Era of Luminosity [A Cultivation and LitRPG Novel]

Chapter 13: 12. Hades

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Basic Stats


Name: Lucian Villin

Class: ---

Profession: ---

Race: Human Skeleton/Soul


Strength - [0][0.03] [Locked]


Constitution - [0.05][0.1] [Locked]


Endurance - [0][0.03] [Locked]


Perception - [0][0.03] [Locked]


Agility - [0.05][0.1] [Locked]


Dexterity - [0][0.03] [Locked]


Willpower- [0][0.15]


Intelligence - [0][0.15]


Soul - [0.2][0.4]


Health [3]

Stamina [2]

Physical Attack [3]

Magical Attack [10]

Mana [4]

Critical Chance [0.03%]

Critical Dmg [1.5]

Health Regen [0][0.14/Min]

Stamina Regen [0][1.1/min]

Mana Regen [0.075/min]

Soul Essence [4]

Soul Essence Regen [1.9/min][0.03/sec]


Body - 6 Paths of the Hegemon (locked)

Soul - Divine Myriad Soul


The first thing he noticed was his un-greyed-out physical stats! The advantages of his titles immediately showed their effect, increasing his constitution and agility to 0.1 and his other physical stats to 0.03 due to the impact of the secondary stat titles.


"Unfortunately, it does seem like my stats are permanently locked into place as a human skeleton," he said with a sign. Apparently, he would have to fully revive to gain the ability to strengthen his physical stats.


Another thing he noticed was he was no longer just a soul but the system included the human skeleton race in his character sheet.


"I'm not fully human yet, but I sure am getting there, which is pretty weird to say. The question is, with how heavy this skeleton is, will I even be able to move around here?" Lucian thought as he further analyzed his Character sheet. With how heavy his body was, he would need some strong muscles to function effectively. Hopefully, that would be fine once he revived but with his luck, he was not very optimistic.


"Huh, and my body and soul now have a name? [6 Paths of the Hegemon], I wonder what that does… with how heavy my body is, hopefully, it's something good.."


"And my soul seems to have also gained a name as well," he thought as he analyzed his soul which saw a great increase in soul strength. Manipulation came easy now and with his current strength and quality of soul, he firmly believed he would have no trouble using soul eater on any soul here.


Looking at his stats, he definitely wasn't expecting this much from gaining a body. Did Thanatos have my best interest at heart sending me here?


"No…he definitely did not have my best interest at heart. It's more like he didn't expect this from me. This area somehow can amplify my emotions which is probably what caused all this in the first place. It seems like these bones reacted to my emotions; the stronger my emotions, the stronger the bones that were drawn to my aura!"


"Which means…this was far out of his plans," he thought as he turned behind him.


Thanatos stood behind him in silence as his eyes nearly bore holes right through him. Lucian needed to be careful.


Suddenly he asked, "how do you like your new body?" with a placid look. Obviously, he lost all his previous cheeriness when he realized he inadvertently helped Lucian.


"It would be great if I could use its legs. How am I supposed to use this body if I can't even work with it?!" Lucian said in anger


"Oh, well that is quite a predicament indeed! However, I have held up my word in the agreement. Anything after falls onto you." he folded his arms, finding joy in Lucian suffering as he let out an indifferent smile.


"But, If you tell me how you summoned all those bones to construct your body, I could help you make it easier to transport your body at least until you are fully revived" Thanatos teased as he watched Lucian like a hawk.


"You know, I have a sneaking suspicion that that deal is not really in my favor. I'm going to need more than that from you."


"You would be right mortal human. But what choice do you have?" Thanatos threatened as he summoned Orcus into his hand once again, its blade gleaming.


Checkmated once again, Lucian sighed. "My emotions. Intense feelings seem to trigger the bones to respond to me and create this skeleton. I'm not really sure how it works so that's all I can tell you."


"If that was the case, then any vengeful being could activate them; and that's not possible"


"What do you know of the Immortals?" he asked, eyes still trained right at him, watching his every movement.


"Immortals? The flying swords, living forever kind? Apart from books and comics, don't know much apart from they don't exist. Are they related to these bones somehow?"


Gradually losing interest Thanatos replied "Nevermind... I should've known better. Use your will to condense your skeleton to temporarily force it to enter the space within your soul. You can also lower its age to make it easier to transport. I would suggest you do that since it also increases your bone potential."


"Bone potential?" he asked curiously


"Yes, the lower the bones age, the better chance for them to grow much stronger at the adult age compared to starting out as an adult."


"In turn, it will decrease its current combat potential. Is that correct?" Lucian eyed Thanatos as he figured out his game


Thanatos chuckled in response obviously amused "Indeed it would decrease your combat potential but why would you need that anyway? Besides, it is not like it'll make much of a difference in outcome anyway." he replied with undisguised disdain at the thought of a mortal fighting back against a god.


"I'm tired of these questions. When it all comes down to it, you are merely a chess piece in this game and there is nothing you can do about it. I suggest you finally realize the situation you're in and act accordingly. It would make your life much easier. I care not --" he sharply turned his head up to the clouds, alarm on his face.

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"We must go," he said as he grabbed Lucian once again, fazing away even faster than he had before.




On the nightmarish throne in the Dark Clouds, Hades sat regally in his seat as he addressed the gods in front of him. He had grown more gaunt and tired as time passed, a tell-tale sign of his loss of power.


A three-headed dog with skin the color of magma sat in chains beside Hades. Its breath occasionally generated dark flames that seems to make the air sizzle. Each head looks very similar to the other apart from the center head. Each had large powerful fangs that were attached to strong jaws. two heads slept lackadaisically while the center head kept watch of the surroundings.


In front of them, was a large man easily 10 meters tall. He had deep black hair and silver eyes that seemed to take a pull at your consciousness. Wearing a simple white toga, he stood with a slight smile and his eyelids half closed. However, the most defining factor of his was his brows which extended like wings from his face. He was Hypnos, The God of Sleep.


"The dreams have been unsteady. I fear that this will not be the last crisis we gods may face soon and we must prepare for it." Hypnos began, his brows fluttering as he spoke.


"Enough about that. For us to face the next conflict we have to obtain the god-sphere once again. What point does it make to face an obstacle without the right tools for the task?" a woman responded, her voice dripping with impatience.


She wore a completely black dress that covered her from head to toe that shined with small stars all over. A hoodie covered her head, making it impossible to see her face.


"That might be true Nyx but what else can we do? Mercury is nowhere to be found and there is no god has been able to track him down. Are we just going to sit on our thumbs and wait?" Hypnos responded as his brows furrowed.


"That means nothing! With enough concentr-"


"Enough!" Hades sighed as he slumped into his chair.


"Where is Thanatos?" Hades suddenly asked which immediately put a frown on the other two gods. Neither responded.


Noticing their reaction, he simply shook his head as he explained. "How can we have this discussion without everyo-"


Suddenly a wooshing sound radiated out as a vortex of death energy erupted nearby his throne, rumbling the sky like thunder as golden-studded sandals popped out of its center.


Soon enough, the being walked out of the vortex with poise and grace. He was a being easily 12 meters tall dressed in traditional Egyptian clothing with his chest bare. He had a near-perfect Olympian physique chiseled with muscle and black skin that contrasted nicely with the golden attire he wore all over his chest and head. He had the head of a jackal with a flail in his arms.


Anubis was here. This was trouble.


The frown on hades' face deepened. "Anubis. Have you come here to play with Cerberus? You know he misses you very much" Hades said as he summoned his bident.


"Haha, I did not know you could make jokes Lord of the Underworld. Has your slow decline brought you back to your old self?" he smiled in amusement, taunting evident in his voice and face.


"...Or did you finally lose your mind after living in loneliness for so many centuries," Anubis said as he took a glance at the mirror next to hades.


Nyx immediately began summoning the night to attack when Hades raised a hand. This was not the time for conflict.


"...Anubis...You know it is disrespectful to enter my realm without my invitation, are you prepared to suffer the consequences?" Reigning his anger back in, Hades replied calmly and collectedly.


"Ah, I understand. However, as a fellow God of Death, I find it very befitting to visit my fellow gods out of goodwill. I simply felt no need to ask for an invitation for such a measly task. Especially with a god that is much weaker than I" he said as he began pacing around Hades's chair


"Do you believe yourself strong enough to fight me head-on? Did you really think I did not prepare countermeasures in case of something like this during my stronger centuries? Haha, you might be stronger today Anubis but that will not always be the case. It seems you forget the Eons of years I ruled the house of death and you were merely a weak god, finding his place in this world." Hades retorted as he watched the god in derision.


"I may have declined but don't you test me, young one. You will not have an easy fight on your hands," he said, staring right into Anubis's dark eyes


A frown adorned Anubis's face. "You might have had much power in the past, but times have changed. We'll see who has the final laugh between us soon enough. As long as the God-sphere is still missing you will still continue to see declines in your strength."


"I came to deliver you news on the upcoming meeting for the gods of death. Due to the god-sphere disappearance, the meeting has been postponed until a later date."


"Hmm, expected. Do you have any other news for me?"


Ignoring his question he created another Vortex of death. They watch as he took a look around the realm once more. He then froze onto a specific area in his realm. Suddenly he smiled.


"Maybe I won't need to kill you myself after all..." Laughing lightly he walked through the vortex as it closed behind him.


The moment he left, Hades's display of strength fell apart as Nyx and Hypnos provided aid to him. Sighing in his chair, He put his hands to his face while mumbling.


"He's right. Times have changed so much...What can I do to regain my power? With my close proximity to the God-sphere, I am being affected by its disappearance much more than other gods of death." he thought in frustration, his godly poise vanishing into thin air.


'Is this my fate? Even my brethren are weakened as well. It would be hard for them to assist me at the moment, even if they would like to."


"Maybe it is time to finally retire, have someone more fit to take my place. It's time for the next generation to take the place of us old gods..."


A Unique energy signature swept through the realm, attracting Hades's attention


"What is that... It's coming from the Graveyard of old, The Eternal Graveyard!" as his eyes narrowed in contemplation "It feels like... Someone summoned the bones of old?!" He said in astonishment


Hades immediately rushed toward the graveyard in confusion. Bypassing the underworld's borders in seconds he reached the location of the disturbance, surveying the land as he floated in the air. However, from what he could see, there was nothing there. Phasing through different parts of the graveyard, it looks through every corner only to come out empty.


"Am I losing my mind, or was there an energy signature in the area? I cannot sense any of the energy signatures anymore. I must be mistaken. Haha, I must've gone delirious losing so much in such little time..." he laughed at himself as he turned to return to his throne.


However just as he was about to leave, he sensed extremely faint energy far below where he was. Taking one last look, he dove down to investigate. He stopped inches from a tiny golden ball of energy. It looked extremely weak. Intrigued, Hades analyzed it to find out that it seems to have been created by a mortal being.


Particularly, a mortal soul.


Hades grabbed the ball, looking at its shifty surface from all angles. It seems to have been made by a beginner in soul manipulation.


Suddenly it cracked apart, the energy dissipating into the air. However, left behind its destruction were words that Hades will forever remember


Through A River of Silver

A sharp sword has left its sheath

And It's aimed at your back


Hades's eyes narrowed. River of Silver...


He was being betrayed.

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