Even after reincarnating, I still get hated.

Chapter 17: Chap 16 – Plan of Attack

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The last details for the attack on the journal that defamed Albert were being prepared by Elysia.

Elysia had made a map of the area around the journal.

She showed it to Amanda.

"That's where the journey is located," said Elysia.

"What if they see us?"

"Don't worry. They won't notice anything. We'll use some magic."

"Magic? How will that help?"

"You'll see."

Elysia gave Amanda a small pouch.

"There's a spell inside this pouch. It will hide our presence from anyone who sees us."

I looked at the contents of the bag.

Inside was a powder-like substance.

"How do I use it?"

"Just sprinkle it over yourself and say the incantation."

"Will this work?"

"Of course. This is an ancient secret of the elves."

"Okay, let's try it."

Elysia sprinkled the powder on her hands. Then she touched her arm and said the magic.

When she did that, the powder disappeared.

All that remained was a faint smell of mint.

"Now, we must hurry."

They were going to the nearest journal.

The first thing we noticed was the fact that the streets were empty.

No one was walking along the road. No people could be seen in any direction.

They walked through the streets, then found the entry point.

A large wall surrounded the building.

It wasn't as tall as the Wall of Solitude, but still impressive.

They approached the gate and put our hand upon it.

But the guard didn't react. He just stood there.

He had been turned into a statue.

Amanda took out a key from Elysia's bag and opened the door.

Then entered the building.

"Here we go."

The entrance hall was very big.

They went up several flights of stairs until we reached the floor where the journal was.

Elysia led the way with a map in her hands.

They passed many rooms until we came to one whose door was open.

"This must be it."

"Do you think they're here?" asked Amanda.

"Not yet, but soon enough."

They heard sounds coming from the room.

Then they ran toward the noise source and saw a man sitting at a table writing.

He had long, black hair tied behind his head and a beard. A ring adorned his left hand.

He wore a robe of red leather.

He held a pen in his right hand and wrote something in a journal.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"My name is Amanda. I'm looking for revenge."

"Revenge on those responsible for this news," Elysia added.

Amanda threw a newspaper at the man.

The paper struck him in the face and fell to the ground.

He looked at the front page with fury.

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He attacked Elysia with his sword.

Elysia defended the attack and returned it.

She used her magic to protect herself.

The blade cut through her armor, but she managed to avoid serious injury.

The man was surprised by her reaction.

He stopped attacking and tried to get away.

He fled down a corridor.

They followed him, but he escaped through another door.

"Let's keep going," said Elysia.

They continued following the man.

After a while, arrived at a room filled with bookshelves.

The man sat on a chair reading a book.

He looked up when he heard their footsteps.

"You're not getting away!"

He jumped off the chair and drew his sword.

"Stay back! You can't harm me."

"We don't care about your life. Just give us what we want."

"I can't do that. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"If you don't tell us, we'll kill you."

"What is it that you want?"

"You should know better than that. Who wrote this stupid article?"

"I did."

A boy entered the room.

He wore a shirt with a goat symbol, and his hair was white.

"Why did you write it?"

"Because I wanted to see how Albert would react."

"Albert? What does he have to do with this?"

"Why did you take Albert's photo from that bad angle and still modify the photo?"

"He had no defects, I decided to add."

"Wait, are you saying you wrote it out of envy?"

Amanda and Elysia couldn't hide their hatred.

Both went after the boy.

He dodged them both and ran out of the room.

"What a coward."

"Don't worry. We'll find him again."

They searched the room, but they didn't find anything useful.

"Well, we can't stay here forever."


They went back downstairs and exited the building.

The streets were empty once more.

"Where is everyone?"

"That's strange."

"Maybe they all ran away."

"Or maybe they're hiding somewhere."

Suddenly, they started to hear a laugh.

"Hero, you won't be able to defeat me," a man in church clothes said.

The man was looking at a group of adventurers who had just been defeated.

"I will kill you today."



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