Era of Luminosity [A Cultivation and LitRPG Novel]

Chapter 14: 13. Conflict

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Energy distorted the air, sending waves of energy all around the Reincarnation path as a winged man holding a golden soul appeared out of thin air and landed on the ground abruptly.


The man steadied his feet, as he stood up tall, regaining the dignity a god like himself naturally exuded. His face, on the other hand, shone with an ugly expression; one not expected of someone of his stature. He turned towards the cause of his hideous expression, a sharp red light taking over his previous beautiful eyes. The Halo around his head turned black as the whole area darkened in color. Violent energy whipped through as Lucian forced himself to hold on using his will.


If looks could kill, Lucian would be beyond death at this point. However, Lucian waited patiently. If he was found out, he would have to play this very carefully.


Lucian turned towards Thanatos, instantly knowing he'd been found out from his expression. Fortunately, Lucian did expect this to happen. He couldn't expect to sneak one over a god and get away with it. That would be far too naive. Knowing that it would be impossible to placate him in this state, he decided on a different approach.


“You. You left something for him to find. What did you leave him?” Thanatos began, the calm in his voice foreboding serious consequences that added to the pressure and horror Lucian felt in his mind. However, Lucian forcefully calmed himself down.


Lucian thought quickly. Thanatos was in a panicked state which made him hyper-sensitive to everything around him. This can be resolved in three ways. The first was to try and calm him down which Lucian instantly took out. Trying to calm him down would only make him look guilty. The third option was actually even more unlikely. He could only use his second option.


Lucian kept his composure as he retorted with ignorance. “Left him something? Why would I do that? You do know that I am not supposed to be here right? If I tell another god that your friendly little conscious soul is scurrying around the place, wouldn't that seal my death? I had thought you would be smarter than this” Lucian replied calmly, trying his best to muster up the courage to maintain his frame.


Silence ensued for minutes on end as Thanatos stared right through Lucian, his face slowly turning calmer. Finally, he began “ I have dealt with many mortals throughout my existence but I must say, you are by far the one who wishes for death the most. I have been patient enough to help you until this turn but unfortunately, you don't know what is good for you.” his scythe appeared in his hands.


“What are you talking about? I have done nothing but be obedient toward you. You must be nervous about that close counter with your captor Thanatos” he teased while cursing himself internally. This was going very wrong. Why would he leave that message when he was so close to him?! He needed to do something.


“ It's okay to be nervous. I totally understand your feelings, I will make sure to give you some good rubs and a heavy blanket once we're done here alright?” Lucian teased once more. Might as well double down on the indifference. Admitting anything at this point would seal his death.


Indifferent to his response, He raised his scythe into the air menacingly, prepared to swing and end his frustrations. It wasn't working.


“Okay, okay. We've done this enough times for both you and me to understand that you need me in this. So can we skip these overdone threats and get back to business?"


His wings began to unravel as divine energy seeped onto the blade of the scythe, darkening its silver blade to an obsidian purple.


“Hoh, it seems you are serious. Okay then, think about this. Why hasn't Hades stormed through to where we are right now to investigate if I had left something for him? He should be able to locate you. If he suspected you, wouldn't he be here right this second?” he questioned, confidence oozing from his tone.


The god slowed his actions as he thought of Lucian's point. That did make sense since Hades was not a patient god. Knowing him, if he found anything, the perpetrator would be dead within the minute.


Lucian saw this and continued. “Killing me right now will do you no good. In fact, it will delay your plan to escape much more. I don't believe you can easily replace me with a dead soul like the rest” he continued



“So go ahead. Let's see how long it takes you to find another opportunity like this” Lucian ended with indifference.


With his scythe in the air and wings unfurled, Thanatos's figure could inspire fear in any man looking towards him but Lucian not only looked towards him but also viewed him with disdain. The very same disdain the god had portrayed toward him.


Frozen with his scythe in the air, his eyes wondered as he reviewed everything Lucian told him and he hated to admit it but he was right. The preparations he had already made were already set with this plan in mind. To go back to the drawing board right now would not only waste even more of his time but in case Hades did suspect him, he would be stuck here without an exit strategy, and that, he knew would be worse than torture.


He has waited for far too long to gain his rightful place on the throne. The throne he deserves. He was the True God of Death. He was born with this birthright. He dealt with death much closer than that old man had ever done. And now, he would see to it that he got what he deserved. Even if he must deal with this mortal for a while longer, he must endure, just a little bit longer.


Staring back toward Lucian he put down his scythe, and it disappeared into thin air. “You have changed mortal. You have gotten too comfortable with my presence” his eyes staring daggers at Lucian as the energy in the area fluctuated violently.


“In any case, you have one year to become strong enough to control the will of the Mirror of samsara. As a soul, you are the only one that may interact with it. If you cannot, you have no use to me. If you cannot hold up your end of the deal... even gods will take pity on your puny soul so I suggest you use my gift to you wisely.” he said as his usual smirk returned to his face. This time, with a bit more cautiousness reflected in his eyes.


After his final word, he Phazed away, returning the area to its previous calm and brightness.


Left alone, Lucian finally let out a long sigh he didn't know he was keeping, finally out of that tense situation. The make-shift plan luckily worked out perfectly in execution. Now, it was up to Hades to see how he will play this. If he was smart, he should have some sort of method to monitor his realm.


"I survived once again... Just a bit more Anna..."


Left to his own devices, the only thing he could do is to gather more souls to break through into the black realm. Only then will he be ready to face the upcoming challenges and not die prematurely.


With this thought, he found the closest soul and began absorbing it once again, determined more than ever.



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Cool air blew through the bright room as a T.V. hung on the wall, displaying the tragedies the refugees stuck outside the safe zone encountered. The room had gym equipment including squatting racks and dumbbells that littered the whole room. Sitting on the bench in front of a large mirror that extended to each end of the room's length, a large man lay as he bench pressed 500lbs with dumbbells in each hand for reps. A horrid stench exuded from the man that seemingly couldn't be completely expunged by the ventilation system passively working in the background, giving the room the smell of sweat and armpits, like he hadn't showered in months.

The man completed the work in silence as his arms bulged to support the weight he was moving. After his 10th rep, he dropped the weight, creating a loud THUMP on the ground that shook the room.


He sat up from the bench, resting as he looked up towards the T.V. Staring at the gruesome scenes displayed on the screen, he remained eerily calm. In fact, he actually had a slight smile of amusement on his face. Like he enjoyed seeing people suffer.


“The plight of the weak is truly piteous,” he said with a smile.


“Yet you seem to enjoy it, Mr. Erebus”


Slightly turning his head he observed the young lady addressing him.


With a head of silky golden hair, she was quite a beauty to behold. Her lithe figure was well-fitted by the beautiful red dress she wore. On her face, her brown eyes were narrowed in seriousness. freckles littered her cheeks, making her look much younger than she was. She stood in a classic military position, as she addressed Elijah. On her fair yet strong arms, a tribal tattoo was planted from her shoulder to her wrist. She was a beauty but she definitely wasn't to be underestimated, that was for sure.


“Oh, hey Pats. Did you come here ‘cause you changed your mind” he turned with a hungry grin on his face “You know ill always be ready for you. All you have to say is yes” as he unbuckled his belt; insinuating her compliance.


Like she had already expected this as she replied with indifference “We got the results from the research we did on Lucian’s lab. You have been invited to participate in the meeting” she said as she threw an item similar to a motion card towards him. It had a sleek glow to it that radiated slightly in the air.


Catching the item, he turned towards it and examined its content. Nodding in satisfaction he turned back toward Patricia only to see her swagger her way back out of the gym.


“You know, with him being dead and all, I’m the only one that can give you what you want Patricia. If you ever want to be stronger, I'm the only person alive that can help you. All you have to do is join me. No big deal.” Elijah said


Stopping in place, Patricia regarded what he said. Her stoic and serene aura fluctuated a bit. “You know nothing about me”


“Oh? But I do Patricia Alucard. Born into a military family, you were forced into a life of discipline and strength. The Family didn't expect anything less and like a good little girl, you did all but kill yourself to become stronger.” he got up from the bend as he stepped toward her.


“Once you graduated high school, you went straight into the military where you began your illustrious career. After your first year, you broke records and set records that had never been set. Haha, you were quite the beast I must say.” he said while he circled her lithe body, his eyes roaming; leaving nothing to the imagination.


“Eventually reaching the rank of Colonel due to your sheer talent and ability, you were eventually invited to partake in an experiment meant for improving the quality of the human body. Yep, that’s right, the infamous HORD-388. You remember right? The one they gave to me?” He said his grin wide enough to split his face in half; His face inches away.


“Haha, unfortunately for you, you were not picked for the experiment. You had far too big a background and your death would bring repercussions that couldn't be ignored. A person devoted to strength like you missing out on strength like that? Strength like this?” he said as he flexed his huge biceps.


“It must've eaten at your flesh” he taunted. “Eventually, The Company then developed their counterfeit counter to Lucian’s work and you made do with that” he drolled on.


“But we both know, no matter how much the Company advertises their inferior product, it could never match the strength bestowed to me by the original”


“So, Yes I do know you. Very thoroughly in fact. I’m not some mindless brute. I did my research on you. I know you despise me.” he said as he walked behind her once again.


“But I would suggest you reconsider your stance because I would hate a beautiful woman like you losing your life like this. It's so childish don't you think? He said while stepping back, his arms behind his back nonchalantly.


Silence ensued. Finally, Patricia turned as she eyed Elijah, her face a mask of indifference and calm. “Even with all your strength, you are still far too weak. You may have the strength due to your luck but there is no substance. In combat, you are a fish out of the water and if there ever is a time, you will be shown why you do not deserve the strength you have.”


“Woah there, little lady calm down. I hate aggressive women. They just turn me off you know. I like a girl I can control at my fingertips. So I'm gonna need you to stop the threats and calm down before I am forced to make you.” he said, licking his lips.


Suddenly, she pointed her arm forward as a unique cerulean energy spiraled through her hands, forming into a slightly Oversized Glock 40 aimed at Elijah’s head. “I am tired of your mouth. Please shut it”


Elijah began laughing menacingly as he stared at the weapon in her hand “Have you mastered that weird ability of yours?”


“Don't mistake your physical strength for battle ability, Mr. Erebus. You might be stronger physically than any human on earth but you will never be able to outrun my guns. No matter how strong you get” she replied indifferently.


Suddenly she aimed at his feet she shot a warning shot in between Elijah's legs that broke through the concrete leaving a 2 feet hole in its wake.


Unsummoning her weapon, she walked away as soldiers ran into the gym with weapons in hand at the sound of gunfire. However, seeing Patricia walking out, they calmed down as they gave Elijah a disdainful glare with their weapons trained at his head. They walked out behind her, leaving Elijah alone.


Elijah stared towards the exit, the smile on his face turning sour. That bitch...

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