5100? he asked Ageha.

<No, yesterday you were 5000, fighting those slimes and goblins made you go up to 5050, and since you started training, it went from 5050 to 5100. You have 1 more hour. Try aiming for 5200 instead of just a 50 increase.>

I might as well…give me more pills then. There was a sudden light and then a bottle of pills appeared in his hand. It simply said ‘There’s 50 in it, go wild.’ Leo smirked and he briefly glances at Grayfia who was looking at him before closing her eyes again.

“All right, let’s go…” Leo ignited his fist and grinned. He was going to exhaust himself, or die trying.


Another hour passed. Of course, some guards came here to check what was going on, confirmed that they were just training, and they left. Leo Schwarzer, our protagonist was lying on the ground, exhausted and sweating all over his body.

“Haa…haa…haa…” he panted like a dog who hadn’t been given water for the entire day. To Leo, who had been using up his current mana pool, and then eating a pill to regain it…one could argue that it was reckless, very reckless.

In truth, it was, or it is. However, Leo believed that one cannot gain anything without sacrifice. So he decided to be a bit reckless for once in his life. When he was still a corporate slave, he just followed orders to get his paycheck and lived a mundane and ‘normal’ life, like what society expected of him.

However, since he came to this new world, he wanted to take chances and change himself. So he started with this.

“Good work, Leo-sama.”

Grayfia crouched down beside him and put her hand on his cheek before using a little bit of ice magic to cool him down.

“O-ooohhh…that feels good…more…” Leo says out of reflex. This makes Grayfia let out a small chuckle. Leo’s brain was a bit fried so he had no idea what he had just said. Grayfia keeps on cooling him down until he comes back to his senses.

"...Grayfia...?" Leo's attention veers to the maid's hand that is currently cooling him down.

“Welcome back, Leo-sama. Shall we start the next phase?” she asks while helping him up.

“Might as well, right?” Leo says and glances at the bottle of pills he was given by Ageha an hour ago. It had drastically decreased. It started out at 50, and now there were only 21 left. I went overboard…

The small ‘status’ screen that Ageha showed him earlier was still visible, and his mana pool had increased from 5100 to 5300. Leo did go all out, maybe a bit too much, but he went above the goal that Ageha set for him.

“So, what’s next?” Leo asks as he stands beside Grayfia. The Devil Maid nods and summons her own demonic fire.

“It may be a bit early, but let’s try teaching you how to shape your flame. You saw what I did earlier, correct?” she asks him and Leo nods.

“Yeah, you changed it into a lizard, right?” Grayfia nods to his question.

“Precisely, now, since it requires imagination, it shouldn’t be too difficult for you, Leo-sama. Just ‘imagine’ changing the flame from its initial form to whatever you want…” Grayfia stands to the side while saying this.

Leo nods, ignites his hand in flames and closes his eyes. Imagination…shape…shape it…what shape though? Leo thought about it. He could change it to many things, but the first thing that came to mind was…

“Leo-sama…” Leo hears Grayfia speak and opens his eyes. He first looked at Grayfia who was sporting a small blush but also had an awkward smile. Leo finally looks at back at his own hand, and started to violently cough.

“W-wait, no that’s not—it’s not what it looks like! I was just…you know…fuck it, whatever I say it's going to sound like an excuse…” Leo resigned himself and just sighed. He looks back at it and it was a flaming Grayfia, topless.

He had no idea he could shape it like that, and with that kind of detail! He hadn’t seen her naked yet! Well, Leo hadn’t seen Grayfia naked in this world. In reality, he had seen her like that when watching the anime, and of course, when he read the light novel.

Leo dismisses it quickly and laughs awkwardly. “W-well let’s try that again, shall we?” Grayfia didn’t give a verbal answer, but just simply nodded. Leo closed his eyes once more and decided to change it into something simple, a ball, more specifically, a soccer ball.


Hearing a sound, Leo opened his eyes and this time, it did change into a soccer ball. He smiled at this. “All right, it seems I can shape it quite easily. Erm, sorry about the earlier one, Grayfia.”

“It’s quite all right, Leo-sama. However, congratulations. Not only can you change and shape your flames easily, but you also increased your mana pool by quite a large margin earlier, didn’t you?”

Leo nods. “Yeah I did, how about you? Did that mediation work?” he asks a bit skeptically, and Grayfia smiles at him.

“Yes, it was quite fruitful. While I didn’t increase as much as you, it still increased. We shall do this for two more hours, after that…well I will keep that to myself for now. It will be a good opportunity for you, Leo-sama.”

2 more hours, huh? It's 4 P.M. right now, so we’ll be done by 6 P.M. then. Leo looks at Grayfia and he agrees with it. “All right, Grayfia. Let’s get to it then.”

The two separate. Grayfia goes back to her spot and starts to meditate again. Leo goes back to his own spot and begins to shape his flame into all sorts of things.

First, let’s start small again…how about a baseball? Leo didn’t close his eyes this time, and wanted to see how the process looked like. He starts to imagine changing the flames in his hand to that of a baseball. He envisioned a ball in his head, and then directed that image at the flames he was producing.

Slowly but surely, the flames started to change and morph into a small baseball. To Leo, it looked strange. The flame started to swirl and somewhat violently thrash around his hand before turning into that shape. He thought it might be because he was still new.

When he saw Grayfia do it and change her demonic flame to the shape of a lizard it was like a seamless transition. No, it was almost instantaneous. One moment it was a normal dark-red flame then it was in the shape of a lizard. Leo was also certain that Grayfia could bring those flames to life.

He remembered that Sona Sitri could make water snakes or dragons out of her demonic water. So someone as skilled as Grayfia could probably do it with ease. It is likely that she just showed him an inanimate object in order to make it easier for him.

Should I try to make living beings out of these flames? Leo wasn’t sure. Would it obey him? It surely must, right? It’s HIS flames, they wouldn’t turn against him, right? However, Leo was hesitant. Well, let’s try it. Leo was about to do it when he felt someone’s hand on his shoulder.

Leo turns around to see Grayfia.

“Leo-sama. Please don’t do that, you’re not ready yet. If you don’t have complete control of your own mana the creature you conjure up may end up just lashing out. They follow basic rules, and commands.” Grayfia tells him.

“So, it’s like programming, in a sense? If you do not explicitly tell it to do a certain sequence of actions it might just glitch out or do unnecessary things?” he asks her and Grayfia nods. “I nearly did something stupid thing. This magic business is a lot more complicated than what the shows I saw…”

“They are just human interpretations after all. Even the magic used by human magicians in my world is based on the Devil's demonic power. However, they required more formulas, and equations to do.”

Hmm. I was aware of that, and I’m glad that I got this version of magic that’s based on imagination rather than equations and formulas. While I’m not dumb, and did well in school, especially with math, that’s extra effort I don’t want to do… Leo wryly smiled and looked back at the flame in his hands.

“I’ll just stick to the basics then, and slowly ramp it up in the next 2 hours.” He informs Grayfia who was satisfied by this and heads back to her spot. “All right, let’s get to it.”


Fwip! Fwip!

You are reading story Epic of The Black Lion at novel35.com

“All right, next!” Leo had created a flaming whip and started to swing it around. He was careful enough not to let it touch the grass beneath him so it wouldn’t catch on fire, but he wasn’t too worried since Grayfia would probably put it out.

Leo dismissed the fire whip and focused on creating another weapon. He was curious if it would work but he hadn’t tried it yet. Leo wanted to make a gun, a fire gun to be more precise. It was easy to use, so he closed his eyes and started to imagine what he thought a gun would be. A simple handgun…


He opened his eyes and sure enough, a handgun made out of flames was in front of him, floating. He takes it and begins examining it. “It looks and feels like it…well, apart from being made out of flames. So, how do I use this?” Leo aimed it at the sky and pulled the trigger, but nothing happened.

“…Do I need to use my own mana as bullets?” he asks himself. Not sure but with nothing to lose, he decides to try it. Leo aims the flame gun into the air, pours some mana into it and fires!


“Woah?!” Leo was pushed back by the shockwave it produced. It was much larger than the flame punches he did earlier, and much more powerful. He stared at what he had just done. I didn’t even add that much mana?! What the hell was that?!

“Leo-sama?! Are you okay?” Leo looked over and sees Grayfia standing by his side looking rather worried.

“Huh? Oh, Grayfia…I’m fine, I was just surprised by what I did. I didn’t think it would be that strong…” However, Grayfia was checking his body out, she did not hear him. Why is she so worried? I’m fine… Leo was confused by the reaction but shrugged it off.

Leo reaches over and lightly pinches Grayfia’s cheek. As a result, she looks at him confused as she comes out of her worry. “Grayfia, I’m fine, you’re overreacting.” However, she just slightly frowns at him and nods before going back to her spot.

<The plot thickens!>

What the fuck? Where have you been? Leo asked the silent helper.

<I’ve been watching you suf—improve like crazy! I was so absorbed by it!>

Yeah, sure… Leo dismisses Ageha and looks at Grayfia who had closed her eyes again and started meditating. One more hour then, let’s see what I can do with this fiery gun…


The final hour had passed and Leo had gotten the hang of this flame gun. He only needed to pour in a very meager amount of mana, otherwise he would run the risk of shooting that fiery laser beam from earlier. However, he also noted that he may use that as some sort of powerful attack while only using a small amount of mana. Along with experimenting with his flames, he also carried out a few more of the exercises he had done earlier. Meaning he increased his mana pool further, and used up all the pills that Ageha gave him.

Leo also made a flame spear; it was a lot less powerful than his [True Longinus] but he thought it could serve as a way for him to practice without needing to pull out his ‘trump card’ every time. Well, the [True Longinus] was just one of them. His [Devour] skill was also another trump card.

“…Now what?” Leo sat on the ground waiting for Grayfia. She was still meditating, and it didn’t look like her mood had improved. Leo wasn’t sure if what he said earlier made her mad, but he would make sure to ask about it later tonight. Just before they sleep.

Finally, Grayfia opened her eyes and looked at Leo. She sighed and got up before standing in front of Leo. “Leo-sama. Good job on training for the last few hours, however, now is the time to test what you learned.” She says while looking at a confused Leo. "We are going to have a small sparring match.”

“………………Wait what?” Leo said out of reflex. He was a bit confused. Why a sparring match? He would have understood a little test of his abilities against maybe…monsters in the wild? But fighting this monster of a maid?' The word 'death' was the only thing running through his mind.

“I did not stutter, Leo-sama. Please do your best. We have 5 minutes to prepare.” Grayfia left no room for argument before walking back to her spot and meditating again.

“Well shit…” Leo muttered and looked at the ground. “I’m definitely losing…so does that also mean I won’t be using my [True Longinus] during this? Just my flame manipulation?” he asked himself.

<Yes, that would be the case, Leo. You better be serious about it. Otherwise, Grayfia may accidentally kill you. She's a bit angry with you after all.>

W-what? Why? Leo was confused. He doesn’t remember doing anything to anger the maid, but he may have said something insensitive that may have annoyed her without knowing the context.

<You already know. After you fired that gun you kind of brushed her off. Why do you think she was worried? Well, as I said before, you have to find out yourself and maintain your own relationships.>

…Fine, whatever, I’ll ask her about it. It’s both our faults. I didn’t exactly know her circumstances in detail, but she didn't exactly explain why. You know, communication is key and all that shit. Leo sighed and scratched the back of his head. All he needed to do now was to do his best to survive and draw against an angry maid of his.


5 minutes are up… Leo looked up at the sky as the sun was beginning to set, and night slowly approached. The air around them had started to cool, and a gentle breeze hit his face. He looked back down and Grayfia stood on the opposite side of Leo as she stared at him with no change in expression.

“Leo-sama, we will fight until one of us surrenders, or is knocked out. No lethal attacks, and no use of your [Devour] skill as well as [True Longinus].” She informed him.

“Yeah, I guessed as much. I’m ready whenever you are.” Leo agrees to the terms and creates a spear of flames. Grayfia also nods.

“Very well, let the sparring match…start!” As soon as Grayfia says that, Leo dashes towards her using all of his speed! Grayfia was a bit surprised by this but since she was much stronger, she reacted on time.

Leo thrust his spear towards Grayfia’s side, but she easily dodges it. “Did I not just say nothing lethal, Leo-sama?” This makes Leo chuckle.

“My bad. So hand-to-hand?” he apologizes and she nods. Leo dismisses his spear and gets his fists ready. However, he did have other ideas. He sent a straight punch towards Grayfia’s face! She begins to dodge, but to her surprise, Leo had already begun to do an upper cut with his other hand.

A fake? Grayfia thought and swiftly blocked the uppercut with her hand! However, Leo didn't stop there, as he continued with the straight punch he had earlier, while opening his hand. Grayfia was alerted to this as his hand erupted in flames.

Come on, baby! Leo sends a small torrent of flames towards Grayfia from his open palm!


He didn’t expect the attack to be that powerful and it created a powerful air pressure that blew him away. It would be foolish of me to think I got her with that combination of attacks... Leo thought and sure enough, Grayfia stood there unscathed, however, the area that Leo’s attack hit was covered in some kind of ice.

She protected herself with some kind of ice defense, huh? That might have been my only chance to do anything significant since she’ll be even more on guard now. Leo sighs and gets ready again.

“That was not a bad strategy, Leo-sama. Two fakes? Or was it just one and the second one was just lucky timing?” Grayfia asks while dusting herself off.

“Just one. I didn’t plan that far. Now I’m all out of ideas, so take it easy on me.”

“I have no promises, Leo-sama.” Grayfia says and she vanishes from her spot. Leo immediately goes on high alert.

When his natural instincts flare up, he instinctively covers his arms and side with flames to protect himself! Grayfia had appeared on his right and covered her fist with some demonic ice before punching Leo!

Her ice-covered fist connects with his arms and they instantly become numb! His attempt at blocking her attack was futile as he was sent flying backwards and rolled on the ground, but Leo quickly corrected himself. Although Grayfia was much quicker as she appeared above him.

“…?” Leo looked up in horror as Grayfia was already sending a kick his way! Leo put more power into his legs and jumped away! Grayfia’s attack hit the ground, shaking the earth beneath him, but when he landed, he felt her presence behind him already. Shit, is she really trying to kill me…?!

Grayfia sent a large ice attack towards Leo, who in turn countered it with his own flame attack, but the difference was palpable. Grayfia’s attack was much larger and stronger, and it made Leo’s flames look tiny in comparison.


“Ugh?!” Leo was sent even further than before since the clash of elements created an even larger shockwave. What should I do? How can I enter that state? The one I went into against Leywarldo! Leo was getting desperate. He also didn’t want to surrender; it wasn’t his style.

But Leo knew that Grayfia would immediately rush towards him, so…he covered his entire body in flames!

“Leo-sama, even if you hide in that—.” Grayfia started to say but was stopped when she saw Leo jump into the air while still in the slowly growing ball of fire.

Help me out here, Ace! Let's start with Flame Commandment...and then... Leo then quickly gathers his flames into both his hands and throws them down towards Grayfia! “Flame Pillar!!” he shouted. The large mass of fire hits the ground and erupts into a pillar of flames!


The large fire attack also created a large shockwave that also spewed out fire everywhere! Grayfia who was below defended herself by creating a defensive magic circle.

“Leo-sama…!” Grayfia muttered and was surprised by the move he just pulled. However, Leo wasn’t done. If he was going to lose, he was going to do it in style.

Once landing on the ground he grinned at Grayfia who dismissed her magic circle. Leo covered his entire body in flames and sprinted towards her! “I’m just going to be a bit reckless, Grayfia!” he said with a bit of a chuckle.

Upon arriving in front of Grayfia, he struck her with a fiery uppercut! Grayfia blocked the attack with another magic circle, but was surprised that she was pushed backwards. However, Leo’s assault didn’t end there!

“Fire Gun!” Leo points both index fingers and middle fingers towards Grayfia like they were guns and starts shooting bullets made out of fire! To Leo, this was the first time he was doing this. In a way he limited himself during his training since he wanted to get the basics down. But right now, he simply was being reckless and surprisingly, it was paying off for him!

However, since Grayfia’s demonic power was still much stronger than Leo’s magic power, it did little to break the defensive magic circle. But she didn’t want to take it down since it would mean she would get hit by his attacks.

Leo kept the attack up with just one finger, and cocked his other arm back. I had been doing this a lot earlier, but the attack is literally similar! Leo thought, and in a way, this may be his final attack.

Leo-sama is being reckless, but he’s also enjoying himself…that wasn’t my initial plan, but he’s a lot more creative than I thought… Grayfia felt a smile appear on her face.

“Fire Fist!!” Leo shouts as the largest and densest stream of flames shoots from his hand as he punches forward! It covered a large area and was quite tall as it rushed toward Grayfia!

“…Forgive me.” Grayfia muttered


“…Haha…god dammit.” Leo muttered as most of his mana was depleted by that attack. Leo looked on as the giant stream of flames he sent to Grayfia was instantly frozen. “As expected of an Ultimate Class Devil…you guys are on another level…” he muttered and then fell to the ground. Leo shortly fell asleep as he ran out of stamina and mana.


“Hmm? Where the hell am I?” Leo woke up, but he wasn’t in the same place when he passed out. “This is weird…” Leo started to look around the place he was in. It was mostly a pure white place, but—.

“Hmm? Is that…music?” Leo could hear music in the distance, so he decided to follow it. It didn’t take him long before he saw a table, a chair, and a computer set-up. “What…?” Leo was even more confused by what he was seeing.

However, the figure that was sitting on the chair and looking at the computer turned to look at him and clicked their tongue. “Tch, why are you here?” she asked.

The figure was a female. She has long black hair tied in a braid with a pink bow and gradient red eyes. She has a stern look on her face, and she has a slim but well-endowed body. She was also wearing some kind of red school uniform.

“That tone of voice…Ageha?! W-wait am I in my soul or something?!” Leo asks while frantically looking around.

“Obviously, you dumbass, where else would you be? Disney Land?" Ageha quips back sounding even more irritated than normal.

Uh, excuse me, this is my soul! Why do I feel like you’re giving me the look of ‘please leave, I’m trying to relax here!’ again, I reiterate, this is my soul! Leo felt his lips twitch. But he calmed himself and looked around again. “So, why am I here?”

“Autism?” Ageha blankly states making Leo put his hands on his face and sigh defeatedly. “All right, fine. You’re in your soul. This is where I am 100% of the time, and I just listen to music, eat and watch videos. Oh, and I guess I look at what you’re doing from time to time.”

The way she said that last part was like it was a throw-away line…and it’s as I suspected, she’s literally not watching anything I do! Leo saw the other monitor. Ageha had a total of four screens, her main one, one above, one to the left and finally the one on the right.

Each one showed something else, but the one on the right was from Leo’s perspective. He walks over to Ageha and peers at her screens. As she said, she listened to music only on Youtube, and the other 2 screens were on other sites, and the right screen was on his.

“I’m still asleep, huh?” Leo says while staring at the monitor.

“No, you’re waking up now.” Ageha casually says. “Now get out of here.”

Before Leo could say or do anything else, his body started to turn into smoke, and his vision turned black.


Once Leo woke up, he felt something soft and squishy beneath him. Above him were huge mounds of flesh. No doubt about it, I’m getting a lap pillow right now……fuck yeah!!! Leo was quite content with himself, so he closed his eyes back and enjoyed the sweet thighs of Grayfia.

“Leo-sama…?” Grayfia asked, but Leo said nothing. Leo then felt Grayfia start to stroke his hair.

Now that’s strange. But I might as well answer her. Leo sighs, “I’m awake, Grayfia. I lost, sadly.” He says, but the maid keeps on stroking his hair. “Grayfia?” he asks again but gets no response, so Leo decides to let her do her thing.

After a few minutes Grayfia finally spoke up. “Shall we go back and have dinner?”

“Sure, why not? We still need to bathe and then finally turn in for the day.” He answered her, and he finally got off her. I’ll miss that. Leo inwardly sighs at the loss of the thighs. “Let’s go then.”

“Yes, Leo-sama.”


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