Chapter 7: Ch: 7 [A deal with Fury]

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[Outer Interference Detected!]

[Activating Security Firewall...]

[A mere human dares to sneak past the System's power. Let me put some pain in him.]

[Target: Nick Fury <Human Scanner>] [Ability to see other's superpowers]

[Trigeminal neuralgia]

<Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that causes painful sensations similar to an electric shock on one side of the face. This chronic pain condition affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from your face to your brain.>


A transparent System window with a green tint appeared before my eyes, and I heard an angry robotic voice in my head.

Pheww! It was so close. Had it not been for the System's protection, he would have seen my abilities. I am glad to see his painful expression. Not much of a poker face now, huh? Fucker thinks he can do whatever he wants.

"So, the rumors were true. You did awaken something. Not that I care, but you do realize what you have done- right?" I say with a smirk. He must be wondering what just happened to him.

Nick Fury shook his head after stumbling back a little. The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents outside run to help him. But, he raised his hand, signing them to stop. The Agents returned to their position.

"Using superpower against a civilian after an intrusion in the private property without any reason... Humm. That doesn't sound good. As far as I remember, no one can use superpowers on a regular civilian without any cause. And due to your negligence, Harley captured me and overloaded me with experimental drugs. Look at me... My entire body changed, and you dare to speak to me with that tone..."

I yell at Nick Fury angrily while maintaining my composure. Man, it's hard to keep a calm expression in this situation. These bastards got money and power... Who knows what they might try to do to mess up my peaceful life...

I don't know how I can help them. I feel kinda bad for my rude behavior. But one thing is certain. If I go with them without any resistance, they might come knocking at my door again in the future, thinking of me as a pushover. Hell no! I won't allow that. I ain't nobody's slave who stands and sits on every order.

But Black Widow did suck my cock after all. It felt great. Fuck!!! I still remember her face when she was sucking me off like a vacuum. Ok, I want to help her. Humm. That's not the correct way to put it... Ah! I know... My dick wants to help her. Yup! This is what I mean to say.

But of course, for the right price. Come on, Nick Fury... I can say you have already guessed my intention. I ain't coming without a proper reward.

"Name your price," says Nick Fury after regaining his composure. He is rubbing his right hand on his right cheek.

Hahaha! Took him long enough to understand his position. How desperate? Coming directly to me, even though there are countless heroes. I feel something isn't right... He isn't telling me everything. Whatever, as long as I can make some profit...

"Now, you are talking my language. I want three things. First, I want S.H.I.E.L.D. to take care of my sister's education... I want her to go to the best school, then the best college, the best tutors, and the best training in case she awakens. Secondly, I want you to buy me the biggest junkyard in the city... I want it in my name by morning. The third thing is, I want information on that gold digger bitch, Alica..."

I named my price.

"Is that all?" asks Nick Fury with a baffled expression.

"Yeah, that will be all. What? You want to give me more???" I say with a smirk.

I can say he is surprised to hear my price. He must be expecting a huge amount of cash and shit like that. I don't need that. I can earn more with the junkyard than he can ever imagine.

Ah! My proposition to buy a junkyard must have surprised him the most. This baldy must be wondering, 'What the fuck does he want with a junkyard?' Well, keep thinking.

"You will have all that you said by morning. Say goodbye to your family... We haven't got much time," Nick Fury said as he turned back and walked over to a black SUV.

I closed the door and made my way toward the bedroom.

"Mom... Open the door," I knocked on the door.

You are reading story EROGE SYSTEM IN MULTIVERSE at

My mom opened the door on the second knock and peeked outside.

"I saw from the window... That's Nick Fury- Right? What does he want?" My mother asks with a happy expression. She looks relieved to know the people outside are not some dangerous goons.

"Yup! Nick Fury in flesh and soul... You know how these S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents are... They know my power and want my help with something. We made a good deal. So, I have to go with them..." I say with a smile. Then I looked at my sister's face and said, "I took care of your education. Tomorrow, I will take you for your admission. You better go to bed early..."

I explained it to my mom and sister as briefly as possible.

"Really???" My sister asks. Oh! Those puppy-like glittering eyes. How can I ignore you? He continues, "Which school? Tell me... Am I going to the academy under the S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"You curious little jumpy brat..." I ruffled her head with a smile, "Eat dinner and go to bed..."

Man, I am really happy today. I don't even remember when I last saw my family smile. When my dad died during the New York incident, everything fell apart. My aunt and uncles took over our properties... And all we had was a little rented home.

My mom wanted to take us to the countryside to my grandma's place. She didn't have any other choice. As you know how high the rents are in New York. It was impossible for her to pay such a huge sum every month. But I decided to stay back.

I did some side jobs over the years and sent whatever money was left after taking care of my small rented place back to my mom while doing my studies. Luckily I had the scholarship. It was fucking hard for us... Hard for me...

So, I changed when I got the jackpot. I guess money changes people in a weird way. Money gives you everything... Gave me everything... But I was too late to wake up from my delusions.

Money brought me to the top in a single night... And when I was enjoying on the top... Everything crashed down. And, there I fell... All the way from the top to where I once started, right down at the bottom.

Only then I realized my worst nightmare... Reality!

I feel bad for ignoring them all this time. Fuck! I am such trash. But I am awake now... Their smiles right now... I would give anything... I would do anything to protect that. I won't let their smiles disappear again.

Damn! I must sound like those cliche heroes from movies and animes. Anyway, let's move on to the next part...


I am now inside the aircraft that was hovering over my house. It's my first time flying. And truth be told, it's kinda scary. I hope no RPG comes our way... You know, like those in the movies where the hero is going on a special mission to save someone... Then out of nowhere, a rocket comes flying...

Hahaha! I must be overthinking. What could go wrong when I am surrounded by the S.H.I.E.L.D. security... Right?

We reached our destination within 10 minutes. I just sat there during the flight with my eyes closed. I just took a peek down, and let me tell you... It's not funny. We were flying way above the clouds, and when I peeked down, I couldn't see anything below. It was pitch black and scary.

I am following Nick Fury. It was one of those S.H.I.E.L.D's high-tech medical facilities for the heroes.

We are walking through a well-lighted hallway surrounded by frosted white glass. It looks like one of those contamination chambers you see in movies. Then we went through a cleaning process. Those medics bastards sprayed Nick Fury and me with some medicines. I don't know what they were, but they did smell funky.

Then we arrived at our destination. Before my eyes were Natasha and Selina, lying unconscious on white beds with weird and unknown machines beeping around them.

We went into the room. On the left was Selina's bed.

Selina is missing her left arm. There was an oxygen mask over her nose. I can see the deep bruises all over her face and right arm. I don't know about the rest of her body. I don't think even those high-tech machines could heal her wounds. She is still alive... It's a miracle on its own.

Fuck!!! Her condition is critical...

I look toward Natasha. Just like Selina's body, I can see the same type of wounds on her body. It's claw marks... There is no doubt about that. Thankfully, she isn't missing any body parts. They might have faced something like a poison wolf-human... Who knows... But what the fuck should I do now?


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