Even after reincarnating, I still get hated.

Chapter 19: Chap 18 – Leave them alone

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Everyone watched as the man fell to the ground unconscious.

After taking care of the man, Elysia walked towards the boy who was being beaten.

"Do not worry, I will help get rid of them," Elysia told him.

The boy smiled when he heard her words.

"Thanks..." he whispered.

Elysia saw Amanda trying to stand up on her own.

"Are you okay?" asked Elysia worriedly.

Amanda nodded weakly.

"Yeah...just take care of these guys first," Amanda said.

After making sure the teenagers were okay, they decided to leave and find the person who took Albert's photo.

"Please wait," a boy said.

Amanda realized that he was looking at her lustfully.

"You're not fooling me with your talk, I'm not an idiot," said Amanda.

"I'm sorry if I offended you."

"If you look at me with those lustful eyes again, I'll kill you.," said Elysia. "We're going now!" she added, leaving without waiting for his response.

Once outside, everyone looked around in search of any clue about where the photographer could have been.

They followed to a street where they found him.

"This is the end of you," exclaimed Elysia.

"I'm sorry."

She grabbed the camera from his hand and threw it against the wall.

It broke into pieces.

"Now we can finally go home," said Elysia.


Amanda noticed something strange when she got back to Albert's house.

Many people were watching them from all sides.

"What happened!?" shouted Amanda.

A crowd formed around them as they approached.

"You killed him! You beat him to death!" someone yelled.

Others joined in and started throwing insults.

"Who did this?! Who murdered that bastard?!" one of the onlookers demanded.

"Why do you think!? It was that woman over there!"

"You killed a bishop of the Lust Church," shouted a man.

Amanda worried that screaming might wake Albert.

"Shut up, shut up!" Elysia cried out.

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"Oh, what a pretty face you have," said a voice behind her.

Before Amanda or Elysia could react, several men came running toward them.

One of them punched Elysia in the stomach. But she blocked it with her sword, which caused the man to lose his arm.

"That's enough!" Amanda said, kicking the attacker away.

As soon as Amanda turned around, she felt a sharp pain in her leg. She couldn't understand how anyone could be so fast when she was already injured.

Another man kicked her hard in the same place. This time Amanda collapsed to the floor.

The man had a strange-looking gadget.

That could be what was weakening them.

"You are weak without your magic," said the man.

He felt a cold breeze as he approached the girls.

'Albert was awake," thought Amanda.

She knew that magic was his.

Only he could control the ice so well.

A boy came out of the house, the air around him was freezing.

"Could you leave my maids alone?" said the boy.

His magic wasn't just limited to the ice; it extended beyond that too. He had control over everything related to the elements.

Albert stared at the attackers with eyes full of hatred. The boys froze instantly.

"Do you want me to freeze you all to death?" Albert asked.

"No!" They answered immediately.

"Good. Now if you ever come near my house again, I will make sure you regret it," Albert threatened.

"Yes sir!" the boys replied fearfully.

They quickly ran off while Albert stood by watching them.

He then went inside while the girls followed.

"Thanks," said Amanda.

"No problem," Albert replied.

Amanda sat down on the sofa and tried to calm herself.

Elysia remained standing.

"Let me see your wound," Albert said.

Albert went to sleep after tending to their wounds.

That night Elysia and Amanda's admiration for Albert grew even stronger.



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