Even after reincarnating, I still get hated.

Chapter 18: Cgap 17 – Heroes defeated

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Amanda and Elysia could see a group of teenagers being defeated.

The person who beat them was still humiliating them to break their fighting spirit.

"So these are the heroes the church sent?!" he said.

"I still haven't given up," a boy replied.

"A hero corrupted by the sin of lust, how ironic." The creature laughed cruelly while his followers continued beating him mercilessly with sticks. "But I will make sure you regret your sins! "You have no choice but to obey me!"

Elysia turned around when she heard Amanda's voice in her head.

"You should be careful."

She didn't want anything bad to happen to Albert or herself because of what they were doing here, so she decided to do something about it immediately... or at least try.

"Hey guys, look over there!" Elysia shouted. Everyone stopped attacking the teenager for a second, then looked toward where she pointed. A black-haired girl wearing a red dress was standing on top of an abandoned building above them.

That was Amanda getting ready to cast her earth magic.

She attacked the man with a pillar, but he defended himself with an energy shield.

"Fascinating," he said.

He removed another sphere from inside his robe and threw it down onto Amanda's ground pillar. As soon as it touched her magic circle, its surface started glowing white before turning into water. It spread across the street like a flood and covered everything within a range, including both sides of the road.

It seemed that this man had some control over water magic too, since he used it without any trouble.

Elysia attacked the man with her sword magic.

She can control multiple weapons at the same time. That is very impressive. This one might give them a chance against him.

However, the man quickly dodged the attack using wind magic. His next move surprised everyone when he created two large spheres made entirely of light, which instantly shot toward Elysia. They passed through the air, creating several cracks along the way, until they collided with each other just below her feet.

"He has even more powerful attacks than we expected," Amanda thought.

As if to answer Elysia's thought, the man raised his hand again. She tried evading it by jumping away from the area, but he followed her. He grabbed her arm with magical force and held it tightly while making a gesture that summoned two small balls of fire above them.

With the small gap, Elysia managed to attack him from behind. Her sharp blade pierced right between his shoulder blades. However, he released her immediately afterward.

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This guy must hate having his back exposed.

The guy looked more tired, which was to be expected when a magic user uses elements he has no affinity for.

He was probably hoping the battle wouldn't extend to that point. But now that he knew they were not going to let go easily, he had no choice but to use a spell.

Underestimating his opponent was his biggest mistake.

"Lightning Sphere!" the man screamed. Lightning surrounded his body as he unleashed the spell.

His target? Elysia, of course.

Amanda made a barrier to protect Elysia from the electricity.

But the man wasn't done yet. Instead, he began charging up his lightning orb to unleash a massive bolt of lightning at Amanda.

Fortunately, Amanda was able to deflect most of the damage by creating a thick wall of dirt around her and Elysia. The impact knocked Amanda off balance, though.

While Amanda was struggling to regain her footing, the man fired another ball of lightning directly toward Elysia.

Amanda moved quickly to intercept it by pushing it aside with her magic barrier. Then she pushed it forward to hit the ground where the man stood.

Now, the only thing left was to finish him off.

"I didn't know the church had more heroes in hiding," speculated the man.

"She doesn't," Amanda replied.

"Then why are you here?"

"I don't like that they took this bad picture of my master."

Amanda threw a newspaper at the man.

"I can't believe I lost because of something so stupid," said the man before passing out.


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