Even after reincarnating, I still get hated.

Chapter 2: Jealous

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I was training my magic in my room when I heard a knock.

I opened the door and saw Amanda standing there.

“Hey, how are you doing?” Amanda asked.

“I'm okay.”

“How come you're here? Did something happen?”

“No, I just wanted to see you.”

“Oh, okay. That's great.”

Amanda came inside and closed the door behind her.

We sat down on the bed and talked.

“So how's school?”

“I've been talking to some people, but I haven't made any friends yet.”

I don't want to worry her, so I'm not going to talk about the dating prank.

“Can I hold you for a while?”

Amanda nodded in agreement.

I took a nap in her lap.


I went to train my magic.

I've always been focused on my training.

I often worried Amanda by doing too much training.

I spent 3 days in an icy pool practicing my ice magic when I was 12 years old.

When she found out, Amanda took me off quickly.

“You're so stupid!” She shouted at me after pulling me out of the pool.

She continued shouting until she stopped crying.

After that, I never practiced without telling anyone.

Now I'm 16 years old and still spending most of my time training.

Amanda was watching me train, making sure I didn't overdo it.

My training is ice magic control.

My main magic is ice, although I control other elements.

I need to be able to change the temperature of anything I touch.

That includes water, snow, ice, air, fire, and even earth.

It has taken a long time to get this far.

But now I can use ice magic to cool almost everything around me.

I have a lot more work ahead of me.

I need to master my other elements too.

I also have to learn advanced techniques.

There are many types of ice, such as transparent ice or diamond ice.

I have to focus on my training right now.

I don't want to worry Amanda anymore.

I put my hand on the ground.

A few seconds later, a layer of snow covered my hand.

I could feel the temperature drop.

This is a very basic technique I learned at the beginning.

It will help me understand how ice works.

I'll try to manipulate the temperature of the air next.

I held my breath and tried to freeze the air.

It worked!

I could feel my body heat decrease because of this.

Now I can control the temperature of the surrounding environment.

It was easier than expected.

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I can even control the temperature of the air under my feet.

I'll experiment with ice and water next.

First, I created a small layer of ice on top of my palm.

Then I used my mana to create a ripple effect.

It turned into a huge sheet of ice.

I continued to add more ice and create ripples.

Each one became bigger and bigger until it reached the ceiling.


-Amanda's POV-


Watching my master's training is one of the best things in my day.

He has always done his best in everything since he was a child.

When I first met him, I didn't think I could trust someone like him.

I thought he was a sadist who would hurt me.

But then we got closer and I realized I was wrong.

We were both trying to find our way in this world.

His kindness saved me from being alone and miserable.

If it wasn't for him, I'd probably still be living as a slave.

I told myself I needed to repay him somehow.

So I decided to become stronger too.

I trained hard every single day.

I was determined to be as strong as my master.

I wanted to protect him no matter what.

As we grew up together, I fell in love with him.

Even though I couldn't marry my Master as a Maid, I decided never to give up.

Even if I couldn't be with him physically, I would make him happy in every other way.

I started to study on my own and eventually became my Master's personal maid.

I went to a magic school to improve myself.

But I knew deep down that I couldn't because he only saw me as a big sister.

I did my best to keep my feelings hidden.

But when I saw him approaching the girl at school.

As she looked at him, I got jealous.

The girl asked him out on a date, but she was afraid of being turned down and didn't go.

I could tell him the truth. My master would probably go after her.

He would forget about me after that.

I have to do it for my master's sake.

I went to his room to say everything.

But then he asked me for a hug and fell asleep on my lap.

This feeling.

I don't want any other girl to take him away from me.

So I decided to keep this secret.

I hope one day I can tell him everything.

I hope he will forgive me when I tell him.

Until that day comes, I'm going to enjoy my time with him.

I love him so much.

I'll fight for his heart.

I swear I will.


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