Epic of The Black Lion

Chapter 6: 6. Bath & Dungeons

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Undisclosed Location


“Did you hear? Those humans think they defeated a general.” A red skin thing said and the others like them laughed.

“Seriously?! They were just a Middle-tier demon and they struggled with it?! So much for ‘the hero’!” another replies and another round of laughter occurs.


Suddenly the loud sound of a door opening was heard. “Shit.” One of the red skinned things said in a panicked tone. The once lively hall was now filled with silence.

“Hmm? Why do you not speak? I heard laughter before I came.” The intimidating figure asks, but no one responds. But suddenly the room becomes filled with an intense pressure making all the beings there crumble to the ground. “I said, speak.”

“W-we were just talking about a Middle-tier demon being killed by those humans…they celebrated saying they killed a general demon, ma’am!” one of the demons says in a shaky tone.

“Ah, that low-class nobody? Those pitiful things think they killed a general class demon? Ahuhuhu, quite amusing.” The female demon says with an evil laugh. She looks around herself and notices some of the other demons she had forced down had died. “Pathetic.”

She keeps walking forward but suddenly stops. “You, where is Mistress Lucinda currently situated?” she asks one of the demons that was still alive.

“I-I-I think she’s in the western quarters, Miss Talulla!” he answered while still terrified.

However, the Demon named Lucinda said nothing and walked away. The demon breathed a sigh of relief, but...his body started to change, and a look of panic flashed across his face before he exploded in a wonderful fulmination of blood.

The female demoness turns to glance at the dead demon. “Wrong answer, she’s in the throne room, fool.”

In the realm of demons. Power is absolute, strength carries weight, and being weak can get you killed. In such an unfair environment, how does one get stronger? It’s simple, go to the human realm, kill and eat your way to more power. They can also hunt down other monsters, but humans provide them with much more power, so that’s their preferred prey.

Demoness Talulla, is considered one of the rumored 12 Demon Knights of the current Demon Queen. Talulla’s position in the hierarchy is currently rank 3. There are two other demons that are stronger than her.

The current Demon Queen is also the strongest the demon race has seen in more than 2000 years. The strongest ever was the first Demon King, Apomedeus. However, after his death the Demon Kings and Queens that came after him were considerably weaker.

However, Demon Queen Lucinda has been said to rival the original, perhaps even surpass him. But only time will tell if such rumors are true.


“…Such a strange power, I wonder who it came from?” In a dimly lit room, a certain Demon Queen sat on her throne. Not too long ago she felt an odd spike in power in the human realm. She wasn’t sure on who it was, or where it specifically came from.

There was one thing she was sure of...that she wasn't the only one who noticed it. She was sure those Gods in the Aesox realm also noticed it too, but no matter how hard she tried to pinpoint the location of this individual, she could not.

“They must be having the same trouble as me…I wish to meet them.” These were the Queen’s thoughts. She had become bored in her own realm, and wanted to go to the human realm and explore. However, her ‘Demon Knights’ refused and told her to just wait here.

Years previously, she single-handedly took all of them down after challenging them to one-on-one fights. The difference in power was palpable, and she won quite easily. However, even then she never stopped training, improving herself. For one day, she might come across a new opponent, a brand-new challenger that will give her that thrill once more.

“Hero, or whoever that unknown entity is…please come soon, I wish to battle with you.” She grinned, but the door to the throne room opened. “Mmm? Ah, it’s Talulla. Do you need something?” the Demon Queen asked one of her knights.

“Yes, the self-proclaimed Demon God of the south has been killed. By rank 1 and rank 2. "Do you want me to go to the north and clear out the other one who has been calling himself the Demon Emperor?" Talulla asks.

Lucinda gets up from her throne and smirks. “No, I will go there myself. Come with me, Talulla.”

“Y-yes my Queen!” Talulla excitedly said. ‘It has been years since I have seen her fight! I wonder why she wants to go all of a sudden?’ Talulla couldn’t help but think. Perhaps she may have heard of the rumors from the Human realm, but she wasn’t sure.

“We leave now.” Ordered the Demon Queen.

“At once!” Talulla was more than happy to comply.

And so, the pair set off towards the north to take down the self-proclaimed ‘Demon Emperor’.


Human Realm


“Leo-sama, are you sure you’re all right to do this?” Grayfia asks worriedly.

“Yes, for the 11th time Grayfia, I’m fine. You even said I fell asleep for an hour.” Leo answered back. The two of them were currently running back to the City of Vrearc. According to Grayfia, Leo passed out for about an hour.

Leo didn’t know that he had been out for that long. He thought that he was only out for a few minutes. He transitioned from facing Grayfia, to going unconscious, to speaking with Ageha and then waking up. To him, it felt like only a few minutes.

I guess being in your own soul can mess with time? Or Ageha did something?!


The ‘tch’ was all that Leo needed to know that Ageha had sped up time in his soul. He just sighed and let it go. He already knows why Ageha is against their current situation, but he hopes she will warm up to him in the future. Whether that be near or far, he didn’t mind the wait. However, they finally reached the city and scared the two guards again.

“Ah, welcome back you two…” the guard says tiredly. “I take it your training panned out well?”

Both Grayfia and Leo nodded. The other guard, however, looked very excited. “Hey, hey! I saw a lot of flames and ice coming from that direction! Was it you two?!”

“Yes?” Leo answered rather confused. However, the guard remained excited until he was smacked by his fellow guard.

“Stop, they must be exhausted. Forgive this idiot, please go through.” He bowed and forced the other to do it.

“No, it’s fine. Anyway, take care you two…” Leo waved them off since he wasn’t too bothered by it. "Back…let's have dinner first. But let’s find a cheaper restaurant this time…”

Grayfia laughed at Leo and agreed. “Yes, let’s.” so the two of them set out to look for a cheaper place to eat dinner. It didn’t take them long to find one, and there were quite a few people in it. It seems quite popular as many of the people in it were drunk, chatting and having a good time.

Leo and Grayfia made their way to a free table, ordered and waited for their food. Leo looked around the bar and many of the patrons here were mostly what Grayfia would call 'youkai'. Most of them had animal features on them.

I’ve only seen them walking around the city earlier today. However, they sure do look interesting to look at. Leo thought and kept looking around the place. However, he momentarily glanced at Grayfia who had been mostly silent since coming into the restaurant. Is she thinking about earlier? Leo wanted to apologize to her, but planned to do it before they sleep. He wanted a bit more privacy.

Leo in a way, was kind of traditional in his views. Although they were few and far between, they still existed. For one, Leo doesn’t want to be too affectionate in public, but he isn't against it. However, he would prefer to be more intimate in a private space.

Now that I think about it, the last time I was in a relationship was in college, wasn’t it? That was 3 long years ago. I wonder how she’s doing? We did break up because we had different aspirations in life. Leo sighed to himself.

Leo didn’t have a grand goal in his past life. He was content with just living. That's what his parents hammered into him. He just had to earn a living, maybe find a significant other eventually, settle down and have children. In a way, they wanted a very normal and basic life for him. But Leo didn’t mind, but at the same time he never took chances or opportunities, although he wanted to…but just…didn’t.

However, in this new life, he would try to do the complete opposite. Even though he’s set up to become the new ruler of everything, he’ll take his sweet ass time getting there. He wanted to live life and explore before being confined to wherever Ageha’s ‘Boss’ is.

“Here you go~” a waitress comes over and places the food they ordered down onto the table.

“Well, time to dig in.” Leo said and immediately started to eat. But as he ate, Leo thought about their financial situation. Even though Ageha could give them some, she probably wouldn’t do it without a valid reason. Tomorrow…we take on a quest. Since we’re just F ranks, I doubt we can get anything above that. Let’s hope it’s nothing boring though… Leo didn’t want to find an F rank quest that said ‘Find my lost kitty’ or something along those lines.

I don’t mind if it’s to kill a bunch of slimes or goblins! Anything other than doing mundane chores! With that in mind, Leo kept on eating. However, he also noticed that Grayfia was still silent and thinking about something while eating.


“A delicious dinner, and the night’s breeze is a winning combination.” Leo says while patting his belly. They had finished eating dinner not too long ago and they were now on their way back to 'The Delirious Tomato’, the inn they chose.

Once more, Leo glances at Grayfia, who is still silent. Whatever was bothering her, she seemed to be debating whether to tell Leo or not.

He is my master, and I will be with him for a long time, perhaps even…forever. Telling him my problems would make sense... Those kinds of thoughts have been plaguing her mind since they sparred. No, it was after Leo brushed off her concern for him.

To Grayfia, she lost someone during the Civil War, and it affected her greatly, and since then she had been quite attentive to her current family members and the few friends she had. Even if said family members didn’t care too much about it.

In reality, the Grayfia Lucifuge of that universe was quite caring on the inside. It was beyond the ‘duties of a maid’, and she truly did care for Leo and his well-being. So it annoyed her when he was nonchalant about a dangerous situation he could have gotten himself into.

Grayfia looked at Leo as he was looking around them. He seemed quite intrigued by the city at night. I will tell him tonight. I just need the right opportunity.


“Hello Biselda, we’re back!” Leo greeted the woman as she was sitting on her stool while reading a newspaper. She looked up and greeted them.

“Oh! You two are back. Did you have dinner yet?” she asks like a concerned mother.

“Yep, we just got back from having dinner. Anyway, is there a bath here or something? Or will we need to go out?” Leo inquired.

Biselda grinned and nodded. “Of course, we do! We’re not savages! You two can enter at the same time, it’s just over there.” Biselda points to a different door. “It’s also an open-air one, so you can enjoy the night sky, eh?” she adds with a grin.

“Oooh, very fancy! We’ll do that then.” Leo says and looks at his maid. Grayfia quickly agrees.

“All right, I’ll get it heated up then. It will only take a minute.” Biselda flexes her muscular arms before stepping through the door. Leo then felt her using magic.

Huh? I can sense it now? I guess all that training paid off... Leo, before today's training, couldn't feel magic. However, he could feel the Ki of other living beings. However, the intensive training he did with Grayfia for the last 6 hours made him even more aware of it.

I guess pushing myself recklessly paid off too. Leo took a seat on one of the chairs and Grayfia joined him. Both of them waited for a few minutes until Biselda came back.

“I have towels and anything else you need in there ready, go ahead.” She says while sitting back down on her stool and reading the newspaper. Leo and Grayfia get up and walk past her. “Oh, and I put up a simple spell that will dull out noise.” She snickered as they passed.

This woman…she’s hell bent on getting us to fuck. Leo shook his head and sighed. When they pass the door, they come to a small room where there are baskets where they can put their clothes into.

There were two hangers, one sign telling them to wear these when they go out, and another pair to dry themselves off with. Leo shrugged and started to take his clothes off. He wasn’t too bothered by it and was now naked. He grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist.

Leo did this as fast as he could since he didn’t know if Grayfia minded him being there to see her getting undressed. Leo walked out first and he saw a medium-sized outdoor bath. To the right was the area where he could wash himself, and then a small pool area where it seemed to be steamy.

Well, I better hurry up then. As Leo sat down on the small stool that was there, he grabbed a wooden bucket that was full of water and poured it on himself. I should introduce showers to this world, unless they already have them over in Oseon. Leo thought, although he believed that this was just the case with inns like this. However, he wasn’t too sure.

“Leo-sama? Do you want me to wash your back for you?” Leo hears Grayfia’s voice behind him.

“Sure thing.” He readily accepted her proposal. He, of course, wouldn’t say no to such a request! He enjoyed her thighs earlier, why wouldn’t he enjoy her breasts that may touch his back? Gotta keep calm though and not pop a boner……or I’ll freely do that, who knows? Leo inwardly chuckled to himself.

Leo hears Grayfia drop her towel, and some rustling and rummaging behind him. He then feels a cloth on his back and Grayfia begins to scrub him. No words were spoken between them as this occurred. Leo just enjoyed the feeling and the silence.

You are reading story Epic of The Black Lion at novel35.com

This should be a good time to address it, right? We’re in a good mood right now. Leo thought, and he was about to say something when—.

“Leo-sama, may I tell you something?” Grayfia asked him while still scrubbing his back. Leo was a bit stunned but agreed to it.

“Sure thing.” He answered quite quickly and waited for her to start. However, Grayfia kept silently scrubbing his back for a full minute before he heard her take a deep breath.

“…My younger brother died during the Civil War in the Underworld. At the time, I was very shocked to hear it. I didn’t want to believe it. To me, he had always looked up to me, and followed me every step of the way.” She started.

“His name was Euclid Lucifuge. Unlike me who was destined to be a maid, he had grand aspirations, and even wanted to become one of the leaders of the Underworld someday. While he wasn’t near me in power, I believed that he would surpass me someday.” Grayfia sighs after saying that. She also stops scrubbing Leo.

“It’s unknown how he died, or who did it, but Themis Gremory was the last one to have fought him. She is Sirzechs Gremory’s wife. We were on amicable terms before the war but since we fought for different sides, we became enemies. She was formerly known as Themis Bael. She came from the Bael household of devils…” Grayfia again sighs.

“…The point I’m trying to say is…that after losing him, and many of my friends during the war, I’ve become a little protective of people I care about. Even if we’ve only known each other for a day, my life is in a way tied to you now. So as you are my master and I am your maid, it is natural for me to be worried about your well-being.”

“I didn’t like the fact that you brushed aside my worries, but I also acknowledge that I didn’t communicate that all too well to you, and that is my own mistake. In a healthy relationship, whether it is friendship or romance, there must be mutual understanding. So I also want to apologize for reacting like that earlier.” Grayfia finally says and sighs behind Leo and begins to scrub his back again.

She had been thinking about it all day, and while she didn’t get to say everything on her mind. She also didn't get to go into detail…Grayfia thought that she told Leo more than enough for him to understand her feelings.

Leo sat there thinking about what he had just heard. Leo was aware of the fact that Grayfia had a little brother. However, he wasn’t sure if the Euclid she knew and the Euclid he knew were the same devil.

The Euclid that Leo read about survived the Underworld Civil War. He then later joined Qlippoth, one of Khaos Brigade’s factions and was the leader of the Magician Faction Nilrem. He was also considered Rizevim Livan Lucifer’s right-hand man.

However, Leo had his doubts since Ageha specifically told him that Grayfia’s world had a different history already. She did confirm that Sirzechs was married to someone called Themis. As a result, Leo had a choice to make in the future. If Euclid was dead, then he would visit his grave in the future, but if he was still alive and hiding, then he would be killed.

But those are problems for the Leo of the future. For now, he had to reconcile with Grayfia. So Leo turned around to face Grayfia. What he saw stunned him. In front of Leo was Grayfia in her birthday suit—she was naked. She was a bit surprised by his actions, but Leo put aside his libido for now.

“It was also my fault for being insensitive. Ageha did warn me that you may have your own baggage. Let’s go with, it’s both our faults, and own up to it and move on?” Leo suggested. Grayfia stares at him for a few seconds before smiling and nodding in agreement.

“Yes, I agree, Leo-sama. The blame belongs to both of us." Grayfia had no problem agreeing with him. “Allow me to clean your front side too.” Without waiting for Leo’s answer, she begins to scrub his chest—but she then leans forward and starts to wash his chest with her own breasts.

Grayfia’s breasts were already covered in soap suds, so Leo couldn’t see her nipples, but this was still quite stimulating for him. Grayfia was also looking up at him, blushing and sporting a small smirk.

Is she trying to get back at me still? Or is this her way of teasing me? Or will she turn around and say—. But Leo was cut off from his thoughts.

“I am a maid—no, I am your maid, and I have been trained in the etiquette of being a maid, Leo-sama. Pleasing and taking care of my master is my number one priority.” Grayfia said what was on his mind. Leo involuntarily gulped. Grayfia heard and saw this, and her previous smirk grew larger.

Grayfia became a bit bolder and sat on Leo’s lap while still rubbing her soapy body on his. “That’s why…it’s my responsibility to please my master…and we just reconciled, didn’t we?” Grayfia was dangerously close to Leo, and he was doing his best not to just push her down and have his way with her.

I know she's deliberately doing this...she's looking for some sort of reaction...but I won't... Leo thought. But once again, Leo's thoughts were interrupted when Grayfia grabbed his arm and slid them between her breasts to wash them.

“How…is…this…Leo-sama…?” she asked in between panting. Leo’s sanity was slowly draining, and he was at his wits end.

“…” but Leo chose to keep quiet. Looking at his options right now. Leo thought that Grayfia was testing him? If she was and he let his own lust take over him, would she look at him differently? Was she doing this because of her ‘maid etiquette’? Or was she simply trying to lighten the mood by doing this?

In the end Leo chose to not react, well, his dick had reacted, but that was a different story, and of course, Grayfia noticed as she leaned in closer to whisper into his ear. “…Leo-sama, are you perhaps erect?” she that so sweetly that Leo’s eye twitched.

Leo took a deep breath before audibly releasing it through his nose. He looked Grayfia dead in the eyes. “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” he asked and in response, she just grinned wider. “…I didn’t think my maid was this cheeky.” Leo sighed at her.

Grayfia had her fun, so she got off him and went back behind him and started to scrub him normally again. Leo was just a bit tired and confused though. It went from reconciling with each other, and showing a bit of her vulnerable side to her erotically rubbing her body against his.

Life. Confusing. Women. Confusing. Unga. Bunga.

<Horny ape.>

Screw you, Ageha! Any guy would get horny at what just happened! Leo snapped back, but Ageha just scoffed at him. However, Leo did have to admit that Ageha looked quite nice. However, he wouldn’t say that out loud for her to hear, otherwise he may risk her endless bitching and complaining, and he would rather not have that right now.

“Grayfia.” Leo called out to her.

“Yes, Leo-sama?” she answered while still scrubbing his back. Normalcy had returned to the atmosphere rather quickly which surprised him.

“Let’s get a quest tomorrow, and come up with a party name for us.”

“Yes, as you wish, Leo-sama.”


“Oh? It seems you young ones made up, good for you!” Biselda says as soon as Grayfia and Leo leave the bath. Both of them looked at her with surprise. “Hah! As someone who has been alive for a long time, I know when two lovers are having a fight. I’m glad you two made up.” She winks at them and turns back to reading.

Leo and Grayfia look at each other before chuckling at each other. “I guess we have you to thank for that then, Biselda.” Leo says. Although we’re not lovers… But he didn’t want to say that part to her or Grayfia.

The two of them left the front entrance and headed back to their room. Leo noticed once they got in that it was a little more organized than earlier in the day. “She cleaned it.” He says and Grayfia agrees. He turns around to see Grayfia in a nightgown when he hears a sound behind him. That’s certainly erotic… Leo thought as he looked Grayfia over.

She was wearing a semi-transparent silver nightgown. It complimented her hair and red eyes. "Nice." Leo says reflexively, making Grayfia smile at him.

“I assume it is to your liking then, Leo-sama?”

“Yeah…anyway, let’s go to sleep, we probably have a long day again tomorrow.” Leo tells her and gets on the bed. The bed that they had was quite large as it could easily fit them. Leo scoots over to the left, giving Grayfia the right.

But what surprised Leo was when Grayfia lay on the bed and then grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He looked confusedly at Grayfia. “Did you not want to sleep together, Leo-sama?” she asks while looking at him.

“I…sure, why not?” Leo didn’t mind. Having someone to cuddle with while he slept didn’t sound like a bad thing. Grayfia was satisfied with his decision. She hugged his arm and pulled Leo closer. She then closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

That…was fast. Maybe she was exhausted from all that we did today? Being summoned to a new world, the guild exam, training and then telling me more about herself. She may be both physically and emotionally exhausted right now. Leo looks at Grayfia one last time before looking back at the ceiling.

Quest…I hope we get a decent one that isn’t boring as hell. With that thought in his mind, Leo fell asleep.


When Leo woke up in the morning, he was the only one in bed. “The hell? Where's Grayfia…?” He gets up and looked around the room, but his maid was nowhere to be seen. But he could smell a pleasant aroma in the air. “Seems like breakfast is being made…she’s probably out there, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s helping Biselda cook…” Leo mused but eventually did get up and leave the room.

Leo followed the smell and ended up in a room that looked like a dining hall. Through a certain door and small window, he could smell the same aroma. So with nothing else to do he walked over there and stepped through the door.

“Oh? If it isn’t Mister Husband, finally up are we?” Biselda says while looking at him out of the corner of her eye while cooking something. Like Leo suspected, Grayfia was also there, helping Biselda cook breakfast. “We’ll be done soon, lover-boy, just go take a seat.” He was then shooed out of the room.

Leo shrugged and let them do their thing. He sat down and waited for Grayfia and breakfast. It wasn’t long until Grayfia and Biselda came out with their food. What surprised Leo was that Biselda was going to join them.

“Your husband isn’t joining us?” Leo asked her, but she shook her head.

“He left early in the morning to get some supplies at the farm. He’ll be here by tonight, if you two are back that is.” She says while beginning to eat. Leo looks at Grayfia and she nods.

She told her about our plans, huh? Leo also starts to cut his food. “Honestly if F rank quests aren’t that hard then we’ll be back by tonight, but if not don’t worry too much.” Leo informs her.

“That was the plan, Leo.” Biselda answers him and they start to eat their food. They would occasionally stop to chat about mundane things, mostly Leo asking about the city, and how it operates.


When Leo and Grayfia neared the guild they saw more people making their way there. This confused them, but they were fortunate to see Robert and Michael again, the two people they befriended while waiting the other day.

“Leo! Grayfia! Are you two here to see the Heroes and a few other parties off?” Michael asked the pair while they approached them.

“See them off? What do you mean?” Leo asked confused.

“The Heroes party, and a few others are going to venture into the dungeons!” Robert blurted out with excitement.

“Dungeons…?” Leo was even more confused and both Michael and Robert gave him a strange look.

“You don’t know about dungeons? It makes us wonder where you lived, Leo. You really are a country bumpkin, you know?” Michael chuckles, “Anyway, to put it simply, dungeons are underneath most cities and kingdoms in our world. There are a few found out in the wild too, but the ones underneath the cities and kingdoms are the most famous." Michael says and Robert continues.

“Apart from the usual monsters you see above ground, you can see a lot of them, and even stronger ones down there. There is a rumor that if you get to the last floor, whatever that may be, you’ll be able to go into the Demon realm…” Robert shivers after saying that.

Michael nods and continues. “Any party of adventurers can venture down there, but they are warned that they may not make it out alive, so only the veterans and strong parties venture down there. "The loot is also quite valuable down there." Michael's eyes lit up as he thought about it.

“So today, the Hero party, and a few others are heading down to the dungeon underneath Vrearc. It’s classified as a C-tier dungeon, but that’s still quite dangerous.” Robert finishes and as he does, they hear a loud shout.

All of them turn to see Vexes’ party, and a few others walking down their way, so they go over to the side. Vexes and Rosemary see both Leo and Grayfia and wave at them. They do the same back. Dungeons that connect to the Demon realm, huh? Does that mean there are dungeons that might connect to the Gods’ realm? Leo thought. It didn’t seem too outrageous to him.

“We’re going to follow them to it, will you two join us?” Michael asks, but Leo shakes his head.

“No, we’re planning to get a quest for today, and officially form a party. We’ll check it out another time.” Michael and Robert nod before running away to catch up with the rest of the crowd. “Dungeons, huh? Do you want to check them out after our quest?” Leo looks at Grayfia who agrees with him. “Great, let’s get a quest then.”

Leo learned something new, dungeons. He didn’t know what they looked like, but he learned something from Michael, but he remembered the handbook they got and pulled it out. He read it on the way to the guild and he found some useful things.

It was vague, probably because the humans of this world didn’t know when it occurred. However, when Leo read the handbook, it said that dungeons started to appear around 2000 years ago, after the first Demon King died. Some speculate that the Gods made them for adventurers to go into and get stronger.

While others speculate that they spawned because of the Demon King’s hatred and rage towards humanity, but all those were just theories and speculations. No one has found out the truth yet, and the Gods that come down to bless the Heroes never answered any questions regarding it.

But what caught his attention was the fact that many of those who ventured in and came back alive had their rank increased by one. To Leo, this was almost a guarantee. But now he was in a sort of dilemma. Do I try to go with the Heroes party down to the dungeon? If I do, it’s a guaranteed way of getting stronger, but at the same time, it will be quite difficult to use [Devour] without being caught and questioned…

To Leo, this was an easy and cheap way of getting stronger. He wanted strength, but at the same time he felt like this was a cheap way of getting it. If he earned it? He’s fine with it, but…he wasn’t sure. Sure, he's got his perks, but he’s nowhere near mastering any of them, and this display last night during his sparring match with Grayfia was him just being a reckless idiot.

“What to do…” Leo muttered to himself, but they arrived inside the guild hall as he started to ponder about it. They walk up to the receptionist Linda who greeted them happily.

“Mister Leo and Miss Bina! Welcome back, are you here to get a quest today?” she asks them cheerily.

“Yes, that’s the plan.” Leo answered her, and Linda nodded.

“No problem then! But first…you have to have a party name. It doesn’t need to be registered or anything, but it’s what’s going to be associated with you and Miss Bina here.”

“Party name?” Leo asks and Linda nods. Leo looks at Grayfia as they hadn’t thought of one. “Party name huh…? What should we call our party?” Leo asks Grayfia and they fall into silence.


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