Even I Have Become a Beautiful Girl, but I Was Just Playing as a Net-game Addiction

Chapter 2: 2

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April 22, 2022


Chapter 2 - Girls Online




The distinctive LINE sound rang in my ears.

With a hazy consciousness, I searched for my phone which should be under the pillow, and yawned as I checked the message.


The sender was Yuuki.


『Can I make a call?』


He was probably worried about the confession.

For now, I realized that I had slept in the jersey I borrowed from Kouya, and I decided to call him after I changed.


『Wait a moment.』


Right when I tried to answer, I noticed something strange.

It was strangely difficult to type.

To be precise, the phone was too big to tap with only one hand. Nope, can't do it.




Here was where the surprises began.

When I tried to stand up in a hurry, I stepped on my pants and fell off the bed magnificently.

I hit my head on the floor and frowned at the dull pain, but I managed to get up.



The size of the clothes I was wearing was too big for some reason.

Even when my arms were fully extended, I can't see them unless I roll up the sleeves.


My height should have been 175cm, but my line of vision was a few steps lower than usual.


"Uh, what?"


And there was more that was out of place.

My voice that let out a casual mutter was unusually high. It was a serene tone like the toll of a bell, a cute and clear voice.




It was hard to believe that it was my own voice.

But the sound that came out was definitely mine, judging from the timing.


"Aaah, aah...ah~?"


After speaking out loud a few times and analyzing it, I found that it was a rather young voice, equivalent to a middle elementary school student, that my throat was letting out.

I spread around my hands inspecting the oversized jersey, and took a good look at my body once again.


What was bothering me the most right now was the mass of hair hanging on either side of my face.

It was long enough to reach my waist. Moreover, it was silver-colored with a hint of blue.



I rolled up my sleeves, lifted some of that hair, and stared at it. The hair was so smooth and silky that it could not have been artificial — texture and all.

I felt weird and quickly let go of my hair.


"What the hell is this..."


Shrunken body. A girlish voice. Long hair that I have no memory of.

What had happened to me here...

Even the dullest person could tell.


I understood what happened, but I thought it was just fantasy.

There was no way I actually believed that.


The unexplained sex transformation incidents reported in the news.

It had been in the news recently that some men and women had a sudden sexual transformation. However, it was a common sentiment to think that this incident had nothing to do with me. I was looking at it as if it was someone else's business, just like celebrity gossip.


That's why this is all just a dream. Yeah.

I might still dazed and incoherent, but this should be just fantasy.

I...this, I would never look like this.

I'm sure it's a dream.

It must be the aftereffect of the shock caused by the poop confession.


I thought so and tried to pinch my cheek immediately, but the sleeve was too long and I couldn't reach out.

I had to roll it up.

No wait, I don't think I can trust my sense of touch.

Because earlier, when I fell off the bed, I felt pain, didn't I?

But the reality was that the weight of this jersey was unmistakeable.



Calm down.


My sense of hearing is also no good. It was strange that my voice sounded like a girl, but I was also picking up sounds from the surrounding.


Next was sense of smell.

I put my nose close to my clothes, which was mainly the jersey I borrowed from Kouya, and sniffed it.




This, it smelled a bit sweaty.

It was summer. It came earlier than expected, so it can't be helped.


Next was this clearly heterogeneous, pale-blue, glittering, silver hair

I grabbed a bit more than I did earlier and took a smell.


How pleasant...

A sweet smell tickled my nostrils.


It was gentle and refreshing.




The tips of my hair were too fluffy which tickled my nostrils, and made me sneeze.


This is bad.

My sense of hearing, touch, and smell all insisted that this is reality...

No, it was still too early to decide.


The last was taste.

I threw a Calorie Mate, a nutritional food, into my mouth.


Although my mouth was a little dry, my sense of taste was the same as usual.


"...it tastes a bit bland?"



I still had the last one of my five senses.

My sense of sight.


I placed my hands on my cheek.

However, I was afraid of looking at my face.

The fear that I was not myself anymore made me hesitate in taking this final step.


I wondered how many hours have passed.

I hadn't eaten anything and sat in my bed in a daze.


Suddenly, I noticed that my phone was blinking and I tapped on it lightly.

It was from Yuuki asking if it was now okay to call. I sent back that I still can't do so right now.


It was because I now had a girl's voice.

I didn't feel like doing anything until I had calmed down.


Another message had also arrived from my other close friend, Kouya.


『Clan/Clan opens tomorrow, you'll be joining right, Jintarou?』


It was the VRMMO, or virtual online game, that we had been talking about playing together since summer vacation. Apparently, it was going to start tomorrow.


VRMMO, it was a full-body-experience 3D online game.

It was the latest type of game where you can actually enter what you are playing and feel like you were moving your body.


Since it wasn't a big title and the game company developing it was a company called "Kaguya" of which I've never heard of, I didn't have high expectations for it. But the fact that the manufacturing and sales was outsourced to a major game did create a bit of a buzz.



Yuuki was still worrying about me, and Kouya was encouraging me for a change of pace.


While I was grateful for their concern, I scolded myself for ignoring the situation as it is which wasn't progressing at all.

I prepared myself, and grabbed a hand mirror from the elevated desk as I timidly checked my hair.

I forced my trembling hands to stop through sheer will, and swallowed nervously.




Then, I took a look at my face.


There it was.

The face of a beautiful, fair-skinned girl who looked like she was Northern European had a surprised look on her face.


"I-I'm...it's impossible that this beautiful girl is me..."





The current time was 10 PM.


Since the closing ceremony ended at around 11 AM, I probably arrived home at around 2 PM, woke up at 7 PM, then had a journey of self-discovery from then on.

After that, I had become a girl, and checked every inch of my body.


Unfortunately, I really did turn into a girl. Without a doubt.

Moreover, I was able to determine that my body was similar to someone of third or fifth grade of elementary, around 9 to 11 years old.


I also measured myself and found that I was only 135cm tall.


"Is this for real..."


My skin was smooth and white like porcelain, and my eyes were sapphire blue. My long, bluish silver eyelashes accentuated my large eyes, and the bridge of my nose was high. The slightly rounded outline of my face was complimented by my well-shaped, rosy pink lips.

To be honest, I looked unmistakably like an angel.

The final nail in the coffin was my sky-blue silver hair that was shimmering and shining, even reflecting the light off the room.


Such was me, the exquisitely beautiful girl.


The police, my parents, or my sister — I was at loss as to who to contact.

My parents were both working and travelling overseas. My younger followed my mother and father around the world. My older sister was in Japan, but she started living alone when she entered university, and was working while commuting to school.

That is why, I was enjoying living by myself.


I liked the freedom, but sometimes it gets difficult because I had to do all the housework, cooking, and laundry all by myself.

That was why I didn't know what to do in this situation.



"Should I still contact my sister..."


However, she been rather busy lately...


Then how about the police?


As I was hesitating, I received a LINE message from my sister at just the right timing.


『Tarou, tomorrow at "Pioneer City Michelangelo", see you there.』


At such a strange message, I looked away from my phone.

I'm not trying to butter her up, but it was not exaggeration to say that my sister was a beauty. However, she sometimes sent me messages like this which were beyond my understanding. Also, she was scary.


Somehow, after I read this nonsensical message from my sister, it had become a pain the ass to think about all sorts of things.

Today was a really exhausting day.


I was mentally and physically fatigued, and it didn't take me long to come to this conclusion.

I can decide about what to do tomorrow.


After thinking so, I moved quickly,

I took a light meal that I had prepared beforehand and did my business in the toilet which was an unfamiliar experience to me...


I went to sleep again.

You are reading story Even I Have Become a Beautiful Girl, but I Was Just Playing as a Net-game Addiction at novel35.com




Ah, I forgot to wipte.

I won't say where.

It seemed like it would take me some time to get used to this body.

I let out a faint sigh and quietly returned to the bathroom.





The next morning.


It was the first day of summer vacation.

I finished taking my first shower after waking up and drank a bottle of milk while wearing only a bath towel.




Milk really did taste better first thing in the morning.


Afterwards, I made myself honey toast toast smothered with more honey, my favorite, and finished off my breakfast with a fried egg on the side. Just as I was about to go to the police to discuss what I should do, Yuki and Kouya sent some messages in our LINE group chat.



『Definitely stay in~』

『Meeting place is in front of the "Celestial Clock Tower" in "Pioneer City Michelangelo" at 13:00.』


Pioneer City Michelangelo..?



...Yesterday, my sister was talking about Pioneer City Michelangelo, which was a city in the VRMMO game Clan/Clan.


It seemed that Yuuki and Kouya had been playing this game since the beta, and it was only the other day that they were pushing hard for me to play too, probably because they found it fun. It wasn't unusual for Kouya, who was wearing glasses, to be enthusiastic about games, anime, and manga, but I was surprised when even Yuuki recommended it.


Rather, sis. So you've been playing Clan/Clan, too.


『This also served as a heartbreak party, so let's have fun!』


I received such a message from Yuuki, which he immediately followed up.


『I just want to play games together.』


It was just like him to crack jokes like that.


『I'm being for real this time.』


Such was Kouya who replied.


『I know, thanks...』


Because I was embarassed, I tried let let out what I felt in a few words.

Rather, this by itself was also embarassing, but oh well.


I tossed my smartphone on the bed and thought of those guys' faces.

Shitting during a confession. That was the best and impactful way of confessing. I wonder if I could just laugh at it just like that.


In any case, I'll hold off telling those guys about my sexual transformation for now. Part of me doesn't want to worry them anymore than this, but also because I don't really much about it. I wonder if there was a previous case of turning back into your original self.


A gloomy atmosphere loomed over me.

Really, this wasn't something to laugh at.

I had no time to lament over my broken heart after a failed confession.


I remembered the words Yuuki said yesterday.

We're friends.

But can you still say something like that after seeing me like this?


I forced my thoughts to think about Clan/Clan instead, pushing the rising anxiety that bubbled inside me.

I'm sure playing with those two guys would be a nice distraction.





The time was 9:30 AM. The official launch of Clan/Clan was at 10:00 AM. I finished hanging off the laundry and opened the game I bought in advance.


The case containing the game software was less than 15cm in length.

There were more that came out of it.

There were a total of six pairs of contact lenses with two for each size: small, medium and large.

A slightly chunky USB flash drive and earphones.

And an instruction manual folded in two.




There was one more.

Right, this was what was most talked about.


Existing VRMMOs are all played with headgears that completely covered the face and head, but the one used for Clan/Clan seemed to be different.

It was the same with other VRMMOs in that it responded to brain waves and allowed you to feel the sensation as if you were directly inside the game, but the difference was that once you get used to it, you can do stuff in the real world while playing. In other words, you can enjoy VRMMOs while moving your body in the real world.

Was it really possible to achieve movements in the real world while your brain is commanding your avatar to move differently at the same time?


I had heard the details from Kouya, but it wasn't so easy to believe.

Kouya said that this contact lens measuring less than a centimeter was the culmination of science and technology.

I don't usually play online games that much, so when Kouya exclaimed, "It's a revolution in the gaming world!", I didn't really know what to make of it.

Well, so much for expectations. It was less thirty minutes until service opened, so I'll have to see it for myself then.


Now to set up the game and create a character.


First, I connected the flash drive to my smartphone using a dedicated terminal, then downloaded and installed the game.

It was a common theme that storage requirements for these online games were quite heavy, but it seemed that Clan/Clan was an exception. The total size was equivalent to that of an app game.


Next was to put on the earphones and contact lenses.

It took some time to put on the contacts since I wasn't used to doing so, but I did managed to put them on.


All that was left was to launch the game from my phone.

Suppressing the rising excitement in my chest, I tapped on the icon.


And then―.


『Welcome to Clan/Clan, a world where humans and monsters alike mix and endlessly engage in conflict.』


The mechanical voice of a woman echoed in both ears.

Right now, I was floating in total darkness, reminiscent of a microcosm.


This was Clan/Clan.

These tiny contacts were indirectly linked to one's cerebral nerves, allowing you to experience the sensations in the game.


I tried moving my right arm as a test. As I imagined it would, my right arm swung up and down without any difference in sensation from real life.

In reality, I was still sitting on my bed and my right arm wasn't actually moving.

Inside the contact lenses were an infinitely black space, and a variety of bight dots were floating in front of my eyes.

Beyond the contacts was just my usual room.


This wasn't something that can simply be summarized as amazing.

To being with, being able to feel yourself in reality while also playing a VRMMO was a whole new experience, so to speak.

No wonder Kouya was making a fuss about it.


This indescribable feeling of being in two worlds at once.

Hey, this isn't just a fantasy, right?

How was it possible to fit such a sphisticated system in such a tiny lens? Was this interfering with brain waves and projecting us into the 3D world?

Had science progresed this far?


By nature, humans were said to be unable to to utilize most of the brain's functions, with an activity rate of less than 10%. These days, there was a strong belief that this wasn't true at all and humans were always at 100%. Howver, you can clearly tell by experiencing Clan/Clan.

No wonder there were rumors that this had succeeded in increasing the range of the human brain by 20%. This game was so mindblowing that it was almost a dream story.


As I was enjoying floating around, the system announcer continued the tutorial.


『Clan/Clan has confirmed that this world and reality had been successfully linked. All five senses are responding well.』




『Voice recognition confirmed to be working properly. Ready to proceed the character creation. Would you like to continue?』


Apparently, even voice can be replicated in game from brain waves alone.

It didn't seem to be like your traditional chat communication.


"Ah, yes."


When I gave my approval, the voice-only navigation system, powered by an A.I. program, continued its explanation.


『Scanning and confirming appearance in the real world.』


For a few seconds, a bluish-white effect flickered around my body, then the light quietly faded.


『Scan finished. The character height and build can be adjusted within 5cm of the actual size. The character can only be the same sex in real life. Appearance and any other parts of the character can be modified in any way you like. Please confirm when you have finished creating the character.』


If the size difference between the real world and in game was too big, there will be too much of a difference in sensation when logging out, which would interfere with real life movement.

The appearance can be modified freely, but it wasn't possible to fake gender nor build.


Apparently, my character's appearance was now exactly the same as the beautiful girl I was in real life.

I'm going to tweak a lot of things from here on.


I stared at the large number of customization options and was amazed at the variety.

There were more than 200 different types of eyes alone. The same was true for the color.

The number of choices and types for parts of the waist, hips, bust, and even the face were so numerous that I can't help but feel overwhelmed.

The only thing that was somewhat normal was the variety of hair colors. There were no near white colors to choose from, and when I looked into it, there about 30 different variations.


After a few minutes of looking at browsing, I noticed something serious.


I was a girl now.

That means so was my character in game.


Oh no...

Not being able to change character gender = Yuuki and Kouya finding out the obvious when we meet.


Wait, can I pass it off by saying it was a bug?

I think I could. Probably.


I often heard about various bugs and inconviences occuring at server launches. Kouya[1] called this a get-over party, so I should get over this, too.

When I thought so, I lightly customized certain parts of my design and mostly left it as it was in real life.


Frankly, browsing through the options was tedious enough.


"Character creation finished."


As I confirmed my character, the system's voice answered again.


『Confirmed. Detecting changes in appearance...no changes besides the chest region. Character has been cleared.』




I tried my best to ignore it, although I felt a little uncomfortable with the system pointing it out. Yes, I tried to make my chest better, just a little bit.

My flat chest wasn't good enough, so I added a bit of a bump.


『The current time is 10:03 AM. Would you like to log in?』


Finally, the service was starting.

My appointment with my sister was at 11 AM, so I'll take this opportunity to log in and get used to it first.


"Yes, please log me in."


『Well then, please enjoy that which is ruled by gods and goddesses alike, Moontear[2]

— the world of Clan/Clan. You can become an adventurer that wanders this vast world, or one that might organize a mercenary group, an army, or a nation, or even challenge the heavens.』


After a list of proclamations, the system had finished announcing.


『You have the freedom to do anything.』


At the end, I was left with such words.

As if on cue, my vision was swallowed by a swirl of blinding light.



[1] I thought it was Yuuki who said sent that earlier?

[2] ツキノテア = tsukinotea. I'm bad at translating names in katakana so if you guys have a better translation, do comment below.

As always, please point out any mistakes. Thanks for reading!

You can find story with these keywords: Even I Have Become a Beautiful Girl, but I Was Just Playing as a Net-game Addiction, Read Even I Have Become a Beautiful Girl, but I Was Just Playing as a Net-game Addiction, Even I Have Become a Beautiful Girl, but I Was Just Playing as a Net-game Addiction novel, Even I Have Become a Beautiful Girl, but I Was Just Playing as a Net-game Addiction book, Even I Have Become a Beautiful Girl, but I Was Just Playing as a Net-game Addiction story, Even I Have Become a Beautiful Girl, but I Was Just Playing as a Net-game Addiction full, Even I Have Become a Beautiful Girl, but I Was Just Playing as a Net-game Addiction Latest Chapter

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