Era of Luminosity [A Cultivation and LitRPG Novel]

Chapter 12: 11. Declaration of Supremacy

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Realizing he was left here at god knows where alone with no guidance on what to do to gain his body, Lucian's exploded in anger.


What was wrong with this so-called god? If he wanted to 'escape' so badly, why won't he help the way he should?


Feeling so helpless so often was very unfamiliar for Lucian. He was used to being in control of the situation wherever he went. To lose that put him in a position of discomfort and frustration he never knew he would feel.


Now it seemed this trend was repeating itself. From Elijah to Anna to Thanatos, the world just wouldn't give him a break!


Lucian floated in silence. He blamed his lack of knowledge of this new world. This was a very humbling experience since he usually had some understanding of the way things worked. Now his whole Life had been wholly subverted into something barely recognizable. And he couldn't do a single thing about it.


As Thanatos said, this world runs on strength. Hell, even the system promotes that thought, especially with the titles it gives out and the stats it shows. There were stats called Physical and Magical damage! What else would Lucian need to understand what he was getting into?


He would never say it out loud, but that scared Lucian. He knew he couldn't live under someone's rule. If he couldn't get back to earth, was he meant only to be ruled over as a slave in this new world? It seemed like that was all humans were good for over there anyway. If so, he would rather have died in that pod and be done with it. The only reason he had gotten so far was for Anna's sake. If he lost the chance to avenge her, was there really a point to living in this new world?


Because Lucian did not believe himself to be a peasant. It might be arrogant of him, but he came into this world through his influence and ability. He was never someone who followed the crowd, hoping for some luck. He was the maker of his own luck.


What made these beings so-called gods anyway? Was it because they were born that way? Why did they even deserve to be gods, Lord over others with their power, while he, a human, was left to cower in their wake? He'd always known the world was a ruthless and unfair place. That was a fact he had come to terms with. But the disparity in power he just saw. Could humans really reach a level of power equal to that? Could he truly back his words? Maybe this was just how this multiverse worked; there are people at the top and people at the bottom. Perhaps he was just meant to be at the bottom.




The clacks of Bones rattling in response to his rage


"Since I was born, Life has NEVER been in my favor. Abandoned by my parents, I taught myself how to survive. Without a place to live, I clawed through with my bare hands a small place for my head to rest. I changed the fucking world I lived in. And a mere god has the audacity to tell me that I am merely a stepping stone for stronger races to thrive?!"


The bones surrounding the area levitated off the air as they began to vibrate, almost like they were responding to Lucian's words!


"What right does a mere god have to judge me? What right does a mere god have to dictate who I am and shall become? No, a being born into power has no right to believe himself superior to me. For I have worked for my strength! I have put in the blood, the tears, the sacrifices to become who I am!"


The world rumbled as the dark field grew even darker. Lightning began to streak through the sky as cracks started to run through the ground. Beneath the environment, more and more bones pushed through. These bones looked normal at first glance; however, on closer inspection, tiny grooves were spread throughout the bone. These grooves connected to each other, forming demonic patterns all around them as they pushed away even the air around them, creating small vacuums around each bone. They began to Levitate in the air as the patterns on each bone glowed eerily in a dark fluorescent light.


"I have earned my place in my world, and just like I did in my world, I will do the same here. The world is truly unfair. That is a fact I have come to terms with. But my Will shall never wane. If my fate is to be a stepping stone, I shall break the steps that shackle me. I will be the ruthless bane of the wicked world. Neither god nor demon shall impede me on my journey towards the zenith."


The cracks littering the ground opened up in size, some big enough for men to fall through, as even more bones began to appear. On the surface of these bones, runes shaped into different beasts moved all around the bones, making them look nearly living as their red bodies roared in unison. They expressed their hunger to all surrounding them.


"Let my path be a path of Triumph and Power. And when my words of wrath find the ears of those brave enough to impede my path, let them feel the weight of my call, the violence I shall bring upon them."


As the bones began to gather, the black clouds began to condense bones pure white in color. On its surface, it was perfectly smooth with no blemishes as it hung in the air. Suddenly golden runes began to hover over its surface as they started to form depictions of stars and astral symbols, creating a mysterious aura around them.


"For this is my Will. Let this Will become my truth. Let this be the start of my journey to Supremacy."


As his voice echoed throughout the empty place, all movement froze in place. Suddenly the three types of bones barreled toward each other. They crashed into each other, forming a nova of energy and light that shined throughout the region. The blast's magnitude brought a bright light that most gods would be blinded upon, something unseen since the creation of the Eternal Graveyard.


Cracking and crunching echoed throughout as the bones crashed together, fusing with each other. Lucian watched in a daze as the skeleton began forming. He felt like he had just woken up from a crazy dream. Now waking up, he realized his dream was actually reality as he watched a giant bone hurl toward him in a daze.


First came the head. Grooves were created and shaped like stars, animals, demons, and gods all over the surface. Floating above it, black and gold runes hovered as they moved and changed shape. Moving from the neck to the spine and torso, similar shapes and features ran through its surface. Its shoulders were broad and thick in size. He watched as arms were slowly shaped on their sides, appearing symmetrical. They had huge wrists as they similarly began forming grooves and runes all over. Moving downward, its pelvis also formed. It was thick yet small compared to his shoulders as his legs developed along with them. Just like his arms, they hung in symmetry as they grew to the length of his torso.


When it was complete, the skeleton shined as tendons, joints, ligaments, and cartilage began to form. Its tendons were easily 10 times the amount an average human would have.


Soon, the shine subsided as it hung in the air, waiting for his response.


Lucian shook himself out of his daze as he took a quick look around. Giant holes and fissures were all around from the damage he caused. It even seemed like the smog that covered the air had significantly reduced, which was pretty insane! Granted, it appeared the area had already begun to heal, but he couldn't help but be shocked at how much the region had changed a few minutes ago.


If it was a scary graveyard before, now it's a scary graveyard that Godzilla and Kong have recently destroyed after a night out on the town.


"Was this because of me?" he mumbled, finding it hard to believe that he could create such a large amount of destruction.


He took a step forward and felt the skeleton's arm. It was a warm and cozy feeling which was a first for Lucian since he had never thought about a skeleton ever being cozy. Looking at the frame, it almost felt like he was truly home.


Moving towards the skeleton, his soul automatically pulled itself towards the skeleton's temple. Immediately, the skeleton began glowing in response to his soul.


Learning what he needed to do next, Lucian began refining the skeleton of his soul, finalizing the connection.




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Far above the clouds, Thanatos stared down at the conspicuous soul below.


"How is this possible...I sent him to the most barren area in the graveyard; there should've been no chance of him gaining a body stronger than average here. Yet he summoned all the Celestial Bones of old to his side?" clearly flustered at the sight he had just witnessed. "The last time that happened was at the death of the First Immortal..."


"Is he related to the First Immortal? Is this the Reincarnation of the First Immortal?" he questioned


"No... he does not show any signs of transcendence. He cannot be related to the first immortal," he said, calming down. "He is just a normal mortal. He might have a strong quality in the soul. Nonetheless, a mortal is still a mortal, and a human mortal at that."




"I cannot let him live much longer" his eyes narrowed as he stared at him.


"Once his use has run out, I will dispose of him immediately. I cannot afford to leave such a liability here, especially with the current condition of the gods as a whole", he said. At the same time, he looked up towards a specific set of black clouds above him.


"So close...."


After thoroughly refining the skeleton, Lucian began his first movements with his new body. Moving his arm first, he felt it a bit stiff, but he couldn't help but marvel at the weight of his arm. With the power of his soul, Lucian could barely lift it! It has to be understood that with Lucian's current Will, he could easily pick up 100 kg of weight with absolute ease. An average arm weight of 4 kg. So, for him to barely be able to lift his arm, he was more than surprised at the sheer weight of his new body.


"What type of bones are these? They are far heavier than normal and seem far denser as well."


Looking at his character sheet, he hoped for some answers to his question.


Basic Stats


Name: Lucian Villin

Class: ---

Profession: ---

Race: Human Skeleton/Soul


Strength - [0][0.03] [Locked]


Constitution - [0.05][0.1] [Locked]


Endurance - [0][0.03] [Locked]


Perception - [0][0.03] [Locked]


Agility - [0.05][0.1] [Locked]


Dexterity - [0][0.03] [Locked]


Willpower- [0][0.15]


Intelligence - [0][0.15]


Soul - [0.2][0.4]


Health [3]

Stamina [2]

Physical Attack [3]

Magical Attack [10]

Mana [4]

Critical Chance [0.03%]

Critical Dmg [1.5]

Health Regen [0][0.14/Min]

Stamina Regen [0][1.1/min]

Mana Regen [0.075/min]

Soul Essence [4]

Soul Essence Regen [1.9/min][0.03/sec]


Body - 6 Paths of the Hegemon (locked)

Soul - Divine Myriad Soul

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