Even after reincarnating, I still get hated.

Chapter 21: Chap 20 – Vice president

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Today is the day that my mother becomes the vice president of my school.

To make sure I didn't miss this day, I asked Amanda to wake me up early. She did so without fuss and then went back into her room as soon as she finished breakfast.

Elysia and Elly were also waiting for me.

We will go to school together today.

Amanda said before grabbing my arm, "Master Albert's left arm is mine."

Elysia grabbed the other arm right away.

Elly began to look at me with sad eyes.

It seemed they had decided not to hold on tight because it would be a nuisance if we got separated in crowds. But I couldn't shake them off, even though I tried hard enough. They just kept clinging tighter.

"Let's go," I said.

"No," said Elly sullenly. "I'm staying here."

She looked very much like someone thrown away by their owner when she said that. And yet...

"What are you doing?" Elysia asked curiously.

Elly grabbed my shoulder.

"Now let's go," she said.

Her face was red, either from anger or embarrassment; I wasn't quite sure which.

We went straight to school. It took less than ten minutes to get there. The school gates opened at seven o'clock sharp, but since all students were required to arrive earlier for morning assembly, most people showed up around six thirty.

I walked with the three clinging to me to the place of the announcement.

Along the way, I could feel several angry looks on me.

When we arrived at the designated spot, everyone else had already gathered there.

The moment we stepped foot inside the hall, a girl called out to me.

She was Susan, my only friend outside of school.

Susan came running over while holding a large bag. When I turned toward her voice, she held it open wide and dumped its contents onto the floor. Many things were falling out: food wrappers, pens, notebooks—everything that made up the average student's life.


Everyone nearby gasped loudly upon witnessing such a scene.

A few boys began snickering. Others groaned quietly. Even some girls rolled their eyes.

But none of these reactions mattered to me. What mattered was something far more important.

In the middle of this mess stood Susan, smiling happily at me.

"Albert, congratulations on the promotion of your mother," she said with a smile on her face.


That was all I managed to say before Susan ran off again.

Amanda and the others watched Susan run off until she disappeared somewhere behind the crowd. Then they returned their attention to me.

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After that, the ceremony proceeded smoothly.

My mother spoke first about the new position and gave thanks to those who helped her achieve it.

"Now, we’ll look at pictures of Albert when he was a child," my mother said in the middle of the ceremony.

And so she brought out one picture after another.

Pictures of the first time I used my sword and the first time I could cast a spell were included.

My god, this is so embarrassing.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes. My cheeks flushed red.

Why does she have to show me stuff like that?

As embarrassed as I was, however, no matter where I looked in the audience, every single person smiled gently at me.

Even Amanda and the others, who saw how ashamed I was of myself, remained silent.

At last, my mother stopped showing pictures.

So the ceremony came to an end.






Reize, the leader of Albert's maids, was at the journal preparing the final paperwork for his purchase.

She had written everything down meticulously, making sure nothing had gone wrong along the way. She checked through each line carefully, but he found nothing amiss.

So now all Reize needed to do was sign the contract and hand over the money.

"Are you certain you wish to purchase this journal?" asked the maid. The maid in question was called Agata.

She served as the second-in-command after Reize.

"Yes, absolutely," answered Reize. "This is the best journal ever created."

In this age, we have to have something to make sure they don't sully Albert's name again.

Even though she still had questions, Agata understood the main point.

Reize's words were right: Albert's reputation was too precious to risk being ruined by anyone.

While Agata was thinking, the door opened, and a girl entered.

She didn't look stunning, but she seemed confident and elegant without trying. Her features weren't particularly beautiful, but she exuded confidence and elegance without trying.

"I am the sin of wrath, I have come to negotiate with Albert or someone on his behalf."



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